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Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Because they are my daughters not servents or slaves. In time they will find their own loves and decided their own fates. Now before you say anything about her, Urma is a differnt case all together. She was... is my favorite and if this," Jolynn put a hand on her belly. "Dosn't work then she will be queen. She has all the markings of a leader she just needs to realize what and who she is. This Rebelious phase... is... troublesome." Jolynn sighed and looked away before speaking again trying to sound happy. "The next full moon is 3 weeks and some days away. That should be plenty of time to get everything just perfect. After all I have army of servents at my call and dozens of nobles wanting favors."
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Alright, I'll stay away from them Jolynn, don't worry about that... well... unless they make a move on me, then who knows what might happen if I'm horny enough. That's one thing I can't guarantee is if I'm too horny I might not be able to stop myself if they make the first move or something, so if that ends up happening by some chance I'm sorry in advance okay. And don't worry about Urma, I'm sure we can get her to come around and I'm also sure we can get all of the nobles around here to lighten up a bit and come together alongside you. We just gotta have faith you know," Sera replied to Jolynn with a pleasant smile, glancing down at the girl pleasuring her and moaning softly. "And I'm also sure that everything will work out with the babies, and Urma can be there to help guide them all and be a big sister to them. Besides, whichever one of them takes over will need a steward after all you know, and since Urma wants to change this place for the better or leave, I think that would be the best if one of the children ends up taking over after you. Either that or Urma should be the high martial of this place, but I vote for steward myself," she added with a nod, believing that to be the best thing in her mind at least.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Jolynn shook her head lightly at Sera. "I wish I had your optimisim. But alas the night is calling and after my day I think Im gonna spend some time in my room alone. Nobles can be so erritating." Sighing Jolynn gets up and leans over kissing Sera on the lips as the servent brings her to orgasm. "Good night my lovly Angel." With that Jolynn retreated to her room. This left Sera getting cleaned off by the servent before she herself was dismissed. She of course had a few options. Sera could head to the library or head back to her manor not to mention if she wanted to see the town's nightlife guard free she had the opertunity.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Seeing Jolynn as depressed about this as she was really saddened Sera, because while she couldn't love her in a way that was more than anyone else, she had grown quite fond of her. She kissed Jolynn in return and let out a muffled moan of ecstasy as she came, her seed spurting into the girl's mouth as her eyes rolled up a bit. "Good night to you too love, and pleasant dreams. Are you sure you don't wish for my company for a little while Jolynn? I don't mind or anything, but I would need to send word down to the others to let them know what I'm doing and all so they don't get worried about me," Sera replied to Jolynn with a kind smile after breaking their kiss, groaning slightly at the pleasure coursing through her body from what was being done down below between her legs still.

Once she was cleaned up, and had gotten her answer from Jolynn, Sera would either follow the matriarch and spend some time with her, trying to cheer her up or she'd head on out of the palace and in the general direction of the manor, though aimlessly in the end as she walked the streets of the town, mostly thinking on what she could do to help bring Jolynn and Urma together again so they weren't at each others throats. She knew that she couldn't take too long, but she figured that she had probably half an hour to a full hour before dinner was finished altogether for everyone.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera walked threw the night her wanderings taking her to rarely seen parts of the city. Food vendors and their carts called out to anyone trying to sell what they had left before going home. Children played with ball in a street before being called in by their mothers. A few soilders patroled making sure things where calm but they seemed accepted by the residents so Sera felt safe. Not that she couldn't handle herself but being in a safe part of town was comforting. Her own thoughts on the matter of Jolynn and Urma kept her from noticing the gasps and looks as she wanded around. Still with no fresh idea's comming to her just yet Sera headed for her manor. Unfortanatly this lead her threw a reather shady part of town that was mostly abandoned. Walking she could feel something watching her.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Passing by the market stalls and whatnot that were beginning to close up shop, the children still playing just before being called back in by their mothers and whatnot, and noting the patrols of the guards going through, all of these things Sera noticed as she walked through town, most still thinking on the stuff about Jolynn and Urma, among other things, but she did still notice the rest enough to smile at the children as she went by them as well as the guards. Also while she did hear the gasps around her, she didn't really pay them any attention at all and just kept going aimlessly. She wondered if she could manage to bring Urma and Jolynn back together, because Jolynn obviously loved Urma very much, but at the same time Sera could understand that she couldn't simply let her get away with what she did without any punishment whatsoever, else the nobles would attempt the same thing at some point if they weren't already plotting it.

