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Kindred in Madness (Lionfire and MAF)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Toel: HP = 51, PP = 42, EP = 39, Status = Fine

Ruven Zelphar: HP = 34, PP = 36, EP = 76, Status = Fine

"So yer tellin me, you left your rich parents.... Because you saw some chick in a dream?" Gordon the sailor said while holding his tankard of cheap ale in his hand, a second pint of it sitting in front of Toel. He looked to Ruven, for whom he had bought a drink as well, "an' you left... Because you found some weird fuckoff book cuzza some crazy old fuck... An' you both ended up meeting somewhere up North... And you just, fuckin... Wandered your way down here?" The man upended his drink, pouring most of it down his gullet but letting some spill down his scraggly chin, "at's some rich shit right here... Now I remember why I never leave the boat!"

The sailor had been drunk when they'd arrived, and for some reason had walked up to the two of them upon seeing them and dragged them over. He had come into some money recently, how he had not said, but he had refused to take no for an answer. It was late, the night having come long enough ago that Ruven might have been a bit nervous about the dark even in the well lit city of Tahryst, a large town near the Southern coast of Badaria that saw a lot of sea trade. Many travelers went through this place, most arriving by ship or in caravans with traders, but the two men had only just arrived and had not yet had time to really search for what they had left their homes to find. Not yet, at least.

They sat at a table in the cramped pub, the Winking Lizard, at the edge of town where they had stopped, likely either to ask for directions or to find a place to rest for the night. It was a rowdy place, and more suited for workman than nobles, and the pair stuck out oddly from the crowd who had tossed them the occasional glare for their oddness. Gordon hadn't seemed to mind, however, had almost singled them out, dragged them to his table, and started buying them drinks seemingly without limit so long as they kept drinking and trading stories. He seemed a crude man, speaking of tawdry tales of wenches bedded and misadventures had on sea and on land, but somehow he had weaseled their stories from the two travelers, by persistence if by nothing else.
Re: Kindred in Madness (Lionfire and MAF)

"Yep... That about sums it up." Toel sets back down his nearly emptied pint of ale as he slouches a bit lazily in his seat, relaxing from the alcohol getting to work already. Getting dragged off into a bar by a drunken sailor wasn't exactly an expected detour for him at this time of night. Sure, the drink is decent and the at least partial distraction from the looks they were getting was somewhat worth it. He could feel the faint buzz in his system already, though it wasn't working all too fast. Too used to much stronger stuff back home... Though, stories are always a good thing to share. Passes the time rather fast for the most part. "I was a bit curious for a little while 'bout how things are out on the water. Seems pretty peaceful, though in these times that can change a bit fast." He says to Gordon, smiling a bit with the ale perking up his mood slowly as he finishes off his last bit of his ale in his glass.

While they talked, Toels eyes drift about the place with idle curiosity. 'The Winking Lizard... Rather interesting name.' Scratching at the back of his head for a second or two, he returns his attention back to the table, looking over towards Ruven as the Anudorian man looks to the elf. He already knew a bit of Ruvens story when they first started their walk, and by this point cannot help but look out for his traveling partner. Wasn't hard to figure out Ruven wasn't a night owl without a light source in reach. "How're you feelin'?" He asks Ruven, trying to strike up a bit of conversation from the elf really quick to keep the ball rolling.

Afterwords he looks towards Gordon as he sets back down his empty glass. "Thanks for the drinks. Helps smooth out the thoughts a bit." Toel chuckles, resting an arm on the table as he looks down at his glass. It was quite a bit surprising how much money the sailor has probably spent on these drinks so far. Hell, offering them drinks only for stories and company is not too common, though it is a very welcome gesture for obvious reasons to Toel. No complaints on his side on the matter, though he keeps his curiosity about how Gordon came across the money to do such a friendly thing silent. Hospitality is always welcome, so may as well show thanks for it!
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Re: Kindred in Madness (Lionfire and MAF)

(Self-inserted mood music )

Much like a certain breed of animal, Ruven had a tendancy to quiver and shake when his eyes stared at something for too long. He looked afraid, as always, but the men around him and their stares were the least of his concerns. It was the damned Darkness. 'They' were still watching. Ruven's head shot to whatever noise of wind blew through, before checking on whatever fires there were that lit the area around him. Despite there being no exceptional wind chill, Ruven's teeth began chattering audibly in it's wake as he begged nature to show mercy and not attack its' nemesis: fire.

