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Kanto - Saffron City


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
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Nov 10, 2008
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Saffron City. Home of Silph Co.'s headquarters. Also home to a pair of young trainers, Alexander Hughes and Blaze Sakura

Recent heavy storms have battered the Kanto region for days, leaving many of routes of transport blocked. Large trees were knocked down, bridges shattered, rock formations collasped, and made the waterways too rough to swim, or surf.

In the middle of the previous night, the raging storms mysteriously broke. Yet, just before the storms broke, the young trainers had mysterious, inexplicable dreams. Dreams too strange to remember details from, yet enough to wake them briefly, just as the storms broke.

Also in Saffron City is the home of the somewhat unusual inventor, Michael Serin.
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Re: Kanto - Saffron City

It had been a few hours since Alex had awoken, noticing that the storms had disappeared he decided that he'd finally get some of the errands that his mother had asked him to do a few days ago done now.

"Hey mum, I'm back!" Alex calls to his mother as he walks back into the house with a couple of carrier bags full of food. Dumping them haphazardly in the kitchen he goes up to his room where his Ralts lay asleep. Nudging it slightly Alex wakes her up. "C'mon, rise and shine, we've gotta go see Michael at some point today now that the storms have died down." Ralts woke up and let out a loud yawn, climbing out of her mini bed she follows Alex back downstairs where they both get some breakfast.
Re: Kanto - Saffron City

"Damn, that storm lasted a little longer then I would have expeted! Might be able to do some traveling today, wouldn't that be cool Ember?"

"Char!" said the Charmander

"Hehe, thought so."

As Blaze turned around, another person and Pokemon bounded through the door: Flitter and her sister.

"Are you leaving today now the storm's gone?"
"Think so, I'm probably gonna buy some supplies, then be headed into the big ol' world."
"I'll miss you."
"Same here, even if you're annoying all the time!"
"Hey! We were having a moment!"
Re: Kanto - Saffron City

It had taken Alex about an hour and a half to feed himself and Gardenia, his Ralts and to wash her too. Grabbing his backpack and putting Gardenia on one of his shoulders he called back to his mother.

"Hey mum, I'm heading out now, Michael called last night and he said he had something he wanted to show me....or do....I kind of forgot the details..."

"Alex dear, dont be late home tonight, Im cooking a roast dinner," His mother said as she popped her head through the archway to the kitchen, her face and clothes had patches of mud on them from her digging in the garden. "And your father asked you to fill in those forms he bought back from work so you can work for Silph Co."

"I've already told him that kind of work isnt what I'm interested in, I dont mind helping Michael because he's a friend but I couldnt stand doing it full time." Alex said to his mother, aggrevation in his voice. "Anyway, Im going now, I'll be back later." With that Alex opened the front door and left, the door swinging shut as he left.

On his way to Michaels house he saw two other trainers talking to each other, though because he had some place to be he skipped greeting them. It took him a matter of minutes to get to Michaels house, his Ralts sitting on his shoulder and holding on gently by his hair. "Hey Michael, it's Alex." He says as he knocks on the door and enters.
Re: Kanto - Saffron City

"Ah, Alex. I take it that the storms have finally died down, since it's quieter than it has been the last few days. Now, where did I put that part?" Serin's voice came from the work room, off to one side of the entry way. Both the living area and the work space were kept unusually clean and organized.
Re: Kanto - Saffron City

After saying her goodbyes to sis and Flitter, Blaze headed to the local Poke'Mart, looking arond at the various wares. As she had no idea what all she was looking for to start with, she headed for the counter. "Um, excuse me?"
Re: Kanto - Saffron City

"Yeah I know, these past few days have been bad. I had to do all the errands for my parents today because I hadnt been able to do them because of that storm," Alex says to Michael as he makes his way to the work room. "Though something odd happened this morning, I had a dream, cant really remember what it was about but I woke up as the storm was clearing. Though it could've been from psychic energy coming from Gardenia, I didnt really pay much heed to it."
Re: Kanto - Saffron City

The clerk at the counter turns towards Blaze. "Yes, what can I help you with?"


