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Kayla (orcha)

Re: Kayla (orcha)

((Guardian is a 10% chance to appear at the start of every round in combat, but once she appears during THAT fight, that's it, she won't come again in the same fight. Also, stat system was removed in the last update, made things easier just to have a base system in place where the stats upgraded on their own so to speak, and didn't waste time for you having to decide where to plug points.))

Moving onward, the women found themselves in a large, flat area filled with tombstones. It appeared to be some form of grave yard, though the grave markers were so worn they couldn't make out the names. As they pressed onward ...

Level 3 Karsetti: Stamina: 150. Pleasure: 45. HP: 600. Damage: 8. Weak vs. Physical Attacks. Special Ability: Super Tentacle Bind.

Level 2 Harpy: Stamina: 140. Pleasure: 40. HP: 600. Weak vs. Physical Attacks.

Level 3 Virago: Stamina: 135. Pleasure: 45. HP: 600.

Level 3 Possessed Ape: Stamina: 150. Pleasure: 30. HP: 300. Damage: 5. Weak to Magical Attacks. Special Ability: Pin Down (Physical).

Initiative Rolls:

Karsetti: 3 (Last)
Harpy: 9 (5th)
Virago: 14 (3rd)
Ape: 12 (4th)
Gisele: 29 (1st)
Kayla: 19 (2nd)

Gisele reacted first to their opposition, casting her Mantra of Speed spell. She has 85 Mana left.

Attack Rolls:

Gisele: 18 vs. Ape: 23 (Miss)

Gisele: 8 vs. Ape: 7 (Hit!)

Gisele only lands one of her spells, leaving the Ape with 300 HP.


1: Finish the Ape off and then try for another foe?

2: Other (specify action, two turns possible here, same skill can be used while under the mantra.)
Re: Kayla (orcha)

Even as the two women approached the dilapidated graveyard, Kayla felt a growing sense of unease. Her suspicions were confirmed as she saw four shapes begin to converge around them. Luckily, by now she was much harder to surprise. Quickly, Kayla drew back her bow, searching for a good target.

Gisele also reacted quickly, casting as spell which filled Kayla with vigor before lashing out at the nearest creature, a monstrous ape. The brute roared with pain and stumbled, but remained on its feet.

Kayla decided to follow her companion's lead. She spun toward the ape, and released several arrows into it's dark hide, hoping to put it down for good.

1. Kayla uses a Punishing Arrow Chain on the ape. If it is still up after one attack, she continues to wear it down with another Chain. If the first attack brings it down, she switches to targeting the Karsetti, then the Virago, followed by the harpy. She'll attempt to resist all sex based attacks, and escape all grapples.
Re: Kayla (orcha)

((I am only doing one round per post from this point on unless a situation like the futa parasite trap dictates me to do more. Otherwise I'm spending way too much time focusing on a single thread. Also, wow, you lucky motherfucker with the rolls!))

Kayla prepared to launch her attack, when suddenly a familiar sound of thunder could be heard. Like before, this sound was accompanied by a sudden hailstorm of arrows, which proceeded to pierce every enemy in the area and drop them all dead instantly!

Gisele only raised an eyebrow, shaking her head.

"Well ... someone up there likes you."

Both women gain 700 XP, and level up!

Loot Phase:

Karsetti: KL Lowering Potion for Each Woman!
Harpy: Mana Potion for each woman!
Virago: Map Piece!

Suddenly Cassidy appeared!

"Congratulations, you have found the map piece that will lead you to your first true fight. In order to progress past this area, you must defeat Blood Raven and her three pet Apes. When you are ready, I will take you there."


1: Bring it on!

2: Wait for no real reason.
Re: Kayla (orcha)

"Well, here's hoping I haven't used up all of my luck just yet. Gisele, are you ready?" Kayla turned to her companion. "I'm good to go if you are."

1. The women move on to confront Blood Raven.
Re: Kayla (orcha)

Nodding in agreement, Gisele moves in along with Kayla to confront what she suspected would be their toughest test yet.

As they entered an area filled with Tombstones, they saw Blood Raven with her pets. The Apes were ugly as sin, and each one turned to look at the women, their intent clearly readable on their faces. Blood Raven herself was a red headed woman who appeared to have at one time been a lovely Mathosian. Her skin was almost perfect still, and if not for the demonic eyes, she might have passed for one of the living, not a demon. That and the expression on her face told them both the woman would have no problem raping them if given the chance.

