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Kasumi's Ranch (Tentanari)

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Kasumi's Ranch

Kasumi's Mamono
Hobgoblin: Grade D
Mamono Level: 213
Life: 99
Power: 136
Intelligence: 70
Defense: 156
Skill: 108
Speed: 72
Loyalty: A
Tech: C
Special Trait: 20% Chance that positive morale given to Hobgoblin will be Bouncy(Reflects next attack back to attacker).

	Pow 16

Kasumi's Available Training Exercises
Basic Training
Domino: The monster tries to slam into domino slabs to knock them all down. Raises Power
Shoot: The monster tries to throw rocks at moving targets. Raises Skill
Study: The monster is taught by our own Inari instructor on magic and the ways of the world. Raises Intelligence.
Dodge: The monster tries to dodge our own elite squad of Rush Fairies. Raises Speed.
Run: The monster is put on a track with a cockatrice to chase her for as long as she can. Raises Life.
Endure: The monster stands in a powerful stream to try and endure for as long as she can. Raises Defense.

Kasumi's Schedule
Mamono Training with: None
Sunday: Rest
Monday: Free
Tuesday: Free
Wednesday: Free
Thursday: Free
Friday: Free
Saturday: Rest

Venice says: "Exchange the Free slots with training exercises to build your mamono's stats, or leave them all Free to spend quality time with your mamono."

Available Expeditions
You must have three mamono in your Ranch before an expedition becomes available.

Kasumi's Money: 4700G
Kasumi's Rancher Rank: E
Time Passed: None
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Re: Kasumi's Ranch (Tentanari)

As a girl with reading as her hobby, many of those within the town who knew Kasumi thought it strange that she choose a hobgoblin as her first partner on her career as a Rancher. They were lewd, messy, and not at all intelligent, which didn't suit their image of her at all. The only one who offered no comment on the subject was the very best of the best within the Rancher society, Venice, who told her that any mamono can truly be great, and each has their advantages; although, she did often travel with Jade, her dragon, so one would assume she knew well enough of a dragon's advantages, being both impossibly strong and with impenetrable armor.

The day came for Kasumi to receive her first mamono partner. It was always customary for newborn mamono to be given to starting Ranchers to help the Ranchers better bond with the mamono, as ones who've already aged were quite challenging to train. And on that day, Kasumi entered the Mamono Labs, headquarters to the top Rank S Rancher, Venice, who greeted Kasumi as the brown haired girl entered from the glorious front gates.

"Hello again, Kasumi," Venice greeted her. Everyone said that Venice's memory was impossibly good, and she never forgot anyone's name or rank. "You're right on time, as expected. Shall I show you to your first partner to the beginnings of your Ranching career?"
Re: Kasumi's Ranch (Tentanari)

"Hello, Venice-san" Kasumi greeted the S-Rank rancher as she bowed respectfully to superior trainer, "Yes! I was up almost all night with excitement! I've wanted to start my own mamono ranch forever now! I can't wait to see my first mamono! I bet shell be really cute!" she said giddily as she would follow Venice to the pen where her first monster pet would be being held for her.
Re: Kasumi's Ranch (Tentanari)

Venice chuckled nervously, "Yes... She's quite cute, in her own way," she agreed hesitantly, before leading Kasumi round her desk, and to the labs, where she passed by various rooms seemed designed to fit the various dwellings of mamono, until they came to a rocky setting with a few trees growing inside, filled with a dozen little goblins running around a single, bigger goblin, the only one with massive breasts. She looked over to Venice and Kasumi lazily, before grinning, and just as lazily getting up, and shuffling over to the glass to get closer to the pair, grinning quite goofy at Kasumi. "Ahhh~ You came here for this one?" the hobgoblin directed a finger at herself.
Re: Kasumi's Ranch (Tentanari)

