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Kanto - Route 1


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Surprisingly, there wasn't much damage to the paths between Pallet Town, and Viridian City. While there were a few deep puddles, it was mostly open for travel.
Re: Kanto - Route 1

Shiro Takes his first steps out of pallet town into the still damp feilds of grasses.
Re: Kanto - Route 1

At first, nothing out of the ordinary happens. Halfway through, however, a Pidgey erupts from its nest.
Re: Kanto - Route 1

With a grunt Shiro Looks down at his hand, still clutching the ball and heaves it at the incoming bird.

A small orange Bipedal lizard emerged with a Bright:


And glared at the pidgy,

"Uh atack?"
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Re: Kanto - Route 1

The Charmander is either caught off guard, or not understanding Shiro, as the Pidgey strikes.

((Charmander may take four more hits.))
Re: Kanto - Route 1

"Hey! You just gonna take that? Hit it back!"

Noticing the small fire on the tip of the tail and recognising it as a Possible Weapon,

"Little Dude! Use your Fire if you can!"
Re: Kanto - Route 1

The Charmander manages to connect with a scratching attack, knocking the Pidgey back.

((Pidgey may take two more hits.))
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Re: Kanto - Route 1

"Hmm... Not what I had in mind But Good Job Scratch it again! Claw it up!"
Re: Kanto - Route 1

The Charmander connects again as the Pidgey attempts to attack it.

((Pidgey may be captured. One more hit will KO it.))
Re: Kanto - Route 1

"Hmm it looks weakened... But..."

Shiro begins looking around hoping to find a cast off Pokeball some misfortunate adventurer carelessly dropped,

Finding one, and brushing off the mud off of it, he threw with all his might not sure if it would help or not.
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Re: Kanto - Route 1

The ball catches the Pidgey. Dropping to the ground, it shakes a few times before settling down and clicking.
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Re: Kanto - Route 1

The swift moments of chaos settle as quickly as they had arisen Shiro walks over to the new Ball and picks it up.

"Huh, a second one. Things are looking even better already. Charmander! Return!"

A beam of light encases the tiny lizard as he re-enters the ball.

"Well, off to Viridian..."