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Kanto - Celadon City and Harbor

Re: Kanto - Celadon City and Harbor

"Oh they are?" Alex asks, sounding relieved. "Well, that certainly makes it easier if I'm already at a place where some of the pieces are located. And thanks mate, I think my father is going to be pissed for a while so I cant count on them right now." Alex mouthes 'Hi' back to Blaze and gives her a wave. "So how do you want me to send you the parts? Put them in my PC and you access it, or just deliver them to you when I next come into Saffron? Oh yeah, I won my first actual trainer battle yesterday," Alex adds.
Re: Kanto - Celadon City and Harbor

Blaze was still waking up slightly, and bought a drink and some food at the eatery, quafing it down, even sharing some with Ember and the others.
Re: Kanto - Celadon City and Harbor

"Ah, good for you." A pause, then: "Hold on to them. We can worry about the rebuild the next time you're in Saffron."
Re: Kanto - Celadon City and Harbor

"Thanks, and that most likely won't be for sometime yet, I was thinking about taking this as an opportunity to explore Kanto." Alex also pauses before the news from yesterday coming back to him. "Oh yeah, before I forget. There was this explosion in the tunnel in route 7, and the head foreman, Ethan his name was, said he had a delivery for me, it was a Pokemon egg. Dunno who would be sending me eggs. You're the only friend I have in Kanto, well except for a trainer I met yesterday."
Re: Kanto - Celadon City and Harbor

Another pause, then: "Perhaps it's not from someone in Kanto then. I'm afraid that I'm not much of an expert on such matters...Although I do recall hearing something about there being some feature to the egg that could give a bit of an idea to what type could hatch from it."
Re: Kanto - Celadon City and Harbor

"Oh there is? I'll have to look at the egg when I go back then, you know what to look out for depending on the type or breed of Pokemon?"
Re: Kanto - Celadon City and Harbor

"Unfortunately, no. I must admit that I've not paid much attention to information pertaining to Trainers or Breeders, since I do have difficulties that prevent me from being able to keep Pokemon..."
Re: Kanto - Celadon City and Harbor

"Just cos you're blind doesnt mean you cant have a Pokemon, there's most likely groups that specialise in training Pokemon for the blind. But anyway, I'm gonna leave you now, gotta grab some breakfast for me and Gardenia. Catch you later," Alex says, he waits for Michaels response before putting the reciever back. As he finishes up on the phone Gardenia suddenly appears next to him.

"Ra-alts," She says with a yawn.
Re: Kanto - Route 15

Blaze cotinues to eat her food, as Ember tries to deep-fry a french fry with Ember
Re: Kanto - Celadon City and Harbor

After wake up early, Cronos eat his food at the eatery. He decide to try a more hard training for Killer, even if he was just a little totodile.

a moment later, after finishing his breakfast, he try to go for Moe but in that moment he saw the pair of trainers (Brazer and Alex), Brazer was eating and Alex was using the phone.

Damn, i must try to go out of here before they recognize me. Cronos quickly replaced his totodile in his ball and try to go unnoticed for his meowth.
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Re: Kanto - Celadon City and Harbor

"Well what do you know, you've learnt how to teleport," Alex says to Gardenia as he picks her up. "Must've been from all the battles yesterday. Oh, watch've you got there?" He asks her noticing she's holding onto a packet of marshmallows.

"Ralts, Ralts," She says to him happily and offers him the packet.

"After breakfast, okay?" He says to her as he makes his way to the cafe.
Re: Kanto - Celadon City and Harbor

Seeing Alex nearby, she waves to him again.
Re: Kanto - Celadon City and Harbor

"Hey Blaze," Alex says to her as he walks over to the table with Gardenia. Sitting down he puts her onto his lap. "Had a good sleep? Some idiot decided to let their Totodile attack Gardenia and I while we were sleeping."
Re: Kanto - Celadon City and Harbor

"Pretty good, though towards the end of the night I kept dreaming of s'mores," she said, polishing off her breakfast as Ember chewed on a extra-crispy french fry.
Re: Kanto - Celadon City and Harbor

"You got any definite direction of where you're heading?" Alex asks her, his head resting on Gardenia's. "I've got to make a few rounds today to pick up some bits and pieces for Michael, then I'm off wandering around Kanto."
Re: Kanto - Celadon City and Harbor

"To tell the truth, no, really."
Re: Kanto - Celadon City and Harbor

"Wanna travel around with me? I dont really know much about Kanto what with coming from Hoenn and only really staying in Saffron most of my life. And the company would be nice."
Re: Kanto - Celadon City and Harbor

She smiled. "Sure, if you don't mind a wierd girl that talks to her Poke'mon all the time with ya," she half-joked.
Re: Kanto - Celadon City and Harbor

"Heh, I've only had two friends since I've been here, Michael and Gardenia. I've pretty much only talked to them so far, I even sleep and bathe with Gardenia. Well I did talk and hang out with Sabrina though she was my mentor."
Re: Kanto - Celadon City and Harbor

"You hanged out with a gym trainer? Lucky!" she said, admiration in her eyes.