Gordon did not have to work hard to get Ruven's story out. Ruven was happy to tell the man everything that happened so that he might possibly tell him that he had seen the old man before. At least he had some very identifiable features, namely his large chin, gray hair, and dapper clothing much like what Ruven wore. Such clothing, as Ruven says, helps keep him calm. Otherwise he'd be a nervous wreck. "So I guess you haven't seen him," Ruven sighed with disappointment. To be honest, Ruven was likely never to find this man. There was a whole world out there he could be hiding in. He might have gotten himself a house to live in, and what are the odds Ruven finds that one particular house?

Then, his latest traveling partner asked how he was. It was a handy time to come across Toel as a traveling companion. Ruven was already dead exhausted when Toel showed up. One bad experience of being in the darkness was all Ruven needed to be even more afraid than before. He had to go see a doctor for the large gash in his back, but none believed him when he said it was the Darkness that hurt him. They all were convinced he was mad. When he met Toel, he could actually sleep at night while the Anudorian man kept the fire lit. It was a welcome relief.

"I'm disheartened, Toel." Ruven replied to the man. "The dapper fellow could be anywhere in the world by now. My chances of finding him in my lifetime are lower than slim. The thought of living with this book for the rest of my life makes me want to end it all myself before 'They' have the privilege." he said, shaking his head, looking at the purple book, his eyes reflected in the ruby engravings that shaped the "M" on it's cover. "Maybe someone will steal it from me, and it will curse them instead. Then maybe I can get away with saying they deserve it... All of it." Ruven said with a sigh. That might be the only alternative to getting rid of it, if the old man's actions were to say anything... But to pass on this madness? This terror? How crazed will Ruven have to become to do something like that and live with it? When will he become the old man, asking for a favor from a hapless stranger, and ruining their life to suffer 'Them'?

Ruven did not indulge in his drinks, despite how he certainly wanted to. He can't show any weakness to 'Them' and would state as much. 'They' were the worst kind of enemy, always close, and waiting for you to shrink so they can snuff you out, slowly... Agonizingly. He took one small sip, before looking to the windows, and shuddering again. "Yes, thank you." Ruven thanked Gordon after Toel did.
Re: Kindred in Madness (Lionfire and MAF)

Toel: HP = 51, PP = 42, EP = 39, Status = Fine

Ruven Zelphar: HP = 34, PP = 36, EP = 76, Status = Fine

It might have been his imagination, but had he seen a figure standing out in the dark, barely visible but for their outline? Had there been eyes, blacker than the night, and a wicked toothy maw that widened as one eye winked at him through the window? It was hard to say, hallucinations caused by his regular sleep deprivation and the horrid beings born of shadow that the cursed book summoned often indistinguishable from one another until he felt the bite of their claws. "Yeah well.... Least you'll have a few centuries to look, yeah?" Gordon said humorously after Ruven's rumination, the harsh drink doing little to assuage his terror with so little of it in his system.

"I'd say ye ought to take to the sea to avoid yer troubles, but it's not a place where ye can afford to be afraid o' the dark!" he said, but then his expression darkened and he continued in a much darker tone; "Aye, the sea is often black. Can't have oil lanterns everywhere, eh? Specially in the crew quarters where the other lads are tryin ter sleep! Nah, and what's worse.... Lad, if ye think beasties in the dark are scary on land, imagine if ye fell into the deep. So much crushing blackness... It hides things we men cannae' dare to dream of. I ain't ever been in a wreck, but one lad I met, he swears he was, and when did he saw some great horror coming up from the depths to grab 'him afore he passed out. Woke up on shore, not a hurt on 'im he says, but the way he described it... Well, it was almost enough tah believe him!"

