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Just like her father

Re: Just like her father

Meredith continues to flick through the channels, until she hears a broadcast.

Girl on the radio: "-haven at Apple Inn, hurry and get to Apple Inn, and bring weapons. This message repeats, There has been some kind of monster invasion, there is a safe haven at Apple Inn, hurry and get to apple inn, and bring weapons."

Stacy complains


"But that's so far away! If there are monsters around, we'll never make it!"
Re: Just like her father


"We don't seem to have much of a choice."

Meredith begins trying to drive quickly over to Apple Inn.
Re: Just like her father

Meredith tries the ignition over and over again, but the car refuses to start.


"Uh... I think it's totaled, Meredith..."
Re: Just like her father

Just as she began to look cool in front of her friend, the car ruined it! Angrily she looks for any belongings that she may have left in the car especially something that could substitute for a weapon for her friend before urging Stacy to come and walk with her. She attempts to hold her friend's hand in order to soothe both of them. In the other hand she holds a knife while they jog on the sidewalk out of habit in the direction of the inn.
Re: Just like her father

There was nothing in the car for Stacy to use.

As they walked along the sidewalk, they noticed everything in the city had no power, every light was off, except for the Apple Inn building, as an errie wind of silence blows across Meredith's face...

Stacy began to squeeze the hand Meredith was holding, then spoke to her in a frightened tone.


"Meredith, I'm scared, what if something attacks us?"
Re: Just like her father

Meredith squeezes Stephie's hand and gives her a reassuring look and as a jest, does a fancy stab in the air. She still felt some guilt but perhaps it was safer this way. She just prayed that they'd get to their destination without interruptions. Who knows what'll happen after a monster finishes with her?
Re: Just like her father

They continued for a few more minutes, with only the ring of silence to comfort them.

As Meredith took the lead in front of Stacy, she felt Stacy begin to give Meredith's hand a violent tug.


"M-Meredith! Look!"

Confused, Meredith looked where Stacy had indicated her to, and saw a large creature, who's body looked like that of a brown beetle, and had human legs, as well as tentacles for arms.

It's tentacles seemed to grow longer in length as it took steps towards them.

Stacy's voice was trembling as she spoke to Meredith.


"What are we going to do? I'm scared, Meredith!"
Re: Just like her father

Meredith tried not to shudder as she saw the abomination. (WTF RJ? The funny thing is I can picture this thing in my head) She remembered the feeling of incinerating the previous creature and concentrated while ignoring her friend's crys.


"Watch me Stacy."

((holy fire))
(how far is the inn? :( )
Re: Just like her father

(Still some ways until they get there.)

As Meredith began to try to summon her inner fire, she felt her concentration broken as she felt like she was about to choke to death.

Siezing it's opportunity, the creature's tentacles wrapped around Meredith's knife arm, and her leg as she was dragged closer to the beast...

Stacy called out to her.


"Meredith! No!"
Re: Just like her father

(Choking my arm and leg?)



She screams as the seemingly part-human thing dragged her closer.

a) switch knife to other hand and stab only if it wouldn't take long
If not
b) escape grapple

a) Her inability to move the arm wielding the knife causes her naturally to place the knife in the opposite hand. After which, in a fit of animalistic fear she slices at the tendrils that grasp her.



"Let go!"

Slowly she pulls at the monster's tentacles and attempts to rip her restrained limbs back from them for she wasn't about to broken by this beast. Her rape would be followed by her friend's.
Re: Just like her father

(Meredith attacks)

She quickly switched which hand her blade was in, and began attempting to cut the tendrils.

As she began attempting to swing her blade violently at the creature, it gave violent yank, disrupting her attempts to cut it.

Meredith was dragged all the way to the creature, as it lifted her into the air, more tentacles appeared to grab her free limbs, restraining her completely. Another large, pink tentacle appeared from it's groin area, seeming to be interested in Meredith's exposed pussy.

Stacy watched in fear as Meredith was held in the air, legs spread for the pink tentacle.


"I... I have to do something..."
Re: Just like her father

Meredith drops her knife in the hopes that it would do better in the hands of Stacy. The utter strength of the creature creates a small void of hopelessness in her but she wasn't about to be disgraced, sit back and enjoy getting fucked. She writhed and squirmed with her goal of escaping being her drive.


"I'm not about to get raped by this ugly bastard!"
Re: Just like her father

(Meredith attempts to break free)

She fought with the tentacles, but she couldn't escape from their gasp.

The pink tentacle aimed, and then shot it's way inside Meredith's sex, causing her to scream. Whether it was pleasure, or pain, neither girl knew.

Stacy took some steps back, then began to scream at the top of her lungs.

Stacy began to radiate with light, as the monster suddenly stopped moving, the tentacles that held Meredith, and the tentacle inside her all ceased to move, as Meredith simply fell from the monster's weak grasp, onto the ground.
Re: Just like her father

A single prolonged scream erupts from her mouth when suddenly, the creature goes rigid.



However, Meredith doesn't further question her luck and frustrated, she picks up her knife to stab the creature in the head.


"May all Gods and deities spare you no mercy, you bastard!"
Re: Just like her father

(Meredith attacks)

Meredith ran her knife into the monster, then with a pull downwards, spilled it's guts all over the ground as it fell over, dead.

Stacy stood in shock, then spoke with a trembling voice.


"Meredith... I felt so strange... What happened?"
Re: Just like her father


"I don't know, but it was amazing! Thank you!"

Meredith gives Stacy a warm, hug. She squeezes hard once and lets go.


"Anyhow, let's continue to the inn. I don't feel so safe out here."

(also, did my failed attempt at a holy fire use points?)
Re: Just like her father

(No, she didn't actually send energy out because she lost her concentration.)

Stacy quickly nodded to Meredith.

Realizing that monsters could attack at any minute, the girls quickly proceed to the Inn at a half jog.

On their trip, Meredith began to hear what sounded like a lot of clicking all around her. Another look around revealed more crab monsters, coming out of windows, open doors, alleyways, and rooftops.

There were hoards of them.

Stacy's breathing quickly began to quicken with fear.


"They're everywhere!"
Re: Just like her father

(Do you want me to get caught? D: )



She tries to pull her friend along for they were no match for this many crabs! She pumped her legs off the ground with more effort in every step to try and outrun the crabs.
Re: Just like her father

Adrenaline pumped through Meredith's veins as she ran, holding onto Stacy's hand.

They ran through the streets, and quickly found the entrance to the Inn, with a hoard of bugs on their trail.

Stacy beat on the door desperately.


"Let us in! For the love of God, let us in!"

The door soon quickly swung open, as the two girls ran inside. It was shut behind them.

The women who let them in asked, "Are you two alright? Shit, that was a close one!"
Re: Just like her father

Meredith found herself unable to respond due to heavy breathing. She fell backwards into a sitting position in an attempt to rest and catch her breath before offering her best smile to the woman. While sitting down, she recalls the fact that her bottom half is expose and she tries to cover it with ends of her shirt to keep some of her dignity. Finally, her breathing slows.


"Thank you."

She finds herself unable to formulate a question pertaining to the monsters.


"How safe are we here? Are there other girls?"