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Just Looking Around (Marusaki;Kaguya)

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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They told her that her desire to just look around on an island which one doesn't return from was a terrible plan. And they were absolutely correct. It began with the desire, then the execution of that desire. A crew, a boat, and a commencement of travel. Though she couldn't find her own crew, she did find a boat on it's own sailing with many other colorful characters, most notable of which was a man with oval shaped eyes, as his bizarre nature happened to stand out. Though everyone on the boat, mind the crew, looked like they stood out. A collection of odd people the world would no doubt realize were gone, but hard to say if they'd be missed.

Hard to say indeed, since they couldn't go back, after a stormy night and sightings of the island came. The wind howled, and as the ship was pressed to it's absolute limit, monsterous women with octopus tentacles for legs sieged the ship. Women with pale blue skin launched forth from the water and snatched crewmen and panicked passengers in the blink of an eye, before a giant entity that looked like a half woman, half kraken appeared, taller than any ten story building, even while half of her body was still underwater. Her tendrils tore into the ship, ripping apart as if it were made of paper, and sending all remaining passengers into the depths of the ocean to be at the mercy of the monsters of the sea.

Except for Marusaki. And other women for that matter. It seemed all the men quickly vanished. While the women were almost completely ignored. Those very few who fought the monsters who batted aside like helpless children. Marusaki fell into the ocean, ignored and forgotten, left to float on the chaotic waters and desperately swim for her life to stay afloat. Only by mercy of some floating debris did she not lose energy and be taken by the sea. She'd cling to a shard of wood from the ship until the storm passed, and she floated to the island.

Barely conscious, she floated up to the beach while a single figure seemed to be watching her come in. Slowly, ever so slowly, she drifted in, and slid right up to the sandy shores. Upon observation, it seemed Marusaki saw a monster girl up close that wasn't shrouded in poor weather and darkness. It appeared she was an .

With shovel in hand, Marusaki was poked with the tip of the spade. "A dead human? I wonder if the meat is still fresh." She pondered, poking Marusaki's cheek. "Hello, human? Are you dead?"
Re: Just Looking Around (Marusaki;Kaguya)

Marusaki didn’t care about the warnings they told her, nor did she believe nobody actually returned from that place. Marusaki figured out that someone was silencing people that returned, or that they simply weren’t determined enough to return, though Marusaki wasn’t the brightest person. It really didn’t matter to Marusaki, she simply was too curious to care about the warnings, and just made up poorly thought reasons why people weren’t returning. Sadly Marusaki couldn’t find her own crew, but luckily she did find a boat that was heading there. Marusaki fit right in with the rest of the crowd, with her drowsy looking eyes and her eccentric behavior, as she kept drawing the more odd looking people on the ship with or without their consent.

Finally after a stormy night, the island came into view. Marusaki was looking excitedly at the island, until she noticed something strange in the water as it looked somewhat humanoid. To Marusaki’s surprise, the strange humanoid creature she saw suddenly jumped out the water, grabbed a crew member and dragged him into the ocean. Before Marusaki figured out what was happening, several of the crew members were taking down into the ocean. Instead of panicking like most people, Marusaki was more concerned with trying to get a better look at the pale blue skinned women. Until the giant half woman, half kraken appeared from the ocean, as the only thing Marusaki could do was look at her in amazement, Marusaki mouth hanging open as she never seen something that amazing, she had to record it right now. However, before Marusaki could do anything, she suddenly found herself falling as the only thing she could see was the sea quickly approaching her.

When Marusaki finally realized that the giant woman tore the ship apart, she already was submerged in the ocean. Luckily Marusaki came from a rich family, and was thought how to swim, as she quickly began to swim towards the surface. When Marusaki surfaced she clung onto the closed floating debris she could find, looking around to see what was happening. At first Marusaki was worried about vanishing into the ocean like many of the others, until she noticed that mostly only the men seemed to disappear, and the women were left alone.

Luckily Marusaki was slowly drifting towards the island while barely conscious she made it onto the shore, Marusaki laid herself face down on the sand, as she was barely able to move after all that. Marusaki didn’t notice the ant girl approaching her until she felt something cold pressing on her cheek, opening her eyes she looked up to see what was poking her. Marusaki was a little bit shocked when she saw the ant like lower body of the voice calling out to her, though right now she was far more concerned that she could barely move then with the ant girl in front her. ''I-I hope not, but I might be seeing things.'' Marusaki replied while staring at her on the floor. ''P-Please can you help me, the ship I arrived with sunk, a-and I can barely move.'' Marusaki plead to the strange girl in front her, not even sure what she was seeing was real, barely able to keep herself conscious.
Re: Just Looking Around (Marusaki;Kaguya)

(Inspirational Music Used - )

