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Just Like Home (Demeter;Tassadar)

Re: Just Like Home (Demeter;Tassadar)

Conveniently enough, after a few minutes of walking down the street to the exit of the district leading back to the main city, she'd come across Idian apparently struggling with Octavia and Bubbles, who were trying to keep him from going down the street corner that Demeter was coming off of. "Let me GO god damn it!" Idian cursed. Bubbles foamed, and Octavia kept a firm grip on his arm. "It's too dangerous, Idian! She can handle herself, damn it!" Octavia shouted at him, the three of them making such a scene that everyone's attention was on them. Bubbles continued to foam, before she and Idian saw Demeter. Bubbles gave Octavia's leg a slap with her fin in order to direct her attention to the approaching elf.
Re: Just Like Home (Demeter;Tassadar)

Demeter gave a sigh of relief as she stumbled upon her companions, finding all three at once a definite source of relief. Idian was being held back by Bubbles and Octavia as the man apparently struggled to move forward, and Demeter let out a sigh and started toward them. Bubbles noticed her first and slapped Octavia with a fin, but as she drew nearer the elf called out; "Idian! It's fine!" Once she got near enough she embraced the human in a tight hug, and afterwards explained; "I just wanted to keep you out of trouble, the way that it worked out I was never in any real danger."
Re: Just Like Home (Demeter;Tassadar)

Idian gave a smile, and rushed to greet Demeter, locking arms around her in a shared tight hug. Bubbles hugged her leg, squishing her cheek against Demeter's knee. "I didn't think you would actually do anything like that... Are you crazy suddenly or something?" Idian inquired. "I liked it better when you tried to avoid danger like the plague..." Idian said breathlessly.

Octavia chuckled. "If she wanted to totally avoid danger, she wouldn't have gotten a man involved in her life."

Bubbled slapped Octavia's butt.

Octavia yelped. "Bubbles!" she growled.
Re: Just Like Home (Demeter;Tassadar)

"I handled it!" Demeter said defensively, "and without getting into a fight!" Octavia's words and the ensuing antics from Bubbles caused her to glance at the two over Idian's shoulder, but rather than comment on that she asked; "Who even was that demon? Erza... Did you recognize the name or something?"
Re: Just Like Home (Demeter;Tassadar)

"Well good for you!" Idian said, not sounding impressed. Then, he pinched her cheek scoldingly. "Now don't do something like that ever again!" he said, quickly letting her cheek go with a minor tingling of pain from the pinch left behind. Then, he held her a little more closely. "I don't want to lose you, after all..."

Octavia then picked up her head when Demeter asked about Erza. "Erza is a worshiper of Wrath. Does that explain enough?" she declared. "It took a combined effort to get her out of Hell, so she'd cause havoc elsewhere. Because while she was in hell, she was slaughtering other demons indiscriminately... Purely because she got off on it. She hardly changed from when she was a Hero in that regard, though now she's okay with killing angels too. So, in the realm of Hell, it's hard to go around on a boring blue moon night without someone panicking because they thought they saw a Dullahan. Throw in someone else worrying if it's Erza and then you have everyone sweating in fear."

"By the way, where's Koroku?" Idian inquired. "I thought she ran back to you after we found Octavia." He said.

"I didn't see her when I was flying around." Octavia added.
Re: Just Like Home (Demeter;Tassadar)

Demeter adopted a purely vicious scowl when Idian decided to pinch her cheek, and glared at him in an affronted manner without saying a word, her back straight and her arms set at her sides, for the better part of a minute even after he released her flesh. Not a soul had ever done that to her before, not her mother and not her nanny, and it wasn't the sort of touch that she appreciated.

Octavia's answer earned a nod and a shiver, though Demeter couldn't help but wonder why anyone would pay homage to a being of such seemingly senseless destruction as the demon Wrath, supposedly the strongest of the cardinal sins and most definitely the most violent. "So... Good thing I got her to leave this place and us alone then," the elf said, relieved. Hopefully the demon would hold herself to that promise, though Demeter obviously had some doubts about the creature's honor.

When Idian brought attention to the missing weredog, however, Demeter realized that she was gone as well, seemingly surprised. Glancing around but not finding her, Demeter's frown became creased with worry. "She never reached me," Demeter said, "or at least... I never saw her. I don't know where she is."
Re: Just Like Home (Demeter;Tassadar)

Idian looked hardly sorry despite the scowl on her face, which was mirrored by his own. For that better half of a minute, his scowl quite clearly said that if she didn't want any more pinches then she'd have to not make him worry as she did with her seemingly uncharacteristic leap into danger.

