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Just Like Home (Demeter;Tassadar)

Re: The Inquisition (Demeter)

Unlike Demeter, Idian was quick to pass out next to Demeter. His arms weakly held her as she laid beside him, using her more for support and comfort rather than to support and comfort her. His tired breathing warmed her chest as he hugged his face just above her breasts. Soundly, he slept snuggled up to her, both of their nude bodies warming each other under the blankets.

Demeter's agitation and lack of ability to fall asleep wouldn't desist before she felt a sudden break of her threads. Something passing through, tugging on it, and breaking ever so easily so as to leave the intruder unaware, while the thread slipped right out of her fingers, and out of her soul's grasp. Not long after the intrusion, what followed was the slight clattering of the cooking pot outside, the intruder in question seeming to have interest in what was prepared earlier that night.
Re: The Inquisition (Demeter)

Demeter tensed as she felt the thread of her magic snap, indicating an intruder within their camp. She slowly shifted, orienting herself so that she could see the entrance to the tent as she waited for the intruder to do something more. The tension remained until she heard the sound of the pot that they had used to cook their meal clattering, at which pint she tensed further until she realized that the sound wasn't getting any closer. Whoever was outside, they had come for the food, rather than to threaten them. But... Could she really afford to just leave it at that? It was eating their food, after all, and it might destroy some of their things if she just left it alone out there.

Demeter silently extricated herself from Idian's arms, moving to a kneeling position beside him. Pausing, the elf stopped for a moment to carefully cover Idian with the blankets, before stealthily moving to the center of the tent, and retrieving her dress. Draping it about her shoulders, Demeter assumed a kneeling position that was ironically similar to the one that she had been in when she had begun her seduction of Idian, only this time her back was to the sleeping young man. Demeter paused as she considered her options, admittedly not many in this particular situation, before she came up with something that she'd wanted to try for a long time, but never had the chance until now.

Closing her eyes, Demeter concentrated, weaving threads of her energy into a tight line that slowly extended its way out of the tent, and began to form a knot outside of the tent. Concentrating, she began to force more of her energy into it, and felt it expand outwards... But then stopped, knowing that more power was not how to perform this particular task. Instead, she began to shape what power she had already put into the spell, working carefully as whoever was outside fiddled with their cooking pot, until....

An image of what was outside appeared to Demeter as if through her own eyes. The image was dark, but a careful sculpting of the spell allowed her to see through it by nothing more than the light of the moon and the stars, as a cat might. It also lacked depth perception, but she could work on that later, as she located the intruder into their camp and focused on it.
Re: The Inquisition (Demeter)

Her weaving coming to be outside of the tent, a small, but highly concentrated, and intricate spell was formed to act as Demeter's 'eye,' and give her sight to the invader in question. When the visions came through to her, and her weaving was complete, Demeter saw a familiar scaled mamono standing over the pot Idian had used, with her upper half hanging down inside of it, making strange licking noises as she hungrily went after the remains of Idian's sweets.

Lifting back, the Sahuagin gave a start as Demeter would notice that the fish had become stuck. Squirming frantically, the wooden support Idian had used toppled over as she began pulling back, the pot stuck on her upper half as her fins curled up to try and push it off, with slight success as she began to roll around the ground, only managing to push it off, sending it rolling some ways along the ground, clanking against a tree, after she'd spent a fair amount time comically trapped inside of it.

Once free, the Sahuagin looked to the tent, and slowly began to crawl towards it on all fours, her golden eyes shining in the moonlight, as if to signal her interest...
Re: The Inquisition (Demeter)

Demeter's eyes would have narrowed to a glare as she recognized the Sahuagin that Idian had met in the swamp, had she been seeing through them. As it was, her brow furrowed above her closed eyes, her fingers held against her temples as she looked out through her magic's eye. Demeter retained her concentration through the scaly girl's antics, only offering a slight wince at the louder of the noises that she made. The intruder hadn't done anything other than make a mess of their camp and clean up their leftovers, and Demeter wasn't willing to harm her for that. Idian had been friendly to the little creature, but as much as she might want to try and be as kind as Idian had been, Demeter had seen a few too many times the results of letting ones guard down to one of the creatures of her swampy home. "Former home;" she reminded herself, a scowl forming in full as she remembered the sight of her home burning to the ground.

She was shaken from her memories by the sight of the Sahuagin turning in the direction of the tent and starting to move toward it. Quickly releasing her spell, Demeter opened her own eyes once more, and quickly shot a glance toward Idian. He was out cold, and likely to remain that way until morning, if the exhaustion that had claimed him was as severe as it had seemed. That meant that she had to handle this on her own. Sighing, Demeter quickly wrapped her robes tighter around herself, and reached forward to open the flap of the tent with her right hand.

The sight of the Sahuagin's golden eyes drawing closer was the first thing that Demeter noticed, but she couldn't see anything else. She reached for her magic on a nearly instinctive level at that sight, but quickly reigned herself in before she sent the mamono hurtling away as she had the magi earlier that day. Holding up her left hand, an orb of golden light appeared there, allowing her to see the intruder, and a heartbeat after its appearance Demeter simply said; "Stop."
Re: The Inquisition (Demeter)

Exposed by the light, and caught within Demeter's sights, the sahuagin did stop completely in her tracks, even falling over to her side much like a dog playing dead. After thudding against the ground, the sahuagin laid completely still, as if she'd had practice in pretending to be dead. However, to someone who could see magical threads of one's soul, it was all too clear that she was fine, and just pretending. And rather than seeing a soul that had it's intentions shaped in that of a hostile manner, Demeter could clearly see that this sahuagin's soul was actually tame, albeit a bit interested in the tent itself as Demeter could see from it's threads, like a ball of tentacles, reaching subconsciously towards the inside of the tent.
Re: The Inquisition (Demeter)

Demeter let out a sigh, some of her tension draining from her, as she watched the Sahuagin fall on her side. A quick glance through her more than natural sense revealed the ruse, however, and also indicated that the girl at least didn't seem to have hostile intentions toward the two of them. Leaning forward so that she wouldn't have to hold the tent any more, Demeter let it fall only to quickly move her hand to her robes, keeping them from falling open and revealing her nudity.

