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Kanto - Route 15


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Minor flooding still limits travel in this area, although many fallen trees have been turned into makeshift bridges over the worst of the flooded areas.
Re: Kanto - Route 15

As Granth leaves Fushcia City he releases his squirtle. The small pokemon would need training and it was always good to have a pokemon out just in case a feral attacked. Viathen, Keep an eye out for any ferals nearby. We should probably work on training you until you are one of the most powerful pokemon in the league. Also, keep an eye out for any eevees. I'm not sure if they are native to this region, but some might have slipped out of the safari zone and their versatility would greatly help us. Granth tells the squirtle, planning ahead slightly. Having a few eevees would allow him to set a good team balance once he had caught a few other pokemon.
Re: Kanto - Route 15

A short while later, and some rustling is heard, followed shortly by a Venonat hopping out of the grasses.
Re: Kanto - Route 15

Viathen, let's aim to catch that venonat. A poison type could be a useful addition to the team. Now, Tackle! Granth calls to his squirtle.
Re: Kanto - Route 15

Viathen manages get in the first blow, knocking the Venonat slightly off balance.

((Venonat may take one more hit to make it available for capture, or two more to defeat it.))
Re: Kanto - Route 15

Viathen, see if you can get off another hit before it can respond. Tackle again! Granth says as he begins to finger a pokeball. If the attack got off, he would fling it right away.
Re: Kanto - Route 15

Unfortunately, the Venonat struck first, recovering its balance.

((Viathen can take four more hits.))
Re: Kanto - Route 15

Come on, you can take it. Now finish that tackle. Granth Calls out.
Re: Kanto - Route 15

This time, Viathen connects. The impact sends the Venonat rolling briefly, with it appearing somewhat dizzy after stopping.

((Venonat may now be captured. One more hit will incapacitate it.))
Re: Kanto - Route 15

Alright then. Viathen, back off a bit. Go, pokeball! Granth shouts as he flings a pokeball out at the venonat.
Re: Kanto - Route 15

The ball snares the dazed Venonat. After dropping to the ground, the ball shakes a few times, before settling down and clicking.
Re: Kanto - Route 15

You're probably up for one more fight Viathen before we need to get you and this new fellow back to a pokécenter. Still we should probably head back closer to the edge of town so we can run if things go bad. Granth says before leading the turtle pokémon back to the town end of route 15. At the same time, he still keeps an eye out for pokémon.
Re: Kanto - Route 15

Nothing seems to be standing out, at the moment.
Re: Kanto - Route 15

Doesn't seem like much is hanging out on the well known routes this close to town. Let's try and move a bit off the route while still near the town. Probably most pokemon don't like to get this close and are more comfortable off the path. Granth says as he proceeds to move off the route while still staying within running distance of both the town and the route itself. With his team still weak, it would be dangerous to go to far.