What's new

Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Her guards talked amongest themselves a bit before turning to Sera. House Onma was close but they seemed a bit agitated. Visibly gripping their weapons a bit tighter at the name. It was of course Sera's choice and noon was fast approaching. Asking her guards about their agitation. She found out that House Onma was new barely a decade old. Apparently all their members where rebels at some point. Not only that but the rumors about how they treat their men seemed to concern them. Rumors such as the men can move freely about the grounds uncollared, or they speak and act as equals.
"I see... so they're more open to certain freedoms than most of the other noble houses then. Let's go then and meet with house Onma in that case," Sera said to her guards, not seeming overly concerned in the least after hearing that House Onma let their men walk around uncollared, which meant that they were likely much more pliable when it came to new ideas and the like.
Pressing onward Sera soon found herself in front of a gate. The gate was open but not a soul was in sight. The empty street was slightly disturbing given that mere moments ago they had passed threw a rather busy market district a buzz with life. In a few short blocks they left all that behind to what seemed an abandoned city. Her two guards shift uncomfortably holding their weapons tight. Up ahead a wide street with trees on either side lead into the walled off area. "Mistress we don't like this... something feels off"
"Yeah, I've got a bad feeling now too. Both of you, come closer... now," Sera said softly to her guards as they gripped their weapons tightly, but she kept walking for now and eased along down the all but abandoned street. "What is going on you two? Is there any particular reason this part of the city is all but abandoned?" Sera asked her two guards softly, keeping a close eye out for anything around them that might attack, and if anything did jump out to attack them suddenly, Sera would immediately wrap her arms around both of her guards waists and take flight, carrying them to safety back towards the city proper that was more populated.
"Im sorry Mistress we don't know. To be honest none of us go this way." Up ahead Sera heard the sound of shoes running, but not a soul appeared in her view. Walking further a cat meowed loudly from a nearby window ledge at them. It hissed before scampering off to the unknown. There own feet echoed on the stone street as the sound of a shutter closed down a nearby side street. A warm breeze wafted down the road way carrying the scent of cinnamon, and apples. A soft murmur echoed ahead but the woman couldn't see anything yet.
Sera was even more cautious after her guards told that none of them go that way, and up ahead she heard the sound of feet running around, but she saw nobody. "Let's... continue with caution," Sera told the two and made sure they stayed close just in case, and even she jumped slightly when the cat meowed and hissed before bouncing away.

