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RPG RPG Maker Loli [キラリス舎][Kiralice] ビキニアーマー エクスプローラーズ / Bikini Armor Explorers (RJ269025)

bill boy

New member
Jun 7, 2018
Reputation score

A new game from a new developer. The basic story seems to be that a warrior girl, who runs a weapons shop, decides to go on an adventure with some of her friends for reasons.

A lot of the gameplay is extremely run-on-the-mill RPG Maker fare, where you're mostly running around maps, trying to figure out what to do and entering dungeon areas with random encounters. If you die in combat, you're able to restore yourself at 50% health, or just game over. I think there's a consequence for reviving, but I'm not sure. They'll even give you retries on bosses, restoring you to full health. There are also golden statues you can find that will heal you to full health. Random encounters are the name of the game here and it's very grindy.

The game has an emphasis on the bikini armor you where, which you can change using the golden star item in your inventory. Fighting with a certain armor will increase you Bikini Armor (BA) points.

It's also got some minigames in it that seem entirely RNG based, but other than that, it's a pretty simple game to understand. H-scenes come from finding them by interacting with certain NPCs. There's a bit of clothing damage as you lose health, as well.

Controls are also standard RPG Maker fare. Z to interact, X for menu. Ctrl can skip text. as can holding down Z. One interesting thing is that you can actually run into interactables (NPCs, objects, etc) and it will auto-interact without having to press Z.

Naughty adventure RPG with beautiful girls in bikini armors!!

Basic CG: 40 sheets or more
Number of recollection scenes 50 or more
Number of endings: 5

Pienetta runs a weapons store in a remote village and finds an old map that leads to a fun adventure! She gathers three other beautiful companions on her journey.

Features of the game
A variety of field maps.
Easy map system that allows you to easily check the occurrence status of an event with a marker.
Combat is a command-based turn-based battle system with an orthodox front view.
Monsters, battle background is the original that caused draw in accordance with this work. The T:System
It varies depending on the state.
Standing picture and event CG that changes according to the bikini armor to be equipped.
Mini-games and casino games where you can get items to help you progress through the story.

Number of H-Event Ends
There are more than 40 basic CDs, and there are many differences that liven up the scene.
The H events will be the mainly centered with ugly bastards, but there are also several H events with demons, etc.
The number of endings is five.

This work uses "RPG Tscool MV" and manufactures it.


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Has anyone found how to progress through the treetops in Delta? I made it to the beach and found the swimsuits in the tent but that doesn't seem to do anything yet. It looks like you need to be able to jump to progress but I'm not sure how to unlock that.

I walked past the piece of rope at least 4 times because it just looked like set dressing.
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got to a point in the game where i couldn't progress after i fixed the old man's boat, i can't separate from the party on the city's statue (since only one person can use the boat)
Stuck in the same spot, cant split the party to ride the boat
I'm in the area after the second town where there's wind. The blue haired girl is staying in a tent now, I can't leave the area and I can't figure out what I'm supposed to do. Anyone figured that out?

e: I found what I needed somehow I kept walking past a certain vine repeatedly.
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I'm trying to find the fisherman for "live fish" (after the boat part of the quest, where you repair the boat and go ti the island), anyone knows where he is in Meu ?

got to a point in the game where i couldn't progress after i fixed the old man's boat, i can't separate from the party on the city's statue (since only one person can use the boat)
You have to sleep in the inn first
Okay, so i just played this game for a while and it's time for a mini review:

- The artwork is a bit of a mixed bag ranging from average quality to less than passable in several instances... Also although there appears to be a large amount of CG's most of them are reused quite a few times so in all actuality there are very few unique ones to consider.

- Gameplay is stock RPG maker as expected with practically zero intent to innovate and you can actually win any fight just by spamming normal attack as bosses in general are very weak...

- The minigames: I can't comment on this particular point very much, so i will just say that i don't think you can even win that china restaurant jar smashing game... At first i thought that there must be some sort of method to it, but nope the stuff you get from the jars is entirely random or at least that was my (limited) experience with it...