The ant hummed. "So, I'm having mixed feelings. I usually only bring corpses back, but you're already halfway there." she hummed further. "Oh well, I'll just take you back and if you die on the way, I'll eat you! That sounds great." she said enthusiastically, before picking up Marusaki with ease and putting her on her back, and proceeding away from the shores that led straight into an odd swampy landscape. It seemed Marusaki landed herself in some amazonian jungle. One that turned into a giant mound of solid dirt easily ten stories high. Soon enough she saw a high amount of traffic of ant girls similar to the one who brought her in. She could guess where she was now. "Heya 76!" another ant greeted her. The ant she was riding waved back. "Heya 47!" she replied. "She gonna die? Should we prepare a feast?" 47 inquired. "Maybe. I'm taking here in case she does die so we can eat her. Don't make a feast yet, don't wanna anger the queen!" 76 announced, before heading further in.

Only suffering from fatigue, Marusaki soon felt her energy returning. The ant 76 took her inside the hill, which seemed like a terrible maze, one that 76 navigated flawlessly. She went down, deep into the hill, before taking her to a dead end that had a flat slab of raised dirt, which she laid Marusaki upon. "So... How ya feeling, human? Faint? Is your ancestor calling? I'm starving!" 76 giggled as if what she was speaking of was completely normal.
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Re: Just Looking Around (Marusaki;Kaguya)

''That doesn’t sound great at all!'' Marusaki yelped out as a response, as she began to flail weakly when the ant girl put her on her back. However, because Marusaki was already fatigued, she quickly gave up her futile struggle, and limply just let herself get carried through some kind of jungle. Soon enough Marusaki reached an impressive looking mound of solid dirt, and accompanied with it an impressive amount of girls similar to the one that was carrying her. 76 huh, they seem to be numbered, I wonder how many there are, Marusaki began to ponder when the two ant girls were having a conversation, only to have her thoughts interrupted when she heard them talk about eating her, as she got slightly worried about being brought inside their home.

Luckily Marusaki felt her strength returning to her, but before she knew it she was brought deep down in this maze like structure. There was no way Marusaki would be able to leave unescorted, as her scatter brained self already had trouble finding her way back when places are easy to navigate. ''I’m sorry to disappoint you, but I feel better.'' Marusaki respond with a relieved sigh. ''Y-You aren’t going to kill me right?'' Marusaki said slightly worried, though they probably would’ve killed her already if they were going to. Although Marusaki was a bit worried about her current situation, she kept looking with curiosity at the ant girls lower body, occasionally reaching out for it as she was curious to how it felt.
Re: Just Looking Around (Marusaki;Kaguya)

The ant looked disappointed. "Aw, that is pretty disappointing. Oh well, I'm hungry so, here we go!" she rose her hands at Marusaki.

And then Marusaki was eaten alive. "Hah, just kidding." the ant joked. "Actually, now I kinda don't know what to do with you. You're not an ant, so you are only potential food in this society so sayeth the queen." she hummed. "Why not just go back to whatever human place you came from? Wait, you came from the beach. You're a shipwreck from outside the island, right? That's a bit unfortunate, you cannot go home because of the barrier around the island that stops people from leaving. I guess you're just gonna have to leave and find your own way or something." she hummed. "Yeah, that's all I got! I don't really know what else you can do. Wanna become an ant?" she inquired.
Re: Just Looking Around (Marusaki;Kaguya)

Marusaki backed off when the ant pretended to eat her, sighing in relief when she told her it was a joke. ''Very funny.'' Marusaki responded with a pouty face.

For a bit Marusak pondered the idea of becoming an ant like her, pondering both the implications and benefits of becoming one. However, Marusaki was more curious at how they turn someone into their own kind. ''I know that, they begged me not to go because of that, but as long I can send messages from here to the mainland I couldn’t care less about returning.'' Marusaki says dismissively while still deep in thought, until she suddenly looks the ant girls straight in the eyes as if she reminded something. ''Ah, that’s right. I haven’t introduced myself yet, nearly dying kind of makes you forget about that.'' Marusaki said with an awkward laugh. ''Marusaki, thanks for saving me.'' Marusaki introduced herself with a grateful bow. ''Ah, or Valky might be more recognizable to you.'' Marusaki says with pride as if the ant girl was supposed to recognize that name instantly, and unless some of her erotic art or other work reached this island there would be no way the ant girl recognized the name, though her art would most definitely be popular amongst monster girls, considering a lot of it is about women dominating and abusing cute men. ''I’m currently here to learn more about monster girls, and to discover the truth about them. Although I’m mainly here to satisfy my own curiosity, I heard some interesting things about monster girls after all.'' Marusaki explains to the ant girl with a lecherous smile. ''I don’t think I will be taking up on the offer to become an ant, but I would love to see someone else being transformed, it sounds pretty interesting.'' Marusaki said while nodding to herself, wondering how the transformation would look like.
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