That brought about another sigh, followed by the elven witch saying, in a voice that at least made a passable attempt at being friendly; "I know you're faking it. And I know why you're here. You may join us, if you like... There's an extra bed in here, and plenty of room besides that. But, if you will be sharing our shelter.... There is something that you must know, and accept. I know that you can understand me, and I've suspected that your kind are not as heartless as some claim you to be.... But." Demeter paused, and waited until the Sahuagin had moved to a more normal position. She looked into those golden eyes steadily, and the light in her hand suddenly shifted in color, first turning white and then blue as it began to radiate heat, enough so that even the Sahuagin could feel it. When she spoke again, Demeter's voice was not welcoming or friendly, as he previous tone had been.

Instead, her words came from her lips in a low, throaty growl; "He is mine." The light suddenly winked out in her palm, but her own eyes glowed slightly, a side effect of her weaving. She stared out at the Sahuagin's golden eyes, the only part of the mamono that Demeter could see, and gave her words a moment to sink in before moving back and igniting another soft golden light, holding the tent flap open if the other girl was going to enter, and pointing her toward the bed that had originally been meant for Demeter on the opposite side of the tent. Regardless of the Sahuagin's choice, Demeter moved back to Idian and curled against his side once all was said and done.

Her weaving had taken some of her energy, but Demeter calmly retook the reins of her guardian spell as she settled down, even going so far as to replace the threads that their intruder had broken (and add a few between herself and the girl if she was present,) her eyes remaining on the Sahuagin if she was present and one the tent flap if she had fled. Eventually, if nothing else came to pass, Demeter's consciousness would begin to fade once more.
Re: He Is Mine (Demeter)

The sahuagin sat up straight when Demeter announced that she was faking, and stared at her unmovingly as she spoke. The aquatic creature gave no response to Demeter at her words, or her threatening announcement, even following Demeter right into the tent without hesitation as she entered it. The sahuagin turned, and stared at Idian the moment she saw him. While as a female creature, there wasn't a bulge to announce her excitement, the red flush on her cheeks and stare was more than enough to make the same announcement. With Demeter crawling up next to Idian, the sahuagin's stance shifted, watching her join with who she claimed ownership over, before flopping over on her side over the other bed prepared, staring at the pair.

Though, it wasn't much long after the sahuagin seemed settled that Demeter eventually found rest...


Chapter 2: He Is Mine

The next morning, the sun's rays shined in through the flaps of the tent, and graced over Demeter's eye as she lay nude under the covers. Her partner lay completely concealed by the blanket, his head pressed against her chest, where he seemed to take a fancy to staying. His warm breath went in warm waves along her breast, as Demeter would find her nipple already erect from the slight stimulation. As Demeter roused, so did the lips that were ever so close to her chest. With a sudden sensation, albeit familiar, Demeter felt her nipple being nursed on by the lover she shared the covers with, sucked on, while a hungry tongue flicked along the nipple to attempt to provoke the impossible event of lactation.

Peeking his head in through the flaps, Idian smiled at the pair under the covers, "Wakey wakey!" he announced, "Breakfast is ready! You two look really comfortable, but it's time to rise and shine!" he told them, as if a mother to them, just as Demeter would find the one her arms were wrapped around with was, perhaps disturbingly, the sahuagin herself, who had apparently snuck into bed.

Rising from the covers, the sahuagin drew back from Demeter, the one-piece she'd been wearing somehow missing as she gave Demeter a blank look that Demeter could somehow identify as the sahuagin trying to say, "I did not intend this."
Re: He Is Mine (Demeter)

Murmuring happily and holding her lover in her arms even more tightly as she awakens, Demeter only opens her eyes momentarily, seeing that it was light out, before shutting them again and sighing contentedly. She giggled and shifted slightly as she felt Idian's breath on the tip of her breast, and let out a low gasp when his lips sealed on her nipple. Giving a happy murmur as her excitement began to rise, Demeter thought to herself; 'He must want to have sex with me again! This is so wonderful! I've never been so happy!'

Her thoughts were interrupted by Idian's voice.... From the entrance of the tent, and Demeter's eyes blinked open in surprise. 'but, if he's there, then who?' The sahuagin rose her head, the mamono having lost her clothing somehow in the night, and Demeter stared back at the equally surprise girl mutely for a moment. She glanced down at her own nudity, then at the sahuagin's equally naked body, and then at her face. "Right.... Lets just forget this happened. Completely. Okay?" She said following a long pause, and then climbed out from beneath the girl and retrieved her robe from wherever it had wound up. Quickly getting dressed - fully this time - Demeter headed outside.

As soon as she saw Idian, she approached him and gave him a kiss on the cheek, a smile upon her face, and said; "Good morning! What's for breakfast today?"
Re: He Is Mine (Demeter)

The sahuagin stared back at Demeter during the long pause, before her offer came that both forget about what just happened. Ever silent, the sahuagin only nodded in reply, before digging her one-piece out of the covers, and slipping it on, following Demeter outside to the smell of Idian cooking breakfast. And there he was, sitting on his heels like a housewife, tending to the pan in front of him, which sizzled above the fire that heated it. In the pan, it appeared some meat was being cooked.

"Good morning you two!" Idian greeted Demeter and the sahuagin with a smile after he was kissed. "I just so happen to be making some jerky seasoned with some spices and herbs I found nearby. This should provide plenty of perk for us to have a lot of energy to make the journey... Or at least I hope so, since I haven't ever woken up in the morning feeling this exhausted before... Like all my energy got sucked out of me..." he said with a fairly relaxed tone, a bit less energetic than he usually is.

The sahuagin approached Idian, and held her fins together, before slowly taking them apart as she seemed to form a strange bubble of liquid, and handed it to Idian.

"For me?" he asked. And the sahuagin nodded twice. He took it without too much question, holding it in his hands carefully, finding it interesting... Before suddenly ingesting it, drinking it up immediately, to which, the sahuagin didn't object. Trembling a bit after drinking whatever that bubble was, Idian suddenly gave an outburst, "WOAH!" he cried, "Talk about pep! Did you use magic for that?" he asked the sahuagin. She nodded, before he laughed, and rubbed her head. "Thanks! I don't know what your name is, but I'll call you Bubbles! Okay?" he chuckled, and the sahuagin nodded her head rapidly, as if she really liked that name for some reason.

