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Kill the person above you.

Re: Kill the person above you.

*throws a rock at the sun causing it to supernova

*kills everyone and causes the solar system and many around it to turn into empty space.

Re: Kill the person above you.

*Points out that the sun is several times too small to go supernova and even if it was, no rock would cause it to go nova if dumped inside. The resulting break down of Fanta's statement causes several large shards of its faulty logic to fall down and impale it.*
Re: Kill the person above you.

*uses the power of magic to fix statement and make it true

Re: Kill the person above you.

*moves everyone into a different dimension to avoid the blast... then shoots fanta to death with danmaku*
Re: Kill the person above you.

*Enters the room* Oh hey guys what's u- HOLY SHIT WHAT'S GOING ON HERE!?!?!?!

*Automatically shitstorms in every direction, causing the immediate death of millions, and the sure-fire win of the thread*
Re: Kill the person above you.

*kills via dysentery*
Re: Kill the person above you.

*forces Zero to drink bleach and watches the ensuing hilarity*
Re: Kill the person above you.

*Returns from the dead in the form of a clone body with his soul and mind embedded into it, walks over to Cross_Grave, and nags him to death, like links fairie, literally, until his ears bled and he collapsed into a shuddering mass on the floor, but it wouldn't stop there, not till his head...... EXPLODED*
Re: Kill the person above you.

Nobody's taken advantage of this?! I thought the people in the Court Cases would have been all over this. For shame...

*Termite turns on some appropriate then rushes up to Cappy delivering a flurry of punches that ends in an uppercut leaving Cappy flat on his ass*

Oh, ooh, is it my turn?

*Everyone else on the battlefield suddenly makes a mad dash for safety*

You bet.

All right, here I go!

*Chie stretches her legs for a bit before she runs toward the still stumbled Cappy. Just as he's about to get to his feet she's already reached him, her foot thrusting out from her aerial spin and striking him in the chin*


*Cappy goes flying into the sunset, never to be seen again*

Too easy!
Re: Kill the person above you.

I'm sorry Termite, but I can't let you do that...


*hardokens Termite to next week*
Re: Kill the person above you.

*hardokens Termite to next week*

One week later...

*Termite appears from seemingly nowhere!*

What the... Where did Chie... Screw it, think fast!

*A sudden backhand catches Lurker before he can react, and he stumbles into the same position Termite had appeared only to find the link between this week and last still open. Lurker is knocked to last Saturday night/early Sunday, and Termite places a band-aid on the still open portal. A gentle kiss makes the hole in space-time feel better, and now that it feels good as new it decides to close and trap Lurker seven days in the past. He will be missed.*
Re: Kill the person above you.

A foot slams down on the diminuitive Termite as MBS walks on by to his way to the store...

Stopping a three week celebration short.
Re: Kill the person above you.

I saw that boobmonster in your signature MBS and decided to kill it, before it lays eggs.
Re: Kill the person above you.

*Smothers perody with till he dies, and throws his body to the hungry dogs.*

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Re: Kill the person above you.

*Was getting all revved up for murder but settled for Jerking off along side Zepheral*

take this, Soupy!