She kept her cautious stance up as they continued, and when she felt the warm breeze blowing down the road, Sera couldn't help but feel a bit more worried, and instead of walking the rest of the way down the road, she scooped both of her guards up, one under each arm, and flew them just above the road and out of reach of any sword or melee weapon, and kept going until they reached their destination.
Her two guards eeked out loud Sera's sudden action making them jump slightly. Heading down the road at a slightly slower pace given she was carrying two whole other people she soon came across a stumbling man with a mug in his hand walking about singing too himself. He nearly stumbled over as a gaggle of children ran past him. It was a mixed gender group playing as all children do. Stopping for a moment. Sera felt the warm breeze blow her way, only this time it carried the scent of baked goods and spices!
Sera knew she'd frightened her guards, but she just got a really bad feeling about all of this, and fluttered along, and the stumbling man singing aloud to himself did cause her to feel a little curious, and suspicious. Seeing the children though did relieve some of her suspicions however, and she eased back down a little at the smell of baked foods. "Hmm... let's get over these people and to the house down the way and I'll let you two down. Something about all this was just too suspicious for my liking," Sera said to her guards softly.
Both her guard hung onto her tightly and one even giggled. Turning ti was Grace. "It makes me happy to know even our Mistress can get a little spooked too. She looked up and smiled at her. Meanwhile Sera easily cleared the small obstetrical of the drunk man and the playing children only to enter right into what seemed a festival. People all over where visiting and open air booths sold fresh backed good of all kinds. Small carnival games for the little ones hugged every street. While an open air beer tent seemed to pour endless amounts of booze. Some people danced to a small band playing some very festive music. No wonder no one was at the entrance everyone was busy here.
"Hmhm, even we angels get spooked, Grace. The first time I ever got truly spooked was when I first met those succubi that I... kind of fell in love with. Both they, and I, were good sports about everything, and they didn't pressure me to have sex with them again. They were all rather... sweet actually, and I later found out the primary reason they attacked me when they did was because they were sorely in need of energy, and I had a Very hearty supply to give them. Thankfully, the next times we met, they simply wished to talk, and some things led to others, and eventually I told them that I'd look for a way for us to make love again, without it harming me. That is likely to never happen of course. But a girl can dream," Sera said softly as she started gliding down to the ground again, still looking a little worried, but feeling the more lighthearted air about the festival around them and getting a bit more at ease. "Well, let's look around for the lady of the house I suppose. But stay close, I don't want anything to happen to you both, my precious guards" she added to the two.
Sera's guards kept close to her as they explored the small festival going on about them. Every time a large man walked by they eyed him with suspicion. Still for the most part they where left alone though Sera did here a few whispers about her specifically. Nothing menacing, but whenever she got close the conversation shifted or they speakers left. While the adults either ignored her or did their best not to draw too much attention, the children began to flock about her. Soon she had a small gaggle of mixed race and gendered children impeding her movements. Some brought her sweets and others showed off their dolls or toys. Eventually however a small but loud tap of cane caused the children to disperse as an aged woman bent with time and wrinkled with age made her way slowly up to her. She was flanked by two woman who bore a resemblance to her. One was decked out in light armor while the other very loose borderline scandalous robes. From Sera's own knowledge the robed woman had a pendent of Venus dangling around her neck. The older woman spoke to Sera her voice raspy with age, but hinting at a sweet voice in her youth. "Matriach Im so happy to see you." She smiled at the children and ushered them away gently. "I'm sure we have much to discuss. Come rest here with an old woman for a spell."
"It's alright girls. Try and stay alert, but not too stiffly, okay," Sera whispered to her guards as the children began flocking in around her.

Sera smiled and gently reached out to pat their heads as they surrounded her, and she would lean down and gently kiss them all, boys and girls alike, and by the time the older lady thumped her staff to get the children to kind of back off, Sera smiled and gave a gracious bow to the older woman. "Indeed my lady. I thank you for being willing to see me. I see... festivities are in order and stuff, so that's good. May I ask what is the occasion?" Sera replied to the older woman as she stepped up with her guards and took a seat after she leaned in and gently kissed the older lady on either cheek in greeting before doing so.
The older woman lead Sera to a small wooden bench next to a large flower garden on a street corner. Easing back the woman creaked and grunted till she seemed comfortable. She sat a moment before turning to Sera with a weak smile and gestured to the festivities going on. "This my dear is a celebration of liberation. The reason why the others around the city shun my house. Inside these walls men and woman walk freely together or not, as their own wills choose." She smiled as the gaggle of children started a game of tag. "Needless to say we are not very popular. Which brings me to a rather interesting surprise that the Matriarchs consort and bride would pay us a visit." The old woman reached out and placed her old hand on Sera's white feathers. This seemed to bring a smile to her face as she pulled them away. "So what may I do for you my Lady. If your here for political alliances I'm afraid my power is rather lacking in court. Not that my dear Vanessa dosn't try." Looking over at the robed woman who had a very obvious blush on her face.
"Oh? Well I'll be honest with you, I feel that all should be free. But it is not up to me to decide the laws of the lands unfortunately. I can suggest changes. But not force them," Sera replied to the older woman, finding this place rather pleasant now that she was more relaxed. "And less political alliance, and more just getting the lay of the land and the feel for the other noble houses, more than anything really," she added to the older woman, not minding her touching her feathers in the slightest really.