Going back to breakfast, Idian prepared plates, and separated the cooked meat onto three separate plates. Picking up two of the plates, he presented them to Demeter and Bubbles respectively. "Here's breakfast!" he announced with cheer.
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Re: He Is Mine (Demeter)

"Oh? That sounds wonderful!" Demeter replied, taking a position next to him. As such, when the sahuagin conjured her bubble and due to Idian turning, the young man didn't see the slightly sour look that crossed her face throughout the exchange. She smiled, however, at the sahuagin, though the expression was in now friendly. A warning, as she had delivered the previous night.

By the time Idian handed her a plate, she was smiling genuinely, and said; "Thank you, Idian!" She sat beside the man, perhaps a little closer than was probably necessary and leaving no room for the sahuagin to do the same. As she ate the food that had been given to her, she turned to the girl, and in a friendly voice said; "I had no idea that your kind were capable of such magics, Bubbles. Can you do anything else?" It was half friendly conversation, and half an attempt to discern more about the sahuagin, though her intentions were at least not entirely in the vein of discovering potential threats. She was honestly curious about the creature, and knowing what she was and was not capable of was simply something that Demeter's swamp hardened paranoia found interesting, in case their journey took them into danger.
Re: He Is Mine (Demeter)

Taking the offered plate, Bubbles stood in place as she watched Demeter take a seat next to Idian in an effort to prevent her from doing the same. Asked what other talents she was capable of, Bubbles stepped forward with her plate, stepped over Demeter, and plopped herself down onto Idian's lap, before raising the plate to her face to eat directly off of it, as her fins weren't fit for performing the task of handling the food, only giving Demeter a silent stare when she was asked the question of her other talents.

"That's no way to eat, Bubbles," Idian scolded Bubbles when she tried to eat like that, before taking a strip of jerky into his hand, and holding it to her mouth, "Here, open wide!" he encouraged her, before she gracefully accepted the food, taking it into her mouth, and chewing on it pleasantly, holding a fin to her cheek, as if displaying her own bliss.

"Are you going to answer Demeter?" he asked her, before the sahuagin turned back to Demeter, and seemed to scratch her fin along her head in thought. Then, she gave a start of realization, before holding her fins to her face, and blowing outwards gently, forming a larger bubble than before, and shoving a rock nearby inside of it, almost twice as large as Demeter's closed fist. The bubble didn't pop from the rock's intrusion, and when Bubbles let it go, the bubble slowly soared upwards into the sky.

"Wow..." Idian said with amazement as he watched the bubble soar into the sky like a balloon. Turning to Demeter with a smile, he chuckled, "Isn't that neat, Demeter?"
Re: He Is Mine (Demeter)

Demeter scowled darkly as Bubbles placed herself on Idian's lap, but kept back her reaction from being any more severe than that. As both of them were focused on each other, neither of them noticed the sour look on her face, and it quickly passed as she ate anyway. She even giggled slightly as Bubbles began to eat off of her plate like an animal, but went silent as Idian began to help her eat using his hands.

At the display of the Sahuagin's magic, Demeter gave a thoughtful look as the rock enclosed in the bubble floated upwards. "Yes, tis very impressive." She agreed, nodding. Her meal was finished quickly enough, and the elf stood up and stretched herself after setting her plate aside. It would have been easy to point out how few practical uses such magic had, but she knew that it would simply sound bitter coming from her lips, and she didn't want to start an argument over something so trivial.

"Daylight's wasting. We ought to pack up and be off soon, Idian. Which direction will we be going anyway? I know you wished to pay your respects, but I don't believe that you said which direction we were supposed to go." She said, placing a hand on her hip and staring at him expectantly. She didn't intend to let him do all of the work in packing up their camp this time, and would hear no argument on the subject, but she wanted to make sure that the two of them were on the same page.
Re: He Is Mine (Demeter)

Idian nodded, and went to collect the wooden plates everyone used, bundling them back into his travel pack, explaining his intentions to Demeter as he did so. "It's actually back the way I came, so it's a lot easier to understand if you were me," he chuckled as he took a cloth, and weaved slightly to make it wet and hot, threads of red and blue mixing into the cloth, before he began to scrub the plates quickly. "It's a bit out of the way, we have to take a path to the north to get there, while my home town is much further to the northwest. It's a place where the Order isn't very welcome, most of the townsfolk don't treat them well. I got the worst of it, since I was looking for the countess. But now, even dressed as a member of the Order, everyone is kind to me because they know me." He let out a sigh as he packed his pot into the bag after cleaning it. "I can understand why now, if some members are actually killing innocent people like the countess..."

With Demeter helping him, Idian rose a hand of complaint, before he was met with her stern look. Averting her gaze, he scratched the back of his head shyly as he let her do as she pleased. "I've been berated by others for not being able to focus on one thing, and take longer than expected to get to places, so I hope you'll forgive me, Demeter." he told her. "What would have been a two day journey turned into something like a week for me, because I stopped at a lot of places... Though now that I think about it..." he began to add nervously, "... There might be several other places I want to visit before we reach my hometown... I made a lot of promises."

When Idian said that, Bubbles seemed to catch onto what that would likely mean, and perhaps Demeter as well. With Idian's cute, boyish appearance, his innocent charm likely appealed many rivals along his journey. But this did not seem to deter Bubbles, as she stood next to him like a royal guard, planting the butt of her weapon into the ground as he giggled at her, rubbing her head, "You seem excited," he said, hefting all of the travel gear onto his back, insisting he carry it all, including Demeter's share, ready to be more forceful regarding this matter, even willing to engage in a tug-o-war with her if she insisted. He wasn't about to let either of the girls carry the heavy load.
Re: He Is Mine (Demeter)

"Really? I can't imagine why, many whom I have met would have been all too happy to have one who would slay the more dangerous mamono who live around them." Demeter said thoughtfully, no hints as to her own thoughts on the matter detectable within her voice.

"Oh, don't worry about a thing Idian. You take as long as you need, it's not like I've got anything better to do with my time. My home was burned to the ground, and you are the only person I've shared more than a few sentences with in more than twenty years." She returned offhandedly, but the last statement startled her slightly as she said it. The picture that her words painted of her was not a particularly flattering one, she realized, and went silent, allowing him to carry their supplies without complaint. He had let her help pack, and before they left she made sure to remove the magics she had placed over their camp.

