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Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Ivy of course helped Sera wash. "Of course not after all Rose and the girls are made for sex. After all they are all succubi the best lovers in the world." Washing Sera's wings Ivy continued to speak. "Ya know Sera it might not be a bad idea to stay here awhile and research some of the rituals Jolynn mentioned. Besides we both know that what your looking for may not exist so having a backup plan is not a bad idea." They finished up their bath and Sera was able to rouse June and get her into bed with her and together they drifted off to sleep.

Sera gains 6 xp for her journy so far
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Well built for sex definitely, though they're all not only succubi but powerful magic users too, I mean Rose couldn't have made you if she wasn't really. I'm honestly not convinced that they are all actual succubi, just demons with really... really tight and sexy bodies," Sera said to Ivy as her companion helped her to wash her wings, the young angel stretching them out behind her for Ivy to get at them easier. "And that is true I suppose Ivy, though June doesn't really like it all that much here, and I understand completely why she doesn't, having to act the part she has to right now. It must be really tough for her, but you're right that I do need to learn as much as I can here, and knowing those rituals might help me in the end more so than this most likely futile search," She added, heaving a sigh as she relaxed back against Ivy in the bath.

"You know... I wonder what sorts of rituals she knows that could help me out. And I also wonder if I'll ever get to be with Rose and the others again. I only got to have them one time, but that one time was... (shudders)... great despite the way we met and all," Sera said as Ivy was finishing up with washing her off, with Sera shuddering as she recalled her time with the 5 Lotus sisters.

After finishing up in the bath and getting dried off, Sera roused June up long enough to get her in the bed with her, inviting Ivy to sleep with them as well if she wished. Snuggling up behind June, Sera wrapped her arms around the young woman and went to sleep, spooning up behind her and kissing her on the cheek as she nodded off, wondering what June would think about living with her and the Lotus sisters if she were able to find a way for her and the 5 of them to be together.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sleep came easily and Sera found herself waking as the door knocked. It was soft but insistant and june stirred slightly from the noise. Getting up as it seemed her lover was still out for the count Sera found one of the girls from last night. "Matriarch I have come to deliver this message to you. It is for your eyes only." The girl handed over the piece of paper which turned out to be a seal letter before leaving.

"My dearest angel the nobles have found out about our time together and are insisting we form a complete partnership. They want us to marry or they will not reconize the children you have placed in me. I understand this is quite the news for you but do not worry it will not hinder your journy in anyway. Please come to my chambers at the noon hour to discuss how to rectify the situation. I will be doing research in the library over the laws and will likely have an anser by then."

Truely yours

This was not good news but Jolynn's letter sounded confident but then again why did she send it privately.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera was shaken from her peaceful sleep with June and Ivy as a knock on the door brought her from it. Opening her eyes, Sera saw June was stirring some, but went on back to sleep for the time being, which Sera was glad to let her do, giving her a peck on the cheek as she climbed out of bed and went for the door. Opening the door, Sera took the message that the girl brought and went over to sit down and read it, thanking the girl and sending her on her way as she shut the door back.

Reading the note, Sera grew quite worried actually, especially for the child she would be leaving behind here when she left. How could the nobles possibly have found out that the two of them spent some time together like that when it was so late at night? It was a question she'd definitely have to ask Jolynn come noon, because she was actually even a bit frightened now that she thought on it for a minute. Well, if nothing else Sera figured she could wed Jolynn and continue her journey abroad for now, since there was a good chance she wouldn't find what she was looking for in the end perhaps her city here was a nice place to stay at for a time, though she would have to talk to her about lessening the slavery if possible, Sera thought.

Regardless it would have to wait until noon when she could talk to Jolynn, and she also remembered the journal she'd found and taken from the library too, which she would also be asking about who had written it all. She also had to look for those rituals Jolynn mentioned as well, so she wouldn't be leaving for a while at least, so hopefully they could work something out in the meantime. Because while the idea of marrying Jolynn was appealing to Sera, she didn't really wish to do so, despite how fulfilled she made her sexually. She figured though that she wouldn't worry June with this just yet so they could enjoy breakfast together with Ivy and relax a bit, maybe have a bit of fun before she went to see Jolynn about this.

