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Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

Re: Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

(Lol, Ven just makes me laugh more and more all the time. I can assume she's well versed in ways to pleasure the squid)

Escape Hold

4+38 = 42 vs 36 = 4+32

Ven manages to untangle the mass of tentacles preventing her from fighting back. Now she'll be able to free herself alot better.


(3 + 16 + 15 + 5 + 25 = 64)/2-20 = 12
(19 + 12 + 19 + 9 + 20 = 79)/2

As Ven is thinking about where she's tasted this taste before, the squid gives the secret away and has a massive cum explosion as it orgasm. It's clear the size of the orgasm surprises the squid as well, it starts making strange, exotic noises. The flow of cum almost chokes Ven, some sprays out of her mouth onto her face, getting as far up as her eyebrows. Trying to suck in breath through her nose results in some of the squid's seed being sucked in as well. Eventually, as the flow slows down a bit, another tentacle rises to massage Ven's neck, helping her swallow more. By this point some of the overflow has run down her front, into her bra, creating a squishy feeling between her breasts.

Ven is now at 30HP and 75 pleasure untill orgasm.

Clothes Rip (-10 due to Ven escaping the hold)

16+32-10 = 38 vs 52 = 14+38

The sudden escape throws off the other squid's plan. It was going to remove her panties and penetrate her good, but misses by a large margin.
Re: Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

Guh! The fuck?! Ven mentally exclaims as she tries to swallow the seed as quickly as it enters her mouth. You mean these things want to...? I'm being raped by some damn, unheard of, urban legend? Damn it, if I have to star in a situation out of a japanese porno, it should at least involve creatures that people have heard of! Ven continues swallowing and vaguely entertains the idea of catching one of these squids later to keep as a pet. I mean, 'I got raped by Sasquatch' sounds a lot better than 'I got raped by subway squids. Imagine the odd looks I'd get from that! Ven mentally complains before the cum goes up her noes. Geh! Erg! Now I'll be smelling that and feeling the need to sneeze all week! She mentally exclaims again, her priorities firmly in hand. Alright, I still have some standards, though. Now that I know what this thing is aiming for, I am not letting it strip my panties and start trying to make little, baby, subway squids. She decides before trying to escape the creature's hold.
Re: Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

Escape Penetration (It's still inside Ven's mouth, you gotta get that out before degrappling. Though the squid is getting a -10 this turn for orgasm)

15+38 = 53 vs 28 = 6+32-10

It the squid's drained state, Ven ripps the tentacle out of mouth with ease, though it was in deep enough she almost triggers a gag reflex as it comes up.

Hold Attempt

19+32-10 = 41 vs 47 = 9+38

The drained squid tries to hold Ven's arms and legs firm again, so it can get back to having her suck it off again, but it fails.

Clothes Rip

18+32-10 = 40 vs 49 = 11+38

The other squid was annoyed. It was counting on the first to hold Ven as it removed her panties, but it wails with dismay as Ven can still dodge its attempts.
Re: Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

Look, it was nice of you to help me swallow so of your cum so I wouldn't choke, but since you caused the problem in the first place, I don't plan on letting you live, let alone go any further! Ven remarks as she struggles to get free.
Re: Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

Escape Grapple

18+38 = 56 vs 38 = 6+32

Ven breaks free as the squid regains its energy. It seems confused by the turn of events.


6+32+10 = 48 vs 54 = 9+45

Even in the darkness, Ven manages to avoid the squid. She has the morale advantage.

Special Attack: Acid

6+32+10 = 48 vs 61 = 16+45

The other squid has had enough. It sends a spray of toxic ink at Ven. However, the squid isn't used to having to use its acid to subdue an enemy like this, and misses.
Re: Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

Oh geez. Don't tell me you're throwing a hissy fit because you weren't able to cum on me? Ven remarks as she ducks under the ink spray. Still, deciding to concentrate on the weaker squid, she resumes her mop-fu on the injured squid instead of changing targets.
Re: Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

Hit Chance

4+45 = 49 vs 40 = 10+20+10

Damage (mop, d10, bash)

6+(20/2) = 16

Ven get's a good smash on the squid, knocking it off its tentacles as it falls flailing into the water.