She had caught onto his meaning, and she wore a frown at the thought of it, but she knew that she would have to deal with it when she had to. And keep her eyes on Idian very closely, of course.
Re: He Is Mine (Demeter)

Idian looked to Demeter when she said that, and offered a smile, "It must have been hard, living in that swamp, but for twenty years? That's an awful long time, at least for a human," he commented as he adjusted the gear on his back, before nodding to Demeter, ready to go. "If you don't mind me asking, Demeter..." he began, but trailed off as he seemed to flush a bit, "... Are you happy you met me?" he asked her with a serious tone. "A lot of bad things happened ever since I showed up, I know this all must have been very hard on you... Even if you tell me you wish you and I never met, I'll still do my best to help you find a new home, and clear your name with the Order." he swore, though his tone seemed to change, as if he was bracing for her to tell him just that.

After Demeter's answer, and their travels commenced, it would be several hours later, that Demeter suddenly felt Bubbles tugging on the sleeve of her robe. Demanding her attention, Bubbles suddenly ran over to a bush, her fins flopping on the road, before she reached into the bush, and took out a red rose, and approached Demeter with it. It seemed Bubbles was offering it to her, but with little reason as to why. When Idian took notice, as the two were falling behind, Bubbles made various gestures at Idian, which he watched with interest.

"Peace... Offering?" he said aloud. "I didn't know Bubbles knew sign language, but I guess I don't understand, because that makes no sense. Why would Bubbles give you a peace offering, Demeter?" he asked her.
Re: He Is Mine (Demeter)

Demeter shrugged at Idian's suggestion that her life had been hard. Could she really say one way or the other? Truth be told, she didn't really have much life experience to go on, so it wasn't like she had a lot to compare to. Elves lived long lives compared to humans, and she hadn't changed physically in the time she had spent in the swamp, save perhaps a reduction in her weight. Going from her cushy lifestyle at her mother's village to a life in the woods, fending for herself had stripped a few pounds from her, and left her lean and muscular. She almost missed Idian's question as she reminisced on how she had changed, and turned to gaze at him sharply, not answering immediately.

Had she been happy since she had met Idian? Reflexively she wanted to answer yes, but she fought down that urge and truly thought about it. What Idian said wasn't entirely false. His coming had brought a great deal of hardship and loss to her. Her home had been burned to the ground, and all of her earthly possessions save for the staff in her hand and the clothes on her back had burned with it. Because of him, she was more than a blip on the Order's radar, and not for the last time a part of her regretted not killing those men, while another part shivered in revulsion at herself for even considering it. But, that was only a part of it all, wasn't it? Idian had brought a great deal of conflict into her life, to be sure, but he had also brought.... Something else. She thought back to the first time she had met him, when he had spoken to her as he would to anyone else, while everyone else in that village had barely tolerated her presence. She skipped forward, to remember later that night....

"Yes, Idian. I am very happy to have met you." Demeter said, and then smiled. "It's not really your fault that my house was destroyed. In fact, if I hadn't met you in the village earlier that day, I could have been inside of it when those men set it in fire. Besides, they were just things in that house. Material possessions can be replaced, but... But you've given me a treasure that can never be replaced, Idian. Something not even fire and death could take away from me." She stopped, a twinkle in her eye as she glanced his way in an attempt to signal to him just what she meant by that. If he didn't get it, she wouldn't be surprised in the slightest. But she wouldn't take offense either. He would figure it out... Eventually.

"Anyway, I promised to help you with the Order, and that's what I'm going to do. We can worry about finding a home after your business with them has been settled." She continued, and then the trio were on their way.

Some time later, Demeter turned to look quizzically at the tiny sahuagin as she tugged on the sleeve of her robes, wondering what she wanted. Her confusion only increased as the girl flopped away, and Demeter tilted her head in surprise as Bubbles brought her a rose. With only a moment's hesitation, Demeter took the flower carefully and examined it, handling it gingerly lest she be pricked by its thorns. "Thank you Bubbles... That's very sweet of you!" She said, though Demeter couldn't help but wonder why she had been given the rose.

That became clear at Idian's explanation, however, and Demeter smiled. Well, she knew that she couldn't let this pass by. As much as she might distrust Bubbles, she knew that that was more paranoia than anything from a genuine threat that the girl had offered, and Demeter took a step toward the Sahuagin, and leaned down to kiss her on the forehead. "Oh, it was nothing. Just something that she and I disagreed over last night while you were asleep. If it means peace between us, I suppose that I can agree to share.... A little." She said, and then winked to the fish girl. Then, turning to Idian, she said; "I didn't know she could use sign language either. Do you think you could teach me a little when we stop to rest?"
Re: He Is Mine (Demeter)

Idian nodded at Demeter without hesitation, "Of course! It's a very handy things to know in tight spots," he told Demeter with a smile. And not long after Bubbles was finished giving her gift to Demeter, she approached Idian from behind, and tugged on the back of his shirt, causing him to turn about, and look down at her curiously, "What is it, Bubbles?" he inquired, before she began to make motions with her hands at him, causing him to look back at all of the travel equipment on his back. "It's okay, Bubbles, I can carry it," he replied, but she shook her head, raising her arms up at him. Idian let out a sigh, considering what she wanted for a moment, before nodding, "Alright, but if it doesn't work, no more of this, okay?"

With that, he set his equipment down, and stepped back to let Bubbles perform something. Taking a deep breath, Bubbles expanded her chest, before she began to form one of the largest bubbles she ever yet had created. Pushing against all the travel gear, the bubble slowly consumed the entirety of Idian's gear, until all of their food, and camping equipment was inside a shiny, gleaming bubble. And once it was inside the bubble, it slowly lifted off of the ground, and caused Idian to go into a panic as it was about to sail away. But before he could do anything, Bubbles jumped on the gear, and brought the bubble back down, causing it to bounce off of the ground.

Staring at Bubbles on top of the bubble, she watched her slowly travel with the gear under her, bouncing along the path. "W-wait, Bubbles! You might get lost!" he shouted, jogging after Bubbles until he caught up with her as she bucked her legs on the bubble each time it flattened out on the ground, in order to push it back up into the air, and float over the path. When it landed, she bucked again, and floated through the air. Not going fast, Idian was able to walk along side her, watching Bubbles travel using such a strange method.