Hrm.... She seems kind of slow and not terribly bright.... I imagine her breasts make it hard to move well... I've heard they're kind of lazy and slobby, but a little challenge will be good for both of us... Well be growing together....... I hope..... She thought to herself before walking up to the glass and placing a hand on it. "Hello, there~ My name is Kasumi, KAH-SUE-MEE. I'm going to be your trainer. TRAY-NUR. Itll be my job to make you stronger, where you can eventually take on BIG mamono! But were going to have to cooperate, CO-OP-UR-ATE. It means work together and listen to each other carefully. It'll be a long and probably difficult and trying journey, but I have faith we can do it together! After all, Venice-sama" she said pointing to the S rank trainer, "told me any mamono can achieve greatness! I believe it and am determined to see you and other mamono reach those lofty hieghts!" she said all the time keeping a large bright beaming smile on her face, "Okay, Venice-sama. You can let her out now."
Re: Kasumi's Ranch (Tentanari)

The hobgoblin only tilted her head and stared at Kasumi as she spoke. Once Venice opened the door, the hobgoblin charged forward, and knocked Kasumi down, before smothering the girl in her large chest. "Coop, your, ate! Tray-nur! Nur-ate-your!" the hobgoblin butchered what Kasumi meant to say by mixing around every part of her words put in emphasis.
Re: Kasumi's Ranch (Tentanari)

"OH-OOOMPH! My oo phure are eager aren't oo?" Kasumi cried out in surprise as the Hobgoblin tackled her to the floor, "Phenish, phome help here efore mhe muffers mee pees?" (My you sure are eager aren't you? Venice, some help here before she smothers me please?) she muffled out from under her mamonos impressive chest. As soon as Venice would help lift the hobgoblin up off of Kasumi, she would gently embrace the monster girl the best she could and affectionately ruffle her reddish brown hair, "You sure are strong~ And it seems you are friendly enough. Well have to work on your comprehension and literacy; but I think well have plenty of time for that down the road. I guess we ought to work on thinking up a decent name for you....... How does Prudense sound to you? Or maybe Pru for short? Do you like that?" she asked the hobgoblin as she finished ruffling her hair, "I imagine I ought to find out what you like to eat, I know what to feed you too. What sorts of food do you like to eat most, Pru?" she asked making eating gestures with her hands to help her young new mamono understand better.
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Re: Kasumi's Ranch (Tentanari)

Sighing, Venice turned to look at Jade, and having seen the look often enough with new ranchers the dragon stepped up and slid her hands between the hobgoblins arms, lifting her off her new master and depositing her next to Kasumi.

"Meat! Prudence love meat~!" The hobgoblin cried out in delight, her breasts bouncing around, threatening to fall out of her top as she was asked about her favourite meal.

"Yes, you'll need to feed your mamono every week for them to grow up big and strong," Venice explained as she rummaged around some papers, looking for something. "Please do keep in mind that the higher quality the food the more it'll cost. If you're not careful your funds will run out before you know it if you keep treating your mamono to it's most favoured meals. Ah, here it is." Having finally found what she was looking for Venice passed Kasumi a small leaflet, detailing what food is on offer. "Anyway, every week a deliveryman will come to your ranch with food. You pay that person and they'll hand a weeks worth of food over to you."

Potato 10
Some monsters like it, but it's not very popular.
Milk 50
Intended for smaller monsters, it tastes very good, but is not very filling.
Fish 100
Main source of food for most monsters.
Cup Jelly 150
High in nutrition, and taste. Great for busy monsters to keep them happy, and comes in a variety of flavors for all tastes.
Meat 300
High quality, delicious meat. Monsters higher up in the food chain prefer this on frequent intervals.
Golden Apple 500
Food provided by the most powerful tree of magic, said to have grown near the earth spirit gnome herself. Ancient and powerful mamono races often dine on this rare treat.
Re: Kasumi's Ranch (Tentanari)

Kasumi let out a heavy sigh of relief and deep breath of air once Jade detached Pru from on top of her, "Whew! Thank you, Jade. I should probably try to be mindful of just how strong Pru is from now on huh?" she said patting Prus reddish brown mop of hair. She then took the piece of paper from Venice before looking it over, "Meat huh?....... Hm.... Its fairly expensive...." she said with a slight grimace, giving Prus declaration of her favorite food serious thought, "Well..... Until we get stronger, more monsters and win some battles and tournaments, I won't be able to give you meat too very often, Pru..... But I think that maybe just for this starting week I can indulge you. And maybe if you do well in battles and training. Positive reinforcement always works best in my opinion. But after this week and until we get more money, you may have to settle for fish, milk or jello okay?" she said giving Pru an affectionate little squeeze. She then turned to Venice before asking, "Is there anything else you think I should know? Any advice, or people you think I should talk to?"
Re: Kasumi's Ranch (Tentanari)

