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Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)


Turtle Poker
May 18, 2010
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(Good thing I didn't use it earlier, it fits here so much better)

Ven Susha's morning started like any other. Morning shift at Burger Explosion. The morning was busy, BE was located on a main route into the downtown area. Many middle class officer workers would stop by for their breakfast special.

As luck would have it, a customer forgot to read the product information and his lactose allergy kicking in as he ate the breakfast burger. The paramedics were summoned, and the man carted off, but someone had to clean up the mess. Ven, of course.

Ven went back to the janitor's closet, more like janitor's office, as the building hadn't always been used by BE, so there was no room the correct size. The door swung shut behind Ven as she entered, the door was on a spring for whatever reason. She was just getting the correct supplies when the monster started its rise to the surface.

The resulting tremors jammed the door, in addition to something falling on it. In the confusion, no one came to check on her. At first the manager was more concerned about the customers, after all, they might sue, and by the time he thought of Ven again, he was already five blocks away running for his life from giant spiders.

Ven sat alone in the room for hours, untill the military dropped the nuke. The shockwave freed the door, allowing her to emerge out into the now deserted and wrecked burger joint.
Re: Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

Oh, you've got to be fucking me! The other workers got to wreck the place while the boss left me locked up! When I find the little fucker, I'm going to shove my mop so far up his ass that it comes out his mouth! Ven exclaims angrily when she looks out at the main area before turning around to grab a mop from her battle room. Taking another look around the ruined insides of the building, she decides to grab the spare mop as well. Simply put, they would need to close the place down to fix it, so no one would miss another broom. Now, having both her usual weapon, as well as a replacement, Ven considers what would be next on her list of priorities. Judging from how the building was shaking earlier and again just now, they were likely going to demolish it. Fortunately, she knew that boss would never risk blowing up the building on a work day, no matter how ruined it was (Never doubt the ability of a customer to show up at the worst time) so she should be fine for a few more hours at least.

Settled on that idea, Ven immediately begins to move to the ordering counter so that she can slip in behind the registers and try to open them up. Hopefully, the registers had been forgotten in the mayhem and she could take an extra bonus for her 'work' today.
Re: Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

Ven couldn't open the cash registers. The power seemed to be out. There was a keyhole for mechnanical release, but Ven didn't have the key. If you don't have the key, you can't fork it over to anyone robbing the joint.

(Sorry about the shortness)
Re: Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

Fucking... Alright, step two: check the managers office for loot. Ven says before heading off towards the manager's office. Hopefully she wouldn't find a trashcan full of used condoms like last time, although that had led to a funny prank. The sticky blow-up doll was a bit disturbing, too, but that was solved by putting it in one of the stalls in the men's bathroom and waiting for it to go away. Still, of all the things she's found in the office before, the sticky dildo and pink, fuzzy handcuffs were probably the most disturbing.
Re: Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

As Ven walked into the office, she saw something out the windows. The destruction of the city. Earlier, in the main room, it had been hard to see from the employee area. But now, Ven had a full view of the city burning, debris in the streets. Several burnt out cars were in view, papers everywhere, even one dead body.

As for the office itself, the windows were busted out, and it had almost looked like something had crawled in one at one point. The filing cabinet was tipped over. On the desk, the computer was smashed into about fifty pieces, though the actual desk was intact. Overall, a total write-off.
Re: Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

Damn... nothin- wait! Desk drawers! Ven says before starting to move forward towards the desk before stopping again, all while completely ignoring the destroyed city. Er... those drawers are where he keeps... I don't want anything in those drawers. They are far too sticky for me. She continues speaking to herself before looking out the window.

Oh... well, shit. I guess that's why no one's out front... Huh... I'm thinking I may want to try and find a way out of the city. She remarks before slowly moving towards the front of the building. As she does so, however, she does take a quick break to try and smash open the registers with her mop. It isn't like anyone will want the money anymore, or at least they won't miss it.
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Re: Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

(I'm assumeing that not should be in the last bold section)

If Ven hadn't dropped out of school, she might have know cash registers were nigh undestructable. The thing withstood a full volly from Ven's mop.

Ven went out the front of the building. All the cars were still in the lot. Some looked like they'd seen better days, clearly damaged, though others were oddly still intact. Not a soul could be seen in any direction.
Re: Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

And this is where I'm supposed to hot-wire a car and ride the bat out of hell... or something like that. It would probably help if I knew how to hot-wire a car, though. Ven says before moving over into an intact car. Glancing into the windows, she checks for anything valuable or possibly useful. If she sees something she might want, she'll go ahead and smash the window in with her mop so she can grab it, otherwise it'll be on to the next car until either no cars are left, or she see something interesting, inside or outside of the cars.

Of course, having spent the last few hours inside of a janitor's room inhaling cleaning fluids has managed to seriously dilute any feelings of urgency she might have.
Re: Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

The first car does indeed yield something interesting revolver in the glovebox. It was loaded, but no spare ammo. Various valueables in there with it too.

