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Kayla (orcha)

Re: Kayla (orcha)

Attack Roll:

Gisele: 6+5=11, 15+5=20 vs. Virago: 11 & 29 (Gisele won attacker tie breaker.

Gisele: 20+5=25, 23+5=28, 16+5=21 vs. Virago: 15, 15 & 24.

Gisele manages to land one hit on her foe for 90 damage the first attack. Her second chance nets 2 hits for an additional 180 damage, for a 270 total. The Virago has 30 HP remaining!

Grapple Attempt:

Virago: 29 vs. Kayla: 11+5=16.

Kayla is tackled again!

Free Kayla Attempts:

Gisele: 21 vs. Virago: 23.
Gisele: 19 vs. Virago: 30.

Kayla: 5/8 Adrenaline Left, Virago 17/20 Pregnant.


1: Try to get free.

2: Enjoy some more Virago sex/have another orgasm.
Re: Kayla (orcha)

Sensing victory close at hand, Kayla refused to be distracted. Wrestling with her avian attacker as best she could, she attempted to get herself free and help Gisele finish the fight.

1. Kayla tries to break free and finish off the Virago with an attack.
Re: Kayla (orcha)

((I think I screwed something up somewhere and used the wrong skills for Gisele ... Hopefully it doesn't come back to bite you ....))

Escape Grapple Attempts:

Kayla: 9+5=14 vs. Virago: 29
Kayla: 2+5=7 vs. Virago: 8

Kayla can't break free!

Penetration Attempt:

Virago: 10 vs. Kayla: 21+5=26.

Kayla refuses to let the Virago ride her!

Free Kayla Attempt:

Gisele: 24 vs. Virago: 13

Gisele slams the Virago off Kayla ...

Attack Roll:

Gisele: 14 vs. Virago: 9.

... and ends the fight with a well timed, well placed holy blast between the eyes.

Loot Phase:

Virago: NOTHING.

Bug: MP Potion!

Finding nothing but a single MP potion and taking it, the women had a choice to make.


1: Keep Going.

2: Rest to full stats (chance of being caught)
Re: Kayla (orcha)

With a groan, Kayla sat up, warily watching the avian monsters body, but it appeared that Gisele had finally put the creature down for good. The Amazon stood up, still feeling the aftershocks of her unwanted orgasm running through her body. She glanced at her companion, embarrassed by her performance against the Virago.

"Gisele.... Sorry I, uh, wasn't much help here. I just... didn't expect that. Didn't expect it to feel like that." Her tone was apologetic, and her word stuttered out as she realized how truly helpless she had been against her flying foe.

After a moment, Kayla gathered herself and looked around. "Listen, I think we should keep going. I'll be fine after a moment or two."

As the women set out once more, Kyla looked at Gisele once more. "Have you ever... you know? Done that? I... I hated it, but a part of me... I don't know. How have you stayed sane here over the months?"

1. Keep going
Re: Kayla (orcha)

What started out as an understanding nod quickly turned into a grimace from Gisele at the question.

"Unfortunately yes. Although in my case it wasn't one of them, but rather what I am pretty damn sure was a Succubus. Took me every which way too, rode me, sucked me, the works. Barely got away myself."

There was a slightly longer pause before she answered the rest of it.

"Honestly, the only thing keeping me going is I've seen what happens when these things corrupt someone. I shudder to think that if I'm beaten, I'll be turned into one of these things, my body used to rape other people and corrupt them. I don't know what our captor did to us but ... we can't die, nor does it seem our bodies actually get used to this sex thing, so it hits us the same way every time. I thought maybe over time I'd get a little less sensitive to it but ... it hasn't happened."

As they walked, Gisele suddenly stopped and pointed to what appeared to be a shrine.

"I wonder what ..."

At that moment, Cassidy appeared to them.

"You have found a shrine of evasion. When active, the next time you would be raped, your attacker will be instantly repelled and take massive damage from the aura around you. Be warned that this will only work once, and you must defeat the shrine protectors. In this case, they are Ashlynn Spiderfriend, and her pet Arachne. The choice is yours, but if you do not wish to fight, you should flee now."

She was gone as fast as she had appeared, and when she was, Gisele turned to Kayla and shrugged.

"Might be useful, I'll leave it up to you though. Honestly, I don't care either way."


1: Activate the shrine fight.