Enemy Spawns:

Level 4 Possessed Ape: Stamina: 175. Pleasure: 35. HP: 700. Damage: 10. Weak to Magical Attacks. Special Ability: Pin Down (Physical). (1)
Level 4 Possessed Ape: Stamina: 175. Pleasure: 35. HP: 700. Damage: 10. Weak to Magical Attacks. Special Ability: Pin Down (Physical). (2)
Level 5 Possessed Ape: Stamina: 175. Pleasure: 35. HP: 700. Damage: 10. Weak to Magical Attacks. Special Ability: Pin Down (Physical). (3)
Blood Raven: HP: 10,000. Stamina: 300. Pleasure: 40.


Blood Raven: 6 (Last)
Ape 1: 26 (1st)
Ape 2: 19 (3rd)
Ape 3: 17 (5th)
Gisele: 25 (2nd)
Kayla: 18 (4th)

One of the Apes reacted first, lunging for Kayla:

Grapple Attempt:

Ape 1: 29 vs. Kayla: 28+3=31

Kayla manages to dodge, but only JUST.

Gisele casts her Mantra of Speed, knowing they need the boost badly here! She loses 50 MP and has 100 left.

Attack Rolls:

Gisele: 28 vs. Ape 2: 15.

Gisele launches her Smite Skill and instantly obliterates the Ape! She now has 50 MP, and gets a free second Smite with her Mantra!

Gisele: 14 vs. Ape 3: 13.

Gisele has to work for this hit, but she lands another Smite Spell, and once more her target is obliterated! She has successfully evened the odds out for them!


1: Attack the Remaining Ape.

2: Go for Bood Raven.

3: Beg for sex? :p
Re: Kayla (orcha)

Even as Kayla moved into cover behind one of the tombstones, she could feel the energies from Gisele's mantra spell rushing through her. Her movements quickened unnaturally, and she had to focus in order to control her hands. Glancing over the tombstone, she saw two of the apes fall before Gisele's magical onslaught.

Shouting a word of encouragement to her friend, Kayla stood and drew back her bow, intending to join in the attack. Gisele evened the odds, up to me to tilt them in our favor. She quickly fired a pair of Magic Arrows toward the lone remaining ape, ready to follow up with more if needed.

1. Kayla attacks the remaining ape with Magic Arrows until the ape is down.

PS. Reading through the sign-ups thread it sounds like queuing up attacks is the way to go now?
Re: Kayla (orcha)

((Yes, basically once you're on attack mode you'll keep attacking automatically until grappled. Less likely we'll have 50 posts with basically the SAME decision making point anymore now, and have smoother, faster battles that hopefully don't take weeks or months of posting to go through. At least, that's the idea! Also, if you don't list specific attacks, I'll auto-pilot how I would run them, so you'll get some free 'advice' on the best ways to murder shit! Also, oops, I kind of gave Gisele a skill she hasn't learned yet! Error in your favor!))

Attack Rolls:

Kayla: 19 vs. Ape 1: 17.

Kayla lands her Magical Arrow for CRITICAL Damage, and KILLS the Ape in one shot! 1,200 Damage Dealt!

Kayla: 22, 30 & 27 vs. Blood Raven: 20, 15 & 17

Kayla lands her Punishing Arrow Chain for all 3 hits, with two landing critical! She STUNS Blood Raven for 2 turns. She also deals 400 Damage.

Blood Raven can't do anything, and the next 2 rounds are free hits for both girls!

Gisele deals 2,400 Damage over the next 2 Rounds to Blood Raven, while Kayla deals 1,800 damage herself, the two women Combining for 4,600 Damage before Blood Raven has another Chance to move.

Gisele: 24 & 25 vs. Blood Raven: 8 & 17

Gisele lands both of her hits for 1,200 Damage, leaving Blood Raven with 4,200 HP!

Kayla: 26 vs. Blood Raven: 22

Kayla lands her Paralyze Arrow, and Blood Raven is Paralyzed for the next 3 rounds!

Over the next 3 Rounds, Gisele deals 3,600 Damage, while Kayla deals 810 over 2 rounds, ending the fight! None of their foes ever got the chance to attack again, and the women are victorious!

Both women gain 10,800 XP and reach Level 4, AND then hit Level 5!

Both Women gain new Skills!


Fleshshredder Chain: This chain hits for 100 damage up to 4 times for a maximum of 400. Each hit MUST connect to keep the chain going. Mana Cost: 5. Level Gained: 5. Physical Attack.


Smite - This skill deals 400 Holy Damage, double if against an undead or demonic opponent. Mana Cost - 50. Level Gained: 5. Magical Attack. Can't critical hit.

Beatdown - The Chantress goes into a flurry of hits with her staff, lashing out a total of 5 times, dealing 100 damage each time she lands a hit. She doesn't need to land a hit to keep the string going. Physical Attack. 3 turn cool down. Level 5.

