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Kaylee Sampson [Simca]

Re: Kaylee Sampson [Simca]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][170]} {[Stamina:][180]}

{Sapphire jeweled Necklace(INT+2)}
Status: Pinned (Against The Wall)

Kaylee's dash for the door just caused the minotaur to dash foreward with thuds as well. Each footstep was a thud and almost immediately upon her reach to the door she tripped due to the shaking of the ground as the minotaur got close he grabbed her and pinned her to the wall. The minotaur snorted at her as he held her tightly to the wall his massive member was dangling in front of her.

{Attack} {Try To Escape Pin} {Wait}
Re: Kaylee Sampson [Simca]

Kaylee eeped and stared at it...then tried to fight him off, kicking, thrashing, anything to escape the pin~
Re: Kaylee Sampson [Simca]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][170]} {[Stamina:][180]}

{Sapphire jeweled Necklace(INT+2)}
Status: Pinned&Felt Up (Against The Wall)

Minotaur, Medium Class, Level 3, {[Health:][144]}

Kaylee's thrashing seemed to do nothing against the Minotaur's massive strength. He held her tight to the wall and lifted her up enough that her womanhood was exposed to his face, he leaned in and started to lick her womanhood, never letting his tongue slip in. No that he was waiting to let his member do, though this was just the warm up.

{Attack} {Try To Escape Pin} {Wait}
Re: Kaylee Sampson [Simca]

Kaylee eeped and thrashed in his grip, trying to attack him as good as she can...not that it'll help much. (( Strong monster? :eek: ))
Re: Kaylee Sampson [Simca]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][170]} {[Stamina:][180]}

{Sapphire jeweled Necklace(INT+2)}
Status: Being Raped (Against The Wall)

Minotaur, Medium Class, Level 3, {[Health:][144]}

Kaylee's thrashes connected but her fists seemed to do nothing against his muscular build. Though what caught her by surprise the most was when the creature lowered her body and she felt his massive member penetrate into her womanhood, the creature was just like the horse, wanting it and taking it how it wanted. The thrusts were much more rough and faster though then the horse, the minotaur seemed to care no means of being gentle even in the slightest.

{Attack} {Try To Escape Rape} {Give In}
(lol well minotaurs are pure muscle aren't they? :p)
Re: Kaylee Sampson [Simca]

Kaylee let out something of a delighted moan at the fullness..but she kept doing her best to fight off the creature, thrashing a bit and pounding on it's massive frame.