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Kanto - Celadon City and Harbor


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Celadon City. Home to one of Kanto's harbors. Soon also to be the meeting place of three young trainers: Virgil Hawkins, Cronos Rayforth, and Timothy Berenger.

Recent heavy storms have battered the Kanto region for days, leaving many of routes of transport blocked. Large trees were knocked down, bridges shattered, rock formations collasped, and made the waterways too rough to swim, or surf.

In the middle of the previous night, the raging storms mysteriously broke. Yet, just before the storms broke, the young trainers had mysterious, inexplicable dreams. Dreams too strange to remember details from, yet enough to wake them briefly, just as the storms broke.
Re: Kanto - Celadon City and Harbor

Cronos Rayfoth go out of the harbor with his totodile (who still is eating his pillow) and after some steps he find a couple of trainers.

He try to speak to them but they look a little busy so, he go to the poke market to buy two potions and some poke balls. After that he decide to go the outside of the city to cath his first pokemon of kanto.

"Hey killer where you put the pillow?"
Re: Kanto - Celadon City and Harbor

Virgil stepped off the ship, yawning heavily. He had got very little sleep two nights ago, and last night the boat had been rocking so much with the waves that he hadn't got any sleep at all, being seasick.

It was funny though. He always got seasick on boats when they rocked too hard, but hen he surfed on the Pokemon at home, he never got sick at all.

Still, he had finally collapsed form exhaustion at 7 AM and gotten at least a few hours of sleep, so he was probably good for an hour or two.

Flare was on his shoulder as he disboarded, and pecked his head a couple of times to wake him up, so he reached up and ruffled her feathers, saying, "Yeah, we're finally here. So how does it feel to be in an entirely new place?" She chirped out a "Torchic, tor!", and hopped down off his shoulder to walk beside him.

They walked to the nearest PokeCenter together, where they walked in and he walked up to Nurse Joy, asking her, "Do you have a room I could stay in for a while?", hoping that he would at least look sleep-deprived and she would take pity on him.
Re: Kanto - Celadon City and Harbor

"Why yes we do, we've got several just down the hallway," Nurse Joy replied to Virgil with a smile. "Just follow me. Oh and if needed I'll give your Torchic and any other Pokemon a check over." She then set off down the hall.
Re: Kanto - Celadon City and Harbor

((Yeah thats already been pointed out and Wolf has already said that he cant be bothered to change it, so the harbour is just a bit away from the city itself.))
Re: Kanto - Celadon City and Harbor

Tim strolled into Celadon city, Squirtle following closely behind him. If he was going to go on some world-spanning adventure, he needed supplies, and Celadon's department store was unrivaled - at least, from the small amount of the world that he'd seen.
Re: Kanto - Celadon City and Harbor

Virgil followed Nurse Joy down the hall, saying "Thank you, very much. Flare and I just got off the boat, but the rough seas last night didn't agree with me too well, so I got near to no sleep."
Re: Kanto - Celadon City and Harbor

After some time inside Celadon's department store, Cronos stepped out with just the basic: 10 pokeballs (they give you a premiun ball for buying 10), a pair of potions and some poke food. Killer was closely behind him, spitting feathers happily.

Both of them go out of the city to find some pokemons
Re: Kanto - Celadon City and Harbor

Determiably, Rocky chased after the Trainer as he walked into town, barking all the time, as Blaze, out of breath, reaches town, panting for breath.
Re: Kanto - Celadon City and Harbor

"What the?" Alex says as he turns around to see the Growlith chase after him. He side steps in the hope of the Pokemon running past him. "A bit wild, isnt he?" Alex jokingly says to the girl.
Re: Kanto - Celadon City and Harbor

As Rocky stopped and barked at the new trainer, Blaze tackled him, holding the rambuncious Growlith down. "Recently caught," she explained, blushing in embarressment.
Re: Kanto - Celadon City and Harbor

"Ah I see," He says to her as he watches her tackle her own Pokemon. "I've stuck with one since I got her, this egg is the soon to be second Pokemon I've ever had. You from around here?"
Re: Kanto - Celadon City and Harbor

"Originally from Pallet," she explained, getting up and holding onto Rocky tightly, even as his tail shook her entire upper body.
Re: Kanto - Celadon City and Harbor

"I moved to Saffron from Hoenn when I was five, decided to go out for a bit of an adventure after a bust up with my old man," Alex goes quiet for a moment. "So, wanna commemorate our meeting with a little battle?" He says, getting fired up.
Re: Kanto - Celadon City and Harbor

Blaze grinned. "Sure, might as well get used to it!" Putting Rocky away, she released Ember.

"Char!" Ember said friendily to the new trainer.
Re: Kanto - Celadon City and Harbor

"Great, this is my first battle with a trainer that wasnt Sabrina," Gardenia jumps off Alex and floats down gently using her psychic power. "Give it all you've got Gardenia, Confusion!"

"Ralts!" She says to Alex as she runs closer to the Charmander and unleashes a small psychic attack.
Re: Kanto - Celadon City and Harbor

"Allright then, Ember! Scratch attack!" she called out, and Ember went to ablige.
Re: Kanto - Celadon City and Harbor

Gardenia's psychic attack manages to slightly daze Ember, throwing the scratch off of its mark.

((Ember may take four more hits.))
Re: Kanto - Celadon City and Harbor

"Ha, nice one Garde, hit that Charmander again! Confusion!" Gardenia runs to the side as she lets off another psychic attack.
Re: Kanto - Celadon City and Harbor

"Come on Ember, give him the ol' one-two!" she calls out as Ember pounced again.