2: Let's get out of here.
Re: Kayla (orcha)

Kayla looked over at Gisele, feeling a bit uncertain. "I have no love of spiders, and this Ashlynn sounds like a nasty piece of work. Still.. considering what just happened, that blessing could be useful. And I'm really tired of running away from this place. I say we go for it. But.." Kayla looked around uncertainly, searching for potential danger "Do you think we can take a brief rest first? I'm still a little worn out from the Virago."
Re: Kayla (orcha)

Nodding slightly, Gisele replied, "alright, we'll go for it. Rest, I'll keep watch."

Fortunately, nothing attacked them, and soon enough Kayla was back to full strength.


1: Let's take this shrine.

2: I've changed my mind.
Re: Kayla (orcha)

"Well, let's get to it," Kayla looked over at Gisele "When these things show up, I'll try to paralyze one of them. The Ashlynn person sounds like she's in charge, so I'll go for her first."

Kayla readied her weapon and activated the shrine.

1. Let's take the shrine. Once the boss arrives, Kayla shoots a Paralyze Arrow at Ashlynn, then follows up with an Arrow Deluge Chain if she is not restrained. After that she'll switch to a Magic Arrow attack, targeting Ashlynn with every attack. If she's tackled, she'll try to break free.
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Re: Kayla (orcha)

Initiative Roll:

Kayla: 12 4th
Gisele: 16 3rd
Ashlynn: 29 1st
Arachne: 25 1nd

The women entered the shrine area, and suddenly a force field went up behind them, ensuring they'd remain for the whole fight! A moment later a stunningly attractive Sylvari Woman appeared, and next to her was a Spider woman, her Arachne pet. Before either Gisele or Kayla could react, their opponents were attacking!

Grapple Attempts:

Ashlynn: 29 vs. Kayla: 13 (GRABBED!)
Arachne: 28 vs. Gisele: 20 (GRABBED!)

Both women are quickly tackled to the ground!

Escape Grapple Attempts (Using your cue on this):

Gisele: 18 vs. Arachne: 29 (Nope)
Kayla: 9 vs. Ashlynn: 28 (Nope)

Neither woman even comes close to getting away!

Round 2:

Penetration Attempts:

Ashlynn: 27 vs. Kayla: 22 (Attack - Blowjob)

With some 'weak' roots she summons, Ashlynn effectively holds Kayla down, uses her futa spell to give her a dick, and then goes to town on her. In moments Kayla is being pleasured as the corrupted Sylvari woman sucks her dick. Kayla suffers 50 Pleasure and gains 70 KP from the sex attack, and has 85 Stamina left until she is sucked off to an orgasm!

Special Skill Attempt:

Arachne: 22 vs. Gisele: 20 (Attack - Pussy Ride)

Gisele struggles, trying to get free, and suddenly the Arachne starts shooting something sticky at her! In moments, she realizes in horror, the Arachne is WEBBING her to the ground, completely trapping her! Gisele cries out in both horror, and fear as the webbing quickly restrains her, immobilizing her and leaving her completely vulnerable to her rapist. Once fully webbed, the Arachne uses her futa spell to give Gisele a dick, and then, with a wicked grin, lowers her pussy over Gisele's cock and begins to ride her off. Gisele can only cry out in helpless pleasure as she's raped, straining against her bonds to no avail. Gisele suffers 70 pleasure due to being weak to restrained rape attacks, and of course the Arachne riding her off. Gisele gains 90 KP, and she has 110 Stamina left before she has an orgasm! Unable to fight her rape, Gisele will surely climax at least once.

The Arachne has 90 Stamina left until she has an orgasm around Gisele's cock.

Gisele is trapped for 3 more turns, while the Arachne's cool down is 19 more. Because of this, Gisele doesn't have a turn.


1: Try to break free of the blowjob!

2: Get sucked off to an orgasm and enjoy it!

3: Other?
Re: Kayla (orcha)

Kayla was taken off guard by the ferocity and speed of their opponents. Before she could so much as aim her arrows, Ashlynn was on top of her, wrestling her to the ground. The busty blonde fought back with all of her strength, but her enemy seemed to anticipate her every move.

Before long, Kayla was on the ground, held helpless by the vines her opponent had summoned. Though she continued to feebly fight against her bonds, it was a futile effort. Next to her, she could hear Gisele's own struggle and cries of alarm but she knew she should focus on getting herself free before she could try to help her friend.

Ashlynn gave Kayla a wicked smirk, and the Amazon felt a familiar stirring in her groin. With a groan of forced pleasure, she watched as the corrupted woman's magic imbued her with a cock. Not giving Kayla a chance to catch her breath, Ashlynn leaned down and swallowed the Amazon's unnatural erection to the root. Oh gods... how can it feel so goood.. The corrupted ranger was incredibly skilled, and Kayla felt herself falling under her wanton influence.