"I never would have thought of that... Thanks Bubbles!" he praised her. Later, Bubbles needed to consume a large amount of water. Thankfully, there was a river nearby.


The sun had set, and the night sky had befallen the trio of travelers before they would arrive at their destination. It seemed more like a keep than a town, surrounded by high walls and resting on the top of a hill. It was a place that seemed built to thwart invaders, and was quite an intimidating sight, one which did not seem to bother Idian in the slightest as he approached the path that led up to the gates of the town. "This is the town where I met the Countess," Idian announced to his companions. As they winded up the rest of the path, they passed under a bridge connected to the walls overhead, leading straight to a rather menacing looking castle that almost screamed 'there's something evil in there.'

The gates, when they reached them, were closed. A pair of guards, one man, and one woman, were talking with each other, laughing slightly, before they turned their attention to the three approaching them. Going from a laid back attitude to all business in the blink of an eye. "Halt!" the man ordered the three. "What business brings you to the castle town of Temran in the middle of the night?" he questioned them.

Idian stepped forward with a nod, "It's me, Idian. I came to mourn for the death of the countess," he said flatly. And at his words, the guards both shared a look with each other, before the guard turned around and knocked his spear against the wall, causing the gates to slowly part.

"Right, well," the guard cleared his throat, "Your permitted inside the castle, as always, master Idian. You should head there next thing, as you're in for a surprise." the guard chuckled, along with his female cohort. Idian only cocked his head to the side in confusion.

"Thanks..." Idian said with an equally confused tone of voice, before heading inside with Bubbles bouncing on her bubble behind him, drawing stares wherever she went. At some point, Idian decided that Bubble's method of travel was too attention grabbing, and took the gear back onto his back, promptly after trying to figure out how to pop Bubble's surprisingly durable bubble. Although it wasn't Bubbles herself that was suspicious, it was merely the bubble itself, as Demeter would note as she walked through the town. Many were dressed like her, wearing various clothing that concealed various parts of their bodies. It became clear that there were many monsters in this town, when Demeter passed by a youthful looking girl with a big hat that covered her eyes, wearing long sleeves and a long skirt, with a tiny hint of a black, fuzzy tail sticking out of the back of the skirt as she walked. As well, there were countless signs of monster presence in the town that any observant eye would notice...

Except Idian.

With Idian leading the way, they went straight through the middle of the town, down a single street that cut through the middle of the town, and to another set of gates guarded by more guards, but the pair awaiting them there wore far more superior armor, and their color was of royal red, signifying their importance. Instead of the reaction from the guards before, the guards they approached before the bridge to the castle immediately stood aside, and gave Idian a polite bow, causing Idian to blush and direct his hands at them. "Guys... You don't have to do that..." he said with slight worried irritation, glancing to Demeter as if he was worried it would affect her opinion of him. Standing aside as well, Bubbles bowed to Idian as well, but it was clear her intentions were entirely humorous. "Bubbles..." Idian growled angrily.

The gate opened for them, and Idian let out a sigh as he hurried past the scene of the guards paying him respect. "I'm really sorry about that. Just being a friend of the Countess means they do that all on their own. Please don't think of me as some snobby noble," he asked of Demeter before turning his head to look at the full moon hanging in the night sky. From the bridge, the sight of the moon hanging just above the castle gave the view a dark and romantic aura, more than worthy of a painting of it's beauty. "The countess and I once stood here on this bridge during my stay here," he said aloud. "For some reason, the sight is much more beautiful when you're with someone else, rather than alone..." He let out a sigh, "She'll never get to see something this beautiful again... I'll never forgive the ones who killed her," he announced with vindictive determination.

Passing the long bridge, they reached the beautiful front doors of the castle, which Idian pushed aside with both hands, parting the double doors to make way for his companions. Inside of the castle was literally the polar opposite of Demeter's previous home. Gold lacing was literally almost everywhere. The floor was of sandy white marble tiles. A silver chandelier hung overhead, decorating the room in a bright, glorious light with all of the candles placed on it. A soft, lush red carpet lined the way to the splitting staircase ahead that granted access to the east and west wings of the castle, and there were paintings everywhere along the walls, each depicting the owner of the castle in a quite lewd light.

Approaching the trio, an elderly man in a black butler's suit gave the three a polite bow. "Welcome, master Idian. I expected your return, though you are a bit late, as usual."

Idian shifted slightly after returning the bow to the butler. "Sorry, I'm not very good with direction..." he apologized, before directing the butler's attention to his two companions. "This is Demeter and Bubbles. They're my... friends," he stated, while giving Demeter a glance and a flush, as if uncertain if Demeter was simply a friend.

The butler bowed once more to them, "Greetings, master Demeter and master Bubbles," he welcomed them, with a bit of humor on his tongue as he mentioned Bubbles' name.

"I'm here to pay my respects to the countess," Idian announced to the butler, to which, the butler actually laughed politely. Again, much to Idian's bewilderment.

"Of course, master Idian. Countess Sofia is lying in her chambers in rest," he stated, as if she were merely sleeping instead of dead, but Idian took that as a polite way of saying 'eternal rest'.

(Jesus this is long)

Giving his thanks, Idian led the way to Sofia's chambers, walking up the stairs, and heading to the west wing. Reaching a large spiral tower, Idian, Demeter, and Bubbles walked the many steps leading up to the top of the wide tower, something of an exhausting trip. "At least it's one way for a noble to stay in shape..." Idian commented on the several hundred step climb, although, as they climbed, they noticed from the large gap in the middle of the tower, where one might die if they fell, Bubbles came rising from below, waving at the two of them as she slowly floated upwards. "Hey!" Idian exclaimed, running up the stairs after her, "Make bubbles for us too!" he insisted. With a leap off of her bubble, Bubbles landed in front of them, and did as Idian desired, before all three of them had a chance to relax as they slowly floated up the spiral tower.

Reaching the top, they stepped into the countess' bedroom... A large room with only a large bed, vanity, and wardrobe present, was mostly empty, but held a spectacular view of the moon that they saw looming over the castle. A huge window acted as a wall to behold such a sight, a place so sight, and with such a view, only the richest of nobles could ask for. And the noble in question was laying quietly in her bed, beautiful white hair decorating the pillow underneath her as she lay with her hands folded over her belly, eyes closed. She looked just like someone who had passed away, and was lain to rest.

