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Kelly's Ranch (aguy)

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Kelly's Ranch

Kelly's Mamono
Alraune: Grade C
Mamono Level: 214
Life: 99
Power: 156
Intelligence: 96
Defense: 114
Skill: 128
Speed: 40
Loyalty: B
Tech: C
Special Trait: Does not need to be fed.

Vine Whip
 	Pow 8

 	Pow 16
 	40% of Power is added to Defense until after the next incoming attack

Kelly's Available Training Exercises
Basic Training
Domino: The monster tries to slam into domino slabs to knock them all down. Raises Power
Shoot: The monster tries to throw rocks at moving targets. Raises Skill
Study: The monster is taught by our own Inari instructor on magic and the ways of the world. Raises Intelligence.
Dodge: The monster tries to dodge our own elite squad of Rush Fairies. Raises Speed.
Run: The monster is put on a track with a cockatrice to chase her for as long as she can. Raises Life.
Endure: The monster stands in a powerful stream to try and endure for as long as she can. Raises Defense.

Kelly's Schedule
Mamono Training with: None
Sunday: Rest
Monday: Free
Tuesday: Free
Wednesday: Free
Thursday: Free
Friday: Free
Saturday: Rest

Venice says: "Exchange the Free slots with training exercises to build your mamono's stats, or leave them all Free to spend quality time with your mamono. And remember, there's a limit on how many mamono you can be training during a week, you must remain devoted to specific mamono!"

Available Expeditions
You must have three mamono in your Ranch before an expedition becomes available.

Kelly's Money: 5000G
Kelly's Rancher Rank: E
Time Passed: None!
Re: Kelly's Ranch (aguy)

"You'll be getting a visitor tomorrow!"

The delivery man's words echoed through Kelly's mind as she awoke that morning in her bed. A visitor of some prestige was expected to visit her humble ranch, and without a doubt, there would be no other to welcome her to the Ranching industry than Venice, quite possibly the most famous person throughout the world and even the nearby realms as well.

Not long after she awoke, she learned of the reason for her wake upon hearing the voice of Lily outside, shouting up at her. "Kelly! The sun is shining bright! Wake up!" she announced. "I would very much enjoy a shower as well! The sun's rays are making me feel happy!"
Re: Kelly's Ranch (aguy)

Kelly yawned as Lily woke her up. She stretched, then remembered she was getting a visitor today, so she wanted to make sure Lily looked extra nice. She threw on a loose tunic and some pants and ran out the door to go help Lily.

"Coming Lily!" She called out. Finding the alraune outside enjoying the sun, she checked to make sure there was water in the tank then grabbed the hose. "Ok cutie, come here, let me give you a shower I'll help wash you off. Oh, then I can do your hair when we finish! We have a guest coming today, so we need to look our best!" Her voice took on a slightly serious tone, "So best behavior today, ok Lily? No greeting our guest with pollen like you did me when we first met." She giggled at the end, her demeanor light and happy, remembering when they met each other and became...acquainted in the forest beyond her ranch. She had surprised the alraune, who had surprised her in turn with some pollen to the face. It turns out the stuff worked just as well on women as on men...

Kelly shook her head and laughed, remembering what had ensued before bringing herself back to the present. She was practically brimming over with energy, wanting to make sure everything was perfect for her guest later.
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Re: Kelly's Ranch (aguy)

(You're skipping up a bit. Save the schedule for later. As well, Sunday is not a Free day. Tis a rest day)

"But the pollen isn't bad!" Lily insisted. "All it does is make you feel good! I think our guests would like it!"

"Sadly, I would not," responded the voice of a third party to the conversation, as a pale, white haired woman approached the human and alarune. "Greetings, Kelly and Lily," the woman greeted them with a nod of her head for each of them. "I am Venice, the owner of the city and IMA. How do you fare on this fine day? I'm here to help you get started. And since you've already filled out your schedule... Albeit with plans on making poor Lily suffer with only one day off it seems, I suppose you're eager to start, no?"
Re: Kelly's Ranch (aguy)

Kelly blushed and nodded apologetically to their guest. "Oh! Miss Venice! I'm sorry you heard that, I swear I would never let Lily just go around spraying people with pollen!" She shot a stern look at Lily that said to behave before continuing to talk with Venice. "Yes, about the schedule... I don't know what I was thinking when I drafted that. I would like to restructure the schedule at a later point, and make it considerably more forgiving. Is that alright, can I do that? I would just feel terrible making Lily go through all of that in one week." Kelly sighed, then said, "But yes, we are rather eager to get our start here."

Sorry for the lateness, free time issues. And I went back and just deleted the schedule from my first post, I just saw something mentioning it and figured I was supposed to include it.
Re: Kelly's Ranch (aguy)

Venice waved her hand at all of Kelly's concerns. "It's perfectly alright," she assured the girl, before folding both of her hands behind her back. "It would be best if you did revise that training list. And most importantly, at the start of every week, it absolutely important that you ensure you have enough food to survive. So please make sure you order food and pay on time to avoid difficulties. I say this because it will be important when you will doubtlessly end up with more mamono. Your friend here will be fine on her own, but always remember to include food into your budget." Venice insisted.

"With that settled, properly redo your schedule and turn it into the blue box on the fence in front of your Ranch, and make sure to attend what you signed up for, or else you will receive warnings, before having your license removed to allow other Ranchers who will actually attend." Venice informed Kelly with a strict tone. "Then, on the coming Saturday, you should take a trip to the city to get to know some of the members of IMA, and to let your partner rest from her training."

Venice nodded, as if taking in what she had said, and recounting it to make sure she covered everything. "That's all. Ranching itself is not complicated, but becoming successful is the real challenge. I'll address any questions you have." Venice announced.
Re: Kelly's Ranch (aguy)

Kelly gave a relieved nod when Venice said she would be allowed to remake her schedule, taking note of where she was to turn it in to. She of course planned to attend every training session she signed her mamono up for, after all, she wanted her mamono to reach their fullest potential!

Listening enthusiastically to all that Venice had to say, she held her questions until Venice asked for them.

"Well, I do have some questions actually. First off, I am new to the area, so could you please explain how I might order food? Also, can you provide me with the locations for the different training grounds? Lastly you have any tips for helping Lily, my alraune, reach her full potential and for me to reach my potential as a rancher?"
Re: Kelly's Ranch (aguy)

Venice nodded, handing Kelly a menu. "That contains everything that you may order. Once you made your decision, simply include your order on your schedule and place the money in the blue box at the exit to your Ranch." Venice announced.

(Mamono Food Menu Get!)
RJ: Potato 10
Some monsters like it, but it's not very popular.
Milk 50
Intended for smaller monsters, it tastes very good, but is not very filling.
Fish 100
Main source of food for most monsters.
Cup Jelly 150
High in nutrition, and taste. Great for busy monsters to keep them happy, and comes in a variety of flavors for all tastes.
Meat 300
High quality, delicious meat. Monsters higher up in the food chain prefer this on frequent intervals.
Golden Apple 500
Food provided by the most powerful tree of magic, said to have grown near the earth spirit gnome herself. Ancient and powerful mamono races often dine on this rare treat.

"The training locations are inside the IMA foundation, and to reach your full potential... Do your best is the best advice I can give. It also helps to make connections with various IMA members. Get to know them, work for them, become friends with them. It can only benefit you in the long run."