Poking her head out, Sera looked around for any of the guards to ask them to please go and have breakfast brought to their room, where she'd wait for it and go do her morning bathroom business while she waited, brushing her hair and using the bathroom before pulling her hair up into a ponytail and dressing in her normal robes.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Finding the guards still posted away from her room it took her a moment to get their attention. Nodding she heard the guard mutter something as she turned around. It was quiet enough that she had to strain her ears to hear if she wanted. Either way after a moment Pet would knock on the door bringing in food for Sera. Spotting Ivy however Pet got into a agressive crouched and hissed loudly at the magical companion. Thankfully June was up and quick to try and calm pet down.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

After sending for breakfast Sera didn't have to wait for long before Pet brought some in for them all to eat, where she couldn't help but crack up at her reaction to Ivy. "Hmhm, Pet it's alright, this is Ivy, a friend of mine and June's. She's been helping me along my journey, so you don't have to worry about her, and she won't try to hurt anyone unless they try to hurt me first, or her too of course," Sera said to Pet with a giggle after June spoke to the catgirl to try and calm her down a bit.

Once Pet had calmed down, Sera helped get some plates ready for everyone and sat down to eat, feeling famished after the evening before with all the sex she'd had. She got seconds after finishing all she'd had to begin with, only feeling full after that, and even then she didn't feel totally full, but enough that she could last until lunchtime at least.

After finishing breakfast, Sera would wait until Pet had gone, if she'd stayed to begin with, where once it was just her, Ivy, and June, she'd tell her companions of the letter and show them what all it had said. "So... I'm not entirely sure what to do honestly. I mean it would be for show more than anything even if I am forced to have to do it, but I don't know if I really want to stay here for a long period of time though," Sera said, feeling unsure of what to do and seeking a bit of council from her friends on what they thought she should do.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Ivy simply shrugged having given her council the night before. However she did mention that being married would give her more freedom to investigate her qurries. June seemed dubious at a prolonged stay here but when Ivy spoke up about the additional freedom she would have she did mention about working up some changes but that would take time though she wasn't keen on joining the combined harem.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Hmm, yeah I don't like the idea of you joining the harem honestly June, because as sure as I'm sitting here you'd end up pregnant by Jolynn within a week at best most likely. Though maybe I can talk to her about that if we did go ahead with it. Hopefully though we won't have to and we can reason with the nobles perhaps," Sera said as she looked at the two of her companions. "Regardless we won't know anything more until I meet with Jolynn shortly, in the meantime though I'm gonna look at these books I checked out of the library the other day," Sera added, taking the books out and starting on the one she actually checked out and not the one she kind of... stole really.

When noon came around, Sera went to go see Jolynn as requested, telling June that she could come with her if she wished, as it involved her as well really, though if she wished to stay then Sera wouldn't fault her or anything. When she got to wherever Jolynn as awaiting her, Sera would peck on the door and enter, giving a bow of her head upon seeing her. "Good afternoon Jolynn, I... got your letter earlier, and it is troubling news to say the least. I had thought your chambers had only ever really been entered by me and your personal servants, so it's curious how they found out about our... good time," Sera said when entering and spotting Jolynn.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

June offered to stay put as the strain of acting the slave was taking a heavy toll on her. This of course caused her to blush though which only caused Ivy to snicker. As for the book Sera made excellent progress on finding several rituals that purged corruption from the body before it took hold and even one that would alter the body of the user to accept the mutation as part of their natural body. Most of these however where deeply rooted in elemental magics and some would need more research.

