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Keeper Sign-In


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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I'm gonna keep this simple:

Name: What you want to be known as here
Age: How old your persona is
Appearence: How your character looks
Attitude: How your character acts.

No limits on character. After all, you rule the dungeon!
Under Construction

Name: Dravan Keldova
Age: 237
Appearance: Dravan is surprisingly athletic looking for an artificer. Almost suspiciously so. Of course, he gets alot of exercise running away from exploding experiments, so that might be why. Except when in his private rooms, Dravan travels about in a suit of clockwork armor that not only protects him from damage, but gives him enhanced strength as well. Perfect for moving heavy experiments he doesn't want others near. Of course, because of this, his race is unknown.
Attitude: Dravan prefers to hide away in a corner of his dungeon working on who knows what. As such he prefers to litter his dungeons with traps and ambushes to take care of pesky adventurers before they can disturb him. For this reason, he likes the Huntress and her method of killing enemies before they get close. As a side result, he mostly sets his minions up to do their job along with a few moral boosters and then leaves them alone.
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Re: Keeper Sign-In

Name: Selesia
Age: Never ask a lady that! (really she has started young so she is merely in her twenties. can never start ruling the world too early.)
Attitude: Heavy handed. She wont spare pleasantries for a minion mis-behaving and is quite eager to slap them around if they dont act right. social settings she acts all sweet and innocent but make one wrong comment and that boiling red look in her eyes will be the signal of someones death...She seems to get along with her Horned Reaper on some level..despite how the two clash.
Re: Under Construction

Name: -=Under Construction=-
Age: -=Under Construction=-
Appearence: -=Under Construction=-
Attitude: -=Under Construction=-

Something about this post made me ROFL for a full 5 minutes... dunno quite what it is...
Re: Keeper Sign-In

Aw heck, let's give it a try.

Name: Lene
Age: Mid 30's
Though she's relatively skinny, her height and her bearing make Lene an imposing woman. She's not particularly pretty, but then again, she was never a seductress. She dresses androgynously and simply, though the clothing she picks is always of the best quality. Combinations of black, brown and grey are her favorites, and Lene only ever wears minimal amounts of jewelry. Her startlingly red eyes are framed by thick brows and center over a knife-blade nose, her sharp chin and cheeks outline a face which rarely smiles. Lene's hair is long and reddish-brown in colour; the woman usually plaits it in a braid that hangs to her behind. She wears a short sword openly at her side, but keeps several smaller blades concealed about her person.

Most people get a frosty first impression off of Lene, and their judgment isn't far off. Lene is nothing if not diplomatic... however, her sense of politeness and equality is most often a facade. Though she is content to grub for more land, more money, and more power for herself, she also has a sense of pride that is easily pricked, which is probably her greatest weakness. Lene favors strong minions; she tolerates insubordinateness amongst her followers even less well than other Keepers. She is excellent at shunting blame, and always keeps a scape-goat on hand in case her schemes go awry. On the other hand, Lene does have a bit of a soft spot for innocents who've been caught in the line of fire -- perhaps that's her pride at work. She's been known to take under her wing those whose lives have been disrupted, though she will quickly put them to work for her and her sense of chivalry almost always comes with an expiry date.

Lene's a mere human, if a noble-woman. Hailing from a family known to get its sticky fingers in the business of the supernatural and even godly beings, her line has been marked by red eyes as a warning for trouble; aside from that Lene has no super powers aside from her rather deep purse. Much of her family has been given to heroism, though as a woman, Lene was expected to keep to court, bear heirs to her land, and generally reside under the thumb of her King. Upset by and unwilling to perform these duties, she originally wanted to be an adventurer, like her brothers, uncles and even father... but the mocking she received over time soured her to that. Now she's cast out to strange lands to not only prove that she is strong enough and smart enough to rule her own Keep, but to foil potential heroes as well. She's got a bit of a vendetta out against them. Of course, adventuring into places where more-than-human creatures are the norm, and not the rarity, Lene has discovered that her species is at a disadvantage, and she's had to do some things that she's not proud of. She finds balancing her pride and her desire to succeed has been exceedingly difficult.
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Re: Keeper Sign-In

(For amusement, I'll insert Mia here. SBS people should be fully familiar with her...That and I'm too lazy to think up a new character.)