Most of the remaining cars were the same story, without the gun, of course. Loose change, fancy gloves, even a real pearl necklace at one point. However the car closest to the road had something more intresting. A key in the ignition. Ven couldn't see why the car would just be sitting like that. Sure, cars were blocking the road here and there, but the entire road system couldn't be blocked, any anyone wanting to use the car would know that.
Re: Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

Whoo! Free car! Sure, there's a broken window, but that's manageable. Ven says as she unlocks the car through the broken window. She then opens the door and slides in. Using the rear view mirror, she checks herself out, admiring her new necklace and gloves before commenting, And damn if I don't look good. She says before trying to turn the key in the ignition. All she had to do was find a way out of the city that wasn't blocked and she would get to keep the car. Maybe she would even see a few open shops without the owners that she could get even more free stuff in.
Re: Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

Ven turns the key, and nothing happens. No matter how many times she turns, nothing happens. The car physically seems fine, but even turning the key the other way to the aux position doesn't do anything. No emergency lights either.
Re: Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

Aw, damn it... The battery's dead. No wonder they just left the car here. Ven complains, before getting out of the car. A car that doesn't work isn't that useful, really. With that in mind, she eventually just decides to start walking home. Normally, she would take the bus, but she doubts any are running right now given the way the roads look. Maybe it was just a nasty earthquake or something? Well, home first, then she'll try and figure out why everyone seems to have run off. It can't really be that important, though.
Re: Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

Ven walked down the side street and onto the main drag. Not a pretty sight in either direction, though a lot less destruction then might be thought at first. Ven had to cross this mess to get to her section of town.

As Ven was just getting across, she heard something. Someone sounded to be in alot of pain. The noise was comming from near a burnt out car about half a block down the main road, though Ven couldn't see who was making the noise.
Re: Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

Alright, two ways to deal with this. Either I just ignore it, or I loot the body before it dies... Nah, that's just bad taste. Ignore the moans it is. Ven says to herself since, really, she could find better loot in a store if she just broke into it. Not quite dead people just weren't worth stealing from.
Re: Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

Ven continued back towards her home. Some of the side streets had more wreckage then others. The street she was on right now was clear, but starting to get more litter on it the farther she went. More of the cars she passed wern't just crashes, but something had... shot them... something very large. In some places the street was cracking. Ven could almost hear the water system below the city at work through them.

There was nothing to really signal that something bad, well worse then what was already happening, was ahead untill Ven got to a virtual wall of cars. There around twenty or so, and a double decker bus, all wrecked in the same place. Ven could get around, but it would be difficult, and a risk for injury was present with sharp metal edges.
Re: Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

The hell...? What the fuck were people doing that made a car pile like that? Did I miss some sort of massively large frat party? Ven wonders, going over to poke the cars with her mop a few times. Eventually getting bored, Sen moves back to check the streets nearby. Hopefully, the city would have underground tunnels that followed the waterworks. She'd never bothered to check if they did, but it would let them work on the pipes without having to either enter the sewers or dig up part of the street. Quite frankly, if she could find a tunnel that was a straight shot over to her place, it would save a lot of trouble from having to deal with cars. Besides, she could loot the abandoned shops after she checked to make sure her place was still in one piece.

(On a side note, I have no idea if tunnels like these exist in any city.)
Re: Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

(Yeah, they exist, sewers and what not, lurker's trapped in one right now actually)

In every back ally there was a manhole cover, for sewer workers. Not quite the type of tunnels Ven wanted, but then again, with a mop she might have well been a sanitation engineer. Still, most covers were bolted down, but in one ally one had been pried open by someone, or something. The tunnel was pitch black, if Ven really wanted to go down there, it might be hard to see where she was going.
Re: Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

Alright, none there, none there, none... Oh, never mind that's a sewer entrance. Ven remarks, not even bothering to inspect the tunnel as she continued her search. She has absolutely no interest in the sewers. They smelled and are full of shit. She specifically wants to find a non-sewer tunnel.

(I know sewer tunnels exist, but I really have no desire to deal with them. I meant tunnels that follow the water pipes and possibly electrical cables. Basically, any type of tunnel that has nothing to do with human waste.)
Re: Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

(Yeah, those too, but you aren't finding that now, those are plot critical later in the story. I'll let you find the subway though, if you still want to go down)

Going a few more blocks, Ven found a subway station. It was dark, but not quite as dark as the sewers, a bit of light travelled down the stairs, making a search of the place possible.
Re: Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

This'll do. I can make my way down to the tracks and follow them back home. Ven says, still talking to herself instead of quietly thinking to herself. With that said, she descends into the gloom, mop at the ready. The subway should give her a much clearer path back to her house given that it wouldn't have wrecked cars on it. Even if the subway itself had crashed, she could just climb inside of it and continue. Really, this is the easiest option for getting around the town.