Just then, the vines holding one of her arms shifted slightly, and Kayla was able to wriggle her limb free. Her hand clutched at the hair of her assailant, but Ashlynn simply flicked her tongue at a particularly sensitive spot, and Kayla's whole body spasmed with pleasure. Ashlynn began to bob her head, and Kayla's hand moved with her, still entwined in the woman's long hair. Soon, she was almost guiding the corrupted Sylvari's head up and down her shaft, shuddering with every lick and caress. Kayla tried to tell herself that she was still fighting, but when Ashlynn popped her lips off the Amazon's cock, Kayla groaned in frustration and thrust her hips upwards, eager to feel the woman's skilled mouth again.

Kayla's head lolled to the side listlessly as Ashlynn returned to her task. Beside her, the Arachne was confidently riding Gisele, the woman writhing beneath her, trapped in the webbing. As she watched the scene, Kayla felt her orgasm building faster and faster. She glanced toward Ashlynn, and the corrupted ranger met her eyes with a knowing look. Kayla couldn't hold back any longer. "Ohh... gods... I'm cumming...yes...yes!" Kayla screamed out as waves of pleasure wracked her body, and she released her seed into Ashlynn's tight mouth.

With her release a semblance of clarity returned to her mind. Horrified at her own wantonness, Kayla began to struggle once more, desperate to get free.

2. Kayla gives in to Ashlynn's blowjob until she explodes in the woman's mouth. Post-orgasm, she begins to fight back once more, attempting to escape from the corrupted ranger's grasp. She'll keep trying to escape for 2 turns. If she doesn't get free then, the pleasure will overwhelm her again and she'll give in until she cums again. If she does get free, she'll try to free Gisele if possible, using her Interrupt skill. If that's not possible, she'll attack Ashlynn with a Magic Arrow.
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Re: Kayla (orcha)

Unable to handle the pleasure inflicted upon her body by the blowjob, Kayla has given in to it!

Round 1:

Kayla experiences 50 pleasure and gains 50 KP as her blowjob continues. She has only 35 stamina left until her orgasm.

Gisele suffers 70 pleasure as the Arachne continues to mercilessly ride her, and gains 70 KP. Thanks to her heritage, she only suffers 35 Pleasure and 35 KP instead. (Editing stats on this post because I forgot to take her heritage into account last post). Gisele has 110 Stamina left until she has an orgasm. The Arachne has 25 stamina left until she climaxes around Gisele! Gisele is trapped for 2 more turns, while the Arachne's cool down is 18 more. Because of this, Gisele doesn't have a turn again.

Round 2:

Kayla experiences another 50 pleasure, and it's too much for her. A wild, spurting orgasm tears through her, her body convulsing as she helplessly spurts her load into Ashlynn's warm, skilled mouth. Kayla can feel as the corrupted Sylvari uses her tongue and skill to coax every drop of seed out of her orgasm, quite literally sucking her dry. As her orgasm finally dies down, Kayla can feel a new surge of energy kick into her, but at the same time she can feel that Ashlynn hasn't stopped sucking her dick! In fact, even as she spurted helplessly the woman kept sucking her. Now that she's post orgasmic, she realizes the woman intends to suck her off to another orgasm! Kayla gains 100 KP from her orgasm.

Gisele suffers 70 pleasure and gains 70 KP as the Arachne climaxes around her in an orgasm! Gisele cries out as she can feel the pussy trying to coax an orgasm out of her at the same time, and fortunately she has enough stamina to avoid a shared orgasm. However, she only has 40 stamina left until she climaxes herself, and being unable to get free, Gisele knows it's only a matter of time before she is raped to an orgasm anyway. Gisele is trapped for 1 more turn, while the Arachne's cool down is 17 more. Because of this, Gisele doesn't have a turn again.

Round 3:

Escape Rape Attempt:

Kayla: 14+5=19 vs. Ashlynn: 21

Kayla can't escape!

Pleasure Roll:

Ashlynn: 30 vs. Kayla: 5+5=10

Kayla is helpless to stop the woman from continuing to suck her off, and to make matter worse, Ashlynn seems to find a particularly vulnerable spot/angle to suck Kayla off at. Suddenly her pleasure is intensified! Kayla suffers 100 pleasure, and gains 150 KP! The pleasure is nearly enough to make her orgasm again already, and she only has 20 stamina left! Kayla knows she MUST get away this time, or she'll be sucked off to another orgasm already! 7/8 Adrenaline Boost remains.