Though, all emotions were replaced with worry of varying degrees depending on who, with the exception of Bubbles, who only expressed a true flat expression at all times. Though the worry wouldn't have to last long, as they all heard the bark of a tiny dog coming from the side down the road. The little golden doggie was trotting on her little legs towards Demeter, fluffy tail wagging happily as she jumped up, putting her paws on Demeter's legs and barking a few times more.

Idian smiled. "Well, it's good to see she's okay. Probably got lost somewhere and found her way." Idian said with relief. Meanwhile, Bubbles was backing away from the dog as it slowly began sniffing it's way towards her with seeming interest.
Re: Just Like Home (Demeter;Tassadar)

A glance around revealed the tiny fluffy dog approaching, and she quickly jumped up at Demeter's legs and barked happily, big fluffy tail wagging happily. That was..... Too convenient. Had she just gotten lost? The mere presence of the dog was proving very unusual, and even as she bent down to pet the dog Demeter shifted her senses slightly, looking not into the physical but into what was beyond. She would surely see the threads of Pandora's magic running through the air, but her goal was to examine Koroku's spirit, examining it for oddities.
Re: Just Like Home (Demeter;Tassadar)

Demeter was wise to do what she did. Looking past the flesh and taking a more direct look, through all the threads that made up the air and the aura of magic around her, Koroku would be seen true to her nature, falsely taking the shape of the dog and containing all of her spirit inside the smaller form that was readily obvious to not make a lot of sense for a small, lesser creature such as a dog. Observing the shapeshifting dog, Demeter would spot it. It looked like a collar around Koroku's neck. It did not have a physical presence, and seemed to be wrapped around Koroku's soul itself. The collar had a very tiny 'leash' tied onto it. It was so thin that it was invisible to Demeter until she saw it connected to the collar. The leash seemed to have a lot of give, and was very loose. She wouldn't be wrong to suspect that it went a fair distance.

"What is it, Demeter?" Idian inquired, running his arm around her shoulders. Meanwhile, Koroku jumped up and licked Demeter's face, breaking the concentration on her vision while Idian contributed with his intimate embrace. Contributing further was Bubbles, who tugged at Demeter's skirt before making a gesture at her mouth with one of her fins, indicating hunger.
Re: Just Like Home (Demeter;Tassadar)

What was this? A thread of magic, tied to a color created of energy... A binding spell? Something to ensure the dog's loyalty, or perhaps a simple tether to its owner? Demeter wasn't sure what it was, but before she could find out she was interrupted from all sides. Idian spoke and touched her, the light crackling of his hand against her skin disturbing her concentration somewhat before Koroku licked her face, breaking it completely. Bubbles' whining for food went completely ignored as she shot an annoyed look at Idian and then back down at the weredog.

"Stop distracting me and give me a moment to concentrate," she said coldly, trying to concentrate again to see if she could glimpse the thread again. If she did, the elf would stretch out a few of her own, seeking to test how thinly stretched that thread of magic tied to the weredog's magic collar was in order to determine how far away the source might be, as well as how strong it was, the general feel of it compared to the magics she was familiar with, and what purpose it might have.
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Re: Just Like Home (Demeter;Tassadar)

Everyone left her alone with that, allowing her to view the thread. It was weak due to how thin it was. If a random combat occurred, no doubt the thread would easily sever. It was stretchy and long, seemingly capable of remaining intact for miles of distance, having a seemingly infinite give. If there was someone on the other side of that wire of magic, they could either be close or far. There was no immediate way of telling without following the thread.
Re: Just Like Home (Demeter;Tassadar)

Giving a thoughtful noise in her throat, Demeter let her vision fade. The leash didn't seem.... Dangerous, but she wasn't sure what it could do. It did seem fragile, however, and after thinking for a moment Demeter opted not to sever it herself. "Korokou.... Do you know where your old master is?" Demeter asked cautiously, while shooting a significant look at Idian and Octavia.
Re: Just Like Home (Demeter;Tassadar)

Koroku's ears bent backwards, and she looked a bit meek before lowering her head. She didn't seem able to talk well in her canine form, so she just shook her head in reply. "It doesn't matter, right?" Idian asked, smiling as he kneeled forward to pet Koroku who began to wag her tail sheepishly. "We're your new masters now."

"I'm glad you guys are enjoying your new pet and all, but we kinda got a situation on our hands." Octavia declared. "If you haven't heard, there is a shit load of pissed off demons outside of this city, walking straight out of Hell. They even got demons riding in from the ocean. The fucking OCEAN!" Octavia said loudly and bluntly. "I didn't even know we had boats when I was with them! We need to get the hell out of here before we get caught up in something bad."

