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Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]


Dec 9, 2008
Reputation score
Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]
Age: 19
Sex: Female
Race: Human
Appearance: Your frendly Neiborhood loligoth. She has a tendency of dressing in greens and blacks, birthing her nickname. Her favorite attire is a black dress-like skirt with several green acent peices, black-and-green striped hip high stockings, with matching gloves that almost go to her shoulder, with another pair of leather biker gloves over those. Pride of her collection is her knee-high boots, black with green straps, with the toecaps decorated with a biohazard symbol on one side and a green skull and crossbones on the other.

Bio: Kita keeps alone and acts quite agressive, trying to enjoy herself at the arcades, slasher films, and MMO's, all the while having to 'harm' guys too stupid not to leave her alone.

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][110]}

Status: Free (Full Strength)

Toxic wakes up in a damp and dark dungeon stripped down to raggy clothes. When she slowly opens her eyes she can see a chessboard, or what looks like one with pieces, and on the other side of the room she can see a bunch of square boxes laying on a table. Otherwise the room seems rather plain.

{Examine Chessboard} {Wait} {Move On} {Examine Squares}
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

Blinking slowly awake, the loligoth whimpered a bit at seeing her clothing reduced to rags. Geebus, she had payed a fortune for those boots too! Still, she needed a clue first. Getting up, she went to EXAMINE the SQUARE BOXES.
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][110]}

Status: Free (Full Strength)

Toxic approaches the square boxes and she can see that theres some kind of markings on it and has a feeling that the markings on the walls and the markings on the squares have something in common but she just can't figure out what that might be. Toxic picks them and moves them around, trying to figure out why theres just these few squares laying around here as if something it is a bit more significant.

{Examine Chessboard} {Wait} {Move On} {Examine Squares Further}
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

Quite curious with these strange boxes, she looks them over some more.
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][110]}

{One Piece Of The Map}
Status: Free (Full Strength)

Toxic after much more examination of the square boxes and the markings on the walls figured out that the square boxes were actually placed into the wall, after a bit of prying on the wall she was able to pull out some blank squares and replace them with the ones with markings. With the markings just right to form a picture. There was only one square that was missing markings, each of the other marking trails ended to this one as well, she pried it out and behind it was a small piece of a map.

Aquired 1/5 of the dungeon map.

It was unreadable in its current state but it was no doubt a vital thing to keep around. She could clearly see it was a map and no doubt of this very dungeon.

{Examine Chessboard} {Wait} {Move On}
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

Flushed with success of finding the map peice, she goes to check the chessboard for more clues. She remembered old adventure games like this...
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][110]}

{One Piece Of The Map}
Status: Free (Full Strength)

Toxic fiddled with the chess pieces on the board but couldn't get any of them to move, they seemed to be glued down to the board and she couldn't figure out any other possibility. Though she could hear some loud thudding noises on the other side of the wall, facing the chessboard.

{Examine Chessboard More} {Leave Chessboard Alone} {Wait} {Move On}
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

Upon the start of the thudding sounds, Kita stopped playing with the pieces. Curiously, she left the chess pieces alone and went to look over the noisy wall.
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][110]}

{One Piece Of The Map}
Status: Free (Full Strength)

Toxic could hear some thudding against the other side of the wall as if there was someone or something on the other side. It kept banging the wall, as if trying to get someone's attach and there could be heard some grunting sounds as well from the other side of the wall.

{Examine Chessboard More} {Bang Back} {Wait} {Move On}
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

Thinking for a few seconds, she grabs a small rock and bangs back to the other person.
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][110]}

{One Piece Of The Map}
Status: Free (Full Strength/Horny)

Toxic starts to bang on the wall in a responce to whatever was on the other side of the wall but it wasn't long after she started banging on the wall that she started to feel herself start to feel hot and she started to feel wet between her legs. She had no idea what was turning her on but even an idiot could see that her body was becoming turned on.

{Examine Chessboard More} {Examine Room} {Masturbate} {Wait} {Move On}
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

Shuddering, she dropped the rock. Backing up a bit, she started to look around the room, searching for anything useful.
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][110]}

{One Piece Of The Map}
Status: Free (Full Strength/Horny)

Toxic was being aroused more and more by the second and even examining around the room she could only spot one thing she didn't remember spotting before. A small red flower that was off in a corner, she couldn't quite see what type of flower it was but the wetness in her legs was getting worse by the second.

{Examine Chessboard More} {Examine Flower Closer} {Masturbate} {Wait} {Move On}
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

Curious, if only for the fact that it wasn't there before, she goes closer to the flower and goes to take a look at it, her thighs clamped together in an attempt to keep her from rubbing herself.
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][110]}

{One Piece Of The Map}
Status: Free (Full Strength/Horny)

As Toxic went closer to the flower it opened up and she could see small spores powder-like substance being released into the air and the smell was a musky kind of smell as well when she got close enough. It was obviously producing something to cause the reaction to her. Some type of Aphrodisiac or something. Though even indentifying it doesn't stop the urge she has between her legs.

{Examine Chessboard More} {Smash The Flower} {Masturbate} {Wait} {Move On}
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

She growled. Not even a plant was gonna make a fool out of her! With a growl of fury, she stomped her foot down on it to smash the fucker.
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][110]}

{One Piece Of The Map}
Status: Free (Full Strength/Horny)

Toxic easily crushed the flower but her body was still reacting from the aphrodisiac that the flower had been producing, her body was still urging her to let loose but she remained strong so far. There was still banging from the other side of the wall, the chessboard was still present and she could always just leave the room as well.
9 Turns Left That Aphrodisiac Is In Affect.

{Examine Chessboard More} {Masturbate} {Wait} {Move On}
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

Giving a vindictive smile at the plant, she looked around. Thinking for a second, she takes another gander at the chessboard, going a bit more stiff-legged though.
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][110]}

{One Piece Of The Map}
Status: Free (Full Strength/Horny)

Toxic seems still stumped with this chessboard puzzle so much that she swings her hands towards it and one of the pieces jerk forward and the wall where the banging came from opened up to have a man fall over down on the ground on top of someone else.
8 Turns Left That Aphrodisiac Is In Affect.

{Check On Them} {Call Out To Them} {Masturbate} {Wait} {Move On}
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

Being a bit careful, what with what the plant did to her, she goes to check on them. "Are you ok? What happened?"