Precise Hit - This skill is acquired by EVERY Class except for Amazon/Ranger at Level 5. When used, if it lands, it will do 100 damage to the target, as well as stop it's rape attack. Note that some enemies can't have their rape
attacks stopped.

Surprisingly, nothing ends up being there to loot since the two women appear to be maxed out on the potions they can carry!

As Blood Raven and her pets' bodies vanish, Cassidy appeared, while at the same time an energy barrier and a strange device appeared out of thin air, seeming to have been invisible until now. Looking at it, Cassidy sighed in disgust before explaining.

"It would seem that the bastard who runs this place has set up devices to power energy fields around some places. I'm afraid that in order for you to progress, despite having beaten the boss here, you'll have to let that device have it's way with your body until it's 'sated'. If I could take it out myself, or take one of your places I would ... but I'm afraid it won't work. I'm sorry but ..."

A sudden snap of energy filled the air, and Cassidy seemed to seize up, vanishing suddenly in mid sentence!

Gisele for her part simply rolled her eyes at the mention of the device, which looked a lot like a fake pussy. She did however blink in surprise and step back in fear when Cassidy convulsed, and then vanished. She recovered quickly though, a determined look on her face.

"I'll handle this one, just keep watch for me. I think that bastard attacked her, and that makes me want to hurt him even more."


1: Let her 'handle' the device.

2: Take it yourself and don't risk her own life since she has more KP than you do. (10,183 compared to your meager 1,810)

((Notes: Paralyze Arrow has 9 Turns Cool Down left. All other skills and stats are fully charged/ready to rumble.))
Re: Kayla (orcha)

Kayla lowered her bow, her arms shaking slightly as the adrenaline from the short and intense battle raged through her. She was barely surprised by Cassidy's sudden appearance, almost expecting the woman's ethereal from to pop up. The Amazon cast a sideways glance at Gisele.

"Here we go, more good news I bet," she murmured wryly, as Cassidy began to speak. Kayla's heart grew heavier with every word.

"Great, so we beat the boss, but we still have to humiliate ourselves for the unholy bastards who set this up!" she fumed as Cassidy's transmission was interrupted. Looking at Gisele as she approached the strange device, Kayla hesitated then shrugged. "Alright, if that's what you think is best. I'll... I'll keep watch."
Last edited:
Re: Kayla (orcha)

Gisele only nodded, stepping forward and triggering the device. Almost immediately magic surged around her body, and she was turned into a futa chick. An invisible force yanked her forward into the fake pussy device, and as soon as she had penetrated it, energy 'restraints' coiled around her, to prevent her from pulling out. Gisele let out a soft gasp as she penetrated the thing, and from the way the thing bulged out when penetrated, Kayla wouldn't need Gisele to tell her the thing had to be incredibly tight around her cock. Then, the device began thrusting over Gisele's captured cock, slowly stroking her. It wouldn't be long until the device managed to get an orgasm out of Gisele, who climaxed wildly inside of it, her body shuddering with it's release. Unfortunately though, the device wasn't finished, and didn't even stop stroking her as she helplessly spurted her pleasure into it. It simply kept stroking her at the same unwavering pace, pulling orgasm after orgasm out of the helpless woman. It seemed to take forever with her, but finally it released her after one final orgasm. Gisele barely managed to keep standing, though she did fall forward into the next area, catching herself on a small tree growing on the edge of what appeared to be some kind of Marshland.

Taking a few breaths to steady herself, Gisele finally spoke.

"Wow. Forget this corruption shit, these guy ... there are TONS of people who'd PAY good coin to have something like this available to them. This overlord could make a fortune off of things like that if he wanted to."

She suddenly fell silent, a hint of red creeping into her cheeks.

"Shit, I said that out loud, didn't I?"

Gisele's Added KP: 6,024.


1: Reply to her and Move Onward.

2: Reply to her, check on her and make her rest a moment after what happened to her, then move on (can't be caught).

3: Simply move on without a word.

4: Ignore the comment and see if she's alright/make her rest a moment before moving on (can't be caught).
Re: Kayla (orcha)

Kayla did her best to keep her focus on keeping a lookout for any potential attackers, but as Gisele's moans and gasps continued, the Amazon couldn't help but sneak a curious glance at her companion. The sight of the tall woman writhing in helpless pleasure as the merciless machine pumped away was more alluring than Kayla cared to admit. She kept glancing back, drawn in by the shameless display of pleasure, until she was almost openly staring, her lips slightly open. Unbidden, vivid memories of her own encounter with the mechanical temptations of this cursed land came to her.