Gisele cries out as the Arachne continues riding her off, the pleasure mounting. She suffers 70 pleasure, and gains 265 KP from the rape, and has a powerful orgasm! Gisele screams as she can no longer hold her pleasure back, and with violent, pleasurable spurts, she blows her load inside the tight pussy riding her! As she helplessly empties her load, Gisele is only numbly aware that she has given up her seed, and impregnated the Arachne! The Arachne has 60 stamina left until she climaxes around Gisele again. Gisele will be able to attempt resisting her pleasure next turn! The Arachne is pregnant for 20 turns. Gisele is in the adrenaline boost state for 8 turns.

Round 4:

Escape Rape Attempt:

Kayla: 14+5=19 vs. Ashlynn: 29.

Kayla can't get free, and the pleasure of her blowjob consumes her again!

Ashylnn continues to mercilessly suck Kayla off, hitting the same exact spot over and over again, and finally, it drives Kayla past the breaking point again. Her body begins to convulse once more, and soon enough her second powerful, spurting orgasm rips through her! Kayla can only writhe in bliss as her seed is sucked down, the warm, skilled mouth too much for her. Kayla experienced 100 pleasure and a second orgasm, which literally sucks the adrenaline out of her! She also gains 150 KP.

Pleasure Roll:

Arachne: 20 vs. Gisele: 4+5=9

Gisele is unable to fight off the Arachne, and continues to be mercilessly ridden. Gisele suffers 70 pleasure as the Arachne once more orgasms around her captured cock, trying to milk more seed out of her. Gisele gains 70 KP as well, and has just 80 stamina left until her second orgasm.

The Arachne has 150 stamina.

Escape Rape Attempt:

Gisele: 9-5=14 vs. Arachne: 24.

Gisele's feeble struggles aren't even close to being enough to get her free.

Important Stats:

Arachne: 15 turns on webbing, Pregnant 19/20.

Gisele: 7/8 Adrenaline.


1: Try to get away before she sucks you off to a third orgasm.

2: Enjoy yourself and experience a third orgasm.

3: Give in and allow her to suck you off until Gisele can free you, if SHE can get free!

4: Other?
Re: Kayla (orcha)

Kayla's desperation quickly melted before Ashlynn's sensual onslaught, as the corrupted ranger gave her prey no respite. Kayla groaned, equal parts pleasure and frustration mixed, as she felt her determination leak out of her, one sticky spurt of cum at a time. Her first shameful orgasm pushed her into action, but all she could do was flail feebly against the other woman, her movements still restrained by the summoned vines. Ashlynn kept her pillowy lips wrapped tightly around Kayla's eager member, altering the pace of her blow job to provide just the right amount of stimulation to her helpless partner. Oh gods.. I... oh yess..

Quickly, all too quickly, another orgasm began to build. At the perfect time, Ashlynn's wicked eyes found Kayla's gaze once more, and the corrupt Sylvari winked conspiratorially. Before the Amazon could respond, Ashlynn began to moan and hum in time with the rhythmic bobbing of her head. Rapid vibrations coursed down the length of Kayla's unnatural cock, amplifying the pleasure several times over. Helplessly, she wailed to the sky as her eyes began to roll back, her body completely in the thrall of the evil ranger's skilled mouth. Lost in the storm of lust, the Amazon babbled incoherently, obscenities pouring forth in an uncontrolled tide..."Oh fuck... fuck...yes...fuck me... don't stop... don't stop... I'm cumming again... I'm cumming for you!"..Just a few moments later, Kayla spurted once more, another load of thick cum erupting from the tip of her cock and flooding Ashlynn's eagerly slurping mouth.

The massive orgasm flushed away any thoughts of resistance, escape... All Kayla could do, wanted to do was to keep riding the waves of pleasure rippling through her being... Mindlessly, she began thrusting her hips upward, trying to maximize the pleasure she was receiving, completely heedless of the lewd picture she presented.

3. Kayla gives in completely, willingly enjoying Ashlynn's ministrations until Gisele can free her. If Gisele can't get free....

I used some randomized rolls to determine Kayla's response, and the dice didn't love her. She couldn't catch a break, hopefully Gisele has some better luck.
Re: Kayla (orcha)

Kayla is completely overwhelmed by her pleasure, and can't fight it!

Round 1:

Kayla continues to enjoy Ashlynn's blowjob, as the corrupt Sylvari doesn't let up. Kayla experiences 50 pleasure, and gains 50 KP. She has only 5 stamina left until she climaxes a third time.

Pleasure Roll:

Arachne: 29 vs. Gisele: 9+5=14.

