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Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"I do not wish to be Dull."
"I am just a skull."

The skull was silent a moment almost as if it was thinking.

"I wish I could tell you something."
"I fear my head is full of nothing."

Not a very helpful talking skull. Still there where only two artifacts left that she hadn't touched. The dove statue and the blood stained dagger. There was also a chest nearby but Sera could feel the wards that bound it.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Listening to the doll speaking, almost as if trying to speak in rhymes only, Sera set it back down where she found it since it didn't seem very helpful in any way really and moved on to the dove statue to check it out before checking the dagger out too.

"Alright now what do these here do?" Sera asked curiously to no one in particular as she reached for the dove statue. If nothing happened with it then she'd check the dagger out after that, curious as to what it might do to her.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera's hand reached out and touched the small white statue. Upon it meeting her skin it winked out of existance as she felt an inch start right under her wings. Looking back as best she could another pair of wings formed right out of her skin. They where small and practically useless but for the moment she had four wings.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Wow... that's kinda cool, I might even be able to fly a little faster with these," Sera said, a bit amazed at the result as she saw over her shoulder the extra pair of small wings grow out of her.

After that she decided to finish things off by touching the dagger now to see what it did as there was little else to do in there, her curiosity getting the better of her for the time being.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Touching the dagger at first seemed to do nothing. Frowning Sera was about to leave it when she felt the urge to pick up and take it along with her. After all a good dagger is a shameful thing to let rust. Not to mention it was probably enchanted if it was up here. Still what ever Sera did she would soon find herself witha few hopefully tempoarary additions.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Finding that the dagger did virtually nothing, Sera set it back down and began to head on out, but just before she did she found a sudden urge to take it with her, feeling bad about leaving something that was obviously magical since it was up here and all in Jolynn's private area. "Surely it's here for a reason though, maybe it's just not a weapon that's to her liking is all," Sera mumbled about the dagger as she grabbed it, the bra, and the little doll of herself, as well as the journal, then she headed out and back down to Jolynn's little private bedroom/study to see if she was awake again yet, since it had been nearly half an hour or more at least.

She wasn't really all that worried that the effects of the items last for too very long else the bra would have left her breasts larger even after she set it down earlier. When she got down to Jolynn's private chambers again, Sera would go in and peek to see if she was awake, though whether she was or wasn't Sera would go in and sit down next to her on the bed, setting the things down on the desk in there and taking a glimpse at Jolynn's latest entry in her journal as she set that stuff down, assuming Jolynn wasn't awake that is, in which case she'd carry all the stuff over to the bed and sit down next to her, giving her a kiss in greeting.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Picking up the bra indeed caused her chest to swell larger once more. Dealing with that how she would Sera gathered her items of intrest with her again. It was also worth noting that doll shifted once more to account for Sera's changes.

"Fair well fair lady."
"I shall miss you greatly"

Heading out and down to the private chamber Sera was thankful for the conceling magics at the top of this building. Heading in she found Jolynn at her desk putting some final notes to paper. Jolynn spoke before sliding her journal into a locked compartment. "Just a moment Sera." Turning Jolynn gasped at Sera's state. "I see someone got a little curious about some items I found." Still Sera could see a hint of perverse thoughts float threw Jolynn's eyes at her knew form.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Giggling as her breasts swelled back up again in size back to their large F-cup near G-cup size, Sera grabbed her things and headed down, waving to the skull and telling it goodbye and thanks for the compliments earlier, where she found Jolynn awake while adjusting her robes again to accommodate her new cup size. She'd figured Jolynn would have still been asleep, but this did make things easier in finding out about the items she'd brought, but meant she wouldn't get a look at her journal. "Hey there sexy, you feeling better now? And yeah I got a little curious. I brought some of those things down because they looked interesting, and was wanting to ask you about," Sera asked as Jolynn turned to look at her, raising an eyebrow as she did so when noticing the small hint of perverted thoughts at her new body. "Do you want me Jolynn? I can see it in your eyes that you do you know," Sera added in a sultry whisper in Jolynn's ear after setting everything but the bra down on the bed.