Name: Mia
Age: Unknown, she's lived for enough millenia that she's lost track of how old she is.
Appearence: While Mia may possess many forms, she has currently chosen to take on the appearance of a pale brown haired girl seemingly twelve years old. She retains her trademark blood red eyes while donning a long white nightdress similar to the one "she" used to wear early on in her youth. It should be noted that her eyes appear to possess less insanity than they had before.
Attitude: After having finally found what she had been searching for throughout the countless ages, she is no longer as "desperate" as she had once been, and has instead become interested in other activities. Of course, "other activities" merely means that she is searching for other ways to kill/torture people to satiate her boredom while waiting out the "peace" before a battle with her former pursuers. This time around, after some discussion with certain "people", she has decided to try becoming a dungeon keeper for a century or so out of amusement. Of course, she still prefers tearing people apart with her own hands, but is currently opting to stay in the far reaches of her dungeon as she attempts to "find pleasure" in watching minions do work for once.
Re: Keeper Sign-In

Oh oh oh! I know who's going to be PERFECT as a Dungeon Keeper.

Name: Finster
Age: 27
Appearance: Finster is not very big, nor very imposing. His hair, falling down to his jawline, is of a bright white and tends to hide parts of his face. A pair of dark brown eyes look almost like coals - especially when they light up as soon as Finster starts to cast a spell. His features are fine and aristocratic, with a sharp nose and slightly haggard cheeks.
Finster wears a black robe underneath an equally black leather cuirass, reinforced with silver around the edges and held together by silver chains to grant him greater mobility. One of his hands constantly clutches a tear-shaped sapphire of considerable size.

Attitude: Finster's constant calm and self-confidence, bordering on arrogance, creates an aura of respect around him. Of course, once the warlock unleashes his magic this can quickly turn into dread. His main drive is power, not bloodlust, and he will use any means to get it. As he himself is not very physical he likes to keep the Overlord and his forces around for a good beatdown. Make no mistake though, Finster knows exactly how to hurt people.
Re: Keeper Sign-In

I could keep procrastinating about making a character, but I really don't wanna... XD

Also, believe it or not, but I have actually been allowed to play this in several DnD campaigns, she's one of my favourite recurring characters. Ask me about the time there was a Paladin in the party :)

Name: Autumn
Age: somewhere between 'really old' and 'ancient', just don't remind her of it.

Appearance: She is slight of build, not much shorter than six feet tall, and slim, but shapely. She is completely and irredeemedly evil, though it would be easy to overlook that minor detail when appreciating the rest of her generous charms. Her entire body has pleasant curves in all the right places, perfect in their lack of excess, and a cascade of fiery red hair that falls nearly to her waist, the loose, natural curls more playful than unruly. Her eyes are truly exceptional. Flecks of gold danced among the large green orbs, entrancing with a look that seems to burrow into your very soul. A pair of slim bat-like wings sprout from her back, and a forked tail extends from her shapely behind, both more than any other feature betraying her heritage. Her current fashion seems to be wearing a black corset with lace around the edges, and a pair of skin-tight black leather shorts.

Attitude: although she takes plenty of pleasure from what you would expect, Autumn delights most in chaos, and frequently wanders around doing the most random things she can think of. For this period of time, it just so happens that she wants to run a dungeon this time around, instead of dressing up as a princess in distress or convincing a king that his advisor is out to kill him.

Backround: An Elder Succubus, Autumn has been around the block a few times, though originally as an outcast, banished to the lands of mortals for some crime so heinous that even the Succubi could not accept it. What it is is known to only Autumn herself, for in the intervening time, she has slaughtered every other creature that knew of it. Her weapon of choice is a whip and dagger combo, though she has some proficiency with a bow after spending nearly a decade killing seagulls with one.
Re: Keeper Sign-In

Name: Keeper Zasz
Age: Young and yet Old.
Appearance: N/A (no body)
Attitude: This world will belong to the ove- Me! I meant me.