"Sofia..." Idian whispered her name quietly as he approached the bed, and kneeled at the foot. "I returned..." he told the deceased woman in the bed, tears welling up in his eyes as he overlooked her. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry this had to happen..." Resting his hands on the bed, he lowered his head as his emotions overtook him, and Idian began to cry for her sake. "You were valuable, not only to me, but to all of your people... Someone wonderful like you, who brought happiness to everyone... It's not fair! I'll avenge you... I'll..."

Idian rose his head, and went silent as the woman rose from the bed, and stretched her arms with a yawn.

"... Huh?" he gestured in the greatest degree of bewilderment yet.

"Idian...?" the woman called out, opening her red eyes, before she suddenly grinned widely, her teeth showing amidst her joy as she quickly crawled down the bed, and lunged at Idian, "Idian!" she cried, colliding into a screaming Idian, and falling down to the soft carpet underneath them with her arms wrapped around his neck in a joyous embrace.

"Aaah! Sofia! What the hell!?" he exclaimed in embarrassment and shock, "I thought you had been killed!" he shouted.

Lifting up, and looking down at him with her beautiful face, and rich red eyes, she smiled and said happily,

"I only pretended to die!" she announced as if it were a harmless joke.

Idian gripped her shoulders before he began screaming at her, "I WAS CRYING! THAT ISN'T FUNNY!" he lectured her.

She put her hands on him, and attempted to hold him down, and calm him. "Relax, I did it so the Order would get off my back... But," she giggled, hugging him again, "I'm glad you're back, Idian~" she cooed in a romantic voice.
Re: He Is Mine (Demeter)

Idian nodded at Demeter without hesitation, "Of course! It's a very handy things to know in tight spots," he told Demeter with a smile. And not long after Bubbles was finished giving her gift to Demeter, she approached Idian from behind, and tugged on the back of his shirt, causing him to turn about, and look down at her curiously, "What is it, Bubbles?" he inquired, before she began to make motions with her hands at him, causing him to look back at all of the travel equipment on his back. "It's okay, Bubbles, I can carry it," he replied, but she shook her head, raising her arms up at him. Idian let out a sigh, considering what she wanted for a moment, before nodding, "Alright, but if it doesn't work, no more of this, okay?"

With that, he set his equipment down, and stepped back to let Bubbles perform something. Taking a deep breath, Bubbles expanded her chest, before she began to form one of the largest bubbles she ever yet had created. Pushing against all the travel gear, the bubble slowly consumed the entirety of Idian's gear, until all of their food, and camping equipment was inside a shiny, gleaming bubble. And once it was inside the bubble, it slowly lifted off of the ground, and caused Idian to go into a panic as it was about to sail away. But before he could do anything, Bubbles jumped on the gear, and brought the bubble back down, causing it to bounce off of the ground.

Staring at Bubbles on top of the bubble, she watched her slowly travel with the gear under her, bouncing along the path. "W-wait, Bubbles! You might get lost!" he shouted, jogging after Bubbles until he caught up with her as she bucked her legs on the bubble each time it flattened out on the ground, in order to push it back up into the air, and float over the path. When it landed, she bucked again, and floated through the air. Not going fast, Idian was able to walk along side her, watching Bubbles travel using such a strange method.

"I never would have thought of that... Thanks Bubbles!" he praised her. Later, Bubbles needed to consume a large amount of water. Thankfully, there was a river nearby.


Demeter placed the rose behind her ear after taking a small whiff of it, being careful to not let the thorns on the stem prick into her skin. After that, she only laughed and smiled as Bubbles used her magic to lightened the load, placing it in a bubble and bouncing along on top of it. She joined Idian's chase, but kept a step or two behind.

The sun had set, and the night sky had befallen the trio of travelers before they would arrive at their destination. It seemed more like a keep than a town, surrounded by high walls and resting on the top of a hill. It was a place that seemed built to thwart invaders, and was quite an intimidating sight, one which did not seem to bother Idian in the slightest as he approached the path that led up to the gates of the town. "This is the town where I met the Countess," Idian announced to his companions. As they winded up the rest of the path, they passed under a bridge connected to the walls overhead, leading straight to a rather menacing looking castle that almost screamed 'there's something evil in there.'

The gates, when they reached them, were closed. A pair of guards, one man, and one woman, were talking with each other, laughing slightly, before they turned their attention to the three approaching them. Going from a laid back attitude to all business in the blink of an eye. "Halt!" the man ordered the three. "What business brings you to the castle town of Temran in the middle of the night?" he questioned them.

Idian stepped forward with a nod, "It's me, Idian. I came to mourn for the death of the countess," he said flatly. And at his words, the guards both shared a look with each other, before the guard turned around and knocked his spear against the wall, causing the gates to slowly part.

"Right, well," the guard cleared his throat, "Your permitted inside the castle, as always, master Idian. You should head there next thing, as you're in for a surprise." the guard chuckled, along with his female cohort. Idian only cocked his head to the side in confusion.

"Thanks..." Idian said with an equally confused tone of voice, before heading inside with Bubbles bouncing on her bubble behind him, drawing stares wherever she went. At some point, Idian decided that Bubble's method of travel was too attention grabbing, and took the gear back onto his back, promptly after trying to figure out how to pop Bubble's surprisingly durable bubble. Although it wasn't Bubbles herself that was suspicious, it was merely the bubble itself, as Demeter would note as she walked through the town. Many were dressed like her, wearing various clothing that concealed various parts of their bodies. It became clear that there were many monsters in this town, when Demeter passed by a youthful looking girl with a big hat that covered her eyes, wearing long sleeves and a long skirt, with a tiny hint of a black, fuzzy tail sticking out of the back of the skirt as she walked. As well, there were countless signs of monster presence in the town that any observant eye would notice...

Except Idian.

As soon as she spotted the town and castle ahead, Demeter calmly flipped her hood over her head, and gripped her staff a little tighter. It was an intimidating sight, to be sure, and had she been on her own Demeter would have passed by this place without having ever approached it. She remained silent as they met the guards, though that they had been laughing together before their group approached was not lost on Demeter. Perhaps this place wasn't as miserable as it looked? The guards seemed to know him at least, and they passed by without any trouble, which Demeter was thankful for.