"Anyway though, I'm curious about these items I brought. I've mostly figured out what they all do, like the bra here makes my breasts bigger, which I kind of like actually, as I've always wanted my breasts a little larger... though not quite this much of course. The doll I was wondering if maybe we could get it to remain in the likeness of me and you could give it to our daughters when they're born and after I leave so that they'll know what I look like. The dagger though I've not been able to figure out, just had the sudden urge to bring it down. Oh and I was reading this journal too. I... kind of touched a few other things too, like this skull that started talking to me, a little statuette that gave me these cat ears and tail. I didn't touch anything though that was locked up," Sera said to Jolynn, explaining what all she'd been doing upstairs while she was resting. "Anyway though, when did you get up? And were you writing something about little old me hmm?" she then asked once she'd said what all she touched and what it all did.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Jolynn got up at the implied tease and embraced Sera before kissing her. Using her hands Jolynn pulled down the top of Sera's dress. "Your so sexy and cute right now. I could just bend you over the desk and take you right now. But... alas I have things to do." Taking the bra Jolynn placed into position before latching it in place. Instantly the bra seemed to wink away into Sera's skin while her boobs felt supported as if she where still wearing it. "Sadly this little toy is broken and set at its max adjustment. An effect of tha chaotic magics of the tower. If you ever want to take it off just think about the latch and it will appear. Fair warning though if you wear it to long the effects might become permament." Jolynn heaved her own hefty chest. "At lest that is what happened to me." Taking the doll Jolynn sat down as it morphed into a copy of herself. "This is actuall a sinister device my little angel. Its an amorphase voodoo doll. Thankfully that art is lost to most." Jolynn looked up at Sera. "Even to me my dear so no worries there. However you do bring up a good point. I could copy the enchantment on it and make matching sets of dolls for our girls."

Listing to the other things Sera examined Jolynn commented on each and giggle when Sera told her of the green cat statue. "Oh dear Sera I best keep you away from the cat girls or they will jump you. The green statue makes cat and catlike creatures lust after you. As for the small black cat one. it will turn up again in about a day. I warn you though if you keep using it the effects will be permament. The same with the dove statue. As for the dagger I never figured out what it was all about either." After hearing Sera's reactions to them Jolynn raised a question. "You didn't touch the hourglass did you?"
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

As Jolynn pulled the rest of her dress top down, Sera watched as her now quite large breasts bounced out and into Jolynn's hands, where she cooed softly as her nipples perked up. At Jolynn's warning about the bra as she put it onto Sera, the young angel raised an eyebrow at how the effects could become permanent if left on long enough. "I'll have to be careful then with it. About how long before the effects do become permanent hmm? And can I possibly take it off and reset the amount of time until it does become permanent?" Sera said to Jolynn, looking as she hefted her own breasts up and stated that what she'd warned about was what had happened to her.

Moving on to the doll, Sera listened to its explanation and her eyes widened a bit as a smirk grew on her face. "Heh... so if I tickle it right now then while it's of you, then it'll tickle you for real? And yeah I would like it if that could be done for some other dolls and that we could lock my form in place so it doesn't chance, so that the children would have at least some way of knowing me when they saw me," Sera asked with a giggle before stating her opinion on fixing the enchantment on some other dolls and somehow locking it on her form for the children to have.

After that, Sera explained about everything else, with Jolynn mentioning that she'd need to stay away from the nekos about the palace for some reason. "Well I'm not overly concerned with a bunch of gorgeous catgirls lusting after me, despite the fact I'm an angel I'm always ready for sex. But I won't use it much if at all again after today, I was just curious as to what everything did up there. But that sucks that you don't know what the dagger does. Maybe we could use some magics to determine what it does, who knows. Also yes no didn't touch the hourglass. But I did touch a brush that had an interesting effect to say the least. Being able to feel like a child again was kind of... nice, as I haven't felt like that in years," Sera said when Jolynn was through talking and had asked about the hourglass, nodding her head as she answered that question. "Really I touched every artifact in there that didn't seem evil or that was locked up. Heck the little statuette that disappeared and gave me the ears and tail was sitting in the chair up there when I went to sit down and look at this journal.... Speaking of which do you know who it belonged to?" Sera went on to say, asking who the journal belonged to.
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Jolynn smiled "Alas Im not sure how long you would have to wear it to become permament. I was rather fond of that little item and I wore almost everyday. It should reset as long as you don't wear it for some time." Jolynn looked at the dagger and journal. " I will see what I can do with the dolls but that will take some time. As for the journal it belonged to the mistress of the tower. Sadly there is not much to it mostly her personal feelings and concerns. As for that dagger I've tried to sort out what it dose but its sheilded to a degree that makes it purpose unknown to me. It is however heavyly enchanted and a good weapon."
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Hmm... I see, well perhaps if it's okay with you I shall keep the dagger with me while I'm here and all, will probably take it into the tower when I investigate it some if that's alright, who knows it might come in handy in there. And I'll refrain from wearing the bra all the time, because I can't afford to have other... mutations you might say because of my angelic nature. Too many caused from corruption like that and I'll fall, and I don't want that," Sera said to Jolynn about the bra and the other temporary mutations the artifacts gave her. "And the journal from what it looked like seemed to say that the mistress of the tower wasn't the one that turned evil. It was looking like it was her apprentice that was turning evil. So maybe whoever the mistress of the tower was tried and failed to stop her apprentice who summoned some demons or something like that," she added about the journal with a pondering look on her face as she tapped her chin with her index finger on her right hand.

