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Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

Re: Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

Ven slowly made her way down into the stations. She could hear running water. Well, flowing water. It was hard to tell in the darkness, but the track was partially flooded, about up to Ven's knee level. However, if the power was out, as it seemed to be, it would be safe to jump down anyway, though Ven would get a little wet.

As for the rest of the station, it seemed to have been looted. Not much was in the station, just some small fast food places and vending machines, but they looked utterly trashed, what food there was on the filthy floor.
Re: Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

Oh how lovely. Ven says, her voice echoing in the tunnels. Moving towards the tunnel entrance closest to where she wants to go, Ven sniffs at the fluid. If it smells clean, she'll slide down from the platform to the track and start moving forward towards her home. If it smells like sewage... well, then it's back up to the surface. Quite frankly, she was only down here because even if the track is dark and wet, it's faster and thus more convenient than walking home topside. However, if she has to walk through sewage, that would be a no go.
Re: Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

The water was clean, so Ven stepped in. The water was cold, but Ven could bear it. It might have been a good idea to take off her footwear, however, as now they were soaked.

Ven started walking down the tunnel. It was much darker here, though the street above clearly was cracked, as slivers of slight shown down every once in awhile, keeping it light enough for Ven to find her way, though several times she had to feel along the wall.

After about fifteen minute, Ven could see a fork in the track up ahead. However, at roughly the same time, she also heard a "squishy" sound. Something was moving through the tunnel up ahead. As she couldn't see it, whatever it was must have been around the corner of the fork. The noise got louder, it would be within view soon.
Re: Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

In all respects, while annoying, having wet shoes is better than stepping on something rusty. Quite frankly, Ven didn't much trust the ground to be soft and accommodating to her feet within the tunnels. Not to mention that she might stub her toe on one of the track's cross supports. Still, as soon as she hears the sounds, Ven falls silent for the first time since she started talking to herself. She isn't exactly on edge, but she is quite annoyed at this whole situation and is leaning more on taking her aggressions out on whoever is around the bend than on a peaceful discussion. As such, she quickly readies her mop and slides into the first stance of mop-fu, ready to crack a skull with her 'mad skillz'. Now, if she knew about the monsters that have started roaming the city, Ven might be a bit more cautious, but then again, she might just try to be more gung-ho about it. Either way, violence with a cleaning implement is always the answer.
Re: Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

Stealth Check (enemy getting +10 from darkness)

19+10+18 = 47 vs 46 = 16+20+10 PASS
7+10+18 = 35 vs 43 = 13+20+10 FAIL

Two giant, man sized squids come into view, or as much as they can in the near total darkness. The first doesn't see Ven, and keeps going, but the second turns its head just in time to see the girl.

Order Roll

Ven 20+35 = 55
Squid 1 8+15 = 23
Squid 2 12+15 = 27

Ven's ready stance allows her to act first, however.
Re: Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

What the bloody...? Alright, I don't know what the fuck you are, but eat mop subway creeps! Ven shouts before surging forward, her mop spinning above her head and making a light whistling sound through the air. Water flickering off the mop head where it got damp, Ven brings it down with a violent side strike, letting the spinning motion propel it so that the hard part of the head that the cloth tassels hung from would hopefully slam straight into the head of the creature that knew she was there. Hopefully, she will even be able to attack the next one as it is getting its bearings from the surprise assault.

Although, the thought does strike Ven that while she has heard of sewer crocodiles, she has never heard of subway squids before. Given how long she has been working her dead-end job, she would have thought that she would have heard an urban legend about these things by now.
Re: Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

Hit Chance

3+45 = 48 vs 50 = 20+20+10 MISS

Ven is good, but in the dark she misses slightly. The squid just has better eyesight down here.

Grapple Attempt

8+32+10 = 50 vs 59 = 14+45

The squid, in turn, tries to grab Ven as she closes to melee range, but her attack prevents it.

Grapple Attempt

19+32+10 = 61 vs 62 = 16+46

The second squid reacts faster then Ven thought it would, though she somehow manages to avoid it, though hits her head on a wall for her trouble.
Re: Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

Ow my head. You're going to regret that fucker! Ven shouts out, her voice echoing down the tunnels again in a blatant disregard for stealth. Deciding that there is no reason to focus on the one that hadn't caused her to bump her head as she hadn't hit it yet, she switches over to swipe at the second squid with her mop. Stupid, non-existent urban legends!
Re: Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

20+45 = 65 vs 37 = 7+20+10 HIT

Damage (mop, d10, bash)

(4+20)/2 = 12

Ven's accuracy is much better the second time, the squid takes the hit right in its core. However, the squid easily keeps going.

The squid now has 28 HP


4+32+10 = 46 vs 48 = 3+45

The first squid tries to latch onto Ven, but misses. Her dash past it after the second through it off.


20+32+10 = 62 vs 51 = 6+45

The second squid has an advantage from being Ven's target. It counter-attacks and wraps around the girl.
Re: Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

O-oi! Let go of me you bloody freak! I am not going to be your supper! Ven cries out, trying to bring her mop handle straight down into the thing's grasping tentacle. Hopefully a little pain would make it release it's grip.

(Escape grapple)
Re: Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

9+38 = 47 vs 52 = 10+32+10

Ven just doesn't have enough leverage to break free, the squid has too many tentacles to use a mop to break out.


9+32+10 = 51 vs 58 = 20+38

Ven manages to keep the second squid off her back, literly. It's trying to wrap around her from behind.