After awhile though Sera exscued herself and headed to the meeting. Once more she was allowed into Jolynns room only this time thing had been altered. The massive bed was still here but all the pillows and other light furniture was moved aside. Instead there was a pillory with a figure locked tight inside. Jolynn sat crossed legged watchin from a chair as two of her servent girls whipped the bare ass of who ever was locked down. Noting Sera's entrance Jolynn called out for a hault. "Let her rest a moment after all we are from done. Girls take a rest and get black beauty for me.... No lube...." This caused her servent girls to pale slightly and run off after a quick bow. "Ahh Sera Ive found our little spy. Would you like to know who it is?"
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera kissed June on the cheek before grabbing her book to read a bit, finding out quite a bit about the rituals Jolynn spoke of before to her. When time came for her to go see Jolynn, Sera closed her book after marking it and set it down before heading on to Jolynn's chambers, telling June and Ivy that she'd be back shortly. "Be back shortly you two, and hopefully we'll have this whole thing sorted out and we'll be able to leave here soon June to move onwards, because I figure that we'd head on to the north of here to the Ironrose Monastery and see if we can stop by Celesis along the way and help them out a bit and perhaps even Glassmoor, because before I left home I heard that both Celesis and Glassmoor weren't doing very good, though the Ironrose Monastery was doing fairly well all things considered, and they've got a lot of arcane knowledge there, so it's likely the best place to go to for rituals and the like that could work for what I want," Sera said before heading on out and to Jolynn's chambers.

When she arrived at Jolynn's bedchambers Sera was surprised to find someone in a pillory within, especially when she saw what Jolynn was doing to whoever it was. "I take it this is the culprit matriarch? Yes I thought as much as soon as I stepped in. A bit... rough and crude if you ask me, because there's plenty of other ways of getting information. But... your house your rules matriarch, and yes I would like to know who it is," Sera asked as she came inside and Jolynn spoke to her, nodding that yes she'd like to know who it was, and feeling that Black Beauty as Jolynn named whatever it was seemed to be something that scared the servant girls so it was obviously something that would be painful to whoever this girl was, whom she dearly hoped was nobody she had come to know here so far.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Jolynn stood up revealing her current clothing was dark black leather. At her side was a nasty looking whip. Thigh high boots also of dark leather encased her legs. "I was slightly surprised as well but then again. I didn't think the houses where still so foolish." Following the Matriarch around Jolynn found one of the nobles from the dinner she had been at. While she was hardly one that Sera had met she was still reconizable. "This little spy charmed one of my girls who revealed our meeting. Sadly I was unable to catch her before the news slipped out leading to our current predictament." As Jolynn spoke Sera looked at the woman before her. She had red hair and green eyes that gleamed like emeralds. Her face was slightly pale and she had a smattering of freckles across her nose and upper cheeks. Sadly the rest of her nude form was hidden by the pillory. The girl was panting her face a mixture of pain and pleasure, of fear and desire. "Sera!" Jumping slightly Jolynn smiled at her. "Yes she is quite captivating isn't she. Anyway back to the situation. Now the nobles are not going to let this go and sadly the law supports thier cause. However it says nothing about you having to stay so your journy will be uniterruppted. For now we have to figure out the details of the union. We can discuss that now or later at your leasure. For now though nothing has changed." Jolynn was interuppted however as her servents returned with the largest ebony colored dildo Sera had ever seen. It was far to massive to be a tool of pleasure and bordered on a cruel tool of torture. Clearly this thing was ment to fuck someone into submission. "Ahh good set it on the table I will use it shortly. Now Sera where was I."
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Spotting the whip next to Jolynn made Sera shudder a bit, especially when she noticed the fact that Jolynn was in dominatrix garb. Being shaken out of her reverie while she stared at the girl in the pillory, Sera looked over at Jolynn. "I see... well I hadn't planned on having to be married to be honest, as my kind don't normally... well we don't normally actually marry. So it's something totally new to me, and not something that I know if I am ready for, especially since I do barely know you and this place. I fear that I might cause hardship for your home, hardship that I don't wish to cause, but would happen simply because my views on things is very different from yours and your peoples," Sera told Jolynn after being shaken back to reality. "And what exactly are you torturing her for? The damage is already done now, so unless there's more that she can tell us then I would think it's time to put her in a cell," she added curiously, wondering just why Jolynn was laying into the girl with a whip like she was.