Michael frowns at this. "Odd, yes... I think that...oh, what is her name, the Gym Leader you've work with before. She may be able to tell you more... Ah, that's right. She got some kind of message and left shortly before the storms started, didn't she? Anyway, I do find it odd that you were woken as the storms were ending. Usually, it's the start of a storm that wakes people."
Re: Kanto - Saffron City

"Sabrina? Yeah, she told me she stopped briefly at my house to tell me she was leaving to go somewhere and that my training would have to be put on hold. Cant remember where though it did seem important. So, what was it you wanted to show me?" Alex said, looking curious.
Re: Kanto - Saffron City

"Yeah, hi, I'm sorta just starting out and I'm wondering what was the best gear to take on my travels and all."
Re: Kanto - Saffron City

The clerk nodded. "Well, for someone starting out, your best bet would be to get some Pokeballs, and a few potions. We'd normally have more, but with the storms..."


"Ah, yes...I can't remember if I had told you before or not, but I've been working on trying to develop a means of allowing trainers to access the item storage functions of the PC in the field, rather than having to go to a Center, or carry a heavy bag with them all of the time," Michael replied, still feeling around for something on his work table. "Hrm...Could you give me a hand here? I seem to have misplaced the last piece of it...Or did I even receive that part, yet? It'll look like a computer board."
Re: Kanto - Saffron City

"Uh, I cant remember you telling me about that before, though my memory isn't the best." Alex sits Gardenia on a bench while he helps Michael search for the last piece.
Re: Kanto - Saffron City

"Yeah, that was one heck of a storm, never seem anything like it before. Anyway, guess I'll start with about 2 Potions and 3 spare Pokeballs, that shoud be enough until I can reach another store."
Re: Kanto - Saffron City

"Alright, here you go." The clerk hands her the mentioned items, and takes the correct payment.
((Assumed that you had enough for it, and just skipped the actual transaction.))


"Perhaps I hadn't. Well, to be honest, there's actually a second part to the project. Accessing the Box System, in addition. Of course, I'm focusing on the simpler end of things, until I'm certain that there's not going to be safety issues," Michael explains, before pausing as his hand brushes a slightly thicker than usual piece of paper sitting on the table. His hand traces over the top of it briefly, then he sighs. "Well, that explains why I can't find that piece. It came in to the shop, shortly before the storms. It's probably still there."

Michael reaches into a drawer, and hands Alex some money. "Would you mind going and getting it for me, Alex?"
Re: Kanto - Saffron City

"Thank you!" she said, handing over the money required. "Well, better head out!" she said, going outside and looking around at the different routes she could take.
Re: Kanto - Saffron City

"Sounds like a pretty cool invention, it'll definitely save time while out and about," Alex stops looking as Michael realises that he hasnt picked it up yet. "Sure, I'll get it," Alex says taking the money from Michael. He picks up Gardenia and places her on his shoulder again. "C'mon Gardenia, we've got errands to run, see ya soon," Alex calls back to Michael as he heads to the Poke-Mart.

Walking into the shop Alex notices the girl that he saw talking to the other trainer when he was heading to Michaels house. As he waits for her to finish up he looks around the shop. "Hmmm, I've been meaning to get more Pokemon food, we've almost run out..." He says browsing the shelves.
Re: Kanto - Saffron City

Once Blaze leaves, the clerk spots Alex. "Ah, are you here to pick up the package that came for Mr. Serin?"
Re: Kanto - Saffron City

"Yeah, I am," Alex says walking up to the counter. "Here's the money for it," He says handing it over for the package.

((Im logging off now, gotta do mah sandwiches for work then heading for bed after a quick spell on Animal Crossing.))
Re: Kanto - Saffron City

Deciding to go and explore, she heads North to Route 5
Re: Kanto - Saffron City

Unfortunately, as Blaze nears the path to Route 5, she can see that work teams are still clearing the path. At this moment, there's no way to get there.