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Kuttner Hall, Archaeological Collection


Dec 14, 2008
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A surprisingly large collection of ancient artifacts is stored in this locked room. Shelves and work desks here are filled with all kinds of finds from expeditions to different parts of the world. The area is somewhat cluttered and it won’t necessarily be easy to find things here.
Re: Kuttner Hall, Archaeological Collection

Regina slips inside of the room, having just shut the door as she heard the steps. She pauses a moment to listen if anyone heard her or not, and locks the door behind her. She couldn't very well have anyone just barging in behind her now could she?

If no one knocked at the door, then she would begin searching the room for what she was looking for, groaning slightly at the clutteredness of the room. This was supposed to be organized for gods sake, what the hell did they do, create a small tornado in here?

Sighing lightly, she got to work looking through things, careful not to disturb anything that might arouse suspicion.

((Saw the comments about the scream, will wait on your post Janna to determine if she hears it or not. If she does, she'll move to investigate, if not she'll continue working.))
Re: Kuttner Hall, Archaeological Collection

Knowing what she is looking for helps, and Regina quickly locates the case containing the clay tablets retrieved from the Sumerian settlement. It looks like there are three tablets, inscribed with Sumerian script that she is familiar with.

It will probably take a little bit of time to decipher them, but Regina notices that there is an open table with a magnifying lamp that could be cleared off.

Faintly, just at the edges of her hearing, Regina notes some strange noises coming from the hallway. They're indistinct and she isn't quite sure what is going on.
Re: Kuttner Hall, Archaeological Collection

Regina smiled as she saw the tablets. She was familiar with the writing, and it shouldn't take very long to decipher them at all. She frowned and paused though as she could just barely make out the strange noises coming from outside the hall. Her mind quickly ran through what she had seen out there. Two other people, one who she hadn't seen but had sounded like female footsteps, the other had gone in the opposite direction as her. There weren't any guards or other people around the area other than the students at this hour, so it had to be something going on with them she figured. She bit her lip for a long moment, uncertain of what to do. She remembered the strange suicide of the other professor, one that she still believed involved foul play, and now this tonight?

She made her mind up quickly. She would investigate the sounds, and if it turned out just to be the two women fighting over something, she'd club them upside the head before going back to her work. She hadn't moved anything, and it was unlikely anyone had seen her come into the room, nor was there any way to determine it. She could come back later if she had to, even if she was burning with curiosity.

Shaking her head and muttering a curse under her breath, she headed back for the hallway, quietly slipping out the door and closing it behind her, making certain she had the key still before doing so.

((Will wait for you to give the green light to post in the hall or wherever.))
Re: Kuttner Hall, Archaeological Collection

Regina leaves the tablets for now, turning and exiting back into the second floor hallway.
Re: Kuttner Hall, Archaeological Collection

Regina opens the door and walks back into the room. The tablets are just where she left them.
Re: Kuttner Hall, Archaeological Collection

Regina once more smiles. She'd been delayed yes, but not stopped. She carefully moves things and cleans off the table and magnifying glass, setting up to inspect the tablets closer finally.

Once she is ready to begin, she pulls out a pen and pocket sized paper notebook, getting ready to copy things down.

((I suppose it isn't too much to say she has a pen and paper with her to copy things down from her translations? Will edit if need be to remove that.))
Re: Kuttner Hall, Archaeological Collection

Regina takes notes, studying the tablets and translating as she goes. Apparently, the tablets contain a Sumerian priest's account of the Priest King of Uruk sending him at the head of a legion of soldiers to a tiny town on the edges of the empire with orders to destroy every woman and girl child there.

The priest uses colorful images and language to describe the enemy they fought there, making it sound like something other than the slaughter of civilians and casting their victims as inhuman monsters. The bodies were thrown down the village's well and then burned with flaming oil while the priest made offerings to the gods.

The priest writes of a special ritual that was needed to seal the greatest of the enemies, and Regina makes notes about the mystical techniques. Apparently, a simple banishment spell can be cast by grinding up some fairly common herbs (that Regina already has access to) and one of the "eggs of crawling horror". She's not sure what those might be, but she thinks it might have something to do with those things that she fought in Professor Price's office.

The more advanced rituals are incomplete. She thinks that she might be able to figure out how to complete them if she had access to some other arcane texts.

Game Related

Regina learns to cast Lesser Banish. She needs to find the other component for the spell, but once she has it this spell will take 10 energy and deal 15+1d6 damage to demons and similar creatures. It attacks the Spiritual stat instead of their defense.
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Re: Kuttner Hall, Archaeological Collection

She finishes jotting down her notes, frowning as she realizes some of the other things this priest speaks of are too incomplete to work with without having access to some of the more arcane books she had seen. She made a mental note when she had time to try and get those and look them over along with these notes. She pauses at the mention of the crawling horrors, wondering if what she had seen in the professors office might have been what he was talking about. Perhaps Hannelore had been right to take a sample of the creatures, and maybe she should have done the same. She frowned, not knowing what to carry one of them in though.

She looks around the area to see if there is anything she could still work with, or perhaps carry one of those things in to look at further, muttering, "ok this day is getting quite a bit better now."
Re: Kuttner Hall, Archaeological Collection

Regina looks around the room, and does locate some plastic bags that might be used for storing specimens. She thinks that it would probably hold one of the creatures.
Re: Kuttner Hall, Archaeological Collection

She grins when she spots the bags. It was highly unlikely they would be missed at all. After cleaning up and replacing things as they had been, she moved over to claim a bag. Once she had, she headed back towards the professors office to collect her sample.
Re: Kuttner Hall, Archaeological Collection

Regina returns to Professor Price's office without incident.