When the girls brought the large black dildo in, Sera's eyes widened and she knew that despite what this girl had obviously done, she couldn't allow her to be punished with that thing even if she was a masochist. "Is there really a need to use that cruel thing Jolynn? May I say something first?" Sera asked Jolynn when the big black dildo was set down on the table. If allowed to say and or try something, Sera would kneel down in front of the girl's face and look right into her eyes with a stern and serious, yet kind look. "Tell me young one... why did you do this? I wish to know why you've done this, which has ruined my journey and forced me into something that I hadn't planned for in any sense of the word. I have something that must be done... that I have set out to do and won't stop searching for, and now should the matriarch here actually be pregnant by me, now I must worry that much more about our child after being assured that our child would be safe and accepted and that I would be allowed to come and go to see her whenever I wished to. You have greatly endangered the life of not only myself and those close to me, but also the one who is likely to be your matriarch's heir, the one that you'll one day call matriarch. I certainly hope that now that you understand this that you regret your actions, because you have made my child, a foreign matriarch's future child a target, and have thus sullied the good name of your own matriarch and homeland in doing this. Now I am trying to keep you from being torn apart by this massive dildo here, which is larger than mine or Jolynn's penises even, so you should be begging for us to forgive you and for mercy, but you'll still need to be punished somehow, though how I don't know just yet as I'll need time to think of something appropriate with Jolynn," Sera went on to say to the girl, really trying to persuade her to beg for forgiveness so Jolynn wouldn't ram that giant dildo up the girl's poor asshole and likely tear it apart.

Looking back to Jolynn after that, Sera would nod to her about what she'd said about their union. "Aye we should talk about it, but not just us I think. I believe we should discuss it in front of the nobles myself. Because I have an idea of sorts that may scare them a bit, though I don't know if it truly would of course. Should we be wed, would I get a say in matters of court and in making the laws and whatnot? If so... well I think we should call the nobles together with us so that I may tell them about some changes I'd like to see be made since I would be a matriarch here as well and it'd only be fair that I get a say in some matters. See how much they like what I might wish to change or see change for the better, I doubt they'd want many of them to happen most likely. I think you get the idea Jolynn," Sera said to Jolynn, having brainstormed a possible idea to prevent them from needing to marry one another, though it would definitely be a long shot of course for it to work, but it was worth trying she figured.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Jolynn frowened at Sera. "I wouldn't worry to much about that Sera. As for her well she has to be made an example of. Throwing her into a cell would accomplish little. I intend however to show the nobles the cost of such things. The one thing they fear is the loss of their position and free will." Jolynn had a serious stern look on her face. Seeing the massive tool Sera moved to intervene. The matriarch stood a moment her face still a mask of sterness but relented and nodded for Sera to do as she would. Leaning down and making her case would provoke no responce from the woman who simply looked away as best she could.

"How noble she thinks she is doing her house good. In truth they knew what would happen to her and left her to her fate. They abbondoned you Crissa. Its a shame to. You would have made a great memeber of the court." Sighing Jolynn walked over to the table and handeld the giant dildo. "And now I have to do what neither of us want to do. No worries though Crissa after its over my girls will take could care of you after all you are pretty woman." Turning around Jolynn muttered a word of magic as teh dildo started to vibrate.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Would it not be better to make an example of the ones that sent her though Jolynn? Rather than do so with her I mean. She was merely following orders after all, and loyalty like that is rare when you think about it. You say you need to show them the cost of such things, though punishing those that follow orders is silly when you think about it for a moment. Would it not be better to punish Crissa here a bit less cruelly and punish those that sent her a bit more so in ways that don't need to end with people getting physically and mentally hurt and broken?" Sera asked Jolynn, still pleading to not hurt Crissa here, or to do whatever she'd planned to do to her, as it couldn't be good in the least, and Sera couldn't stand by and let it happen when she could prevent it... she just didn't have it in her to watch while somebody had their free will stolen from them or were hurt, nor could she leave with the knowledge of this and let it happen. "I'm not saying let Crissa here off without any punishment whatsoever, just... please don't do this to her. Nobody should have their freewill taken away from them. They'd be nothing more than the mindless minions that these new aliens are turning people into," she added, glancing over at the girl in the pillory and hoping Jolynn would take pity at least a little and hear her idea.

