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Kanto - Route 7


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Minor flooding and storm damage still block most of this area off. Only small areas, on both sides, have been cleared enough for travel.
Re: Kanto - Route 7

Smileing a bit, she and Ember started off!
Re: Kanto - Route 7

In the middle part of the route, work teams were still present, getting close to opening a full path through. It looked like it would still be a bit yet...

However, close by where Blaze was, there were places that seemed to be likely spots for wild Pokemon to be taking refuge in.
Re: Kanto - Route 7

"Alright Ember, first to see if there's anyone else in these darn grasses!"

With Ember in tow, Blaze went into the grass after a new member of her little group!
Re: Kanto - Route 7

For a while, not much shows. However, Blaze would hear a rustling behind her suddenly.
Re: Kanto - Route 7

"Yes, finally. Hope you do ok, Ember."

"Char!" the charmander goes, getting in front of her trainer and trying to look threatenly at the enemy.
Re: Kanto - Route 7

With little other warning, a Meowth springs out into the open. It appears to be somewhat startled, at first, by the pair's presence.
Re: Kanto - Route 7

Ember yelped at the pounce into the open, and grabbed Blaze's leg.

"My Ember, the fierice," she said with a sarcastic sigh. "It's only a Meowth, I'm sure we can take it!"

A little bit comforted, the Charmaner let go and charged, claws out to do a Scratch attack!
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Re: Kanto - Route 7

Seeing the charge, the Meowth responded with scratches of its own...

...However, Ember was faster, and managed to knock the Meowth's attack away as it struck.

((Connect once more to put it into a capturable position, or twice more to defeat.))
Re: Kanto - Route 7

"Woo-hoo! Keep it up girl!" Blaze called for encouragement.

Ember growled as it charged again, claws outstreatched for another attack.
Re: Kanto - Route 7

This time, however, the Meowth managed to connect, sending Ember's strike wide.

((Ember can handle four more hits.))
Re: Kanto - Route 7

Blaze winced at the injury to her partner, but hopes that she can hold up enough to either beat or capture the Meowth

Ember yelped in pain, but still doggedly turned around to Scratch at the Meowth
Re: Kanto - Route 7

For a second time, the Meowth is the one that connects.
Re: Kanto - Route 7

"Come on..." Blaze said, watching on, as the wounded Ember leaps at the Meowth again to Scratch
Re: Kanto - Route 7

This time, Ember manages to connect, with enough force to send the Meowth rolling a few feet back.

((Meowth can now be captured. Another hit will drive it off.))
Re: Kanto - Route 7

Blaze grins. "Allright, my turn!"

Grabbing a spare Pokeball, she tosses a perfect fastball at the Meowth!
Re: Kanto - Route 7

The Meowth, still stunned from getting rolled, is engulfed by the ball. After a few shakes, the ball settles and clicks.
Re: Kanto - Route 7

"Woohoo! We got it!" she said, hugging Ember for a second before letting the Charmander down. Retrieving her newest team member, she rolled the ball around in her hand as she thought of a good name.

"How does Kitty sound for a name? Short and simple."
"Char!" Ember said happily.

Blaze smiled and placed the ball into her bag. "Hmm, let's see, more fighting or a quick run to the Poke'Center?" she asks.

Ember thought for a moment before pointing into the bushes.

"Ok, more seeking we go!" she said, following the Fire-Type.
Re: Kanto - Route 7

After quite some time of searching, it becomes apparent that the Meowth was the only Pokemon that had left wherever it had sheltered during the storms.
Re: Kanto - Route 7

"Still a good run for some short work. Better get back to town and heal you two up," she comments, headed back towards town.