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Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter


Dec 14, 2008
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Sabrina makes her way down the stairs, careful of her footing. There is another closed metal door here at the bottom of the stairs that must lead into the main shelter area. A sign on the door says that it was designed to hold 50 people. However, she notices that this door seems to be more well maintained.

Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

Sabrina approaches door number 2, and attempts to use clairvoiance to see what is beyond it.
Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

Sabrina stands before the closed door, concentrating.

Meanwhile, in a different part of the shelter three blindfolded students are led into the main area. The smell of burning incesnse is all around them and they can now hear a few other voices quietly chanting.

Monica gives a signal and the blindfolds are removed. Inside the shelter there are a number of students and some older people, possibly teachers? Wearing dark robes with a red silk band tied around their arms. Sarah, Clarissa and Lilliana are surprised to see that several of the robed figures are carrying silver swords.

At the southern end of the shelter, the floor has been knocked away and the room descends into a sort of earthen tunnel. None of them are close enough to see what is in the tunnel.

The door behind them closes and clicks. A pair of robed figures stand on either side of that door, and one on the other side of the shelter area, each armed with a short club.
Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

An uneasy giggle escapes Lilliana's lips. Slowly turning around and looking all about her eyes widen as she takes in her surroundings. "Uh... what is going on.." she stammers, a slight tone of fear in her voice.
Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

"Err..perhaps I should've brought my sword?", is all Clarissa manages to say as she is totally confused by the scene before her.
Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

Also outside the doorway, Sabrina becomes aware of two others moving down the stairs behind her. Likewise, Carol and Quetz sense strong psychic emanations from the girl in the room below them.
Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

"This is gonna suck." Sabrina mutters to herself.

Pushing the button on her baton, which cause it to extend to full length. she gets out of the direct line of sight of those coming down the stairs(if possible)

Then she waits.
Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

Sarah nerviously put her hand near her bag, where her Magnum and Switchblade were hidden. She nerviously looked at the cultists (there was no other word for it) and then to the one that took her here. "What's going on..." she whimpered.
Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

Monica smiles and spreads her arms, gesturing around the room. "Isn't it amazing?" she asks, "All this time I was here at Blake, I spent it studying and coming to these stupid meetings. Like I really want to wear some dumb ring and learn some idiot handshake. But now. . . now it's all really happening. And it's not just some loser social club for daddy and his friends."

She smiles and her expression darkens, "She's going to give us power. Real power. And she doesn't ask much for it. Don't you want power, Sarah? Wouldn't it be nice not to be afraid any more, Lilliana? You can join us. You're right for her. For us."

She holds out both her hands, palms up, "Come on, I'll show you."
Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

Lilliana's hand instinctively reaches out to hers and then suddenly pauses. "What do you mean by 'right for her' who is her?" She asks, her voice squeaking as she does. "I don't think i want to be here anymore." She stammers, standing perfectly still as if frozen in place.
Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

"I agree, who is this 'Her' you speak of? I'm not much for this 'cloak and dagger' crap myself," she said, her eyes roving around as she tried to divine her intentions with her mind...
Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

A glint of metal catches her eye before she looks at a brilliant sword and she has an urge to ask for it. However Monica's words disrupt her. "What do you mean?"
Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

Monica smiles in a way that isn't at all reassuring, "That's what I want to show you. The beauty and radiance of our Goddess. For thousands of years we have awaited her return and now. . . now, it can finally happen. In our lifetimes. While we are the ones to gain her blessings. Come forward with me, and let me show you her beauty."

Monica again offers her hand to Sarah and Lilliana. Two of the cultists with swords move closer to Clarissa.

"Open your hearts, my friends, and accept the embrace of Ninhursag," Monica intones with a reverant tone. The other cultists echo, "Ninhursag. . ."

Combat Information (You know, in case it comes up)

Okay, just to set the scene a little more accurately. Monica is offering her hands to Sarah and Lilliana. The three students who came with them, Brent, Shane and Cassie are standing a few feet behind Clarissa in their street clothes.

There are four total cultists walking around with swords. Two are now standing very close to Clarissa. There are two more cultists with swords standing at the south end of the room, probably a round or two away from everybody, next to the earthen tunnel.

Clarissa, Lilliana and Sarah were led in through one door on the west side of the room. There is another door on the eastern side of the room. Two cultists are in front of each door, holding some kind of club.

There are eight cultists kneeling on mats near the tunnel, chanting. They don't seem to be armed.
Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

Sarah took a step back, a hand on her Magnum. "I don't like the way you're offering this. What will this thing require? Blood? A sacrifice? Our lives?" she hissed, looking carefully at her and trying to guess her intentions

((Using Sensitive trait?))
Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

"Hey, what do you mean! Stay back! What about me!?", Clarissa immeadiately steps into a battle stance, her first priority being getting a weapon. She scans the room for any before eyeing everyone around her as if they were enemies, especially the two close cultists.

(Use: Sensitive/ Look for weapons around the room)
Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

Lilliana's eyes widen even more, slowly, with her arm still outstretched, she starts backing away from everyone in the room.
Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

Monica shakes her head, "All that she asks of you is your loyalty and your service, Sarah. Nothing more. Come, see her gifts for yourself." She narrows her eyes, "What are you reaching for, my soon-to-be sister?"

In response to her change in posture and shout, Brent, Shane and Cassie step forward, trying to take hold of Clarissa.

(Other than the swords and clubs held by the cultists, you don't see anything that looks like it could be a weapon. Near the earthen tunnel there are a couple of burning braziers.)

(Sensitive is a purely reactive trait. It doesn't work like Danger Sense. However, it is unusual that you're not receiving any information from it.)
Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

She isn't liking the vibes- or lack oof them- that she's getting. Upon seeing the others go forward, she draws her gun and levels it at one of the swordbearers. "Get away from her!" she yells.
Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

Lilliana continues to back away, her arm dropping to her side, as she heads to the most secluded part of the room.
Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

Carol, can you feel whoever is up ahead? From what I can sense they may be like us. Quetz says, hoping that means the person would be friendly to them as well.