Gisele struggles, but can't stop the Arachne from continuing to ride her! Gisele suffers 32 Pleasure and gains 32 KP after her Norn and Sylvari sides kick in to reduce them. Still, Gisele has only 48 Stamina left until she orgasms again!

Escape Rape:

Gisele: 29+5=34 vs. Arachne: 20.

Gisele finally manages to throw the Arachne off of her, getting free! Immediately, she turns to check on Kayla, her heart sinking when she realizes the other woman isn't fighting back!

Important Stats:

Arachne: 14 turns on webbing, Pregnant 18/20.

Gisele: 6/8 Adrenaline.

Round 2:

Kayla continues to be sucked off, and the pleasure once more becomes too much for her. Another powerful orgasm tears through her, wild spurts of pleasure erupting from her captured cock. Kayla experiences 50 pleasure and gains 100 KP. She has 90 Stamina left until she has a fourth orgasm.

Grapple Attempt:

Arachne: 19 vs. Gisele: 9+5=14.

Gisele can't keep the Arachne from tackling her again!

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Gisele: 25+5=30 vs. Arachne: 26.

Gisele manages to free herself, although it is a struggle.

Important Stats:

Arachne: 13 turns on webbing, Pregnant 17/20.

Gisele: 5/8 Adrenaline.

Round 3:

Kayla continues to enjoy herself, as her blowjob continues. She experiences 50 pleasure and gains 50 KP. Kayla now has 40 Stamina left until she explodes in another orgasm.

Grapple Attempt:

The Arachne attempts to grab Gisele again, but this time the woman is ready for it, and manages to land a counter attack! The Arachne suffers 400 damage, and has only 300 HP left. Gisele now has a golden opportunity to finish off the Arachne, and try to free Kayla before she's sucked off again.

Gisele casts her Mantra of Speed, giving herself 2 turns (and Kayla as well). Gisele loses 50 MP and has 70 left. She also has 57 stamina now.

Attack Roll:

Gisele: 2+5=7, 22+5=27, 27+5=32, 11+5=16 & 25+5=30 vs. Arachne: 29, 7, 25, 16 & 27.

Gisele lands 4 hits which is enough to KILL the Arachne! With it out of the way, Gisele turns her attention towards Ashlynn, in the hopes of quickly freeing Kayla!

Free Kayla Attempt:

Gisele: 13+5=18 vs. Ashlynn: 7.

Gisele slams Ashlynn off of Kayla, freeing her finally!


1: Try to attack Ashlynn.

2: Lay there a turn or so to recover from what she did to you.

3: Be unable to move until the fight is over, or a certain time frame has passed.
Re: Kayla (orcha)

Kayla groaned in frustration as Ashlynn's mouth was forced off her imbued cock. It had felt so amazing... Kayla's foggy mind barely registered the sensation of the vines, disturbed the attack on their mistress, slithering away from her arms.

Groggily, the blonde Amazon raised her head and looked around. She caught sight of the Arachne lying lifelessly nearby, Ashlynn rising from where she had fallen, anger twisting her beautiful features... and Gisele standing nearby, her tall frame heaving from exertion and fury.

The sight of her rescuer filled Kayla with hope... and shame. I let her down.... I let that... Damn this place! As tempting as it was to lie down and wait for the skilled, pleasurable touch of Ashlynn's lips, Kayla forced herself to stand, recovering her bow as she went. She wobbled a bit as she stood, but caught herself, and straightened up. Her eyes focused on Ashlynn, her recent lover and tormenter. The strands of fresh cum smeared on the corrupted woman's lips were a fresh reminder of Kayla's weakness. Anger welled within the Amazon, and with a desperate effort, Kayla drew her bow and fired.

1. Kayla attacks Ashlynn
Re: Kayla (orcha)

Attack Rolls:

Kayla: 9 vs. Ashlynn: 10

Kayla: 18, 2 vs. Ashlynn: 14, 27.

Kayla lands one hit for 90 damage, leaving Ashlynn with 4,910 HP.

Ashlynn begins waving her fingers in the air, and suddenly another Arachne just appears! Gisele lets out a curse, and Kayla can hear her mutter, "oh great, she can summon more of them."

The Arachne takes the spot of the previous Arachne, at #2 in the initiative order.

Grapple Attempts:

Ashlynn: 27 vs. Kayla: 21 (Grabbed)

Arachne: 26 vs. Gisele: 7+5=12 (Grabbed)

Both women are grabbed again!

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Gisele: 24+5=29 vs. Arachne: 30.

The Arachne keeps Gisele held down despite her best struggles!