After a few more minutes of silent debate in her head, Sera began heading back for her new manor that she'd been given and only then did she notice that she was in a rather shady looking part of town. It was a bit spooky looking all things considered, but not overly so, and Sera wasn't scared really like some might have been in her position. She also felt a presence watching her, though she didn't know who or what it was obviously, but whatever it was seemed to be hiding themselves for some reason, either out of fear of her or simply being cautious she couldn't tell really.

At first she simply kept walking, but if she continued to feel the presence she would stop in the middle of the street and look around towards where she thought it was coming from. "I know that you're following me whoever you are. Please, come on out and speak to me face to face instead of sneaking around. I promise I won't hurt you," Sera would call out to the one or ones that was following her.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Little bird I do not fear you." Stepping from the shadows was an immense black panther. Intelegence gleamed in its amber eyes and waves of spiritual power radiated off it. The panther was easily the size of a carraige and the fact that each massive step made no sound was enough to cause Sera some worry. "Tell me Little bird why do you worry so for these people?"
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Ah... I see. Well then please step into the light if you fear me not," Sera replied when a voice responded to her words.

When she saw what it was that stepped into the light, Sera was quite astounded to be honest, for she hadn't expected such a creature to say the least. The sheer size of the thing did worry her slightly, but she knew that size wasn't everything and that she could probably easily take the creature, though she didn't think it was wanting a fight with her as it hadn't simply attacked her. She also noticed the faint hint of spiritual energies surrounding the creature, which gave her the momentary thought that this was perhaps someone in disguise instead of an actual panther.

"Hmm... well I worry for them because of what could happen to them if I don't help. And since I'm an angel I must worry for them all. And... also because I believe they could use my help with the troubles around here. Also because I... despite my calling I find myself rather fond of Jolynn, the leader of this place," Sera said to the panther before looking over at the large creature. "And might I ask you a question now? Who are you exactly? I can sense spiritual energies around you, yet I don't know from what exactly," Sera went on to ask the panther, taking a step or two towards it in a peaceful manner, but stopping if the thing decided it didn't want her closer to it.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

The cat eyed Sera as she took a few cautious steps towards it. "Fond of the ruler of this place? I suppose I should not be surprised that my child inspires some affection from those around her." The large panther took several steps to Sera his massive bulk easily dwarfing the angel making her feel rather delicate. "But speaking about the vessel is not why I have shown myself to you little bird. I have come to tell you that while your union was fruitful it will not bear the heir which my vessel... well my child desires. The blood has become to thin you see." The panther began to circle around Sera in a curious manner. "Though the child named Urma has a strong connection to the blood she lacks the tool of leadership. A contract must be renewed for the blood of the rules to last."
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Your vessel? So are you the spirit being she told me about then?" Sera asked curiously as she and the panther closed the distance between one another until they were up next to each other.

"If you are the spirit she told me about, then could you tell me more about this union please? I would very much like to know more about it and the consequences of it. And whether or not there is a way to control those... strange tendencies that she has, like what she did the other day to that man. She... lost her temper and... well let's just say that she changed the man into a woman, and in her anger she slapped a collar around his neck... or her neck at that point that prevented any thought of free will. Now if you know anything of angels, you know that we do not interfere in the society of the various peoples of the world, but some of us have personal thoughts on the matter of slavery, and I don't particularly like it myself, so I'd like to try and find a way that it's not necessary here anymore," Sera went on to ask the large panther thing, curious about who or what it was exactly.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