"Anyway though, what else did you have on the agenda for the day hmm? I guess I haven't much to do now honestly other than head over to investigate the tower, and I'd rather not do that today and do so on a full stomach and a good sleep," Sera asked Jolynn as she sat there on the bed, her hands idly hefting her breasts and feeling their weight and giggling as she did so, impressed with the size they'd grown to with that simple enchantment an curious just how many of the catgirls in the palace would try to jump her bones before the day was out, not counting June since she had the ears and tail sure, though Sera didn't think she acted the same as they did or that she had any other feline features than the ears and tail.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Well my dear I have to inspect the troops, check on my harem, bless a new building. Im really excited to check on my harem though several of the girls are due to give birth soon." Indeed Jolynn had a flush look on her face as she busied herself getting dressed. "What do you plan on doing today humm? I guess you could follow me around all day but its rather borning."
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Hmm... I suppose I could tag along, but if that's all you're doing I think I'll explore the palace some, see where everything is if that's alright. That way I don't need one of the girls to show me around the place," Sera said with a shrug of her shoulders. "And maybe I'll go take a stroll through the catgirls section of the palace and tease them a bit with this... curious effect I now have. Plus June's over there and I'd like to check up on her and see if she's okay and all," she added with a giggle, leaning over to kiss Jolynn on the lips.

"So am I a part of your harem too then? And did you really want June that badly to add into your harem?" Sera asked curiously before she prepared to leave, slipping her clothing all back on as best she could and making a mental note to stop back in her room before taking her stroll anywhere else to change into her normal robes as they were loose and wouldn't press her new breasts as much.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Jolynn traced her fingers up Sera's side. "Only if you want to be." She winked and let Sera go where she would as she finished dressing. Thankfully or rather disspointingly the walk back to her room was unhindered by cat girls. However she did see a stray cat or two approached the palace before being shooed away by the guards. Once she changed into what ever clothing she wanted she would find one of the cat girl maids outsider her room. She had a glazed look in her eye and as soon as she saw Sera the cat girl jumped her locking her legs around her waist. The girl seemed to have short blue hair that covered her ears and tail as well. She was a hefty DD which impressive where not match for Sera's own enhanced chest. This of course didn't stop the horny cat girl as she kissed Sera forcefully.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Hmhm, who knows, maybe I do. Then again, maybe I want you to be a part of my harem instead Jolynn love," Sera giggled and said back to Jolynn.

After that, Sera moved on out and headed back to her room for a bit to change and freshen up a little bit. Along the way she amazingly ran into none of the catgirls around the palace, which was odd she thought because she rarely went 2 or 3 halls without seeing one. She was kind of disappointed actually, having been a bit hopeful that she'd get swarmed by about a half a dozen of the sexy things and forced to breed them all, a sudden itch to sow her seed filling her loins. Who knows though, maybe she would or maybe she wouldn't get the chance to do so, only time would tell and by that time she might have changed her mind on that.

After getting to her room once again, noting a couple of real cats along the way trying to sneak into the palace only to be shooed away by the guards, Sera changed into her robes again and put her dress away for the time being, feeling she wouldn't need it for now. After doing that, Sera went to the bathroom to freshen up a little bit and use the bathroom, splashing her face with a bit of water too before heading out to the door. Upon opening the door though, Sera was met with a gorgeous catgirl who looked like she was in heat at first glance to Sera.

"Whoa girl, gotcha. I guess it did do what Jolynn said it would," Sera said in a mumble as she caught the neko in her arms. "Are you in heat dear? Do you need me to quench that fire in your womb?" Sera asked the neko aloud curiously, wondering if she'd even answer her.

Before she could get an answer though, Sera felt her lips pressing against her own and giggled a bit, unable to help herself. Feeling riled up now herself, Sera kicked the door shut with her right leg and carried the catgirl over to the bed, holding the kiss the whole time until they reached the bed, at which point Sera began shrugging out of her robes once more before laying the catgirl down on the bed and slipping them off the rest of the way, and then she began getting the catgirl's clothes off as soon as her cock bounced free of her robes, slapping against the catgirl's inner thighs to let her see just what she was obviously wanting.

