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Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Crissa sob into Sera's shoulder. "I wouldn't have known what I loss...... I've seen them the utter look of peace in their eyes. They live for only one purpose not carring who or what they had been. But.. now I will remember everything. The sting of failure and being shunned by my family..." Crissa sobbed some more clearly to emontionally distraught to carry on a thoughtful conversation. Heading back to her room with the help of Tina Sera found it empty except for a note in June's hand wrighting.

"Sera Pet stopped by and wanted to show me something she thought I might like. I will be back before dinner.

Love June

Ps: Ivy said something about going to a libaray
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Still the same though Crissa, losing your mind completely is just... too much I think," Sera said to Crissa with a saddened look on her face, feeling that was just a bit too much really.

Looking inside once they got back to the bedroom, Sera found June gone and read the note she'd left behind to find she'd gone off with Pet somewhere while Ivy had snuck off to the library apparently, so that meant she and Crissa wouldn't be able to meet each other just yet unfortunately, but oh well she could meet them shortly when they returned. Sera went over and got a glass of water for Crissa to drink to try and help calm her down a bit since she seemed to be so shook up by the fact that she still had her mind intact.

"Here Crissa, drink this sweetie, it'll help calm you down a bit I think. And you'll have to meet June and Ivy shortly as they're both gone at the moment, so they'll be back later and you can meet them both then. I... I honestly don't know what to say honestly other than this to you Crissa... but I do know this, you're a part of my family now, and I would never disown you for anything," Sera told Crissa, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and hugging her a bit to help calm her down some along with the water and her words, which she hoped helped the poor girl somewhat at least while they awaited June's and Ivy's return.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

More than likly Crissa was in a state of emontinal shock. This left Sera thinking that Crissa ddin't really understand any of what she was speaking about. No doubt once she clamed down more rational thoughts would take precident. Still Crissa didn't pull away her appearnce the iconic display of a distraught woman in need of comfort. So vunrable .. so pretty. She could probably get Crissa do anything for her right now.....
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

While thinking that she probably could get Crissa to do just about whatever she wanted, which would likely make seduction very easy to say the least. However Sera couldn't in good conscience do that to the poor girl, else she'd never trust her in any shape form or fashion. Lifting the distraught and crying girl up a bit, Sera pulled her over and into her lap, where she held her gently and gave her a shoulder to cry on.

"Shh shh Crissa, I promise you that you'll always have a family with me here. I... I am responsible for what's happened, so you shall always have a place with me, at my table as the saying goes. And who knows, your family might not even know what's happened for all we know, so they may not have disowned you at all. We won't know until one of us checks," Sera told her gently, patting her on the back to try and help her by showing that there was someone that cared about her and what happened to her.

Sera would console Crissa until the girl calmed down, for as long as it took, because she was just that kind of person. She couldn't stand seeing someone in pain like this, and it made her heart ache to see Crissa like this now. She hoped that Crissa could come to terms with what'd happened, because she didn't want her to join her, June, and Ivy on their journey and be miserable the entire time because she was thinking so much on this.

"If you like I shall go and speak to your family myself Crissa and see if they've truly disowned you. Seeing how much this hurts you pains me as well, and I can't stand to see anyone like this," Sera told Crissa, kissing her on the forehead before brushing her hair from her eyes.

(Thought about having Sera console her with a good humping or two, but Sera's got a bigger heart than that. :p)
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Pushing the tempting thoughts away from her mind (gain 1 xp)Sera moved to consol the woman. Eventually the exaustion of the whole ordeal caught up with her and she fell asleep leaving Sera along for now. Free to do as she would Sera could wait for Ivy or June to come back or she could do some other things. She never did ask Jolynn about the book she had found and that tower she was shown was a dark presence in her mind. Feeling the two where linked it was up to Sera if she wanted to investigate.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Feeling that she had Crissa calmed down enough for the time being, seeing as the girl seemed to have conked out for now, Sera gently lay her down so she could rest without any troubles. Kissing Crissa on the forehead, Sera covered her up after laying her down, whispering a prayer for her to sleep in peace. Now that she was alone, Sera figured that she had nothing better to do now other than go and talk to Jolynn and try to find out about that tower some, as well as finding out about Crissa's family and whatnot.