Important Stats:

Gisele: 3/8 Adrenaline.


1: Try to get away before she continues raping you.

2: Experience more fun with Ashlynn.

3: Other?
Re: Kayla (orcha)

Not again! Kayla grunted as she hit the ground, once more entangled in her adversary's arms. Next to her, Gisele was in trouble as well, borne back to the ground by the newly summoned Arachne. As her companion tried and failed to get free, Kayla also started to fight back, hoping she could return the favor this time, and rescue Gisele.

1. Kayla tries to get free, continually resisting Ashlynn's efforts until she is free. If she succeeds, she tries to rescue Gisele, using the Interrupt Skill if necessary. If she's still up after all that, she attacks Ashlynn using the Arrow Chain skill.
Re: Kayla (orcha)

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Kayla: 19 vs. Ashlynn: 12

Kayla manages to break free!

Grapple Attempt:

Ashlynn: 27 vs. Kayla: 18.

Ashlynn tackles Kayla again!

Penetration Attempt:

Arachne: 29 vs. Gisele: 7+5=12

Gisele can't stop the Arachne from pinning her up against the side of the shrine, holding her in place with one of her arms. Before Gisele can figure out what's happening, her freshly imbued cock is thrust between the Arachne's big breasts, and then into the warm mouth of the Arachne. Gisele cries out in shock, and pleasure as she's given what could only be described as a titty blowjob. Gisele suffers 32 pleasure and gains 42 KP from the rape, and has 34 stamina left until she has an orgasm.

Escape Rape Attempt:

Gisele: 25+5=30 vs. Arachne: 29.

Gisele manages to break free of her rape!

Round 2:

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Kayla: 21 vs. Ashlynn: 6.

Kayla breaks free again.

Grapple Attempt:

Ashlynn: 19 vs. Kayla: 7

Kayla is tackled again.

Grapple Attempt:

Arachne: 21 vs. Gisele: 26+5=31

Gisele dodges the Arachne.

Gisele now has 43 stamina.

Gisele tries to attack the Arachne, but she is ready for her, and Gisele is countered, and quickly finds herself pinned to the ground and being ridden off again! Gisele cries out as she suffers 33 pleasure and gains 43 KP from her rape, and has only 10 stamina left until she orgasms!

The Arachne has 90 Stamina until she orgasms around Gisele's cock.

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Kayla: 6 vs. Ashlynn: 23.

Ashlynn manages to keep Kayla held down this time, and she grins at her.

Round 3:

Penetration Attempt:

Ashlynn: 27 vs. Kayla: 26.

Despite Kayla's best struggles, Ashlynn is able to overpower her. Once more Kayla found herself with a cock, only this time it wasn't the lips of Ashlynn's mouth that wrapped snugly around her, but rather it was the lips of Ashlynn's tight pussy! With a fluid thrust downward, Ashlynn slid her tight pussy over Kayla's cock, and began to ride her! Pleasure exploded throughout her body as unfamiliar sensations tore through her, Ashlynn's tight pussy easily working her towards paradise. Kayla suffers 50 pleasure, and it's too much for her. Ashlynn continues to mercilessly ride Kayla even as the woman involuntarily writhes in pleasure underneath her, Kayla's orgasm building and building until finally, she couldn't contain it any longer. Her orgasm tore through her, erupting in a powerful spurting, uncontrollable thrusting. Even as Kayla helplessly blew, Ashlynn wouldn't let up, she continued to ride her through her orgasm, and even after it died down, Kayla could feel that her rapist wasn't stopping! Kayla suffer 50 pleasure and an orgasm. She gains 100 KP and has 131 stamina left.

Ashlynn has 250 Stamina left until she orgasms around Kayla's cock.

Special Attack Roll:

Arachne: 15 vs. Gisele: 5+5=10.

Gisele can only cry out in horror as the Arachne begins webbing her down again, screaming out "No! Not again!" The Arachne doesn't care though, and continues to web Gisele down until the woman is completely helpless and at her mercy. Then, with a wicked grin, she begins to ride Gisele without fear of being stopped.

Gisele cries out as she suffers 32 pleasure, which is enough to make her wildly explode in a powerful orgasm! Even as she helplessly blows her pleasure, Gisele is all too aware that she's giving up her seed and impregnating the Arachne! Even worse, the Arachne continues to rape her even as she helplessly climaxes, and Gisele can feel that the Arachne's own orgasm is coming soon! Gisele gains 140 KP from her rape, orgasm and giving up her seed. The Arachne is now pregnant, 20/20, and Gisele has had her adrenaline raped out of her!

