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Just 'bold things(Rota/Aust and Tory/R9k)


Lord of the Tap Dance \oO.Oo/ (And Reputation Mana
Staff member
Nov 24, 2008
Reputation score
Kobolds: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5 where 1 is rarely and 5 is often)
Other "monstrous" humanoids: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5 where 1 is rarely and 5 is often)
Humanoids: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5 where 1 is rarely and 5 is often)
Male/Female: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Female/Female: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Pregnancy: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Birthing: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Non Consentual Sex: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
BDSM: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Slavery: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Corruption: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Body Alteration (breast expansion, gender swap, small mutations, etc.): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Monsters (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Beasts (Animals and Animal-like creatures, including anthros): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Roughness: (How gentle are the monsters when you lose?): (1-5, five being very rough, 1 being very gentle.)
Additional Category? _______________?
Difficulty: easy/normal/hard
Dominant humanoid species(may not apply globally):
Speciesism towards kobolds:
Speciesism towards other humanoids:
Tech level of kobolds(use as a reference):
Tech level of the dominant species if not kobolds:
Magic level(similar scale as tech level or just describe it generally):

Level 0 Trait: Axe
Description (Clothes, looks, etc. This can be an image or a short bit of text, either is fine.):Kobold Rota Stands at average kobold height of just over 4 feet tall.

Attitude/Bio:Rota was a kobold.(The furry kind, not the scaly kind). Not that difficult to understand. But she was not content with her life among her people. Besides serving in the tribes militia, her life was fairly dull and uninteresting. It wouldn't be long before she'd get hitched and have to start bearing litters of pups. She decided that before she settled down, she decided to head out into the wider world and make something of herself. Prove that kobolds could be skilled adventurers and warriors.

Extra Notes (Have something you want me to know? Include it here.): Sorta going for the idea of a monster/monster girl trying to be more then what her race is known for. Trying not to be just another nameless beast. Even if everyone else is bigger or stronger then her.

Name: Tory
Age: 21
Level 0 Trait: Bow
Description: Tory Is a bit short for a kobold, at 3'10

Attitude/Bio: Tory is Rota's younger sister. The younger of the two kobolds was always worshiping her elder sister to some extent, and like her elder sister, served some time in the tribes militia. While she was a bit more okay with living among her own people, when Rota left, Tory was right behind. Leaving the village to join her sister in making a name for themselves, and prove they could be the best!

Extra Notes: Tied to Aust's character. FEAR MINIKOBOLDS
Re: Just 'bold things(Rota/Aust and Tory/R9k)

(Written in co-operation with Aust)
Kobolds: Y, 2
Other "monstrous" humanoids: Y 5
Humanoids: Y 4
Male/Female: Y 5
Female/Female: Y 5
Pregnancy: Y 4
Birthing: Y 3
Non Consentual Sex: Y 4
Slavery: Y 4
Corruption: Y 4
Body Alteration (breast expansion, gender swap, small mutations, etc.): Y 3
Monsters (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): Y 4
Beasts (Animals and Animal-like creatures, including anthros): Y 5
Roughness: (How gentle are the monsters when you lose?): 3
Additional Category? _______________?
Dominant humanoid species(may not apply globally): Humanoid Beastmen (Nekos, Dragonnoids, Lizardpeople, Dogpeople (a.k.a mostly human but with beastial traits))
Speciesism towards kobolds: 4/5
Speciesism towards other humanoids: 2/5
Tech level of kobolds(use as a reference): 3
Tech level of the dominant species if not kobolds: 4
Magic level(similar scale as tech level or just describe it generally): Organized institutions for dominant species, individual/hedgemage style for non-dominant species
Re: Just 'bold things(Rota/Aust and Tory/R9k)

The hobgoblins were after them. For reasons Tory well knew, at least three of the two dozen hobgoblins whose camp the kobold duo had found just hours ago were still following them; fortunately, these hobgoblins were not used to thick woods and so Rota and Tory had been steadily gaining more lead, but unfortunately the hobgoblins were either skilled or lucky in following their tracks.. The deciduous trees of this forest were in full leaf by now, so there is plenty of shade even though sunset is still hours away. The crashing and cursing was more distant now, perhaps distant enough to execute some kind of plan...
Re: Just 'bold things(Rota/Aust and Tory/R9k)

"Damn stinking hobgoblins. The hell are they chasing us for? Especially this far out? This isn't their stomping ground and they know it." Rota grumbled as she continued the running retreat from the potential foes. They may not be quite outmatched, but it was 3 to 2 and she didn't favor losing to these things. She heard the stories of what Hobgoblins did to prisoners. "Sis, I got a plan. Get in the trees. But a different one from me. We'll ambush them when they run on by like the oafs they are. Then when they stop to look for us, you shoot one of them and then I'll leap down and hit them with my axe Got it?"
Re: Just 'bold things(Rota/Aust and Tory/R9k)

"Probably are just bored. We are pretty good catches afterall,
but yeah lets do it!"
Looking for a tree with low enough branches as they went, Tory would use what acrobatics and skill she had to try to climb it as fast as possible, to get out of sight in the canopy before the hobgoblins could actually catch up.
Re: Just 'bold things(Rota/Aust and Tory/R9k)

A mere minute after Tory and Rota get into position, the three hobgoblins appear in a line. Two of them carry spears while the last one has a bow. Their yellow skin is practically unmarred and they're clad in light leathers, both sure signs of low rank. At least none of the important hobgoblins had thought them worth chasing... The first of the three holds up a hand and the others stop in their tracks while he gets closer, carefully looking around. Fortunately he doesn't look up and he doesn't appear to spot where they climbed up, either.
Re: Just 'bold things(Rota/Aust and Tory/R9k)

Seeing the group stop, Rota looked over the situation. Three of them, none of them looking very important or even high ranks. Grunts most likely. And they hadn't seen the two of them climb into the trees and that gave them the perfect position. She would signal to her sister, telling her to open fire at one of the spearmen. Whichever she attack, Rota would leap out of the trees and strike afterwards. She would only jump down and attack onc eher sister did, ensuring this ambush went off without a hitch.
Re: Just 'bold things(Rota/Aust and Tory/R9k)

Following her older sisters direction, Tory would let loose her arrow toward one of the spearmen, picking the one that was closest to Rota's position to make her leap easier.
Re: Just 'bold things(Rota/Aust and Tory/R9k)

T 21 vs 8 R 3 vs 2
H1 14 vs 16 H2 18 vs 19 H3 7 vs 19
T 21 vs 12 R 13 vs 19
H1 19 vs 6 H2 8 vs 3 H3 20 vs 16
T 16 vs 7 R 8 vs 2
H2 8 vs 18 H3 3 vs 16
Tory: 5/5 Rota 2/5
Hobgoblins: 1 down, 1 wounded
Shooting down at an awkward angle, Tory's arrow grazes the back of the unfortunate hobgoblin seconds before Rota drops in, shoving the hobgoblin on the ground before stumbling. The hobgoblins are slow to react, and Tory shoots another through the leg of the now laying goblinoid. He manages to swing at Rota with the butt of his spear before a third arrow finishes him off. Rota, meanwhile, is fighting off the other hobgoblin in melee while trying to dodge arrows, nearly catching one on her arm.
Re: Just 'bold things(Rota/Aust and Tory/R9k)

Rota smirked. She and her sister had the advantage and their stupid foes were on the backstep "Keep up the attack sis! We have the bastards on the ropes! And try to watch where you're shooting! That one almost hit me. Next one might not miss!"Weapon in hand, the elder kobold went on the offensive now, launching herself at her wounded foe.