What's new

Kill the person above you.

Re: Kill the person above you.

*invents zombies virus

congrats you are the first zombie of the zombie apocolypse

*infects Asmodean and sets him lose on the world
Re: Kill the person above you.

*clicks detonator*

Hey, come on!

*clicks detonator multiple times*

Useless piece of shit.


Take this!

*unloads into Fanta with an L86*
Re: Kill the person above you.

*grabs hero by the neck and repeatedly smashes his head against the wall until his skull bursts*

Simple methods work best.
Re: Kill the person above you.

*stabs a can of fanta into cross's eye smashing their brain with a can of fanta

your right simple does work best
Re: Kill the person above you.

*Explodes in holy flames again.*
*Reforms as opposite gender and slightly younger again*

I think we established last time I came here that I explode no matter what if I die.

Which led to the usage as me as an explosive weapon last time.
Re: Kill the person above you.

*tosses Pheonix at fanta, then nails Pheonix with a sniper rifle, blowing his head off and causing another explosion, taking fanta out*

Re: Kill the person above you.

*grins* lolknife! *nails grave with throwing knife*
Re: Kill the person above you.

"Why do you people always want to kill me?!" Pheonix shouts before shooting Hero's head into smashed bits using a potato cannon.
Re: Kill the person above you.

*pulls the knife out of his shoulder and throws it at Phoenix, decapitating him*

This is my throwing arm!
Re: Kill the person above you.

*Explodes... again...*

"Why must you keep killing me? Why does everyone want me to regress in age until I start switching between a loli and a shota that happens to explode when killed?" Pheonix says as it reforms.
Re: Kill the person above you.

*chainswords Phoenix from behind*

Kill or get killed!

Re: Kill the person above you.

*dusts himself up*

You're setting yourself up for the kill, that's why.
Re: Kill the person above you.

*pounds grave to the floor with Riot Shield, and calls in AC-130*

*AC-130 uses 105mm on Phoenix! Critical hit! It's Super Effective! Phoenix dies.*
Re: Kill the person above you.

*Explodes, killing grave before reforming, now well under the age of consent*

"The bad man touched me in a bad place!" Pheonix calls out resulting in a hoard of people descending to kill the 'child molester'.
Re: Kill the person above you.

*Grave returns from the Warp... as an oversized, overpowered Khornite Daemon Prince, armed with a badass sword and wearing a full plate armor with lots of blades attached, and slaughters the horde that attacks him, stomping Phoenix in the process*

Khorne knows how to reward a loyal servant.
Re: Kill the person above you.

*Vlanitak calls in reinforcments consisting of a lot of Dark Angels slaying the immoral daemon of Khorne, Lion'el Jonson himself rips the head of with his bare hands*
Re: Kill the person above you.


*a swarm of boyz overruns the Dark Angels and Vlanitak, blasting them with superior dakka*


Still needs more dakka.
Re: Kill the person above you.

*Vlani stacks three orcs and uses them as meat shields while calling in the titans of the mechanicum who starts scorching the green boyz, Cross is being squished under a titan foot*
Re: Kill the person above you.

*digs himself from under the mechanical feet, blessing the soft soil, then calls in the most fearsome unit known to orks... the Deff Skwadron*

WAAAGH!!! from above!

*titans are blown up by a swarm of fighta-bombaz; the last titan is destroyed by a bomba that rammed it instead of shooting*

Aaand that was Killboy, I believe. Looks like he's gonna get another bionik.