"Wow, you're really craving my big dick aren't you dear. Well I'm happy to oblige you. Do you want to bear my child sweet kitty? And what's your name too by the way? So I'll have something to scream in a few minutes," Sera said to the catgirl, trying to urge her to answer, though if she couldn't answer for being too out of it from the lust, Sera would just strip her naked and start making love to her, choosing not to get her pregnant in that case.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

What ever drove the cat girl to her seemed to keep her mind on a single track and Sera only got grunts as she mentioned breeding her. Truely she was mezmerised by Sera and only really said anything once she felt the cock slap her theigh. "Please stick in me stick in me hard. I want your kittens... please breed me breed me good!" The girl clawed at Sera's back and had she had claws no doubt Sera would feel the sting. Thankfully this girl kept her nails rather short and any scractches where shallow and didn't draw any blood. If Sera continued to delay of course the girl would try to take matters into her own hand.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

When the catgirl finally responded to her as her thick cock slapped against her inner thigh, Sera smiled at her and laid her down on the bed as she finished talking. Groaning a bit at the catgirl clawing at her back, Sera spread her wings out as far as they could go before kissing the catgirl. "Oh don't worry baby, I'll give it to you good and deep, just be patient okay. I wanna make you feel really good too," Sera whispered in the catgirl's ear, giggling a bit as she did so.

As soon as Sera had the catgirl and herself both naked, she slid a hand down between her companion's legs and rubbed her there to make sure she was nice and wet before she lined herself up and thrust into that pussy's tight pussy, not stopping until she hilted herself inside, or unless she started hurting the catgirl, in which case she'd stop. Sera would begin thrusting at a slow steady pace, savoring the pleasure and letting her lover savor it too. After a minute or so of thrusting slow and steady, Sera would pick up the pace and make quicker and deeper thrusts, until she felt herself about to pop. As soon as her climax approached, Sera prepared herself so that she didn't get the neko knocked up with kittens, as she wasn't even in the right frame of mind to give her name or anything, though she idly wondered if the neko would be able to tell that she was using her selective fertility to prevent her from getting pregnant.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

As Sera reached down to make sure the girl was ready for her she found she had little to worry about. Her hand met wetness as soon it strayed close. Still she teased teh girl a little before alligning her self. Sliding home Sera felt the girl take her entire length. Obvisoly she was no virgin and while that might have been a slight dissapointment she could feel that the girl was still tight almost supernaturally so. Plunging deep the cat girl called out passonatly. Keeping the reigns of her fertility in check Sera felt a presence in the back of her mind. It was weak but seemed to urge her to fill this young woman with child. Still it was easy to ignore but as the pleasure began to fill her and her cock began to swell the voice seemed more insistant.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Feeling the neko underneath her more than wet and ready enough to plunge deep inside of without any worry, Sera did so after only a few seconds of teasing her a bit, where she began to thrust quickly in and out of her new young fertile lover, who seemed very eager to have Sera inside of her, as she kept crying out passionately with each thrust. "Mmm... baby you are so damn tight. Gods it feels so good," Sera said, cooing in her catgirl lover's ear before kissing her on the lips.

As Sera went on with her thrusting and rutting with the sexy catgirl, she felt a presence in the back of her mind, a voice, telling her to breed this girl, to fill her with her seed and not hold back her own virility. Sera ignored the voice for now, remaining intent on simply sexing this young woman and making them both feel great. However as she neared release, the voice seemed to be urging her with a more forceful tone in the back of her mind, making it increasingly harder to ignore.

"S-S-Shit... g-gonna cum cutey. G-Get ready, Sera's gonna fill you up real good," Sera panted to the catgirl under her as she happily knocked away at her, her wings fluttering like crazy as she went. Then when she finally felt herself bottoming out, Sera buried herself in as deep as she could and made sure to hit the neko's cervix just right with the crown of her dick to cause her to climax as well along with her, while Sera's mind took a backseat and wrestled with her urges to breed this catgirl and give her a child.

In the end, Sera's willpower gave out and she listened to her new urges as she came, letting out a deep groan of ecstasy as her balls twitch and churned against the catgirl's ass as her cock lay buried as deep inside as it could get, pumping out load after load of her seed to fertilize the neko's horny womb with. "F-FUCK YES... TAKE IT... EVERY DROP BABY. HAVE MY BABY," Sera cried to the catgirl as she spurted the last couple of times, her mind going blank from the sheer ecstasy.

I figured I'd leave it to fate whether she gets the catgirl pregnant or not. *Rolled a d20, and on a roll of less than 10 she gives in... rolled an 8* she just barely gave in to her desires and the voice urging her on, not holding back her own fertility, but not choosing to be fertile herself, which I believe still leaves a possibility for her to not get the girl pregnant, can't remember and would have to check her char sheet. But she did still manage to keep from choosing it to be an angel baby, so it shall be another catgirl I believe, assuming it takes.