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Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

Sarah fires another round from her pistol, hitting the attacking cultist in the thigh and causing him to cry out in pain.

Monica holds out the amulet and recites a few words in a strange language. A ruby beam of light flares out, bathing Sarah in strange radiance. Her body flushes as a wave of intense pleasure hits her.

Clarissa kicks her way free from of Brent's grasp, elbowing Shane in the stomach and pulling away from Cassie in one smooth set of motions. She turns, trying to keep all of them in front of her. The three had been planning to pin her better and now took a moment to regroup.

The swordsman that she kicked smacks her hard with the pommel of his sword, almost knocking the wind out of her.

The robed cultist that Lilliana tried to tackle last round makes a grab for her himself, but she avoids him.

The Cultist who was just shot in the thigh swings at Sarah, trying to cripple the hand with the gun. His blade cuts her arm, but she swings away before he can do too much serious damage.

Lilliana's kick connects with the kneecap of of the robed cultist, causing him to stagger. Her growls, "That's it." and pulls a wadded cloth out of his robe, moving closer with it. She detects the strong smell of chloroform wafting off of the rag.

~ Meanwhile ~

Sabrina quietly swings open the well oiled door. She surveys the room, observing that the two guards here have their attention focused on the battle in the center of the room and haven't noticed her yet.


Sarah attacks a swordsman and hits for 26 damage.

Monica casts a spell at Sarah and hits. Sarah takes 18 arousal.

Clarissa escapes the grapple, despite being held by three people (Critical success on your roll :D )

Swordsman attacks Clarissa and hits for 12 damage.

Swordsman attacks Sarah and hits for 10 damage.

Lilliana attacks a door guard and hits for 8 damage.

Sabrina makes a stealth check and succeeds. She, Carol and Quetz can enter combat and not be noticed until they make an attack or take another similar action.

Sarah Quintez
Health 65 / 85, Energy 80 / 80, Arousal 18 / 66

Clarissa Annesse
Health 53 / 65, Energy 50 / 50, Arousal 0 / 57

Lilliana Scott
Health 70 / 70, Energy 55 / 55, Arousal 0 / 54

Quetz Rhinehart
Health 55 / 55, Energy 65 / 65, Arousal 0 / 54

Carol Ferce
Health 60 / 60, Energy 50 / 60, Arousal 0 /54

Sabrina Lockwood
Health 70 / 70, Energy 55 / 65, Arousal 0 / 50

Updated Turn Order: Sarah, Monica, Clarissa, Sword #2, Club #1, Sword #4, Quetz, Cassie, Sword #1, Club #4, Club #3, Sabrina, Brent, Shane, Carol, Sword #3, Lilliana, Club #2.
Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

She grits her teeth at the new wound, aiming at the same assailent and unleashing anothe volley of gunfire at him again.
Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

Sorry Quetz, but im going to help them. Dont worrie im going to return this woden baseball bat in excelents conditions.

(Carol use stealth and will try to hit a guard in a weak spot with the woden basebal bat)

Too night to check the grammar, sorry
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Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

Sabrina strikes at the head of the guard on the left hoping to knock him out before the fight can even start.
Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

Quetz whimpers before raising her stun gun to hit the guard that Carol attacks.
Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

CLarissa feels an adrenaline rush run through her and tryto strike Brent's windpipe with her palm.
(Attack Brent)
Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

For a second it almost seemed like Liliana giggled when she kicked the guard in the shin, but then she sees the rag and goes silent. In a sudden flurry of motion, she lunges at him and attempts to punch him in the face.

(Action: Attack guard)
Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

Sarah's shot hits the sword wielder. He staggers, nearly collapses but remains on his feet, bleeding badly. As she tries to take aim, though, Monica's chant continues and more of the strange red light surrounds Sarah. That is the distraction the swordsman needs and he slashes at her again with his sword. The other sword wielder who had been fighting with Clarissa turns to Sarah and charges, slamming his shoulder into her and trying to knock her over. Sarah keeps her feet, but the shoulder tackle will definitely leave a bruise.

Clarissa slams her hand into Brent's throat, causing him to choke and stagger. His swing misses her, but as she tries to dodge Shane delivers a strong punch to her side. Cassie tries again to restrain Clarissa, but she can't get a grip.

Lilliana strikes at the guard but can't seem to connect with a solid punch, however she is able to fend him off, avoiding his grab. His partner tries to take her down from behind, but she steps away at the last moment.

On the other side of the room, Carol, Quetz and Sabrina enter ambushing the two guards by that door. Sabrina's baton slams into the head of the guard on the left, knocking him forward but he remains on his feet. Quetz and Carol double team the other guard, although only Carol's baseball swing connects.


Sarah attacks and hits for 23 damage. Her target is nearly down.

Monica casts a spell at Sarah and hits. Sarah takes 19 arousal.

Clarissa attacks Brent and hits for 14 damage.