The large cat no encircled her completely but as they talked the beast laid down looking at Sera with its ambiant amber eyes. "Little Bird many being desire power and many greater beings grant it. Be thankful that it was I and not some demon. But power Little Bird has concequinces. If the vessel is weak it will shatter." The eyes looked at Sera a moment trying to gauge her reaction. "But do not worry my child is not weak though many of her children are. To end slavery here Little Bird will take time and leadership. It is not a result of my power that it happens but the state of their culture and norms." The giant panthered swished his tail and Sera could tell that it was very much a he. "So curious Little Bird wanting to know of such things. If you do not interfer with one's culture than why do you wish to know?" Seemingly humoring Sera the pantehr spoke. " It was a deal brokered many ages ago long before your eyes saw the sun. The ruler of this place was a king a madman who did as he wished and took what he would. Men, Woman, Children all considered his playthings. He discarded people as one would old bones from a boar. He was man of vigor and of power following a foul tainted creature who demanded blood. A woman of his kin saw the hardship of the people and cried out for the power to end this. I answered, I would give her a meager amount of power to change her world in exchange her people would adopt me as their god and become my people." The panther paused his tale to lick a paw. "I mated with the woman granting her power and my seed and so their blood is my blood. Of course even with power the others would not follow her because she was a woman so a few changes happened. Even then they where reluctant but now here we are many years on and it is time to renew the bound or let the panther tribe be on their own.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"I see, so that's why they enslave all men then I guess. It would make the most sense as to why they do anyway at least. And while we don't normally interfere in cultures, some of us see certain things differently and do on occasion try and nudge some cultures to do differently, such as with this one and its slavery in my case," Sera said, somewhat to herself as much as the panther being. Then she looked up at him and smirked a bit. "So... who or what is in that tower then oh great one? Because Jolynn and her mother and grandmother all she said have attempted to delve into it at some point, and all of them were forced out of there before they could figure out what all had happened in there. But I went over that way the other day and saw one of my kin imprisoned in the form of a statue, like she'd been turned to stone. What could you tell me of all that? Because Jolynn won't tell me anything more on the matter really, and claims she doesn't know about this angelic figure or who she is rather," she went on to ask the panther, reaching up as he licked his paw to pet him if he allowed her to do so at least.

"And... why have you shown yourself to me hmm? Do you wish to mate with me as well as Jolynn's ancestor?" she asked as an afterthought with a smirk on her lips and a raised eyebrow.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Jolynn tells the truth she dosn't know as for myself I only really care that my will is done. What do know is that the angel came of her own free will and due to her timely arrival they managed to defeat the darkness. Though it still lingers. Contained as it is I do not worry about it. If the tower is left alone then no more harm or danger will follow." The panther allowed Sera to pet its massive head. After awhile however he answered her next question. "I have no desire to mate with you Little Bird. You are in a position of power and can infulence changes to my people. You may need to convice the child Urma to take on the role she refuses and mate with me or the power that protects this place will fade." The big cat stood up and streched before walking away. "Either way matters not to me....." And like that he was gone the strange pressence and spiritual pressure seemingly winking out of existance.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"I see, well if she came to help combat this darkness, then I guess that she mad her sacrifice knowing what might happen. I wonder though who she was," Sera said softly as she pet the massive panther's head. "I shall... speak with them both on this matter, but as to what their answers will be I know not. Take care oh great one, and... if possible, please help against the darkness which my kin tried to beat back," Sera went on to say as the large panther stalked off and she felt the spiritual energies fade for the time being.