- Random encounters: do i even have to point out how anachronistic and annoying this is at this day and age...

- Story&H scenes: No matter how strange it may seem these go hand in hand. Story is total bollocks, bollocks with loads of cute girls in skimpy clothes but still... it is what it is. It starts with the main character going on a journey to find her dad (and possibly nab herself a new bikini armor all the while chasing after her idol miss Cathy), while the rest of the girls are there just because... reasons i guess, they literally join for no reason other than just filling out the numbers (and they literally say just that). Needless to say just as they set out on a journey Pienetta's dad shows up and having lost their purpose for a journey the very moment they decided to go on one our brave (and oh so very stupid) heroines against all reason decide to just go for it regardless...

Now i'm not saying the whole thing is bad as the story is just an excuse to have the girls start a journey, but the execution is the biggest issue. You get a rather largish map with plenty to explore, or so one would think, but that is where the trouble begins. Namely the game is seriously linear, to the point where you won't be able to go to the places you want when you want to and by the time you get to visit those locations you will lose all interest in this game. An example of this is meeting Cathy on the road and her mentioning how she's actually going to a local beach resort with a very suspicious name promising all sorts of lewd shenanigans. The said resort is just down the road and would be a quick stop to make, but no, you can't go there because the game tells you so.... This is exactly the sort of thing that killed this game for me and it doesn't happen just once during the course of the game.

The previous point brings me back to one very important and often very overlooked thing: The H-scene progression... In this case it is all over the place and makes no sense. Some of the girls will only get unexpectedly softcore scenes of groping for like half of the game while some will start out with plenty of penetrative sex (the innocent Priestina goes from zero to straight out riding a guys cock with practically no build up) and gangbangs (Palilica starts out with 5p, and while it does suit her secretly slutty personality it's a bit too extreme for such an early point of the game) ... It is seriously unbalanced and makes it seem like the author didn't know what sort of content he wanted to have in the game so he just threw everything he could think of randomly about hoping for the best... add to this the fact that every H scene is oneshot and you get very little bang for your buck so to speak...

One other thing to consider is a total lack of any sort of nonlinear corruption (you don't have any influence over it and things just happen like in the early Scale Garden games) which combined with H scenes being totally inconsistent brings about a very strange result.

Conclusion: Personally i would rate this game with 4 out of 10. It had and held some promise but wasted it a bit too many times to be any fun... All in all a very generic game.

Note#1: All of this is just my opinion on the game, so if any of you reading this actually liked the game despite all of the aforementioned negative aspects, well more power to you i guess and i'm glad at least someone enjoyed it because i certainly did not...
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I found it easy to win the minigame, the idea is to pick up the same food item repeatedly in order to build combo, and when you have to break combo take the items worth less points in hopes of saving big combos for more valuable items.
I found it easy to win the minigame, the idea is to pick up the same food item repeatedly in order to build combo, and when you have to break combo take the items worth less points in hopes of saving big combos for more valuable items.

Well i did understand the basic concept but honestly i didn't want to invest any real effort into a semi-random minigame when the random encounters made me lose a lot of time to begin with (it doesn't seem that bad at the start but the forced relentless grind will seriously grate on your nerves after a while making me reluctant to waste even more time on a pointless minigame), and honestly it doesn't really change my opinion on the game as a whole... Seriously i tried to like this game and more than anything i am sad that there wasn't much more to it because it looked really promising at the beginning...
The encounter rate really is way too high. I've found running usually works but even still it's really too much.
The encounter rate really is way too high. I've found running usually works but even still it's really too much.

Yeah, they could have fixed that with some of those encounter rate influencing incense items you usually see in the older RPG maker games, but apparently they thought the H-content would offset that sort of annoyance disregarding the fact that the H-content is way too sparse to actually justify such obstruction. Heck i've had moments where i had a fight every other step several times in a row making it REALLY difficult to keep my interest...
Can someone help me please? i'm stuck at the part after you get the mini angel statue from the castle dungeon. What do I do next? This is the third map btw.
Can someone help me please? i'm stuck at the part after you get the mini angel statue from the castle dungeon. What do I do next? This is the third map btw.