Gordon's cheery demeanor returned in an instant as he erupted into a chuckle, and raised his stained mug in a shaky hand. "Enough o' dark talk though! This be a good day, not an ill one!" he took a swig, sighed, and set his goblet down again as he turned to Toel. "So, anythin' in particular ye might wanna know 'bout the sea, eh? I got me a rich collection o' tales to tell, if'n ye'd care to keep sharin me drink!" The hour was growing late by that point, and most would soon be shambling away. The tavern's room would eventually close, but neither of them had yet secured any sort of lodging for the night, and it was unlikely that they would be allowed to sit in the main hall all night, though it was equally unlikely that Ruven would be easily able to avoid the dark entirely unless he managed to get a room with some form of light source.
Re: Kindred in Madness (Lionfire and MAF)

Toel's hand reaches over to rest on Ruven's shoulder as he gives it a gentle squeeze. "We have time to find him. We have enough time to look for who we both are looking for." His tone stays rather hopeful about it all, even if it is slightly tainted by the touch of ale in his system. Ruven had enough time to realize that the Anudorian was a little bit of an optimist about their state of affairs for the time they have traveled. Probably was a healthy way to look at how they are doing, but it always seemed to come off as slightly strange. Looking towards the book, Toel's hand squeezes at Ruvens shoulder one last time before he lets it drop. "Besides, we don't want that book to win. If someone steals it, that just means they put their hand in the fire and have to deal with it." With a light shrug, he smiles towards the elf as he leans back into his seat.

His attention returns to Gordon, raising an eyebrow at the considerably darker tone that the sailor takes for a bit. Sure, a while long ago he was interested in going out on the water, but he had other things to worry about back home. Also the stories he had heard of creatures that lurk within said waters always helped dissuade him from taking such a direction either. "The man is lucky he even came back..." Trailing off, Toel shakes his head briefly as his imagination starts running once more. Enough thoughts of creatures already when he heard about Ruven's shadowy stalkers already. He cannot see them of course, but they had to be fearsome looking creatures.

As Gordon returns to his jovial mood, Toel cannot help but lightly sigh as the atmosphere lightens up a but, raising his glass and amusingly trying to drink from a fully emptied glass before he realizes what he did and stares at the empty beverage. "... Gotta stop drinking so fast." He mutters, resting his mug on the table as he raises his tone again, opening his mouth. Though as people begin to file out of the place, he glances around curiously before he sighs and rolls his shoulders a bit. "I can probably ask later. Thanks for the tales and drinks, though we should probably find somewhere to stay for a night." Stretching his arms, he grumbles something about his armor before he looks back to Gordon. "Know any place where we could get a room?" He asks, looking towards Ruven next as he starts to rise from his seat. "Ready to turn in, my friend?"
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Re: Kindred in Madness (Lionfire and MAF)

"At least he could see it." Ruven replies as the man talks about some horror of the deep. It would be truly nice to at least see the threat, instead of simply KNOWING it was there and being so afraid of where it would attack from. When Toel put his hand on Ruven's shoulder, the elf shrugged. "I don't even know what I'd do if I found him, really. He probably won't take it back. Could I make him?" he said, unsure. "Or am I destined to die because of this book?" he said, unsure of what awaited him.

