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Kanto - Saffron City

Re: Kanto - Saffron City

"Rats, and it looks like Route 7 is the only one open. Aw well, guess we go there, Ember!" she said, moving her way over.
Re: Kanto - Saffron City

It didn't take Blaze long to backtrack home, and soon she was in the Poke'Center, looking around, Ember also looking curiously at the brightly-colored walls.

Finnally stymed on how this works, she goes to the counter. "Erm, excuse me?"
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Re: Kanto - Saffron City

The clerk at the mart reaches down, and pulls out the package, handing it over in exchange for the money. "Is that all, or were you needing something else?"
Re: Kanto - Saffron City

"Uh, yeah I think I'll grab a coupl'a potions and an andidote or two as well," Alex says as he reaches into his pocket and pulls out his wallet. "Make that four potions and two antidotes." He says as he places the money on the counter.
Re: Kanto - Saffron City

The clerk checks, and comes back with the requested supplies. "Here you go."
Re: Kanto - Saffron City

"Thanks," Alex puts his supplies in his backpack and grabs the package for Michael before leaving the shop. A few minutes later he enters Michaels house.

"Hey dude, I've got your package," He calls out as he makes his way back into the work room.
Re: Kanto - Saffron City

"Ah, good. Bring it over here, if you don't mind," Michael replies, turning back around to face his work table, with the equipment laying on it. "It will take a bit of time to finish this, before it is ready for testing, though."
Re: Kanto - Saffron City

"Sure, here you go," Alex places the package on the table. "You need me here or do you mind me popping off for a bit? Thought I'd give Gardenia a bit of a treat before we go train."
Re: Kanto - Saffron City

"Go ahead. I don't know how long this will be, yet. Breakthroughs don't exactly have a schedule, you know."
Re: Kanto - Saffron City

"Heh, true. I'll swing by later on in the evening, mum's cooking a roast dinner so she'll not want me to be late. Catch you later." Alex calls back as he leaves the room and heads out of the house.

"Now, lets get you something nice," Alex says to Gardenia as he heads down the street to Route 7. Taking a thin tube out of his pocket he clicks the lid and out pops a small candy-like food. He hands it to Gardenia.

"Ralts, Ralts!" Gardenia says happily with a smile and takes it from Alex, she then eats it in one go.

"Hope you're ready for some proper training, we havent done this in a while," Alex says to Gardenia enthusiastically as they enter Route 7.
Re: Kanto - Saffron City

The attendant looks up. "Yes, how can I help you?"
Re: Kanto - Saffron City

"Yes, I wanna heal my Poke'mon up real quick?"
Re: Kanto - Saffron City

"Oh, that's simple. If you'll hand them over, we'll take care of their injuries right here," the attendant replied, pointing to a machine that had space for Pokeballs on its surface.
Re: Kanto - Saffron City

"Ok. Time for a ride, Ember."

With that, Ember returned to her poke'ball, and Blazed handed over Ember and Kitty's balls.
Re: Kanto - Saffron City

The attendant took the balls carefully, and placed them in the machine. After a few moments, the pair was returned. "Okay, there you go. And remember, this service doesn't cost a thing."
Re: Kanto - Saffron City

"Wow, how do you keep running then?" she asks curiously.
Re: Kanto - Saffron City

"We get support from a variety of sources."
Re: Kanto - Saffron City

She nods. "Well, either way, thanks a lot!" she said, headed back to Route 7.
Re: Kanto - Saffron City

Heading back through the gate to Saffron City Alex heads to his house.

"Ah there you are, I was just talking with you mothe-" Alex's father said to him as Alex entered the house.

"Listen, I dont want to work for Silph Co. its not something I want to do full time. I want to go out and about, to see the world with Gardenia and make more friends." Alex cut his father off, everytime his father came home it was the first thing he'd say to Alex, and Alex had given him this answer each and everytime.

"Then why havent you?" His father asked him, a slight mock tone in his voice.

"Because Sabrina has been training me, thats why,"

"Well she's gone now, why dont you leave now?"

"I-" Alex didnt know what to answer him. Indeed there wasnt much keeping him from going out on an adventure now, though it was more of the fact that it would be the first time he'd be on his own. "Michael wants me to help him with his invention," He said to his father suddenly. And with that he made to leave. "I'll be back for tea." and with that the door closed behind him.

"Jeez he annoys me sometimes," Alex said as he made his way up the street.

"Ralts, Ralts..." Gardenia said to him, patting him on the head.

"Yeah I know, but its like he's trying to goad me into leaving." Knocking on Michaels door he calls in. "I'm back," Alex makes his way back into the work room.
Re: Kanto - Saffron City

Smoke and the sound of Serin's coughing greet Alex. As soon as he says something, Serin calls out, "Window, fan, something to vent this."