Quickly writing a letter to June and Ivy to tell them who Crissa was and to be nice to her and why she was there, as well as a bit extra to Ivy to make sure she didn't try to seduce her, Sera set the letter where the two could spot it easily when they came inside. The letter would also tell June and Ivy to introduce themselves to Crissa and everything as well and that Sera would be back shortly as soon as she spoke with Jolynn about some things and that she'd explain Crissa's situation in full detail when she returned.

With that, Sera would head out and ask Tina where Jolynn now was, that she had something she needed to speak with her about, where she'd follow her to Jolynn's location. Though she didn't plan on talking about the book she'd taken without permission from the library, thinking Jolynn might not take too kindly to this.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Tina easily directed Sera to the meeting hall. Here she found Jolynn surrounded by her naked slaves with the three other noble ladies in attendance. Jolynn was currently being pleasured by a rather attractive slave while another woman spoke studdering an apolgy. This woman wore fine robes and had a similar apperance to Crissa at lest in the face. "Matriarch please spare my sister she was seduced by rogue members of the house. I had no idea that she was a part of this plot. I will do everything in my power to find the ones who put her up to this and turn them over I just.. want my sister back." Jolynn sat on her throne hearing the woman's plea. "My dear Mary your sister has been punished already." This caused Mary to flinch and shake alittle. "Do not worry however she was spared the fate of your Older sibling." This seemed to relax the woman slightly. "Still it is curious that it is your sisters that keep doing these things.. it makes me wonder..... where your loyalties lay. I should by right desolve your entire house and ensure their complete obideance but..... I grow weary of such things." Apparently Jolynn had no idea Sera was present. "You see a very kind and gentle soul has tempered my anger. Do not mistake this as weakiness however Mary." Jolynn forced the slave pleasing her to turn around and face Mary before forcing the girl onto her cock. Seeing the front of the woman now Sera almost gasped as it beared a strickign resemblance to Criss and Mary but far older. "Or like your sister here you will be nothing more than my toy. Isn't that right Amber." The woman who had all sorts of pircings groaned in pleasure as Jolynn emptied her spunk into her. "Oh my mistress is so kind to fill me with her sperm." A brife form a clarity seemed to fill the woman's eyes as she looked at her sister and blushed out of embarrissment but it quickly fadded as Jolynn spoke once more. "You are a good woman Mary and the head of your house. I want to trust you.. I do.. but evidence is not in your favor. Ill tell you this sense Im feeling generous if you find out who has been plotting against me in your house and turn them in I may free your older sister here." The woman looked at the older woman bouncing on the matirach's cock. "What of Crissa...." Jolynn frowned "She is promised to someone else already in fact the same person who spared her Ambers fate." The girl stumbled over her words again. "I... I see.. then I pledge to you Matrirach I shall find who did this. I will not let anyone in my house stop me from this goal they are traitors to the kingdom and to my house."
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Thank you Tina, I'll head on there now,” Sera said to Tina before heading along to the meeting hall.

When she arrived in there, Sera saw a quite pretty woman sucking Jolynn's cock while another woman that looked similar to Crissa standing there speaking to Jolynn. She listened to the conversation between the two and let it play out before speaking up or anything, feeling a bit bad for Crissa's sister here. She couldn't help but feel though that she'd brought it on herself, but that didn't make her feel any better about the outcome really.