"My lady, do you... support matriarch Jolynn? Please, be honest. I am not here to judge, nor punish if you don't. It's not my place to, whether I'm her consort and bride, or whatever have you. I merely wish to know, is all. I hope that I can help influence, even a little bit, to make this place better for all. And it is my desire to ensure that everyone here is at least safe, and mildly happy with their lives. If nothing else. I already have a small plan in the works to ensure food enough for everyone, so there's that," Sera went on to say after a few moments.
"I do not oppose her if that is the question, but honestly I do not really support her either. She is much better than her mother but still holds to traditions best left behind. That is my opinion on the matter." The old woman looked about the market. "I know not all the noble houses feel the same way I do about men and woman, and I've certainly paid the price for going against the flow of society. But being a hero has its advantages. I can handle the scorn of the others. As for my people they seem happy enough though I do wish the men could leave the walled shelter, but alas it is forbidden." She smiled at Sera. "I doubt you could change that for them.
"Mmm, I'm glad for your honesty, my lady. I appreciate it, and your opinion. I'll also be honest, I do not support slavery myself. But it is not up to me to forcibly change the laws of countries and kingdoms. I can help influence them to be better. But I cannot force my views on others, no matter how much I may want to. However, it may surprise you to know that the matriarch wishes to change things too. But alas, she doubts that she'll be able to trust enough of the nobility to not tear the city apart if she does," Sera said softly to the older lady with a smile as she looked around the market a bit too.

"And I mostly just want to get the lay of the land, so to speak. See which nobles would support change for the better, and which ones would not. And see if any see me as their enemy, or might want me for more nefarious purposes. After what you've said about your people here though, I feel I can trust you enough to safely say that matriarch Jolynn would want your support. Not as one of her nobles. But as one of her people. Also, do your lands have farms on them, my lady? If so, I wish to have access to them, so I can summon some fey to help make them more prolific for a time, until more land can be cleared for farming and such. Is that okay with you? And... could I count on your support for change, if I can convince matriarch Jolynn it would be for the best for all her people?" Sera went on to say, looking hopefully at the older lady as she sat there.
"We import most of our food. My people produce many of the goods sold in the city. We are not struggling." The older woman sat a moment and leaned back. "Our Empress has my support." For a moment the older woman sat and sighed. She looked about at the various people going about their business. "What do you plan do you next Matriarch."
"Well, I had planned on talking with as many of the noble families as would see me. But... I'm sure there's a few that might not wish to meet with me. But, I must try nonetheless, to help make this city a better place for all," Sera replied softly, glancing over after a few moments. "My lady, is there... anything in particular you would like to ask me, or of me, by chance?" Sera asked curiously.
The robed woman placed a hand on her mother shoulder. "Mother... please." This brought another sigh forth. "My dear Vanessa can explain it better than I." Looking at Sera the woman seemed to gather her courage and spoke. "Lady Matriarch I would like you to escort me to the City of Endus. I have had a vision from the Goddess. My destiny lies in that city. I have never been out in the wilds and none of the guards or other houses would take me for obvious reasons." As she spoke her sister shook her head in disagreement clearly not happy at the situation or the reasoning behind her sisters request. It was then Sera felt something almost as if she had this conversation before. Blurry images assaulted her mind of a beautiful woman with flaming wings standing near a banner of blue with a black wolf head in profile as its emblem. Then it was gone. None of her companions seemed to notice her moment of lapse has her divine gift passed its vision done for now.
"Yes, go ahead, Vanessa. What is it?" Sera said, encouraging the girl to speak up when her mother did.

Listening to Vanessa's words, Sera nodded in understanding, and was about to respond when she got a momentary vision of sorts, the beautiful woman standing near the banner, flaming wings blazing from her back. "Hmm... that can be arranged, when I leave, miss Vanessa. Though it may not be for a little while yet. Do you mind waiting for maybe... a couple of more weeks perhaps? I had planned to leave here myself soon too. But I want to make sure the peace will be kept after I do, hence my wanting to stay a while longer," Sera said to Vanessa gently, not seeming to mind taking her along too. "What... did your vision entail exactly though, dear Vanessa? Can you be more thorough in the explanation of it, to me? I am an angel after all, so perhaps I can be of some assistance in interpreting it for you, maybe," she then asked Vanessa curiously.