I bet that feels fantastic... Kayla looked away, ashamed of her lewd thoughts. Doesn't matter how good it feels, it's not right. It's not.

Gisele gave a final shudder and stumbled, a new, unexpected vista opening up before the two women. Paying little attention to the change in landscape, Kayla hurried over to her friend, lending her some support. She blushed a little at Gisele's candid comments, which mirrored some of her earlier thoughts.

"Well...," Kayla groped about for an appropriate response, "maybe we can take one with us when we escape. I've always wanted to make a fortune!" she finished with a half-hearted joke.

Noticing that Gisele was still a bit wobbly, Kayla led her over to a nearby fallen log. "Here, sit," she insisted, "you need to rest before we move on. Who knows what's coming next."

2. The women rest before moving on, with Kayla willing to continue discussing the recent events.
Re: Kayla (orcha)

Gisele started to laugh, clearly not having expected that to be Kayla's reaction. The act of laughing though revealed how weakened she was though, as Kayla had almost no difficulty 'encouraging' her over to the log. As it was, it was a miracle the woman could even still stand after what had been done to her. Sitting down, she let out a small sigh.

"Well, if we're going to do that, we should take at least two. We'll have to take one of them apart and learn how to make more of them after all. And figure out what kind of magic changes us to be able to use them and all. So much work to be done."

She fell silent again, then turned suddenly to Kayla, a thoughtful look on her face.

"Something I think you should know. Being that I am part Norn, I do possess the ability to sense those who are a spiritual presence, and not a physical one. From Cassidy, our guide? I get nothing from her. Now to my knowledge, there isn't a spiritual entity of any kind that our people can't sense at that kind of proximity to it. I think ... I hate to say it Kayla but ... I think she's still alive, and she may be a prisoner here herself, or at least someone trying to help who can't escape themselves. But when she got cut off back there ... for a brief moment I sensed something very powerful, some kind of creature, almost as if it were right there with the three of us. I don't think it was a spirit per se, but it felt like it had consumed a number of spirits itself, perhaps some kind of spirit eating beast. If that thing has Cassidy in it's grip ... I don't see how she can survive for long. I know this will seem insane to you but ... I can't leave this world without at least trying to find her, and free her, or at the very least find out what happened to her."

After Kayla would reply, Gisele would stand up.

"We'd better get going, we're not going to accomplish anything just sitting around."

Moving onward into the Marsh, the two women eventually came to what might have once been a small forest growing in what was now Marsh Land. Many of the trees were dead, or definitely dying, though a few did seem healthy still. As they moved through this mini forest ...

Trap Evasion Rolls:

Gisele: 5 vs. Trap???: 11 (TRIPPED)

... Neither woman noticed movement in the trees above them, and they were unaware they weren't alone until it was too late. As each woman passed by a tree, a long tentacle snaked down from each and suddenly coiled around their bodies, yanking them backwards and pinning them to a tree! Then they quickly coiled around the tree, trapping them by the waist. Suddenly more tentacles emerged from the trees, some coiling around their arms, and others around their legs, spreading them open and restraining them! Three more tentacles appeared, one of them shaped like a penis. The penis shaped one quickly forced it's way inside of both women, and began raping them, while the other two opened slightly to reveal they were like mouths of some kind before coiling around their breasts and latching on to them! One latched on to their nipples, both women would feel the tentacles beginning to suck on them!

Gisele suffers 27 Pleasure and gains 37 KP from her rape. She has 213 Stamina left.

Kayla suffers 45 Pleasure and gains 65 KP from her rape as the tentacle thrusts deeply into her tight pussy. She has 150 Stamina left.


1: Try to escape the rape (Would she give in? How long and when?)

2: Enjoy an orgasm!

3: Get fucked til it's done with you (which might be a while) :p
Re: Kayla (orcha)

As the tentacles coiled their way around her body, Kayla struggled and pulled on the slithering members, doing her best to break free. Despite her efforts, she made little progress in escaping. Her mouth opened in a strangled gasp as one of the tentacles found its way between her thighs and thrust inside of her roughly. Oh gods, not again....

Glancing over, Kayla saw Gisele in a similar predicament, moaning rhythmically as the tentacles ravished her. The sight reminded Kayla of Gisele's very recent encounter with another device. I wonder if she's enjoying this one as well... Kayla groaned and closed her eyes, fighting down the unwanted pleasurable sensations.