As they passed through the town itself, Demeter noted all of the signs, and quickly figured that this was a place where mamono and humans lived together. Not really that surprising, all things considered, but Idian didn't seem to notice it. Not even when they passed the woman with the dog's tail coming out of her back. Was he really so blind? So naive? She supposed that she ought to forgive him since he was hear to visit the grave of a loved one, so she let the matter pass by without comment.

With Idian leading the way, they went straight through the middle of the town, down a single street that cut through the middle of the town, and to another set of gates guarded by more guards, but the pair awaiting them there wore far more superior armor, and their color was of royal red, signifying their importance. Instead of the reaction from the guards before, the guards they approached before the bridge to the castle immediately stood aside, and gave Idian a polite bow, causing Idian to blush and direct his hands at them. "Guys... You don't have to do that..." he said with slight worried irritation, glancing to Demeter as if he was worried it would affect her opinion of him. Standing aside as well, Bubbles bowed to Idian as well, but it was clear her intentions were entirely humorous. "Bubbles..." Idian growled angrily.

Demeter was mildly surprised by the bowing, but still said nothing. She never met the eyes of the guardsmen, and kept her hood over her head and her staff held out in front of her. She remained utterly silent, but smirked beneath her hood when Bubbles imitated the guards, though she didn't join in.

The gate opened for them, and Idian let out a sigh as he hurried past the scene of the guards paying him respect. "I'm really sorry about that. Just being a friend of the Countess means they do that all on their own. Please don't think of me as some snobby noble," he asked of Demeter before turning his head to look at the full moon hanging in the night sky. From the bridge, the sight of the moon hanging just above the castle gave the view a dark and romantic aura, more than worthy of a painting of it's beauty. "The countess and I once stood here on this bridge during my stay here," he said aloud. "For some reason, the sight is much more beautiful when you're with someone else, rather than alone..." He let out a sigh, "She'll never get to see something this beautiful again... I'll never forgive the ones who killed her," he announced with vindictive determination.

"Don't concern yourself about it, at least not on my account. Believe it or not, I used to get that sort of treatment from time to time myself, a long time ago." Demeter said, thinking back to her childhood. Her mother had been important, and some of the respect others had held for her had passed to Demeter when she'd been growing up... At least until whoever she had been speaking to got to know her. Respect was often the first thing that her teachers and peers had lost in Demeter's presence, and she held onto that bitterness as they passed over the bridge. As Idian mentioned how he had been here with the countess, and how it had been more beautiful in the presence of another, Demeter scowled darkly beneath her hood, and just a hint of her bitterness was present in her voice when she said; "Yes.... You're right."

Passing the long bridge, they reached the beautiful front doors of the castle, which Idian pushed aside with both hands, parting the double doors to make way for his companions. Inside of the castle was literally the polar opposite of Demeter's previous home. Gold lacing was literally almost everywhere. The floor was of sandy white marble tiles. A silver chandelier hung overhead, decorating the room in a bright, glorious light with all of the candles placed on it. A soft, lush red carpet lined the way to the splitting staircase ahead that granted access to the east and west wings of the castle, and there were paintings everywhere along the walls, each depicting the owner of the castle in a quite lewd light.

Approaching the trio, an elderly man in a black butler's suit gave the three a polite bow. "Welcome, master Idian. I expected your return, though you are a bit late, as usual."

Idian shifted slightly after returning the bow to the butler. "Sorry, I'm not very good with direction..." he apologized, before directing the butler's attention to his two companions. "This is Demeter and Bubbles. They're my... friends," he stated, while giving Demeter a glance and a flush, as if uncertain if Demeter was simply a friend.

The butler bowed once more to them, "Greetings, master Demeter and master Bubbles," he welcomed them, with a bit of humor on his tongue as he mentioned Bubbles' name.

"I'm here to pay my respects to the countess," Idian announced to the butler, to which, the butler actually laughed politely. Again, much to Idian's bewilderment.

"Of course, master Idian. Countess Sofia is lying in her chambers in rest," he stated, as if she were merely sleeping instead of dead, but Idian took that as a polite way of saying 'eternal rest'.

(Jesus this is long)

(Yeah, no shit it's long.)

Her bitterness remained as they entered the lavish mansion, richer than anything she had ever remembered seeing before. Her hooded gaze lingered on the paintings along the walls, particularly the ones of the countess. She wondered how old they were, briefly, before her attention returned to the present. When the butler greeted her, she nodded her head and quietly replied; "Greetings." She remained quiet from there, letting Idian do the talking, but she didn't miss the butlers words. Lying in her chambers at rest? Those were not the words one used to speak about a corpse.

That meant that Sophia was still alive.

Giving his thanks, Idian led the way to Sofia's chambers, walking up the stairs, and heading to the west wing. Reaching a large spiral tower, Idian, Demeter, and Bubbles walked the many steps leading up to the top of the wide tower, something of an exhausting trip. "At least it's one way for a noble to stay in shape..." Idian commented on the several hundred step climb, although, as they climbed, they noticed from the large gap in the middle of the tower, where one might die if they fell, Bubbles came rising from below, waving at the two of them as she slowly floated upwards. "Hey!" Idian exclaimed, running up the stairs after her, "Make bubbles for us too!" he insisted. With a leap off of her bubble, Bubbles landed in front of them, and did as Idian desired, before all three of them had a chance to relax as they slowly floated up the spiral tower.

Demeter scowled darkly at the stairs they had to climb, but started up them anyway, following Idian.... Until Bubbles floated by on a bubble. Demeter couldn't help but laugh at that, her dark mood broken as quickly as that, and she took the bubble up to the top, sitting on it cross legged with her staff over her lap, and her hood thrown off her head.

Reaching the top, they stepped into the countess' bedroom... A large room with only a large bed, vanity, and wardrobe present, was mostly empty, but held a spectacular view of the moon that they saw looming over the castle. A huge window acted as a wall to behold such a sight, a place so sight, and with such a view, only the richest of nobles could ask for. And the noble in question was laying quietly in her bed, beautiful white hair decorating the pillow underneath her as she lay with her hands folded over her belly, eyes closed. She looked just like someone who had passed away, and was lain to rest.