The squid now has 12 HP


2+32+10 = 44 vs 51 = 6+45

The remaining squid tries to grab Ven again, before it can hurt them any more, but it misses by a good distance.
Re: Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

Now be good and go to sleep! Ven says as she begins to swril her mop over her head, holding off the strike only long enough to turn her head to say to the other squid, Don't worry, I'll get you next.
Re: Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

Hit Chance

20+45 = 65 vs 33 = 3+20+10


6+(20/2) = 16

With one last swipe the squid was dead. Well, knocked out, probably dead, it was hard to tell when bashing a squid in the dark.


16+32+10 = 58 vs 60 = 15+45

The other squid lunges, trying to take vengance, but misses ever so slightly. Just isn't its day.
Re: Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

Okay, okay, I'll smash you next. Given that you didn't get any of me earlier, you probably want some type of action anyway. However, I still don't feel like breeding with unknown urban legends, so... You get to go bye-bye. Ven says playfully before attempting to smash the creature with her mop.
Re: Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

Hit Chance

17+45 = 62 vs 35 = 5+20+10


4+(20/2) = 14

Ven's getting a bit tired, she swing and connects, causing some internal bleeding for the beast, but not enough to slow it much. The squid now has 26 HP


7+32+10 = 49 vs 55 = 10+45

The squid is getting tired too, its next leap is well short of Ven. It lets out a cry of frustration.
Re: Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

Oh? You're going to cry then? Have at you! Ven says, delightedly taking the opportunity to stab at the squid with her mop, hopefully hitting a soft area which, given that the thing is a squid, should be practically anywhere on its body.
Re: Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

Hit Chance

3+45 = 48 vs 56 = 14+32+10

The squid doesn't like being taunted, it ducks as Ven goes for a serious blow that would have stunned it.


10+32+10 = 52 vs 51 = 6+45

Ven's overconfidence gets the better of her, the squid gets a good grip on her, and it is NOT happy.

(You do know about the prepare action, btw, gives you a +5 on most rolls next turn, might help if you can't get out again)
Re: Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

Eh heh, ummm... You're not that upset are you...? Uh, I don't think I want to stay in this position. Ven says, slightly nervous at the grip before trying to wriggle her way free of the creature.
Re: Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

Escape Grapple

18+38 = 56 vs 46 = 4+32+10

Ven breaks free, the squid is really on the losing end of this battle. It can't keep up this rate much longer.


6+32+10 = 48 vs 57 = 12+45

Indeed, it can't even relatch onto the girl. Though there is a bit of disturbing news, the slime on the creatures could be what's giving Ven the advantage, its just too slippery.
Re: Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

I guess you shouldn't have let your buddy cum before you were ready, huh? Does my nice, creamy icing make it too hard for you to grasp me? Stupid, nonexistent, urban legend. Bow before my 1337 mop-fu skillz! Ven says, somehow managing to pronounce 1337 in a feat of linguistics. Whether or not learning how to vocalize 'leet speak' was a useful waste of her time, it does make fore some interesting vocabulary. After preforming this feet, however, she resorts to the tried and true 'smash the target with a mop until he apologizes for threatening to fire you'. Except this time the target is a squid, and the only firing would be of the creamy variety.
Re: Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

Hit Chance

2+45 = 47 vs 46 = 4+32+10


3+(20/2) = 13

Ven barely hits, and, while not a very good one even then, the squid is so tired it slumps the ground, tripping over its own tentacles.

The enemy now has 13 HP.
Re: Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

Hah ha! You can do nothing but kneel... can squids actually kneel?... but kneel before my creamy, coated goodness! Fear the power of my mighty, mop-wielding abilities! Ven confidently proclaims, letting her voice echo off of the subway walls and about the tunnels before trying to bring her mop down one last time on the creature.
Re: Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

4+35 = 49 vs 46 = 4+32+10


7+(20/2) = 17

As the squid tries to get back up, letting out a squeak of terror, Ven brings the mop down in a mighty blow, smashing right into the creature's core, killing it instantly. It flops lifeless to the ground.
Re: Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

Alrighty then. Scratch two subway squids... Ven starts before glancing down at her clothing, ...And I guess I can scratch my clothing off as well. Damn. If there is one thing the manager gets anal about, it's the uniforms. Explaining this might require a bit more mopwork that normal. Ven comments to herself before starting off again down the tunnel. Given her reaction, she either doesn't care about the cum still covering her upper body, or she doesn't really care that much about it.