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Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

Re: Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

Ven had a choice. The path that the squids came down was away from her apartment, but it was heading back up, towards the surface. If the tunnels became too much, she could probably get out that way. Otherwise, the main path continued towards her destination. Assumeing there were no more squids down here, it'd be a nice way to stay unseen, as before.
Re: Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

Keh, it isn't like there would be more squids. If there were, they would be a better known urban legend. Especially since they seem to prefer sex over eating people. Ven remarks as she starts sloshing towards her apartment through the tunnels.
Re: Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

It was not far to the next station. Ven recognized the name on the platform as one being near her home. Probably a good idea to get off here, anyway, as the tunnel ahead looked like it was partially caved in, light shining in from above, but the cracks not large enough for even a child to fit through, nevermind the problem of getting up there.

As for the station itself, it was clear of any monsters, people, and surprisingly, debris. Looters hadn't been through here for some reason.
Re: Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

Oh good! Hopefully no one will have touched my shit. Ven remarks happily as she surveys the lack of devastation. Although, I guess that takes away an excuse to hurt someone, but oh well. I think I prefer intact shit over broken shit. She continues happily before moving up to the stairs with the intent to leave the subways. She still doesn't seem to care about how people might view her mostly naked and cum splattered appearance... maybe she forgot about that?
Re: Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

As Ven got to street level the slightly chilly wind caused a few involuntary shudders. The lay of the buildings in this area acted sort of like a wind tunnel. A stray newspaper hit her in the leg as she cleared the saftey fence around the stairs. Lots of papers were being swept by, though that was basically the only type of debris, save a large crater in the road a few meters away, though Ven could not see any clear cause of why such a thing would happen.

Ven's apartment was about a block away, down the street South of this station. The way seemed clear, only a lone burning car on her visible path, though no telling what was around the corner. This section of the city was mostly deserted at the time of the attack on most days, so very little in terms of human debris as well.
Re: Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

Glancing about the barren area and noting the newspapers acting like tumbleweeds, Ven does the first thing that comes to her mind: she begins whistling tunes from 'The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly', an old west movie. She then proceeds to walk towards the direction of her house, glancing about for anything of interest. Really, though, the crater and the burning car could be there for any number of reasons. Maybe a local college won a football game just before the earthquake. That would easily explain both things.
Re: Kick-Ass (Phoenix Alugere)

Rounding the corner, a clear street greeted Ven, or as clear as a street could be in a situation like this. More of the same, in other words, but not much of it. Nothing interupted the girl as she made her way to the rental duplexes that made up much of neighborhood. This was one of the last ones before the freeway, and being far from downtown, it was only natural for some of the poorer residential neighborhoods to be located here.

As Ven got within eyesight of her home she saw that it was still pretty much intact. However, the whole row next to it had their doors busted down. From the one right next to hers she could hear the sound of someone looting the place, breaking objects, curses, shuffling feet, that kind of thing. By the looks of things whoever was in there would probably soon move on to her place...