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Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

Level 1
Experience: 99/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][110]}

{Two Pieces Of The Map}
Status: Free (Full Strength)

Toxic slowly and hesitantly places the pill on her tongue and a second later she swallows, nothing bad happens and she actually feels a bit better. Almost like she's more aware. Whatever the cause, she wasn't disappointed in taking it but nothing else remained in the room once the pill was taken.

{Move On} {Wait}
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

With no reason to stay, she headed forward again.
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

Level 1
Experience: 99/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][110]}

{Two Pieces Of The Map}
Status: Free (Full Strength)

Toxic entered the next room to find that she was now facing a room where there was a girl raping herself with a torch that was blown out. The wooden stick she shoved in and out of her vagina, however, the girl seemed to not even notice Toxic, probably too busy with pleasuring herself then to notice Toxic.

{Run} {Wait} {Attack} {Talk}
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

Her mind flashed to the man in the entry room. She decides to move on and try and avoid the fight.
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

Level 1
Experience: 99/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][110]}

{Two Pieces Of The Map}
Status: Free (Full Strength)

Toxic went for the exit and she luckily was able to slip by the sex crazed female who didn't even seem to notice that she was in the room. Obviously she was far too into playing with herself and soon as Toxic entered the next room she could see colored tiles all around the floor, it seemed that each of the stone tiles had lights under them.

{Move On} {Wait} {Examine Room}
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

Making sure to stay put, she examines the room for a sec.
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

Level 1
Experience: 99/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][110]}

{Two Pieces Of The Map}
Status: Free (Full Strength)

Toxic examined the room and couldn't see anything but she slowly approach the tiles and soon as her foot was placed down on the tile. The light as soon as she stepped on it changed colors and she tried to figure out if the lights were significant of anything. Though she could hear a small rubbling sound after she put all her wait on the one tile.

{Move On} {Wait} {Try To Figure Out The Puzzle}
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

She decides to attempt the puzzle again
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

Level 1
Experience: 99/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][110]}

{Two Pieces Of The Map}
Status: Trapped (Bound)

Toxic starts to move around the tiles, trying to find some kind of pattern that the tiles worked in. When she started to move along them the colors started to change on the tiles, until she found herself around the tiles being every color of the random, none of the tiles matching each other, she heard something rumble above her. Then two handcuff chains swing through and latch onto the wrists of Toxic. All she can assume was she failed completing the puzzle and fell into some trap.

{Wait} {Try To Break Free}
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

She gave a yell of surprise as she was dragged up, and struggled with the chains, trying to break free.
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

Level 1
Experience: 99/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][110]}

{Two Pieces Of The Map}
Status: Free (Full Strength)

Toxic struggles with the chains and surprising to her she gives one hard tug and the chains give away, chains slamming down to the ground, dropping her the simple foot or two she was up and handcuffed still but the chains were very loose on her now that she may even be able to slip out of them now that they weren't hooked to the walls.

{Wait} {Move On}
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

She slid her hands out and went to move on.
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

Level 1
Experience: 99/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][110]}

{Two Pieces Of The Map}
Status: Free (Full Strength)

Toxic moves on to the next room to hear a slither coming from one corner of the room, knowing nothing in this place is as it seems. She glances to the corner but she can't see anything specifically.

{Wait} {Move On} {Examine Noise}
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

She looks curiously at where the noise was, and aproached slowly to see what it was.
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

Level 1
Experience: 99/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][110]}

{Two Pieces Of The Map}
Status: Free (Full Strength)

Toxic moves closer to the corner where she heard the noise but she still doesn't see what was causing the noise until, out of no where, a snake-like creature leapt out from a hole and nearly latched on to Toxic's waist but her quick feet kept her away from its full on grip and ended up the snake creature fell next to her, it made a small whine before it looked up to her.
Tentacle Spawn [Blue], Level 1, Small Class, {[Health:][20]}

{Wait} {Run} {Attack}
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

"Awwww, how cute! It almost looks like a... oh shit."

Realizing her danger, she goes to smash the tentacle.
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

Level 2
Experience: 170/250
{[Health:][90]} {[Stamina:][130]}

{Two Pieces Of The Map}
Status: Free (Full Strength)

Tentacle Spawn [Blue], Level 1, Small Class, {[Health:][DEAD]}
Toxic goes to stomp down on the tentacle spawn and within a hard smash, its body pops like a slimey ooze. She successfully kills the tentacle spawn before it can call its allies. As well as she feels stronger.
Gained 71 experience.
Level 1 >>> Level 2
Health 80 >>> Health 90
Stamina 110 >>> Stamina 130
8 character stats.

{Wait} {Move On}
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

((So I spend the character points here, right?))

With a grin, she decides to move on.
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

((The 8 character points are distributed as you wish between str, con, spd and int.))
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

((5 Str, 2 Int, and 3 Spd))