Clothes Rip (-10 for no hold negates squid's +10)

8+32 = 40 vs 54 = 16+38

The squid is eager to teach Ven a lesson for smacking it with her mop. However, she is still fighting strong, and manages to avoid the squid's naughty tentacles.
Re: Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

Let go! Let go, let go, let go! Ven exclaims before simply trying to smash the head of the squid holding her in with the head of her mop. Just go ahead and die already. I refuse to be your lunch! She exclaims as she wriggles about, swinging her mop at the beast.
Re: Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

Escape Grapple

5+38 = 43 vs 48 = 6+32+10

Another deciding factor is the darkness, Ven can't see as well as the squid. She fails to break free.


14+32+10 = 56 vs 52 = 14+38

The squid behind Ven finally gets a hold of the girl and happily wraps around her, rubbing a little extra around her breasts.

Team Submission Hold

14+6+32+16+10 = 78 vs 55 = 17+38

The two squids working together bind Ven's arms to her side, tentacles wrap around her legs, keeping her from kicking.

(Only action you have now is escape the hold. The squids will soon stop working together again, giving you a chance)
Re: Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

What the hell? Let go of me! I am not your lunch! Ven says, struggling against the creature's tentacles in an attempt to get free before they presumably try to rip her in half in order to get at her innards. I am not going to let you kill me you dumb animals!
Re: Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

Escape Hold

2+38 = 40 vs 73 = 1+14+32+16+10

The combined strength of two squid is simply too much for Ven to overcome. Everytime she lashes out at one, the other takes up the slack.

Penetration (-5 for them, so the +10 dark becomes +5)

17+32+5 = 54 vs 42 = 4+38


(6 + 1 + 9 + 13 + 25 = 54)/2-20 = 7
(8 + 12 + 16 + 3 + 20 = 59)/2 = 30

The rear squid suddenly reaches up and stick a tentacle in Ven's mouth. Once in, it begins to pump furiously.

Ven loses 2 HP and takes 7 pleasure, putting her at 36 HP and 123 untill orgasm. The squid is now 60 from orgasm.

Clothes Rip

1+32+10 = 43 vs 57 = 19+38

The frontal squid tries to remove Ven's clothing, but fails, in no small part to an involuntary spasm as she other squid breaches her mouth.
Re: Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

What the hell is it doing now? Checking my insides first? And why the hell does this taste like a cock? Ven mentally complains, finding it annoying that the squids are managing to arouse her as they try to eat her. Still determined to get free before she is eaten, Ven tries to worm her way out of the tentacles quickly, before they can start pulling. Already it felt like one of the creatures is trying to remove any clothing that might get in the way of them eating her.

(I do wonder how the darkness matters if they are touching me in a grapple given that I don't need to see them to feel them, but whatever.)
Re: Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

(Eh, it was a suggestion that I added in after the start. I can remove it for grapple if you want, though I feel that even though it had a hold of you, seeing is still a big factor)

Escape Hold

(On the bright side, now that the squids are doing individual actions, they no longer team hold you, making escape easier)

9+38 = 47 vs 10+32+10 = 52

Ven almost gets away, but not quite. The squid can't wait to ravish her, and just holds tight.


(8 + 18 + 19 + 16 + 25 = 86)/2-20 = 23
(10 + 1 + 16 + 5 + 20 = 52)/2 = 26

The squid keeps pumping into Ven's mouth. As the tentacle gets coated in the girl's saliva, it slides easier, causing Ven perverse pleasure as she's forced to suck it.

Clothes Rip

17+32+10 = 59 vs 40 = 2+38

The second squid manages to wrap under Ven's clothing, ripping it into thin strips as it disrobe's the helpless girl.
Re: Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck! The thing has my clothes off! It'll try to eat me soon! At least the one probing my mouth is only doing that. While a bit odd, I prefer odd mouth molesting to being eaten! Ven thinks in panic. Worriedly, she tries to struggle free of at least the second squid's grip, desperate to get free before she is eaten. Being eaten would be a bad way to end the day.

(I tend to think of light conditions in the same way as it works in D&D: the harder it is to see, the more difficult it is to hit something. As for struggling free, however, since the tentacle closest to her head blocks her view of all the rest, lighting conditions wouldn't make much of a difference anyway.)
Re: Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

(Eh, the issue has never come up before any time I've played, so... meh. I'll remove the -10 for now, I suppose

Sorry for the lack of counters last turn, btw x.x)

Escape Hold

4+38 = 42 vs 48 = 16+32

Ven's desperate struggles fail to free her from the squid's grasp. Its thrusting works against her.


(18 + 8 + 7 + 8 + 25 = 66)/2-20 = 13
(13 + 14 + 9 + 10 + 20 = 66)/2 = 33

The squid keeps pounding Ven's mouth with its tentacle. Pre-cum now starts to leaking into her throat as it hits her that the squids are not going to eat her. She is now at 32 HP and 87 pleasure untill orgasm. The squid needs ONE pleasure.

Penetration Attempt

16+32-5 = 41 vs 41 = 3+38

The other squid wants to join in the fun, but fails to slide Ven's panties out of the way. The result is a simple caress around the girls lower regions.
Re: Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

What the fuck is it doing now? Does it leak some sort of special poison into its food after it catches it? And why the hell does it taste so familiar? Ven wonders, somewhat horrified that the thing might be trying to use poison to paralyze her so that she has no chance to escape. Still, the familiar taste bothers her. She can't figure out where it is from, but for some reason she can stop trying to figure it out as she struggles to free herself. At least she takes some solace in the fact that the creature seems to be failing to remove some of her clothing and thus dinner time is being delayed.