Watching the scene finish up, Sera wondered if she should even speak, but felt that Mary here would want to speak with her any way because of what had happened. Sera stepped out enough for Jolynn to see her behind Mary for now and would step forward enough for Mary to see her as well if Jolynn gave her an okay nod to do so, where she would introduce herself to Mary.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Stepping into view caused Jolynn to blush as Amber continued to bounce on her cock. "Umm Amber dear please get yourself cleaned up." The girl bounced a few more times before frowning in disspointment getting off the large cock. "Yes mistress!" Mary turned and looked at Sera her face a mix of emotions. Anger sadness and some hope all crossed her face before she bowed without an introduction and left with her retainers. "Ahh Sera I wasn't expecting you so early.... I thought you might be busy teaching your new servant or at lest letting her get aqauinted to your.. unigue way of doing things." Jolynn was clearly embarrised by what Sera had seen and was quickly trying to sort herself out and cover her massive errection. Some of her servents tried to ease thier mistresses distress which only made it worse. "Ladies go please I have a meeting to attend to in private. Go to the baths and relax all day and make sure you take your medicine." With the slaves leaving Jolynn finally got herself presentable though her cock was still clearly ready for action. "So Sera what do I owe the pleasure?"
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera was quite thoroughly amused by Jolynn's reaction to her stepping into view when she blushed, as she hadn't quite expected Jolynn to do that honestly, but it was cute and funny at the same time nonetheless. Sera nodded to Mary as she left with her retainers, wanting to speak with her, yet knowing this wasn't the appropriate time or place to do so, so she figured she'd do so later when they got the chance to speak without anyone interfering.

"I prefer to call her handmaiden myself since that's likely what she'll be doing is that sort of thing. But she's asleep now anyway, and quite clearly distressed to say the least. She actually told me that she'd rather you done what I'm assuming you did to her sister Amber back there," Sera replied, unable to suppress a giggle at Jolynn trying to hide her erection. Once Jolynn's servant/slave girls were gone, Sera stepped over to her and gently took her hand, pulling her up. "Well I'll get to it in a few minutes, first I think we should take care of this bad girl here," Sera went on to say, reaching down and gently grasping Jolynn's cock just below the head of it, a spark of mischievousness going through her all of a sudden and making her want to do this and more.

Sera began gently stroking Jolynn's member from just below the head to the hilt and back up, doing so a few times before finally stopping, likely leaving Jolynn quivering and trembling for release. "Come, let us return to your chambers for the time being and I shall tell you what I came to talk about then... it's something that should likely be private anyway. And this time we shan't have anyone intruding on us," Sera would tell Jolynn, giving her a kiss on the cheek as she ran her left index finger up Jolynn's length from hilt to tip, tickling her tip a couple of times with her finger before leading her towards Jolynn's bedroom.

Once they arrived there Sera would immediately sit Jolynn down on her bed, where she then undressed herself before kneeling down to her knees in front of her. "Why were you so embarrassed for me to see you with another woman riding this monster cock of yours hmm Jolynn? It's not like I expected you to not have any other women after last night sweetie. Now on to this matter here... you need some relief before I tell you what I wanted to, so I'm going to tease a load out of you so powerfully that your legs will go numb... or at least I'm going to try to anyway," Sera said softly to Jolynn as she started stroking her again a few times before lowering down and licking up the underside of Jolynn's massive prick.

Licking up her length several times before swirling her tongue around the head of Jolynn's cock as if suckling on a lollipop, Sera then took her length in her mouth, no more than half of it at first, but after a couple of minutes she started deep throating Jolynn's dick and continued doing so until she felt her about to explode, at which point she'd stop and tightly squeeze the base of her cock to prevent any escaping and giggling softly at her. "No no not yet sweetie, it's better if you wait," Sera would tell Jolynn, whether she complained about not being allowed to cum or not.

With that, Sera would slide Jolynn's cock in between her breasts and begin tit fucking her with her large breasts, squeezing the massive meat pole between her soft orbs and bouncing them up and down its length. She would start suckling on the head of her dick and swirling her tongue around the head of it again, teasing Jolynn's cock mercilessly. When she felt Jolynn about to explode again she again prevented it with a squeeze at the base of her length with her right hand, while her left hand stroked her own member a bit and kept it hard and ready for action for the next act before moving it back up to gently fondle Jolynn's sensitive and cum filled balls. While she did that, she also pushed her shoulders together to squeeze her large soft breasts around the dick between them as she continued bouncing them up and down around it. Soon enough though she pulled away when Jolynn's coming orgasm died away since she hadn't been allowed to cum yet, knowing that Jolynn's cock had to be nearly on fire from the teasing it was enduring.

"Endure just a bit longer my sweet, and you'll feel so much better than when you let anyone else make you cum," Sera cooed to Jolynn as she gently pulled the matriarch further onto the bed and climbed up to join her, her own dick rock hard.