If you found out about the painter, rescued him, visited the bikini armor smith in the underground dungeon (leftmost cell) and then talked to him back at his atelier (top of the castle town) about the location of the dragon, then all that is left is leaving the city for the west via the highway to progress further...
If you found out about the painter, rescued him, visited the bikini armor smith in the underground dungeon (leftmost cell) and then talked to him back at his atelier (top of the castle town) about the location of the dragon, then all that is left is leaving the city for the west via the highway to progress further...
No, where is this painter you speak off? Haha sorry I cant read japanese so I use my phone to translate stuff. Alot gets lost through translation.
No, where is this painter you speak off? Haha sorry I cant read japanese so I use my phone to translate stuff. Alot gets lost through translation.

Seeing how you've already found the angel trinket means that you have already been to the mines area, so that means that you've missed the painter all the way to the western edge of the that particular map (you'll see him heavily hurt in front of a tent). Talk to him, scour the mines to find a cave in which you should clear a cave-in, and after an H-scene you should go trough that cave section to find the Azure crystal that the painter was searching for (he wanted to grind it into dust to use as a component for his paint but as he was searching for it he got ambushed by monsters and actually managed to cause a section of the mine to collapse while running away) and talk to the painter again so he can tell you the location of the bikini armor blacksmith. From there follow the instructions in my previous post and you're bound to progress...
Seeing how you've already found the angel trinket means that you have already been to the mines area, so that means that you've missed the painter all the way to the western edge of the that particular map (you'll see him heavily hurt in front of a tent). Talk to him, scour the mines to find a cave in which you should clear a cave-in, and after an H-scene you should go trough that cave section to find the Azure crystal that the painter was searching for (he wanted to grind it into dust to use as a component for his paint but as he was searching for it he got ambushed by monsters and actually managed to cause a section of the mine to collapse while running away) and talk to the painter again so he can tell you the location of the bikini armor blacksmith. From there follow the instructions in my previous post and you're bound to progress...
How about those floating barrels? What are those? Can we jump on them to get to places?
How about those floating barrels? What are those? Can we jump on them to get to places?

Not at that point of the game... Later on you will get the turtle flute (you didn't really think all those turtles were swimming around for no real reason) that will allow you to cross areas you could not get to earlier (later on you will get some other interesting things as well)...
Finally a game with bikinis as main focus...
... aaaand it's ruined by random enemy encounters.
What the hell, man.

I just reached 2nd zone (tree) and the game is testing my patience with random battles in maze-like level. Walking around, trying to find the correct path and fighting enemies every 2 steps - it's ridiculous. Even my hardcore love for bikinis might not be enough to make me finish this game...
Finally a game with bikinis as main focus...
... aaaand it's ruined by random enemy encounters.
What the hell, man.

I just reached 2nd zone (tree) and the game is testing my patience with random battles in maze-like level. Walking around, trying to find the correct path and fighting enemies every 2 steps - it's ridiculous. Even my hardcore love for bikinis might not be enough to make me finish this game...

Dude it only gets worse later on... I swear the further you progress in this game the more enemies it throws at you, lol... Seriously it's a bit too much of an iron wall to pass especially when the H-content isn't really worth the effort and time you would have to invest otherwise.
Finally a game with bikinis as main focus...
... aaaand it's ruined by random enemy encounters.
What the hell, man.

I just reached 2nd zone (tree) and the game is testing my patience with random battles in maze-like level. Walking around, trying to find the correct path and fighting enemies every 2 steps - it's ridiculous. Even my hardcore love for bikinis might not be enough to make me finish this game...

The tree maze is just atrocious and badly designed. Up until that point in the game, every single key item / person are highlighted with sparkling effect or a speech bubble. However, the key item for the tree maze, the rope next to the old tent inside the tree, doesn't have the sparkling effect. So that really screws the player if you were expecting the rope to be highlighted.