Idian blinked at the news, before shaking his head. "Wait, but Pandora helped us. Gave us a place to live."

"Ask your beloved there how much that actually matters to her." Octavia retorted, and while Idian looked at Demeter in a bit of shock, she continued. "It doesn't. Fuck this place, it's not worth dying over. Right Demeter?"
Re: Just Like Home (Demeter;Tassadar)

"It's not," Demeter said honestly and shamelessly, "that said.... Lets see precisely what's going on before we think about fleeing." With that Demeter would turn and head towards the wall, wanting to see how things were playing out.
Re: Just Like Home (Demeter;Tassadar)

(Idian )
(It's a Walking Dead reference)

Idian frowned at Demeter while Octavia gave a look of relief. "You won't like what you see." Octavia warned her, before Octavia offered her broom. "It'll be quicker if we just fly up and I show you that way. Best not get too close to that wall in case shit hits the fan."
Re: Just Like Home (Demeter;Tassadar)

"We will see," Demeter said calmly, "Fine. Lead the way."
Re: Just Like Home (Demeter;Tassadar)

Octavia nodded, before her broom took flight as her weaves just seemed to give it power. It was enchanted it seemed, like a system used to operate itself. It was so elaborate that it was perhaps hard to believe that Octavia did it herself. It looked like complicated weavework. "Hop on." she invited Demeter. When Demeter got on, Octavia took to the skies. She lifted up so high into the air that Demeter got what could only be described as perhaps the view that a god has when watching over mortals. She could see the entire city, as well as the intimidating sight outside of that city. Countless demons, with more appearing out of select few 'holes' that looked like rips in reality, lined the outside of the city. Like that, an army was walking from nothing, and into the lands outside of the city gates. It seemed the demons meant business.

"See what I mean? And all I keep hearing about is how the demons are looking for shards." Octavia said. "That sounds so stupid." she shook her head, before letting Demeter down unless she objected.
Re: Just Like Home (Demeter;Tassadar)

Well... That was certainly a thing. Demeter had hoped that they would go away after the dulluhan was released, but apparently that would not dissuade them. Gripping Octavia's flying broom tightly lest she fall off, Demeter looked across the gathering army and said; "I can't tell what's going on from here. Let me get closer." If that meant walking or if Octavia would risk getting closer was up to the witch, but either way Demeter intended to get close enough that she could extend her perceptions with magic without using up too much of her energy, trying to find Pandora first and seeing if the city's leader was doing anything in particular.
Re: Just Like Home (Demeter;Tassadar)

Octavia's head whipped around to look at Demeter with wide eyes holding a mixture of fear and shock. "C-closer!? When did you suddenly get the tits to act like all this danger means nothing!? I swear in the blink of an eye, your breasts became brass..." Octavia said, whimpering and complaining as she slowly, very slowly, flew forwards. "Fucking dullahan, then a fucking army, and the white flower demon before that..." she grumbled at the moments were Demeter confronted danger, and was now staring it in the eye.

Getting closer, they were thankfully not shot down. Inside the city, Demeter caught sight of Pandora and a demon well-dressed in purple clothing, like a Queen, meeting together in the cleared streets within the gate. Both groups had an entourage with them each, seemingly ready to react in case things went south. Looking at the army, it seemed morale was high. There were many weaves going about, fabricating weapons, enhancing weapons. The witches seemed to be creating balls of energy with their own threads to harness for later, or perhaps use the balls of energy to cast a spell quickly. There were even uncommon dullahan scattered about. They seemed rare, with hundreds of assorted demons before Demeter spotted the heavily armored and neck-braced sight of a clear dullahan keeping her head on. Some even held their heads under their arm like a ball without too much worry. Demeter's presence was not completely unnoticed however, as she saw some witches giving her mocking waves as she floated in the sky. It was a greeting, but not one from someone seeking to be friends.

"Oh fuck..." Octavia whimpered, seeming to lose her mind a bit. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuuuuuck!" Octavia cried. "It's Pride, of all people, here! Demeter, we gotta get the fuck out of here! Pride will tear this place apart, take every man, and kill every woman! We're not gonna make it, we'll have to run right now! Oh crap they see us, oh god what if they shoot at us!? I don't want to die! If Pride finds out who I helped she'll give me a worse fate than the Order! I don't wanna die, I don't wanna die, I don't wanna die!!!" Octavia rambled on in fear.