Sera rubbed her own dick against Jolynn's a few times to lube her own up with the pre that was leaking from Jolynn's tip, where she'd then spread Jolynn's legs, gently lift the matriarch's large cum filled balls up and out of the way so she didn't hurt them as she slowly slid her own length into Jolynn's folds. Sera would thrust and buck her hips into Jolynn's while also stroking her length with one hand and groping her breasts with the other, bringing Jolynn to the brink of climax yet again before slowing down again and changing position to sit with Jolynn in her lap in the reverse cowgirl position. Holding Jolynn's dick with her left hand, Sera began bucking her hips up while using her right to help bounce Jolynn up and down while she stroked her massive prick hard and fast.

"Almost there my sweet, one more position and I'll let you pop. The nymphs once did this to me a couple of years ago back home. And when they finished my legs were truly numb for an hour, keeping me from getting off the bed where they took such advantage of me and rode me for that whole hour, though even still they couldn't drain me as dry as you did last night. But I did learn a lot of different ways to pleasure someone thanks to them," Sera giggled and moaned softly as she whispered in Jolynn's ear.

Sera stopped one last time and squeezed Jolynn's dick again if needed to prevent her orgasm from slipping out during this round. Sera would then lay Jolynn down before mounting her massive cock, spreading her own folds apart with her middle and index fingers before lowering herself down and impaling herself all the way down to Jolynn's hilt. Then she began riding Jolynn, bouncing up and down and enjoying herself immensely as she did so, and she would keep going while stroking herself to get her own release as close as possible to catch up with Jolynn so they could go together. When she felt Jolynn about to explode this time, Sera lifted off of her dick and laid down beside her, not forcing her to wait longer as she began stroking them both to completion, one of their cocks in either hand as they drenched the bed between them and each others front sides, with Sera and likely Jolynn as well both moaning like crazy, and also with Sera hoping that Jolynn's member would soften now that she'd done all of that.

"Hah... hah... there we go Jolynn... now that you're satisfied for the time being... we can catch our breath and then I'll tell you what I came to talk about," Sera panted when they were through, leaning over and kissing Jolynn on the lips before laying her head down next to her's.

(Might have gotten a bit carried away with this post, but just felt like writing it, and Sera suddenly felt like teasing Jolynn after leaving her servants/slaves to tease her the night before when they got done.)
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Jolynn nodded and took the offered hand blushing brightly. "Well I suppose some of the no- AHHH!" Jolynn jerked as Sera touched her cock in a teasing manner. This caused her to blush even deeper, however she held up a hand causing Sera to look back at nearly a dozen of Jolynn's personal guards drawing weapons. The guards pacified for now Sera indeed found Jolynn trembling even her lips quivering.. "Don't stop.." Her voice was low almost a whisper. Continuing Jolynn grasped Sera as she continued her tease drawn sweet muted moans from the Matriarch. It was a grand reversal of power, a woman who commanded such autority over her subjects was putty in her hands.

As Sera spoke and lead Jolynn to her room the guards looked at each other and shrugged though some smiled. Kissing Jolynn on the cheek brought the matriarch close enough for her to lean on Sera her face flush as she returend the kiss though a little weakly give that Sera had her by the balls. In command of the situation Sera set Jolynn on her own bed the matriarch laying spread eagle letting Sera see all of her. Listing as she breathed deeply Jolynn smiled faintly. "I - I didn't want you to see that aspect of me... I know you don't like it....." Say what she would to this Sera continued her tease causing Jolynn to gasp and writh from her touches. This was an unexpected treat. This powerful woman at her mercy. Jolynn cried out faintly as Sera felt her dick swell only to cut it off much to Jolynn's dismay... "NNNooooo its gnna explode...." Indeed the cock swelled but with out release her balls swelled larger. "Ugh oh ahhhhh." Moving to her next phase Sera placed the meaty cock between her breasts. Her senstive orbs could fee the woman's cock swell but Sera wasn't ready for a face painting just yet and instead continued to deny Jolynn release. "Please please let me cum its to much I want to so badly... please.....just let me cum raahhhh!" Jolynn was yanking and pulling on the sheets trying to hold in the sexual tension building in her. Noting the matriachs struggles Sera smiled with some satisfaction as the futa queen's balls and cock swelled even larger and starting to discolor. Once more Sera teased the matriarch who was now almost berserk with need. "Please let me cum let me cum please... I ll do anything anything...... just let me cum....." Sliding in Sera felt her fold part and even stretch at the swollen penis entered her. Almost imiditatly Jolynn tried thrusting with her hips but Sera held her down slightly. Her breast heaved as she tried to fuck Sera.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Seeing the guards starting to come for her before Jolynn stopped them actually made Sera mentally start preparing her powers for a moment before Jolynn stopped them, at which point Sera eased off with them. After that she inwardly smiled at their smiles at what she was doing with Jolynn, wondering just what they were thinking about the whole thing, or if they weren't allowed to think about this sort of stuff.