"Sofia..." Idian whispered her name quietly as he approached the bed, and kneeled at the foot. "I returned..." he told the deceased woman in the bed, tears welling up in his eyes as he overlooked her. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry this had to happen..." Resting his hands on the bed, he lowered his head as his emotions overtook him, and Idian began to cry for her sake. "You were valuable, not only to me, but to all of your people... Someone wonderful like you, who brought happiness to everyone... It's not fair! I'll avenge you... I'll..."

Idian rose his head, and went silent as the woman rose from the bed, and stretched her arms with a yawn.

"... Huh?" he gestured in the greatest degree of bewilderment yet.

"Idian...?" the woman called out, opening her red eyes, before she suddenly grinned widely, her teeth showing amidst her joy as she quickly crawled down the bed, and lunged at Idian, "Idian!" she cried, colliding into a screaming Idian, and falling down to the soft carpet underneath them with her arms wrapped around his neck in a joyous embrace.

"Aaah! Sofia! What the hell!?" he exclaimed in embarrassment and shock, "I thought you had been killed!" he shouted.

Lifting up, and looking down at him with her beautiful face, and rich red eyes, she smiled and said happily,

"I only pretended to die!" she announced as if it were a harmless joke.

Idian gripped her shoulders before he began screaming at her, "I WAS CRYING! THAT ISN'T FUNNY!" he lectured her.

She put her hands on him, and attempted to hold him down, and calm him. "Relax, I did it so the Order would get off my back... But," she giggled, hugging him again, "I'm glad you're back, Idian~" she cooed in a romantic voice.

Demeter adopted a more neutral expression as they entered the room, not letting on anything as she let Idian approached the bed. Seeing the state of the woman, Demeter was quite sure that the Order wouldn't have left her in such a state, given that she had allegedly been a vampire, and that they had gleefully burned her own home to the ground. More than likely, she would have been burned to dust. That much Idian should have known, but Demeter let him do as he wished.

When the countess rose and yawned, Demeter showed no surprise. Indeed, she remained completely neutral as the woman's fangs were on full display, and that combined with her red eyes was more than enough for Demeter to conclude that she was, indeed, a vampire. The Order had apparently been right. 'Are you really so blind, Idian? Are you truly such a fool?' She thought to herself.

Shaken from her internal dialogue by the sight of the woman literally tackling Idian, and she almost called up her magic to intervene, thinking that she might be attacking. Luckily, this proved to be a false assumption, and Demeter became passive again.... Until she detected the undertones in Sofia's voice.

Demeter cleared her voice loudly, and rested her staff casually against her shoulder as she adopted a patient smile. "You must be Countess Sofia. Idian has told me so much about you~! Tis truly a pleasure to make your acquaintance." She said, staring down at the vampire as she laid on top of Idian with a broad, friendly smile. It would be best to make a good first impression, after all.
Re: He Is Mine (Demeter)

Upon clearing her throat to make herself known, Demeter would catch Sofia's attention right away. Looking up from where she lay on Idian, she stood up, and regained her posture, immediately standing like a noblewoman before Demeter, which inadvertently caused the two of them to size up against each other. With a larger bust, rounder butt, wider curves, and her seductive sexual appeal granted from her nature, Bubbles stood back in awe at how utterly she and Demeter were defeated against this large breasted monster.

As well, Sofia seemed to gauge Demeter up, before smiling at her as if she were looking at a cute, small animal, of no threat to her at all. Taking the skirts of her nightgown, she made a polite, feminine gesture of respect to Demeter. "It's a pleasure to meet you as well, miss...?" she trailed off, now knowing Demeter's name, before Idian kindly stepped up after standing up, and introduced her. With a giggle, Sofia nodded, "Ah yes, Demeter. I'm glad to hear he spoke well of me when not in my presence, but Idian here is so kind natured that it doesn't surprise me," she announced, stepping back to reach for, and hold his hand. To which, Idian didn't object, but it did appear to surprise him a little.

With that, she turned to Idian with a regretful smile, "I'm so sorry I caused you grief, Idian," she apologized as she took both of his hands into her own. "Please let me make it up to you. Stay a while, and let me show you how much I learned from you on how to cook a tasty meal~"

Idian flushed red, and instinctively glanced at Demeter, as if feeling the tension of female territory threatening to crush him flat. "I... I actually have plans..." he stuttered, trying to say no to Sofia's offer.

Sofia cocked her head to the side, her brow furrowing together as her eyes gleamed in the most endearing light, a sight that could easily pierce a man through the heart. "Are you saying... You don't want to spend time with me?" she asked him, thusly backing him into a corner.

Swallowing a lump in his throat, he shook his head, "... I'll stay," he told Sofia with great hesitance, much to Sofia's glee as she clasped her hands together with joy. "Great! Your friends can eat as well~" she added them in off-handedly, before leaning in, and planting a kiss on Idian's cheek, "Your seat's next to mine!" she announced, before elegantly moving towards her wardrobe. "I'm going to change now, shoo!" she shooed Idian off, which he happily did before nodding, heading out towards the stairs, his face red and expression guilty.
Re: He Is Mine (Demeter)

Demeter simply smiled pleasantly to Sofia as the woman seemed to dismiss her. She straightened at the curtsy that the woman offered to her, and released her staff - which floated in place without any need for her to hold it - and bowed at the waist until her hair almost touched the floor. Straightening, she took her staff into her hand again and said; "You must forgive my lack of proper courtly matters, oh countess. It has been a long time since I have had reason to use them, so I may be a tad rusty." From the expression on her face, Demeter was obviously neither impressed nor intimidated by the curvy woman, but such would be plain only to one who knew what to look for. Idian, being as dense as he always seemed to be, likely missed the undertones of Demeter's words and actions.

When Sofia announced that she was changing, Demeter turned and began walking out of the room immediately, not even waiting to be asked, and commandingly said; "Come along Idian." Once the three of them were out of Sofia's chamber, Demeter closed the door behind them, shooting the countess a toothy, knowing smile.

Then, turning to Idian, she said; "Well, it's good that she's alive, surely." Telling him anything that he didn't want to believe would prove to be a fruitless, and possibly damaging conversation, so she had decided right away not to push the issue that the countess was a vampire. Judging by what he had said of her before, Demeter didn't doubt that the woman had given him ample evidence of her nature anyway, so her word wouldn't be taken as much if he had ignored all of the evidence. "We ought to go downstairs. You know where the dining room is, so lead the way."