"Crissa, please answer me before you are punished in unimaginable ways. Do you regret what you've done? And do you wish for mercy? If you wish to plead for mercy, then you must do so now before it is too late. I'm sure that this can be resolved without the need for violence or with you getting hurt, you just need to make that first step, because I cannot help you until you help yourself," Sera said to Crissa, trying desperately one last time to get her to talk and at least ask for forgiveness from Jolynn to try and stay her hand if she hadn't listened to her idea before.

If Jolynn was about to push that dildo into somewhere the sun didn't shine, then Sera would place a hand on her arm to stay her hand with a pleading look in her eyes. "Please don't do this Jolynn. It wouldn't have been so bad if you'd done this without my knowledge, but now that I know what you are about to do I cannot in good conscience allow it to happen. Please there has to be another way to punish her than destroying the poor woman," Sera would tell Jolynn, only if it should come to it and she was forced to.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

The woman wouldn't look at Sera. However while Crissa remaind silent Sera could see Crissa shiver. Still the woman held her resolve willing to make her sacrifice. However Jolynn didn't seem uneffected. "Sera I....." Looking down at the dildo the woman set it down and sighed but then her face became a stern mask once more. "Sera Whitefeather. I shall heed your request for mercy fot this traitor. But.. she must still be punished by the laws of our people. Standing back Sera heard her chant a deep voice echoing around and threw her. In a flash of light Crissa gasped as a glow eminated from the woman's chest. "GRAH!" Crissa called out then went limp. Moving quicky and ignoring Sera, Jolynn moved close and kneeled before the woman. "Crissa!" The woman lazily leaned up and looked at Jolynn. "Who is your Soverign?" "You of course Matriarch." Jolynn nodded. "Who is your Mistress?" The woman paused a moment confusied. "My hou... no Matriarch Whitefeather is my Mistress." Jolynn stood and patted the woman on the head. "You wanted her spared then she is your responisblity. Don't worry she has her mind and free will.. with the exception of absolute loyalty to you. Consider it a wedding gift." With that Jolynn left leaving Sera and her new property alone.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

At first Sera didn't think Jolynn would heed her request when she made it, thinking that she would just ram the enormous dildo into the poor girl. She was glad to see that Jolynn didn't do that and stayed her hand for the moment at least. "T-Thank you Jolynn, I couldn't ask for more than that I suppose. I just... don't see why she should be punished so harshly for merely following orders is all," Sera said as she stepped back for Jolynn to do whatever she was going to do now to punish the poor girl.

When Sera heard Crissa cry out after letting out a gasp, she stepped forward again in fear that Jolynn had done something terrible to her, but it was too late really to prevent whatever it was from happening, so she didn't try to stop Jolynn... especially since she had asked for mercy, which this apparently was for Jolynn and her people. When Jolynn stepped forward and said what she did to Crissa and then asked who her mistress was, Sera was incredibly surprised and had expected her to say matriarch Jolynn, not herself. Heaving a sigh of both relief and sadness at what was now apparently her problem, Sera merely nodded at Jolynn when she told her that Crissa still had her free will and mind intact but was now essentially her personal slave and wedding gift. Once Jolynn was gone, Sera looked around the room to see if they were alone now before untying Crissa and getting her out of the pillory, though she would get her out of it either way really.

"Hey... are you alright Crissa? Can you tell me who it was that sent you now?" Sera asked the girl as she freed her and helped her to sit down.