Both cultists with swords attack Sarah and both hit, one for 11 damage one for 13 damage.

Shane attacks Sarah and hits for 7 damage.

Carol attacks a door guard and hits with a surprise attack for 24 damage.

Quetz attacks a door guard and misses.

Sabrina attacks a door guard and hits with a surprise attack for 22 damage.

Lilliana attacks a door guard and misses.

Nobody is grappled or held.

Sarah Quintez
Health 41 / 85, Energy 80 / 80, Arousal 37 / 66

Clarissa Annesse
Health 46 / 65, Energy 50 / 50, Arousal 0 / 57

Lilliana Scott
Health 70 / 70, Energy 55 / 55, Arousal 0 / 54

Quetz Rhinehart
Health 55 / 55, Energy 65 / 65, Arousal 0 / 54

Carol Ferce
Health 60 / 60, Energy 50 / 60, Arousal 0 /54

Sabrina Lockwood
Health 70 / 70, Energy 55 / 65, Arousal 0 / 50
Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

Sabrina presses the attack against the staggered guard, hoping to keep him off balance.

(attack with baton)
Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

Sarah gives a small gasp as the spell hits her, then the barrage of sword attacks. With a sudden growl, she goes to club the last of the swordwielder's life out to conserve her ammo.
Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

Carol swing the baseball bat once again to hit the guard
Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

Quetz tries once again to hit the guard Carol is fighting.
Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

Clarissa hisses, if only she had a sword! She viciously goes to attack Brent with both hands, trying to crush his throat.
Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

Still struggling to create an opening to escape, Lilliana tries once again to punch the guard in the face.

(Action: Attack guard)
Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

Sarah slams the butt of her handgun into the head of one of the swordsmen. He groans and slumps to the ground, unconscious and bleeding from his wounds. The second cultist strikes at Sarah with his elbow, trying to knock her gun away. She hangs on to her weapon, but the force of his blow sends a shock of pain up her arm.

Monica sees the first cultist drop and backs away, quickly stepping back towards the tunnel at the south end of the room. The two swordsmen there move to stand in front of her.

Clarissa tries to press her advantage against Brent, but he stumbles back, avoiding her blows. Cassie screams in anger and tries to grab a handful of Clarissa's hair but can't get a grip. Shane's next punch is deflected easily.

Lilliana ducks away from the first guard again, knowing that if he were to grab her she'd run the risk of being chloroformed by his partner. She attacks but can't seem to hit her target.

The guards on the other side of the room move to attack the three students who just entered the room. One guard brings a crushing blow down on the top of Sabrina's head, making her see stars for just a moment. She manages to recover and catch him in the ribcage with her baton. The second guard swings his club at Carol, striking hard at her right leg. She and Quetz both attack him and Carol's swing connects again, knocking him back.


Sarah attacks the first swordsman and hits, knocking him out (he had 1 Health remaining).

Clarissa attacks Brent and misses.

The remaining swordsman attacks Sarah and hits for 10 damage.

One of the door guards attacks Sabrina and hits critically for 28 damage.

One of the door guards attacks Carol and hits for 12 damage.

Carol attacks one of the door guards and hits for 11 damage.

Sabrina attacks one of the door guards and hits for 14 damage.

Lilliana attacks a door guard and hits for 9 damage.

The unconscious sword cultist drops his weapon. It is lying on the ground near him and Clarissa is close enough to retrieve it (but not attack) in one round if she wants.

Sarah Quintez
Health 31 / 85, Energy 80 / 80, Arousal 37 / 66

Clarissa Annesse
Health 46 / 65, Energy 50 / 50, Arousal 0 / 57

Lilliana Scott
Health 70 / 70, Energy 55 / 55, Arousal 0 / 54

Quetz Rhinehart
Health 55 / 55, Energy 65 / 65, Arousal 0 / 54

Carol Ferce
Health 48 / 60, Energy 50 / 60, Arousal 0 /54

Sabrina Lockwood
Health 42 / 70, Energy 55 / 65, Arousal 0 / 50
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Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

"Son of a bitch!" Sabrina exclaims, momentarily holding her head.

"You are so gonna pay fot that", she says hoping to bring her baton against the guards skull.

(Attack same guard)
Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

ouch that hurt, please dont hit me!♥

Carol swing the baseball bat once again to hit the guard

(Hit the same guard and, can i use charm in the same turn?)

EDIT: just for fun and who know maybe work.
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Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

(Hit the same guard and, can i use charm in the same turn?)
(Since Charm is a conversation skill, you can try it. But making someone like you while you're hitting them with a baseball bat is probably going to be pretty hard.)
Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

Carol! Quetz shouts when she sees her idol get hit. Take this mister! She says as she tries to attack the guard who hit Carol again.
Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

Growling at her remaining opponent, she pistol-whipped him and fired her handgun, trying to guess what he was going to attack her next.

((Attack and use Agility?))