1. Kayla tries to escape the trap for at least 5 rounds - unless she sees Gisele give in before then, in which case she'll join her friend in submitting. If and when she gives in, she's in it for the whole ride - unless Gisele breaks free and tries to help her, in which case she'll begin to fight once more.
Re: Kayla (orcha)

Escape Trap Attempts:

Kayla: 10 vs. Trap: 3

Kayla manages to tear herself free!

Gisele: 23 vs. Trap: 18

After a brief struggle, Gisele is able to free herself as well!


1: Move Onward.

2: Rest a turn to recover full stats (chance to be caught) and then Move On.
Re: Kayla (orcha)

Throwing off the last of the tentacles with a disgusted grimace, Kayla backed away from the tree, Gisele following closely behind her.

"Let's get out of here," Kayla said, her voice shaking slightly.

1. Move on
Re: Kayla (orcha)

Moving onward, the two women pushed deeper into the Marsh, Kayla having fallen silent, perhaps angry with herself for tripping the last trap. As they moved through yet another seemingly bland area ...

... They suddenly spotted some kind of Shrine that seemed 'hidden' in a way, difficult to spot until you were almost on top of it!

Cassidy only briefly appeared this time to tell them they had found a Shrine of Strength, and using it owuld grant them a double damage bonus to all Physical Attacking skills. She informed them they would have to fight Vaneera the Wild and a Gargoyle Girl before vanishing again as abruptly. When she had appeared this time though, there were clear signs on her 'projected' body that she had recently been raped, as well as what had seemed to have been bruising marks on her body.


1: Attack the Shrine!

2: Not worth it, let's move on.
Re: Kayla (orcha)

Kayla glanced over at Gisele. "I don't know about you, but I could use the boost. I'm game if you are. Considering how the last shrine went, I'd say our chances are pretty good."

1: Attack the Shrine!
Re: Kayla (orcha)

Enemy Spawns:

Level 6 Gargoyle Girl: Stamina: 200. Pleasure: 55. HP: 900. Weak vs. Magic. Special Ability: Stoning.

Vaneera the Wild: HP: 5,000. Stamina: 300. Pleasure: 50.


Kayla: 1 (Last)
Gisele: 24 (2nd)
Gargoyle: 4 (3rd)
Vaneera: 27 (1st)

Grapple Attempt:

Vaneera: 29 vs. Kayla: 28+3=31

Kayla JUST dodges a takedown bid.

Gisele casts her Mantra of Speed, boosting their speed! She has 130 stamina left.

Attack Rolls:

Gisele: 30, 20, 13, 19 & 9 vs. Gargoyle: 1,3, 1, 18 & 7.

Gisele lands all 5 of her beatdown hits on the Gargoyle, dealing 960 Damage and overkilling the Gargoyle on the final hit!

Gisele: 19, 28, 25, 16 & 29 vs. Vaneera: 16, 9, 1, 10 & 14.

Gisele lands all 5 hits again, dealing 840 Damage, leaving Vaneera with 4,160 HP.


1: Attack! (What skills?)

2: Other?
Re: Kayla (orcha)

Kayla, heartened by her friends successful opening strikes, moved to attack as well. She fired a Paralyzing arrow at Vaneera, before following up with a Punishing Arrow chain.

1. Kayla attacks. (Not really sure how many times she can do what)
Re: Kayla (orcha)

((Basically she keeps doing the same thing until there's a notable change. On attacks, until all foes are dead, or until she is grappled/raped. When attempting to escape rape/grapple, she'll keep trying til she succeeds, unless she triggers a player decision point on when she'd give in and for how long, then go back to struggling.))

Attack Rolls:

Kayla: 2 & 29 vs. Vaneera: 22 & 3

Kayla misses her first arrow, but lands the Paralyze on the second try, giving both her and Gisele a ton of free shots for the next 3 rounds!

Over the next 3 Rounds the two women deal plenty of damage, killing Vaneera and ending the fight! 9 Rounds of Cool Down on Paralyze Arrow!

Both Women Gain 5,200 XP!

Loot Phase:

Vaneera: Map Piece!

Gargoyle: Nothing!

Looking at the Map, Gisele shrugs.

"So we are going to some kind of Tower, which was built from the ground, and then down into the ground. Probably links up with a cave or something then, or underground tunnels like the Ancestors used."


1: Move On!

2: Rest to full then move on (1 turn needed, can't be caught).
Re: Kayla (orcha)

Kayla glanced at the map fragment Gisele was holding, craning her neck so as to be able to see. She's a tall one... She nodded her assent to Gisele's words.

"A tower it is then. Well, let's recover a bit, and then move on."

2. Rest for a turn before tackling the tower.

PS. I wasn't sure what the exact effects of Gisele's Mantra of Speed were. No worries, seems to be pretty straightforward.