Once she was sure he was gone, Sera took wing again and flew back to the manor, figuring that dinner was ready or almost and that the girls would be getting worried and might come looking for her, and she didn't want to worry them or anything. She had some things to talk to Jolynn about for sure, but it would have to be tomorrow, as she had gone ahead and retired for the evening unfortunately. When she got back, Sera would come in and take her shoes off before heading on to the kitchens to see if dinner was ready, and she'd also check on the others as well to see how much more they had managed to clean in her absence.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Indeed the flght back was pleasent the air above the city offering many updrafts to aid her flight. Smiling as she landed she could see her twin kitsune guards wave at her from the roof. Heading in she found the table about half full of her harem and guards apparently taking shifts eating. As entered Crissa reported that they had gotten two more rooms ready while she was gone. Sitting down Susan brought her a bowel of spiced soup. "Sorry Mistress the oven is not working and the vent for the cooking fire needs to be cleaned out. I will tend to it on the morrow."
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Returning by air to the manor was a pleasant little journey that let the wind blow through her hair as she went. As she soared back over to the place and landed, Sera smiled as she looked up to the roof to see her kitsune's guard girls waving to her, with her waving back to them both as she went on inside. Once inside, she found that the stoves and ovens weren't in good enough shape to use apparently that night, but she wasn't angry about it and just smiled at Susan when she spoke up about the problem and reached up to pet her head.

"It's alright Susan, thank you very much for the soup. I'll have one of the guards help you to tend to it so you don't get hurt okay," Sera told Susan, giving her a kiss on the cheek in a show of praise.

With that, Sera joined the ones eating and sat with them, happily eating her food even though she didn't truly need all that much food to survive on. She mainly ate more often than she truly needed more to fit in than anything, and to ensure she kept her strength up. Plus some foods were just plain tasty to her and she enjoyed eating them. She would chat with any of the girls in there while they all ate too, well any that wished to talk anyway. After finishing her food she would help to clean out another of the bedrooms for the guards unless they had finished doing so themselves while she was gone.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sitting at the table the girls all tried to be the one sit next to her but a look from June seemed to settle the matter as her friend sat down next to her on the right and Ivy took the left. Light conversation started up again as the girls got to know each other. After all they will have to live together almost like an adopted family with the caveat that Sera happened to own half of them.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera sat and chatted with them all, getting to know each of them in turn and telling them a little bit about herself, like how old she was, some of her likes and dislikes, things like that. Nothing very important obviously. She did tell them though that while she enjoyed each of their company the night before, she hadn't intended on making them a part of her harem. "So do any of you have family anywhere in town? I mean I know you all mentioned no, but I just want to make sure is all so that I didn't take any of you away from those that need and depend on you or anything, so please be honest with me, it would worry me more if you don't be truthful on this matter with me. I also want you girls to all know that here you're free to do whatever you wish and to follow your hearts on anything you desire. You aren't my slaves no matter what anyone says, and I won't treat you like it either," Sera asked once again, still worried about that and that some of them might have lied to keep from worrying her.

After dinner, Sera checked with the guard ladies to see about cleaning them a room or two out for the night to sleep in, aiding them in getting it cleaned up before getting some rest herself, where she'd snuggle in with her girls and cuddle up to the warmest of the lot of them, letting them kiss and nibble at her body all they wished when she was sure that Feris and her other guards had a good enough place to sleep themselves.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

The girls went silent a moment before Deidra spoke up. "Mistress we are cat girls our family is with us. Mother Jolynn told us that we are all her children which makes us all family. None of us have family yet of our own. Well we will soon." The girl smiled as she stroked her belly. It seems her girls had no ties to other people other than her and their adoptive siblings.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"I see, well alright then that's fine girls, as long as you didn't have anyone that depended on you to take care of them like a little sister or something. I just wanted to make sure that you didn't because if you did I was going to suggest bringing them here to live in a nicer home, where they'd have plenty of food and a safer place to sleep, things like that," Sera told the girls, letting them know her reasoning for wanting to know that as she smiled at Deidre.

With that Sera finished eating and went to do the rest of the things she had planned on doing assuming Feris and the rest hadn't already gotten them a good place ready to sleep at while she was gone. Before leaving though she would stop over at Deidre's seat and reach down to caress her pregnant belly, giggling softly and giving her a kiss on the cheek.