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Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

The glint of metal catches her eyes and Clarissa dashes to the weapon desperately. She has confidence in her swordsmanship and believes that she can win this.

(Get the weapon)
Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

Lilliana giggles in surprise as she is not caught again. Feeling confident, she takes the opportunity to try and punch the guard again.

(Action: Attack guard)
Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

Sarah pistol whips the swordsman before he can strike at her again. He moans and collapses to the ground, unconscious.

Monica, standing well back of the melee now right near the entrance to the earthen tunnel chants another spell and bathes Sarah in the red light again, her body growing warm and aroused. Sarah's nipples harden and she feels dampness spreading in her panties. She shouts to the other cultists, "Kill them! We can always recruit others! Kill them!"

Clarissa scrambles to the fallen sword, grabbing hold of it and spinning around to defend against the three other students. As she turns, Shane kicks her in the lower back. They seem to hesitate, realizing that they are now facing a woman with a sword while they are unarmed.

The two other sword wielding cultists, who had been waiting near the tunnel, ready their weapons and advance toward Sarah and Clarissa. The kneeling cultists around the tunnel continue their chant.

Quetz's attack smashes into the knee of the club wielding door guard. He cries out and falls to the floor, holding his knee and writhing in pain, out of the fight.

The other door guard swings his club, hitting Carol on the shoulder. Sabrina retaliates, her baton driving into the mans stomach, staggering him. Carol, seeing the opportunity, follows up on Sabrina's attack bringing her baseball bat down on the man's back and dropping him.

Lilliana avoids the attacks of both the guards by the western door and kicks one of them hard right between the legs. The man whimpers and collapses, unconscious.


Sarah attacks the swordsman and hits for 25 damage, dropping him.

Monica casts a spell at Sarah and hits. Sarah takes 21 arousal.

Clarissa picks up the sword.

The two swordsmen who had been out of the fight charge.

Quetz attacks a door guard and hits for 17 damage, knocking him out.

A door guard attacks Carol and hits for 12 damage.

Shane hits Monica for 7 damage.

Sabrina attacks a door guard and hits for 13 damage.

Carol changes targets and attacks the same guard as Sabrina, hitting for 13 damage and knocking him out.

Lilliana attacks a door guard and critically hits for 18 damage.

At the end of the round, Sarah and Clarissa are fighting near the center of the room with Brent, Cassie, Shane and now two more sword wielding cultists. On the east side of the shelter, Lilliana has knocked out one of the door guards. On the west side of the room, Carol, Quetz and Sabrina have knocked out both of the guards. At the south end of the room, Monica is standing near the tunnel and the eight other cultists are still kneeling and chanting.

It will take one round of movement for Carol, Quetz and Sarah to reach the center of the room, or for the people in the center to move to either of the side areas.

Sarah Quintez
Health 31 / 85, Energy 80 / 80, Arousal 58 / 66

Clarissa Annesse
Health 39 / 65, Energy 50 / 50, Arousal 0 / 57

Lilliana Scott
Health 70 / 70, Energy 55 / 55, Arousal 0 / 54

Quetz Rhinehart
Health 55 / 55, Energy 65 / 65, Arousal 0 / 54

Carol Ferce
Health 36 / 60, Energy 50 / 60, Arousal 0 /54

Sabrina Lockwood
Health 42 / 70, Energy 55 / 65, Arousal 0 / 50
Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

Sabrina charges to the center of the room.
Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

"Haha.. you think you can outmatch my blade? Think again.", she grins as she goes to lop off Brent's head.

(Is the sword a 15 damage sword? Also, please don't forget about my additional, stacked training bonuses ;) )
Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

Well done Quetz now please help Sabrina, i need some rest

After both guards are in the floor Celia know than she need to treat her wounds, but after heard than Monica say the order to the cultists, Carol try to use mind read in monica to know the "truth" about this cult and resolve the mystery.

( use mind read in monica, try to take all the info about the cult and her motivations)
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Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

Sarah fires at the aproaching gaurds with swords, hoping to take them out before they got in striking distance.
Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

Quetz hesitates at Carol's order before following after Sabrina and attacking whichever cultist is closest.
Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

Seeing one guard go down, Lilliana sees the chance for escape. Ignoring the other guard she tries to knock open the door yelling "Hey over here... we can escape out of here." She then tries to tackle the other guard if she has time.

(Action: Open door and give path to escape... slow down other guard if she has a chance)
Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

Sarah fires a shot at one of the advancing swodsmen, hitting him in the arm as he tries to duck out of the way. The two cultists close with her, each taking a swing at her but neither connecting.

Monica continues her chants, growing louder as the beams from the amulet continue to lash out at Sarah. This time, though, she resists the spell's effects.

Clarissa brings the sword up, slashing at Brent and cutting him severely. He responds by trying to tackle her to the ground, but she remains standing even as his shoulder slams into her chest. Neither Clarissa or Shane are able to get in an effective strike.

Quetz and sabrina move quickly to the center of the room while Monica waits near the western door concentrating on something.

Lilliana avoids the attacks of the two guards and throws open the door, trying to slam it into the face of one of the guards, but he steps aside at the last moment.


Sarah attacks a sword cultist and hits for 26 damage.

Clarissa attacks brent and hits for 25 damage (The swords they are using are only 5 damage - you'll need to go get your own weapon to get the full 15 damage).

Brent hits Clarissa for 9 damage.

Lilliana opens the eastern door and mises the guard with an attack.

Sarah Quintez
Health 31 / 85, Energy 80 / 80, Arousal 58 / 66

Clarissa Annesse
Health 30 / 65, Energy 50 / 50, Arousal 0 / 57

Lilliana Scott
Health 70 / 70, Energy 55 / 55, Arousal 0 / 54

Quetz Rhinehart
Health 55 / 55, Energy 65 / 65, Arousal 0 / 54

Carol Ferce
Health 36 / 60, Energy 35 / 60, Arousal 0 /54

Sabrina Lockwood
Health 42 / 70, Energy 55 / 65, Arousal 0 / 50
Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

Hannelore and Alexis cautiously make their way down the stairwell, reaching the landing just outside the western door of the shelter. Looking inside they observe a pitched battle going on between a number of students and some robed men and women.

Hannelore Ritter
Health 50 / 50, Energy 70 / 70, Arousal 0 / 54

Alexis Archer
Health 75 / 75, Energy 37 / 60, Arousal 23 / 60
Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

After know more about the situation, Carol try to think in the next step but first she need to heal her wounds.

Carol use medication. is sensitive activated?
Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

Hannelore hmms and turns to Alexis. "What do you think, should we charge in screaming and aiding the good guys versus the guys in robes?"
Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

"Die!", she screams! She immediately takes a stance and aims a quick attack at Brent with the sword.
Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

Alexis stares at the battle, thankful that there weren't any strange creatures in there at least. She looks at Hannelore and says, "Easy for you to say, you've got a weapon." Looking back at the fight, though, she gets perks up and says, "But I could use the opportunity to beat something up."
Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

"I take that as a yes. FOR SCIENCE!" Hannelore yells out as she dashes towards the battle, her trusty jackknife in hand.
Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

Alexis charges towards the battle alongside Hannelore, aiming for the back of one of the robed men that was attacking the girls, trying to run him to the ground so he couldn't use his weapon.

(grapple cultist)
Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

(Looks like im invicible)
Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

Sabrina swings her baton with great force at Brent's skull.
Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

Following Carol's orders Quetz aids Sabrina by following up with her own attack on Brent.