The Arachne has 25 stamina left until she orgasms around Gisele's cock. The Arachne lost 180 HP after raping Gisele to an orgasm! It has 520 HP left.


1: Try to escape Ashlynn's tight pussy.

2: Succumb to the pleasures of the flesh and have more sex with her (specify how long).

((Figured since it's a different attack I'd see how you may want to have her react.))
Re: Kayla (orcha)

Kayla growled in anger and frustration as Ashlynn once again tackled her to the ground. With a smooth, practiced motion the corrupted Ranger raised her hips up, until her pussy brushed over the top of Kayla's unnatural cock, then deliberately brought herself down. Kayla tilted her head back with an involuntary moan as the woman's tight pussy began to milk her, every roll of Ashlynn's hips sending another spike of pleasure through her. This time however, she didn't intend to be easy prey for the seductress, and she tried to break free as best she could. However, Ashlynn seemed unconcerned, almost effortlessly stymieing all of Kayla's attempts to get free. The woman continued to confidently ride Kayla's dick, offering her no rest or respite from the insidious pleasure.

Drained by her efforts, Kayla collapsed back to the ground, hoping to use a delay to regather her strength. She looked up at the figure writhing on her cock with a mixture of hatred and grudging admiration. How is she doing this? She's so strong... so beautiful... Just for a moment Kayla allowed herself to appreciate the curvaceous body of the fallen Ranger, her eyes sliding covetously over Ashlynn's tight breasts and taught belly... The moment of weakness was enough, as Ashlynn seemingly sensed the change in her partner, and sped up the motion of her hips. With an imperious motion, the woman grabbed Kayla's head, and forced her to meet her gaze, while her other hand roughly mauled at the Amazon's large tits, squeezing and pinching at the woman's hardened nipples. Helplessly, Kayla wailed to the sky as another unwanted orgasms welled within her, then crashed down through her body. She convulsed lasciviously beneath her attacker as she spurted her seed inside the other woman.

Oh gods... why does she make me feel so good... Kayla looked up at Ashlynn, and the corrupted woman treated her to a wicked smile and resumed her sport, her hips once again twisting and bucking around Kayla's unflagging erection. Oh no... not again... Drained as she was, it would have been all to easy to give in to Ashlynn's skilled body... but the memory of her earlier shame was too fresh and vivid. With an angry cry, Kayla resumed her struggles, trying to break free and attack her enemy.

1. Kayla continues to try to break free until she succeeds. First, she attemps to free Gisele, using an Interrupt attack if necessary. She then proceeds to attack Ashlynn with a Punishing Arrow Chain, mixing in a Paralyzing Arrow when available. If the Arachne survives until her pregnancy timer falls below 10, Kayla switches targets until the Arachne is dead.

OOC note:
This looks like it could take a while at the current pace of combat, and the scenes are a bit repetitive. Even with you doing multiple rounds of combat per post, over two months of real time, the boss has taken only 90 damage out of 5,000. Is it possible to:
a). simulate the rest of the encounter? Kayla can just spam the Punishing Arrow Chain at every opportunity.
b). skip the combat entirely and fast forward to some conclusion? I'd prefer to keep the character going, but if that's not possible that's OK.
c). Interrupt the encounter, at the cost of a significant KP point penalty to the the characters?

Of course, I'm open to other suggestions.
Re: Kayla (orcha)

Escape Rape Attempt:

Kayla: 9 vs. Ashlynn: 22.

Kayla isn't going anywhere!

Pleasure Roll:

Ashlynn: 2 vs. Kayla: 5.

Kayla resists taking pleasure!

The Arachne continues to mercilessly ride the fully restrained Gisele, who can only helplessly cry out in pleasure as she's raped. Gisele suffers 70 pleasure and gains 70 KP as the Arachne orgasms around her cock! All Gisele can do is enjoy the ride though, as she is restrained for 2 more turns!

The Arachne has 115 Stamina left, and is pregnant for 19 turns.

Gisele can't do anything!

Round 2:

Escape Rape Attempt:

Kayla: 4 vs. Ashlynn: 28.

Kayla can't get away!

Pleasure Roll:

Ashlynn: 20 vs. Kayla: 9.

Kayla can only cry out as Ashlynn continues to ride her off, suffering 100 pleasure as the woman finds her vulnerable spot again! Kayla gains 100 KP, and has 38 stamina left.

Ashlynn has 200 stamina left.

Once more the Arachne rapes Gisele, who is helpless against it! Gisele suffers 35 Pleasure and gains 35 KP. Gisele has 55 Stamina left.