"Shh shh, it's not going to explode love, and I don't mind you having sex with anyone honestly, I'm quite open about sex actually. I merely dislike cruelty, and honestly I dislike slavery as well, but it is a part of your culture and I am accepting of other cultures. But I understand the need sometimes to be harsh, because I'm not a pacifist," Sera told Jolynn as she worked her and soothed her after stopping her ministrations the first time, though she wasn't entirely sure if Jolynn heard her or not and merely giggled and continued, figuring she could talk afterwards.

"I told you love, you'll be just fine, bear with it and I promise that it'll feel much better," Sera cooed to Jolynn when she grunted in frustration about being denied.

After starting to ride Jolynn's massive prick, Sera went until they were both about to explode, stroking herself to get there quicker as she rode Jolynn, where just as Jolynn's sweet release began coming, Sera would lift off and lay down beside her, stroking Jolynn to completion along with herself at the same time, drenching the bed and likely both of them quite a bit as well in the process. She'd stroke Jolynn a little rough at first to bring forth her orgasm the rest of the way, but would slow down and be more gentle when she began spurting her seed out, and wouldn't try to stop her again this time around, letting nature take its course as she emptied her testes.

"Shh shh, there you go dear, let it all out. There you go," Sera would coo and whisper in Jolynn's ear when her orgasm finally washed over her as she stroked her rod, coaxing it all out until she was done at which point she'd lean in and kiss Jolynn on the lips. "Feel better now love?" Sera asked when Jolynn was finally through spurting her seed and had recovered for a couple of minutes.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Jolynn held Sera tight as her swollen cock spurt again and again. Even after the inital erruption of spunk Jolynn cock twitched and spasmed. She was breathing heavy as she lay next to her. "Ive never.. benn denied that long in my life....." snuggling close Jolynn rested in Sera's arms a stray hand going to her belly. "You will be glad to know your seed took root very well. No doubt that our children will be strong and healthy."
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"I'll bet you haven't... and I'm glad to hear that my sweet. Thank you for telling me," Sera told Jolynn as they lay there and recovered from the fun, with Sera gently caressing Jolynn's belly along with her.

"So now that you aren't so... distracted or anything. What was that all about before in the great hall?" Sera asked curiously as they lay there, wondering when Mary had gotten there and all. "And were you serious about undoing what you've done to Mary's and Crissa's older sister Amber? Or were you merely trying to get her hopes up so she'd hurry along with the culprit? Which I'm fairly sure was her," she added, now wondering if Jolynn would be truthful with her or not.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Jolynn frowned teh moment ruined by such dark thoughts. "I truely think Mary is honest and loyal to me after all we grew up together before our stations... drew us apart. Her sister Amber was the head of her house before the first inccident. Her guilt was undenaible." Jolynn lay a little longer in silence. "I am honest about freeing Amber though she will never be the same.. Im not even sure Mary wants her back I know she used to be devoted to her sisters some roumors say even intimatly...." Jolynn looked over at Sera and kissed her. "I do hope she still cares enough that she will find out who did this... though you may be right and my feelings are blinding me."
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Hmm... what did her sister do to cause your wrath to fall upon her like that? It must have been truly bad to cause you to do that to her. I'd have to say if it wasn't her directly or indirectly, then she knows something at least most likely. I'm not trying to point fingers or anything, but you know what I mean I think," Sera said as she lay there, pondering the situation at hand and wondering what Mary's angle was in the matter.

