What's new

Kill the person above you.

Re: Kill the person above you.

*steals your protective suit like smoke in the MK Outakes so you get choked by the goo*

Re: Kill the person above you.

*had a spare suit under*
*Sucks all the goo into a machine*
*Machine turns goo back to grave*
*Stabs grave*
Re: Kill the person above you.

*noms the... stabby thingy, then spits it back at Zero*
Re: Kill the person above you.

*Forward, Back, Forward, X / Press Forward, Back, Forward, Square.

((MK vs DC Universe lol))
Re: Kill the person above you.

*Z Z Z X 236 C*
*S S D*
Touhou ftw.
Re: Kill the person above you.

*beats Zero to death with a baby*
Re: Kill the person above you.

*Stops grave, saves baby*
*Gives to foster home*
Bad grave, you don't kill babies!
*Onlookers beat grave up*
Re: Kill the person above you.

*goes Alex Mercer on onlookers and Zero*
Re: Kill the person above you.

*does everything possible to figure out if Vlani is doing this right, sending Cross_grave into a coma along the way*
Re: Kill the person above you.

I've seen worse shit.

*performs Denki Anma on Vlanitak*
Re: Kill the person above you.

*shoots harpoon in grave's head sticking them to the wall behind them
Re: Kill the person above you.

*Finds a stereotypically fat American guy and makes him pole dance until Fanta commits suicide*
Re: Kill the person above you.

*stabs phoenix with a hyperdermic needle full of air

Re: Kill the person above you.

"By the power of kings, I command you to die!"
*the power geass flows through Vlani and into Fanta*
"Yes, your higness!"
*stabs himself with the needle*

3.. 2.. dead
Re: Kill the person above you.


*hits Vlani in the face*


*hits him again, making Vlani raise from the ground a bit*


*repeatedly punches Vlanitak many times before sending him flying*

Hokuto Hyakuretsu Ken!

You're already dead.

*Vlani explodes, spraying blood everywhere*
Re: Kill the person above you.


all that remains is a large pool of blood
Re: Kill the person above you.

*stabs phoenix with a hyperdermic needle full of air


Ah, it's been a while since I've been in here and you seem to have forgotten what happens when I die...

*Explodes in a ball of fire, turning everyone in the room into charcoal.*
*Reforms from the flames as the opposite gender and about two years younger*
Re: Kill the person above you.

*sprays phoenix with a fire hose until they die. then cements the body and dumps it in a lake. no fuel source, no ignition and no oxygen the three things need to combust.

suck it :D but only if you want to
Re: Kill the person above you.

*back stabs fanta23*


*fixes tie*