Jade simply glared at Kasumi as the rancher thanked her, the dragons arms folded across her chest. "Ah, yes there is actually," Venice replied, taking the pamphlet from Kasumi and turning several pages over before handing it back to the rancher. "Monday to friday should be spent training your mamono. There are a variety of training courses on offer to help you improve your mamono's attributes. However, loyalty training is a week long process, and there is no course for that. It is down to you, the rancher, to decide how best it is to improve your mamono's loyalty. It would also be beneficial to form relationships with other ranchers, no doubt they'll offer to help you when you become better acquainted with them."
Re: Kasumi's Ranch (Tentanari)

"Right. Got it. This first week I'll train her in all areas but loyalty to see which could use the most work and improvement. Then I'll take Pru out and about to see some sites and maybe visit some other ranchers. Then the next week I'll devote to trying to form a bond between me and Pru. Then I'll start her training in earnest the following week, it'll give us both time to warm up to each other and get accustomed to things. Do you have any other advice, warnings or words of wisdom for me, Venice-sama?" she said finally getting up off the ground and dusting and straightening her self out before patting Pru on the head.
Re: Kasumi's Ranch (Tentanari)

"As a matter of fact, I do," Venice turned towards the door, motioning Kasumi to follow her out. "Be careful with your mamono. While they look pleasant enough they are still monsters. Should they see you falter or show weakness they'll take that opportunity to dominate you, forcing you to be their slave. You won't have to worry so much about your hobgoblin, however the more powerful mamono will most certainly be keeping an eye on you until you can will their loyalty. If you allow yourself to become overpowered and succumb to your mamono's desires you will be abandoned and no help will come." As Venice finished her speech Jade let out a derisive snort, expecting Kasumi to fail. Meanwhile Prudence had been clinging onto the rancher, a hand gripping firmly on Kasumi's ass.
Re: Kasumi's Ranch (Tentanari)

Kasumi eeped out and blushed as she felt Pru's hand firmly on her ass, "Stop that, Pru! Therell be time and place for that later when we get to our ranch." she softly chastised her mamono before turning to Venice, "Oh. Right... Heard stories about some trainers ending up being overpowered and subjugated by their mamono, though most of them were about male trainers.... But I guess gender doesn't make much difference to Mamono, or at least the more powerful ones.... I'll keep that in mind, but I hope I don't run into anything seriously powerful so soon, I doubt me or Pru could handle it right now... Is there anything else I should know before I make my way to our ranch, or are we good to go now?" she asks as they head out the door.
Re: Kasumi's Ranch (Tentanari)

"Yes. One last thing," Venice replied after several minutes thinking. The older rancher slid her hand into a pocket and after several moments rummaging she pulled out an amulet; a plain looking thing with a diamond encrusted in the center. "This will aid you in dominating wild mamono. The diamond is a button, I'll let you figure out what it does yourself." As the group made their way to the door Venice opened it up. "If you do have any questions feel free to ask. I'm normally not too busy to turn down a rancher in need of help. And don't worry, so long as you don't stray too far you shouldn't encounter too strong a mamono." Prudence, uninterested in the conversation taking place took to running around the three women, occasionally flicking up Kasumi's skirt. Venice took to ignoring the situation whilst Jade rolled her eyes though watched the hobgoblin, mentally daring it to mess with her.

"I'll leave you to get back to you ranch now, I have some business that needs to be tended to," Bidding the new rancher goodbye Venice returned back to her lab, leaving Kasumi and Prudence to make their way back to the ranch.