"But you would know her better than I could possibly know her Jolynn. Does your heart tell you that you can trust her? Have any of your other vassals been like her in the past? You know my view on some things, so I won't bore you with saying it again. But I don't think it's a weakness to show compassion and mercy myself to be honest, sometimes it can even be a greater asset than one might think," Sera said after Jolynn kissed her. "You could of course simply ask her directly if she had anything to do with it," Sera added before leaning in and giving Jolynn another kiss.

"Anyway though that's not why I came to see you. My main reason for wanting to see you was because I needed to ask you something about the tower on the outskirts of town. I was exploring the town a couple of days ago and found my way there and saw all of the statues. And I also read some things about it in the library as well and was just curious about it is all. Mostly because I saw a statue of an angel in the courtyard of the place and have been wracking my brain trying to place who it was," Sera went on to say after the next kiss, wondering if Jolynn knew anything about it or if she'd tell her if she did know.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Jolynn lay quite a moment before speaking. "Her sister tried to use one of my daughters to gain entrace to the royal court. She told them lies about me and tried to posion their minds against me. Only one seemed to fall for it.. I had to have her exiled from the palace. It broke my heart to do such but... she would have tainted others." Jolynn looked away "Besides her current attire is of her own choosing I just removed the inhibitions and besides forcing her to serve me and her processing everthing else is her doing."

When Sera mentioned the tower Jolynn got very still. "Urma...." There was a particular tone of slight anger but mostly dissapoinment. After another moment she spoke again. "Its a dangerous place Sera love. Please don't go there. My Great Grandmother tried to expunge the evil their but she failed. Its a haunted ruin best left to the sand of time."
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Hmm, what was your daughter's name that you banished from the palace Jolynn? And how do you know she would have... tainted the others as you put it?" Sera asked curiously, wondering if it was Urma that she was talking about. Back about the tower though, Sera gave her a curious look. "I'm curious about the statue of the angel that's there though, if it's one of my kin I kind of need to find out who it was, or is rather if it'd be possible to heal her, because she seemed to have been turned to stone, just from the position she's in," Sera then said, wondering what Jolynn had to say about her.

"I won't go to the tower though so long as I can help it, but if the need arises I shall head that way," Sera said to Jolynn to calm her down so she didn't worry about her going to the tower.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"I don't know much about the statues beside my great grandmother. Other than that I don't go near that place something.. is off about it. My one trip was more than enough for me to leave that place for good. The statues could probably be cured but I do not have the expertice to do such. Though... Sera if you do find a way be sure its only your kin you free. This city could not sustain a civil war." With that Jolynn got up a little wobbly and cleaned up. "I should get back to court I do have other buisness to attened to Sera...." Leaning down Jolynn kissed Sera on the cheek before heading out.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"I understand, and believe me I would make absolutely sure before I even attempted to revive her, but all the same I must find out, my honor demands it of me. I hope you understand that and can help me at the very least to try and find out who she is, for I don't wish to have to summon anyone to attempt finding out because that would just stir up trouble I think," Sera replied, leaning up a bit to return Jolynn's kiss with one of her own. "Just try and not be too harsh with anyone alright, and if possible might you know of someone who has studied the tower any or at least the statues around it?" she added with an affectionate caress of Jolynn's cheek.

Once Jolynn was gone, Sera would get up, clean herself up a bit or as much as she could anyway before heading back to her bedroom where hopefully June and Ivy would have returned and Crissa had woken from her slumber, and also hopefully with some knowledge given to her by Jolynn about where she could research the statues and the tower in greater detail. However if Jolynn gave her nothing in the way of knowledge on that, then Sera would head back to her room to wash up better after checking to see if Crissa was still asleep or not, and then heading to the library to talk to the palace librarian to see if she could direct her to anything about it. If Crissa was still awake then she'd ask her to join her in the bath so she could talk to her while she was there, but she wouldn't have her come with her to the library.