Once it became apparent that it was time to turn in, Ruven panicked. "We need to keep a light source. We mustn't let it claim us... Or... Well, just me." he said, before looking at both Toel and Gordon strictly. "If I do meet my demise, do NOT touch the book! Let it on the ground, don't go near it. It will open on it's own and take you into its curse."
Re: Kindred in Madness (Lionfire and MAF)

Toel: HP = 51, PP = 42, EP = 39, Status = Fine

Ruven Zelphar: HP = 34, PP = 36, EP = 76, Status = Fine

"Bah, turning in already? Fine, fine. Ask Rogen fer a room, he'll set ye up!" he said, and then gestured towards the man behind the bar. It would take a few minutes of wading through the crowd of drunken sods, a brief conversation with the bald stout bartender who spoke in nothing but monosyllabic grunts whenever he could get away with it, and four denarii to get a room key, and then they would find themselves heading up to a cramped room lit only by a single pale glowing lightstone, the lightly enchanted rock hung by a small chain in the middle of the room which had two tiny straw beds and no other furniture to speak of.
Re: Kindred in Madness (Lionfire and MAF)

"Don't worry Gordon, we will see if we can talk tomorrow. Going to have to get a few supplies for the road anyway." With a smile of reassurance towards the sailor, Toel returns his attention back towards Ruven. "Well, he damned well better take it back! If he is going to dupe someone into taking that kind of a cursed book, he should be prepared to have it shoved back down his throat by the person he tricked, yeah? Only person who is going to be taking that book is him." His confident tone is held up with a smile as he lightly pats Ruven's back before he goes up to the barkeep to work out the matters for a room. After handing over the denarii, he looks towards Ruven as he holds it up. "Lets go get some rest. Pretty sure our room at the least has light."

Though as they enter their room for the night, Toel seems to slump a little bit as he looks up towards the little light. "... Well, better than nothing, I suppose?" With a shrug of his shoulders, Toel takes a moment to stretch his arms with a soft grunt before he sets his sword off to the side next to his chosen bed. "Feel free to use the lantern if it is too dark. We need a refill tomorrow anyway..." Laying down, he grunts as he attempts to get comfortable on the straw bed. With a soft sigh Toel shuts his eyes and awaits his visit of ever welcome sleep.
Re: Kindred in Madness (Lionfire and MAF)

"Thank you, Gordon." Ruven said politely, before heading up with Toel, eager to relax. "I sure hope it'll be something that simple. It would be nice." He said in light of Toel speaking of just shoving the book back onto the man.

Once they reached their room, the despair on Ruven's face would be obvious. The tiny little glowing rock did little to relieve Ruven of his fears. "I'll keep the lantern lit enough while you sleep." Ruven offered, sitting on his bed. "I don't want to risk something unfortunate while we're both unaware. I'm too stressed to sleep without being sure that my surroundings are lit." he said, letting Toel get some sleep first, before he himself would rest whenever Toel woke up. At the latest, Ruven would be asleep once the sun rose, and cast away the darkness.
Re: Kindred in Madness (Lionfire and MAF)

Toel: HP = 51, PP = 42, EP = 39, Status = Fine

Ruven Zelphar: HP = 34, PP = 36, EP = 76, Status = Fine

Ruven would be in luck, it seemed. Only once did the light in their room threaten to flicker away while he was awake, the light sputtering into a moment of darkness. Teeth appeared, long rows of triangular blades that gleamed in the dark, and then the light was back and there was nothing there. The rest of the night went without incident, and Ruven was left to sleep in the morning while Toel could watch over him until he got his own rest, or could trust to the sunlight coming in through the window to protect his companion from the darkness and go out to see about getting their supplies so they could move on from the port city to their next point of wandering.
Re: Kindred in Madness (Lionfire and MAF)

While Toel was ignorant to what Ruven had to deal with, the Anudorian man's sleep was left tranquil and quiet in comparison, only the sight of stars visible in his dreams alongside a light humming. It comes to a slow, saddening end as the sun decides that it is a good time to shine. Grumbling, Toel sits up and stretches his arms as he shakes off the lingering sleepiness. Looking around for a moment, he looks towards Ruven as he gives a light smile. "Good morning... Your turn, right?" He asks, rising up to his feet. While sleeping in hay wasn't the most comfortable option, it was better than some alternatives... Though it takes him a little while to get some of the bits of hay off himself.