Once at the ranch Kasumi would notice that it's a modest little place though quite run down, the barn in particular would need quite a bit of renovation, limiting the amount of mamono the young rancher could keep for now. The only building in any kind of liveable state being the small, one bedroomed house, however there is plenty of land to expand. Now back at the ranch Prudence runs around, chuckling to herself as the mid-afternoon sun bathes the place in its warmth.
Re: Kasumi's Ranch (Tentanari)

Kasumi did her best to ignore the drafts going to her backside and Prus mischievous behavior and listened to Venice as she handed her the diamond encrusted amulet, holding it close to her. "Thank you, Venice. I'll put it to good use, and try to not wander off to far into the wild until I feel ready. If I need anything I'll be sure to ask you or another rancher. Wish me luck!" she chirped as she headed back out the door to her ranch. As soon as she was in RO ate to her ranch she would grab Pru by the seat of her pants, and pull her to look her face to face. "Pru! That wa rude to grope me and flip my skirt like that in public while I was speaking to Venice! I know you're a mamono but I'll have to try to teach you some manners. Hopefully the Inari at the schools can instruct you to behave a little better.
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Re: Kasumi's Ranch (Tentanari)

The hobgoblin frowned as Kasumi scolded her, her head drooping down slightly though as the rancher finished speaking Prudence's expression returned to that of childlike joy. "Pru un'erstand~!" She called out cheerily, bouncing around in Kasumi's grip, her massive breasts threatening to pop out of her top once more. "Pru and Kah-soo-me not in public no'more~!" Butchering the pronunciation of her rancher's name Prudence glomped the woman, squishing her large chest in the rancher's face, her arms wrapping around Kasumi's head.
Re: Kasumi's Ranch (Tentanari)

"OOOMF! Dere dere, datf a gud gurl, Ru. Aph wong aph phu phundertand. Phu can let me go nao. (There there, thats a good girl. As long as you understand. You can let me go now.)" Kasui said ruffling her mamonos hair affectionately. Once she relinquished her hold on her, Kasumi would take Pru by the hand and would proceed checking out the ranch. Upon seeing the shape of the barn, she would look at Pru before saying, "Hmm. Until I can get it fixed up some, I think it'll be okay if you slept at the foot of my bed at first. I will have to wait for the deliveryman to arrive before I can order your food for the week. So maybe we can spend some time training, unless you have other ideas? But bear in mind, you won't get stronger if we spend all our time "fooling around", okay." she said looking back to her mamono.
Re: Kasumi's Ranch (Tentanari)

"Ya~ay! Slummer party!" Delighted at the idea of sharing a room with her owner Prudence danced around Kasumi, her large chest and cumbersome horns throwing the hobgoblin off balance and onto her backside, revealing a flash of her panties before Prudence climbed back to her feet. Though before the hobgoblin can answer Kasumi's question a uniformed man arrived at the ranch. "Hello ma'am. I'm here to take your order for your mamono's food for the week."
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Re: Kasumi's Ranch (Tentanari)

Kasumi giggled and laughed lightly at Prus dancing at her decision to share a room with her till the barn was finished and couldn't help but to chuckle as she feel down on her backside revealing her panties a little. As the delivery man arrived, Kasumi walked up to the door and pulled out a poutch of gold for the Delivery man, "I'd like an order of meat for this week please." she said as she handed the money to the worker, after he took the money and placed her order, she would respond with a friendly 'Thank you' and then turn back to Pru; "So~ do you know what you'd like to today? Would you like to walk around town for a little, visit some other ranchers, see some sites, a park or something? Or would you be up to a little bit of training today?" she asked her mamono with a bright happy face.
Re: Kasumi's Ranch (Tentanari)

Thanking and taking the money from Kasumi the deliveryman took a box of meat into the tiny house, which was almost as run down as the barn. Consisting of two floors, the kitchen, living quarters and tiny bathroom made up the ground floor and a small bedroom made up the second floor. With the delivery made the man bid Kasumi farewell and left her premises.

Prudence's face lit up at the thought of the decision of what to do is left up to her. Without a seconds hesitation Prudence charged at Kasumi, her horned head wedging itself between the rancher's legs as she began to sniff and probe at her owners panties, her skirt being held up by the oversized horns. "Soo-me smell nice~!"

(Meat costs 300g, you now have 4700g)