Sera felt despicable at the moment to be honest, as she hadn't expected Jolynn to do this to Crissa. But at least it was keeping her from breaking her mind, she thought to herself sadly. She'd have to make do now though and when the time came for her to leave she'd have yet another to accompany them it seemed, though she'd wait to ask Crissa if she could fight or not until later once she'd recovered from this. Once she had Crissa out of the pillory she'd help her sit down on the bedside before moving around and healing her with some of her holy powers of the wounds sustained from the whipping.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

The wounds while painful where not life threating nor would they leave any lasting physical damage. Though give the nemourous red lashes it would be safe to say Crissa would fear whips and being whipped for a long time to come. Getting her out of the bent over position and onto the bed Sera got a look at the magical seal placed on the womans bare chest. Indeed it was similar to the ones her guards had though it was slightly diffrent. "Thank you mistress. I..... I don't want to say my mistress don't make me say it." Clearly while she had the girls loyalty she hardly had her trust and Jolynn had promised she had her free will.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Crissa, why do you fear to tell me? If your old mistress poses a threat to my child I must know so that I can deal with it before she tries to hurt her. I'm not going to hit to hurt you, and I certainly won't allow anyone else to if I can prevent it Crissa," Sera told Crissa after healing her up. "What can I do to get you to trust me Crissa? I truly do want your trust since it seems we're to be stuck together for now at least," Sera added, wrapping an arm around Crissa's shoulders and looking over at her.

After getting an answer out of Crissa, regardless of what it was, Sera would stand up and gently pull Crissa with her. "Come now, I'll take you to meet June," Sera would tell Crissa after getting up, where she'd then lead her on back to her bedroom. "Crissa... how far does your loyalty to me go as of now? Must I gain your full trust in order for you to be loyal and not tell my secrets to others or what?" Sera asked along the way back to her bedroom, wondering just how deep this loyalty went.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Crissa just sat on the bed unable to say much. Though as Sera wrapped her arm around the woman she felt the woman tense up. Of course Sera could hardly blame her after all that she had gone threw. After a moment Crissa spoke. My house.. former house dose not want to hurt any child. We.. they wanted more power. I was to put spies in place for blackmail but.... I got caught and now... Im nothing more than.. a slave. My formor house will deny everything and say I was acting on my own. They won't even speak to me now. The matriach is right they abbondoned me." Crissa began to cry leaning into Sera's shoulder. After a moment this stopped too. Looking up as Sera asked her next question Crissa spoke her voice still shaky. "I cannot disobey any direct order... the seal prevents it." Leaning back Crissa let Sera see it for herself. It was similar to the others she had seen with the exception of it being blue with a slight change to the middle. It was also missing some of the lines the other ones had. The middle design was of a feather and the rest of the design flowed from it. The inner ring was simple and flowed threw the feather design. The secound was slight more complex but was spaced further out allowing room for two more circles. "The center design marks my owner and the first line binds my loyalty to you. The outher line binds my loyalty to the kingdom. It seems the matriarch has seen fit to leave me with my mind and will..... such torture. I knew she could be cruel.. but.. this....."
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"I see, so they merely wanted to try and make a power grab. I doubt they'd have let anyone remain out of their control though that might possibly be able to oust them later on, meaning mine and Jolynn's child," Sera said to Crissa, holding her and gently patting her on the back as she cried into Sera's shoulder. "You needn't worry Crissa, I won't demand anything of you that you wouldn't want to do to begin with. But would you have rather she destroy your mind and will... breaking you? I... I couldn't allow that to happen Crissa, even if you'd wanted it to, I mean what she did could have been much worse I think if she'd truly wanted it to be," she then said before getting up and heading along back to her bedroom.

"When I leave here Crissa, do you want to come with me? I'm not going to order you to, I merely want to know if you want to, also unless it would be harmful to me or those close to me, including yourself now, I also will tell you to speak your mind when you like, just be mindful around Jolynn alright. I'm not cruel despite what Jolynn might do, and I refuse to become cruel just to suit others," Sera went on to say, patting Crissa on the back gently before leading the way to the bedroom to introduce her to June and Ivy.