After he has cleaned off the many small bits of hay from himself, he lets out a light sigh as he looks towards Ruven. "If you don't mind, my friend, I am going to go grab some of the supplies while you get some rest. The sunlight should keep you safe, I would hope?" He asks, waiting for an answer. If Ruven agreed, Toel would smile to the elven man. "Is there anything you want me to get while I am out?" While oil for the lantern and some food in general is always a first choice, he had enough money to spare for now on the matter.
Re: Kindred in Madness (Lionfire and MAF)

Ruven managed to sink into a degree of calmness while waiting out the night. Though at the sputter of the light, Ruven began trembling. Quickly, he fiddled with the lantern, trying to fix it to make it brighter, before the danger was gone in an instant. Like that, Ruven held the lantern for dear life, shaking as the lantern made a light rattling sound from him shaking while holding it. He swallowed a lump in his throat, eyes wide while still baggy and tired. He didn't sleep a wink all night.

As soon as light came, the moment he had an excuse, Ruven was fast asleep when the comfort of permanent light came. As Toel looks over at Ruven in the early morning, he'd spot that Ruven was already fast asleep with exhaustion, so eager to take a break from the torture of darkness that he accepts the embrace of dreams readily.
Re: Kindred in Madness (Lionfire and MAF)

It takes Toel a little bit to realize that Ruven is hardly listening and is getting his sleep now. Shaking his head, he smiles as he just decides to get going. Now, more oil for the lantern, food, water... What else do we need... They can always grab some more things on the way out of the city anyway later on, so he doesn't have to worry too much. While he would leave his sword in the room... Nah, better safe than sorry. Locking the door behind him as he goes, Toel lets out a light sigh as he rolls his shoulder momentarily before he gets going.
Re: Kindred in Madness (Lionfire and MAF)

If Toel took a long time to come back, Ruven would eventually wake under the sun's light. It's hard to sleep during bright hours, but Ruven had to make due surviving the night while recovering during the day. Naturally, he'd be parched from having so many drinks last night and doing nothing but coddling the lantern all night.

Just some hydration should do him well. So, he rose from bed, eager to walk in the safety of light and find some place where he could quench his thirst with some water.
Re: Kindred in Madness (Lionfire and MAF)

Toel: HP = 51, PP = 42, EP = 39, Status = Fine

Ruven Zelphar: HP = 34, PP = 36, EP = 76, Status = Fine

Heading out of the inn, Toel would detect the smell of cooking food over the all too common scents of stale ale and fish, and would be easily able to follow both it and the trickle of plump housewives that were all going in the same direction laden with full purses and empty baskets or bags on the way to a market. Cities like this one often had many small markets and maybe one or two large ones, and this seemed to be one of the larger ones judging by the number of things available. He would easily be able to acquire any of the simple supplies he might need, from provisions to tools, for fairly standard prices if he so desired, but if he wanted to try and get a deal he would have to try his hand at bartering with the locals, at least some of whom looked on his unusual garb with open distrust.

Ruven, in the meantime, would awaken all on his lonesome some time later, and would find himself quite luckily unharmed and shrouded in light rather than darkness. Walking downstairs, the innkeeper would offer him a glass of water at no charge upon being asked for something to drink, leaving Ruven free to do as he liked while drinking his fill. The common room wasn't particularly full at this point in time, the only folk present being a tired looking man with extremely short dark hair and a ruddy complexion sitting at the table slowly sipping at a drink, and an old man with gray hair and a short beard sitting at a table writing in a thick, leather bound book with a black feathered quill.

Toel can just buy whatever he needs at regular prices. You can find the basic suggested prices for stuff in the lore thread under Simple Economics.
Re: Kindred in Madness (Lionfire and MAF)

The scents in the air easily distracts Toel for a moment, taking a breath of the food laced air with a faint smile on his lips. While it didn't beat the scent of home, food is always a welcome thing to smell. Doesn't take him much longer to snap out of it and get his mind back into place. 'Now... First order of business, rations.' Mental checklist at the ready, Toel sets off to do a little bit of shopping. Buying what makes sense, he gets enough food rations to last until they get to the next town, two canteens of water and two flasks of oil... Hopefully that all will last for the journey. Standing and resting somewhere that is safe, he ignores the looks he is given by some of the locals as he tries to check off his little list in his mind if he has gotten all that he needed.
Re: Kindred in Madness (Lionfire and MAF)

As good a chance as any to ask someone who knows a thing or two about books.