The Arachne has 50 stamina left, and will orgasm around Gisele one more time before the woman can try to get free! She also is pregnant for 18 turns.

Gisele can't help herself!

Round 3:

Escape Rape Attempt:

Kayla: 25 vs. Ashlynn: 19.

Kayla finally manages to get away!

Grapple Attempt:

Ashlynn: 27 vs. Kayla: 27+3=30.

Kayla dodges thanks to her evasive boost, and gives herself a chance to do something!

The Arachne continues to rape the helpless Gisele, and orgasms once more around her captured cock! Gisele tries to fight back her rising pleasure and hold out, but she is unable to do so. With a piercing scream of pleasure, Gisele's body succumbs to the powerful milking contractions of the Arachne's pussy and orgasm around her. Gisele can only helplessly empty her load into the pussy riding her, flooding the Arachne with her seed yet again. Gisele suffers 120 KP, and has 165 stamina left. As her climax dies down, Gisele's special skill activates, and a snap of energy lashes into the Arachne, dealing 360 damage to the Arachne!

The Arachne has 160 HP, 140 stamina and is pregnant for 17 turns. Gisele can fight her next turn!

Gisele can't get free yet, but she can feel that the webbing is almost weakened enough to do so!

Round 4:

Attack Roll:

Kayla: 30, 23, 21, & 24 vs. Ashlynn: 8, 18, 2 & 1.

Kayla launches into her Arrow Deluge Chain, and lands all four hits! Of the four, only the first lands critical, but she still does 450 damage! Ashlynn has 4,460 HP left.

Ashlynn tries to grab Kayla, but the woman is ready and launches a counter attack for 400 damage! Ashlynn has 4,060 HP.

Pleasure Roll:

Arachne: 5 vs. Gisele: 7.

Gisele resists!

Escape Rape Attempt:

Gisele: 29 vs. Arachne: 13.

Gisele breaks free! The Arachne is pregnant for 16 turns!

Round 5:

Attack Roll:

Kayla: 18 vs. Ashlynn: 14.

Kayla decides to paralyze Ashlynn for 3 turns so they can get some free hits after ending the Arachne!

Ashlynn doesn't have a turn for 3 rounds now.

Grapple Attempt:

Arachne: 3 vs. Gisele: 23.

Gisele dodges the Arachne!

Gisele weaves her mantra of speed for her and Kayla, giving them 2 actions per turn! She has 38 MP left.

Attack Rolls:

Gisele: 7 vs. Arachne: 3.

Gisele KILLS the Arachne!

Gisele deals 300 damage to Ashlynn, who has 3,760 HP left.

Round 6:

Before either woman can do anything, Kayla's Amazon guardian appears and smashes Ashylnn for 2,500 damage! Ashlynn has 1,260 HP left!

Kayla goes back to her Arrow Deluge chain as Ashlynn is paralyzed, and lands all 4 hits, none of which land critical. Still, she does 360 damage, and that leaves Ashlynn with only 900 HP!

Ashlynn can't do anything.

Gisele lands both hits for 600 damage total, and leaves Ashlynn with only 300 HP.

Round 7:

Kayla finishes the fight with her punishing arrow chain, and KILLS Ashlynn!

Both women gain 5,400 XP and reach level 2!

Loot Phase:

Ashlynn: HP Potion.

Arachne 1: MP Potion.

Arachne 2: NOTHING.

Both women are at full stats due to level up! In addition, the next time either would be grabbed by an enemy, that enemy will take 2,500 damage!


1: Loot and Go.

2: Loot and Gloat a turn (can't be caught).

((Take notes :p Notice how I strung her skills up for this based on the situation. Sometimes you have to burn a skill that does no damage at first in order to gain the upper hand. Actually, I probably should have used the Paralyze Arrow a round earlier than I did, but meh.))
Re: Kayla (orcha)

Kayla stood over the vanquished foes, her knees wobbling slightly, her breath ragged and rapid. Glancing over at Gisele, she saw that the taller woman was in no better shape, still trying to recover from her encounters with the Arachne.

"Let's... let's just get out of here..." Stopping only to gather the loot, Kayla and Gisele moved on.

1. Loot and move on. Kayla spends her 10 points gained from leveling up evenly between Strength and Dexterity.

Thanks for running that out, I'm certainly glad that the encounter ended well, and the Paralyze Arrow is useful. But without the Guardian showing up, and taking 50% of Ashlynn's health, that may have gone on for a while. Speaking of the Guardian, I thought that was a one time 10% chance at the start of the fight. Does it have a 10% chance to proc every round? That would definitely make it more useful.