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Kanto - Saffron City

Re: Kanto - Saffron City

"Oh crap, what happened?" Alex calls out to him as he rushes to open all the windows in the room, Gardenia clinging onto him so she didnt fall off his shoulder.
Re: Kanto - Saffron City

"Apparently, I managed to cause a short when I tried to connect that last piece. Unfortunately, it seems the resulting fire may have badly damaged the prototype," Serin manages to get out, around his coughing. He's also right. What's left of the device he was working on is pretty badly charred, melted even in some places.
Re: Kanto - Saffron City

"Damn, that sucks and you werent far off from completing it too," Alex looks bummed about the news of Michaels invention. "Are the pieces easily gotten for it? Or would you need to order them in?"
Re: Kanto - Saffron City

"Some are easily gotten, others I'd have to reorder," Michael gets out before falling into another coughing fit. "I really need to get someone to put ventilation fans in here."
Re: Kanto - Saffron City

"Why dont you ask someone from Silph to install some? I'd help but, ya know, Im not very good with things like that," Alex looks down at the mess that was Michaels burnt invention. "How long would it take to order in the parts?"
Re: Kanto - Saffron City

"A few days. And I might consider it."
Re: Kanto - Saffron City

"Thats not too long then," Alex rests up against the wall. "To be honest I've been thinking about leaving Saffron, my old man keeps pestering me to sign up with Silph, but its really not something I want to do full time."
Re: Kanto - Saffron City

Michael thinks for a moment, then responds, "Actually, it might be easier to get some of the parts by checking other cities...Which could likely speed up the gathering process."

He feels around for a bit, before finding his walking stick. "Okay, I've got to sit outside for a bit."
Re: Kanto - Saffron City

"Well, there we go," Alex says happily. "Now I've got a reason to go out and explore to get my old man off my back." Alex follows Michael outside.
Re: Kanto - Saffron City

"Once this clears out, I will work on getting a list of the parts together. Once I have that, I will contact you with it."
Re: Kanto - Saffron City

"Yeah okay," Alex replies to Michael. "Well, I'm heading back home now, I dont really want my parents to bitch at me for being late again. Seeya later," Alex adds as he sets off back for his house.
Re: Kanto - Saffron City

Every so often, Serin steps back inside and takes a few breaths through his nose. Then, he moves back outside upon smelling the smoke.
Re: Kanto - Saffron City

"Thats it, I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF YOUR STUPID DREAMS!" Alex' father could be heard bellowing at his son in their house. "ISNT IT ABOUT TIME YOU GREW UP?!"

Silence. Then the slamming of doors. "WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING? I HAVENT FINISHED WITH YOU!"

"IM LEAVING!" Alex shouted back at his father as he opened the front door and stormed out, Gardenia barely managing to hang onto him. "AND FOR YOUR INFORMATION GARDENIA AND MICHAEL ARE THE BEST THINGS THAT HAVE COME OUT OF US MOVING HERE!" Alex slammed the front door and marched towards route 7, his backpack on his back full of clothes.
Re: Kanto - Saffron City

((Responded in Celadon.))
Re: Kanto - Saffron City

The city was in flames...Rocked nearly to its foundations by the sudden eruption of explosives scattered throughout the city. Only a handful of buildings were unharmed, and most were either reduced to rubble by bombs, or were burning.
Re: Kanto - Saffron City

Screetching to a halt, with Espin still nestled in her hair, looking around slightly at the devestation. "What the fuc-"

A powerful energy force stopped her from speaking the rest of the swear word, and she glares up at the pink creature on her head. "Ha ha ha," she mutters, though looks for how she can help.
Re: Kanto - Saffron City

(flash post, im so busy,sorry)

Cronos look around the city for survivors, after that he give the order to Susan to decend. After that he use feraligart to start a rain dance to reduce the flames.

(sorry for the grammar)
Re: Kanto - Saffron City

Bloody fuck... guhh, aaahh, fuck. Um, Gecht. Viathen, Satori work on putting out the flames on the outside of town, I don't know how much of the city itself is in flames, but with a fire this big we need to keep it from spreading to the surrounding forests and grasslands or even people who escaped will be caught. Granth says, tossing out the two pokemon.
Re: Kanto - Saffron City

Even before the trainers attempt to intervene...The fires don't seem to be spreading. What's more, they also seem to be ignoring the water. Something seems...unnatural about them.

Also, they would notice Ethan lying on the ground, with Marsil, Kyuubi, and Carcharoth all out, encircling him. By the looks of it, he was badly injured by a chuck of rubble from the tower's explosion.