Ruven, upon going downstairs, thanked the man for the free water. It was probably filthy, something he'd find out upon drinking it, but it'd be quite a kindness if it was actually clean and healthy drinking water. Something Ruven would thank the man double for if the water was tasty.

After that, with drink in hand, Ruven tried to summon up his old friendliness before the woes of his book befell him. He knew it was Badaria, and that this will go poorly on average, but he has nothing better to do, and he mustn't be idle while on his certain-to-fail manhunt. Who knows, someone somewhere might have a piece of knowledge that will render the white haired man pointless. Maybe the curse could even be removed?

"Salutations, friend." The elf greeted the man with the book and quill. "I'm in a bit of an awful way, and I could perhaps be aided by someone with knowledge of curses and perhaps books? Or just knowledge in general of unusual things." He declared his purpose for speaking to the man, being forward so as to not waste the man's time.
Re: Kindred in Madness (Lionfire and MAF)

Toel: HP = 51, PP = 42, EP = 39, Status = Fine

Ruven Zelphar: HP = 34, PP = 36, EP = 76, Status = Fine

The water, as it turned out, was clean enough. For all its ills, Badaria generally kept its water quite clean and its people well fed. The bearded man with the book and quill seemed not to notice Ruven for a second, but then started and looked up, blinking. "Oh... Hello there young man!" he said cheerfully, "uhm... I'm sorry to hear that... I'm not sure how helpful I can be I'm afraid! What seems to be troubling you?"

With how populated Badaria was, it wouldn't be far to get to the next major town, meaning that they wouldn't need a lot of rations. Toel would find a dozen stalls willing to sell him prepared rations of varying quality, and oil for a lamp was easy enough to get. A pair of extra canteens would be equally easy to acquire, and water was free.

(Rations can be acquired for 3 denarii for a day's worth of simple food. Between 2 men, that's 12 denarii for two days of food. Canteens are also 3 denarii each, and oil is 5 denarii per pint. Or he can try to buy a lightstone for 15 denarii.)
Re: Kindred in Madness (Lionfire and MAF)

Ruven nodded. It was nice not to be shunned immediately, so even if this man had no info, Ruven would be happy for the good will sent his way. It was relieving. "Thank you very much, friend. Always nice to hear a friendly voice." he began, taking his seat. "I was hoping you might have some knowledge on... bizarre curses." Ruven let that hang in the air a bit. "It's a self-contained curse, so there's no need to pick up and run, trust me on that. Only one suffers this." Ruven assured the man across the table. "However... The fact that it's one man's plight alone is the major issue. No one else cares. But someone must know of such strange things, yes? Someone made it, so someone understands it. I don't understand it, and I want to, so that I can cast it down a well and never worry about it again. You understand my reasoning, yes?" Ruven inquired, hoping he didn't lose the man thus far.
Re: Kindred in Madness (Lionfire and MAF)

Nodding to himself, Toel checks off his little internal checklist as he gazes around where he stands. 12 denarii worth of rations, 2 new canteens for 6 denarii in total, and 2 pints of oil for 10 denarii... Though he pauses as his eyes catch upon a lightstone being sold. Takes him a bit to decide, finally deciding to go through with it, buying the lightstone as well. Just in case. So, in total... 43 denarii. Should now have about 63 denarii left.

Satisfied with his little shopping trip, he takes another look at the crowd. He still knew he should be looking for them, of course! But maybe he could spot Gordon again. The sailor was nice enough to buy them a lot of drinks for a night, and be nice to them despite not knowing them, so Toel felt a bit obligated to thank the man for that hospitality.