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Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

Seeing more students enter the fray gives Lilliana more courage. Attempting a battle cry, which sound like a strange squeak, she tries to punch the guard in the face again.

(Action: Attack guard)
Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

As the girl was attacked, she sumersaulted throught the arching blades, and as soon as she flipped up to her feet, she fired at the same one as earlier, hoping to kill him.
Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

Sarah fires a wild shot that misses the swordsman, but does manage to avoid both of their strikes. What she cannot avoid, however, is another shot of the tingling, distracting rays of pleasure from Monica's amulet. It strikes her right between her breasts and her whole body pulses with arousal.

Clarissa runs Brent through with the sword. He gurgles and slumps to the ground bleeding out; he won't be a threat any more. Distracted by the arrival of Quetz, Shane isn't able to hit Clarissa with his punch and takes a stiff shot from her and Sabrina both, staggering back.

Hannelore and Alexis rush to the center of the room, adding more combatants to the fight. Meanwhile, Carol takes a moment to perform some quick first aide and she seems like she's totally shaken off the effects of the previous blow.

Bolstered by the arrival of more people, Lilliana punches the guard right in the nose and he tumbles backwards, unconscious and out of the fight.


Sarah misses the swordsman.

Monica casts a spell at Sarah and hits for 21 arousal. Sarah maxes out her arousal and takes 13 points of Energy damage.

Clarissa attacks Brent and hits for 21 damage.

Quetz changes targets (since Brent is down) and attacks Shane, hitting for 13 damage.

Hannelore moves into melee combat with the rest of the group.

Carol uses her Medical skill and restores 30 (!) Health.

Sabrina attacks Shane and hits for 11 damage.

Alexis moves into melee combat with the rest of the group.

Lilliana attacks a guard and hits for 9 damage, knocking him out.

Sarah Quintez
Health 31 / 85, Energy 67 / 80, Arousal 66 / 66

Clarissa Annesse
Health 30 / 65, Energy 50 / 50, Arousal 0 / 57

Lilliana Scott
Health 70 / 70, Energy 55 / 55, Arousal 0 / 54

Quetz Rhinehart
Health 55 / 55, Energy 65 / 65, Arousal 0 / 54

Carol Ferce
Health 60 / 60, Energy 35 / 60, Arousal 0 /54

Sabrina Lockwood
Health 42 / 70, Energy 55 / 65, Arousal 0 / 50

Hannelore Ritter
Health 50 / 50, Energy 70 / 70, Arousal 0 / 54

Alexis Archer
Health 75 / 75, Energy 37 / 60, Arousal 23 / 60
Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

Sarah screams out from the pleasure, falling to her knees from the blast, as she goes to re-fire at the enemy she's been attacking.
Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

Hanners looks around with crazy eyes and finds one of the robed figures wielding a sword. Once more she yells out as she attacks him, knife raised over her head.
Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

Clarissa points at Shane,"You're next." She lunges at him with her sword in front of her, intent on piercing his throat with it.
Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

Quetz follows up on her attack against Shane, fear and adrenaline twisting together to barely keep her calm.
Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

Alexis uses her momentum from her charge to try to tackle one of the cultists that was attacking the girls.
Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

Giggling in pleasure Lilliana spins around and stares at the next guard. Trying to look as mean as possible she tries to hit him square in the face.
Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

After heal her wounds, Carol take both weapons from the unconscious guards and left them in her bag.

(take two clubs)
Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

Sabrina continues the attack on Shane's head.
Re: Kuttner Hall, Bomb Shelter

I honestly read that as "Sabrina continues giving Shane head." *sigh*