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Kamiya (TentanariX)


Nov 12, 2008
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Kamiya simply stated into the ceiling. She did not know how long she had been lock up in this place, but it had to have been at least a week. She did not know the time because no one had said a word to her since she had been locked up in this room. She counted about 20 meals, but she had no clue if the meals were regularly timed or not. She jumps when she hears her cell door unlatch. Waiting for someone to finally come through the door, she is surprised when the door swings open to reveal no one there. Her naked body quivering, she contemplates what to do.

VIR: 2.00
HP: 2.75

Suggested Actions:
Travel W
Re: Kamiya (TentanariX)

Where am I? How did the door open? What i this place? Why am I here? All these thoughts ran through Kamiya's head as awoke, slowly getting off of her cot and peeking her head out of the door before deciding to head out west.

Travel West
Re: Kamiya (TentanariX)

Kamiya cautiously heads out into the hallway. The smell of sterile tile floods her nose. It is a stark contrast to the dark, dank cell she had just left. In front of her to the West there is a door that is labeled "Labs," the hallway continues to the north and there is what appears to be another cell door to her south. There is a technician standing there, shocked to see her standing in the middle of the hallway.

VIR: 2.00
HP: 2.75

Tech LVL 1:
VIR: 1.25
HP: 2.75

Suggested Actions:
Persuade him to let you go
Attack him (Physically)
Attack him (Sexually)
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Re: Kamiya (TentanariX)

(Persuade him to let me go)
"What's going on? I'm so confused and scared. The door opened on it's own and I got lost looking for the restroom." She saids trying to use the helpless damsel in distress approach to get the tech to lower his guard for an attack if not ignore her or help her flee.
Re: Kamiya (TentanariX)

(4 > 8 not true, Persuasion fails)
"Clearly you are new here," the man replies. "You have not been fully screened. If you had been you would have been allowed to leave your cell." He makes an aggressive move toward Kamiya. "Now you going to come peacefully, or do I get to have some fun first?" he almost chuckles.

VIR: 2.00
HP: 2.75

Tech LVL 1:
VIR: 1.25
HP: 2.75
Re: Kamiya (TentanariX)

Ugh, men are all the same..... she thought to herself, this time trying to seduce the tech walking towards him in a sultry fashion, her hips swaying before reaching him and slowly draping her arms around his waist....... only to attempt to knee him in the groin.
(Physical Attack)
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Re: Kamiya (TentanariX)

(9 v 8; attack successful)

As Kamiya gently caresses the Technician's waist, she drives her knee straight into his groin - and connects. The tech manages to pull his body away from her, avoiding the worst of her knee. She lets go of him, allowing him to reel back in pain. "Y-y-you bitch!" He yells. "That friggin' hurt!"

VIR: 2.00
HP: 2.75

Tech LVL 1:
VIR: 1.25
HP: 1.75

Suggested Actions:
Attack him (Physically)
Attack him (Sexually)
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Re: Kamiya (TentanariX)

"Oooh, poor baby--- so will this!" She saids as she grabs him bythe head and attempts to drive her knee into his face next.
(Attack Physically)
(OOC: Unless you give her a drug or something to make her horny, I doubt she will be sexually attacking anyone anytime soon. That's just how the character is, virginal, modest sane and wanting to get out. )
Re: Kamiya (TentanariX)

(That's fine, play them however you want)
(5 v 3; attack successful)

Kamiya tries to knee the man in the face, hoping that her nakedness is not noticed too much by the tech. Blood gushes from his face as he falls to the ground. She stands over the tech for a moment, waiting for him to get up. He crawls over to the wall, trying to steady himself against it.

VIR: 2.00
HP: 2.75

Tech LVL 1:
VIR: 1.25
HP: 0.75
Re: Kamiya (TentanariX)

Kamiya walks over to the tech leaning up against the wall and decides to finish him off while she has the opportunity and tries to kick him in his face, hoping to knock him out.
(Attack Physically)
Re: Kamiya (TentanariX)

(7 v 12; Phy attack fails)

Kamiya goes for the finishing blow without any hesitation. However, she slips on the slick floor and falls to the ground. Before she knows what happened, she sees the tech standing over her, smiling devilishly. "Looks like you fucked up." he says.

VIR: 2.00
HP: 2.75

Tech LVL 1:
VIR: 1.25
HP: 0.75
Re: Kamiya (TentanariX)

Kamiya decides to lure to the tech and lay there until he gets down and advances on her and attempt to kick him in the groin once more.
(Physical Attack)
Re: Kamiya (TentanariX)

(5.00 v 12.00; PHY fails)

Kamiya lies there, squinting her eyes; half in pain and half faking it. Through her nearly closed eyelids, she can't see her assailant all that well. She makes a move to try to strike where she thinks he is. She misses. Before she can reload for a second strike, the tech is on top of her naked body, pinning her arms above her head with one hand.

(13.00 v 9.00; Opp PHY successful)

The tech turns Kamiya violently around, pinning her chest onto the ground. At the same time, he painfully wrenches her arms backward, forcing them into the small of her back.

VIR: 2.00
HP: 1.75

Tech LVL 1:
VIR: 1.25
HP: 0.75
Re: Kamiya (TentanariX)

Kamiya lets out a small scream as she is pinned down to the ground with her arms held behind her driven into the small of her back. AGH! This bastard probably likes bondage and shit, he probably wants me to beg or act scared, maybe if I can get him to let his guard down I can get an opening for another attack....... she thought as she said out in a pitiful small scared (but false) voice, "P--please....don't hurt me..... I'll cooperate.... Even if it means s-s-sex.... Just...p-please dont h-hurt me sir....."

(Attack Sexually)
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Re: Kamiya (TentanariX)

(8.00 v 4.75; SEX attack successful)

Kamiya stops struggling, hoping that the Technician will mount her from behind quickly enough so she can try another strike. He lifts her up on her hands an knees. To her surprise and shock, he takes her in the ass. Something she was not expecting, or really, hoping for. It is very painful, but the tech seems to be enjoying it. In between shots of pain, she tries to think clearly enough to formulate a plan. before anything can happen though, She feels a hot stream explode within her. He came! Already! She turns around in both horror and a slight sense of joy because he took such a short time, only to see him standing back up over her. "Thanks bitch, I'll definitely be telling all the boys about you! I'll see you around!" He walks off down the hallway away from Kamiya, his semen still dripping down her leg.

VIR: 2.00
HP: 1.75

Tech LVL 1:
XP Gain: 12
Next LVL: 50
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Re: Kamiya (TentanariX)

((OOC: Short post is short, but not sure what to do next :p ))

Kamiya shakily get back up on her wobbly legs holding onto her still sore ass and looks around the corridor wondering what to do next. Oooooh, my ass....... that filthy pervert. If I run into him again I'm going to rip his dick off before killing him! She thinks to herself.