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Kuttner Hall, Professor Price's Office

Re: Kuttner Hall, Professor Price's Office

Regina grins slightly. "Got you ya little... ah shit!"

Ending up on her back with one of the creatures there wasn't exactly what she had planned, and she quickly made the attempt to remove the offending creature. "Get off you fucker."

Action: Escape Grapple.
Re: Kuttner Hall, Professor Price's Office

Alexis breathes a ragged sigh of relief after she removes the creature from her thigh, hoping she can stop it from jumping back up on her. She begins reaching behind her to grab the creature on her back, not wanting it to pick up where the other left off. "Get off me!" she yells.
Re: Kuttner Hall, Professor Price's Office

"STABBITY!" With that warcry Hannelore goes after one of the roaming creatures, eager to slice and dice.
Re: Kuttner Hall, Professor Price's Office

Hannelore slashes through the body of one of the creatures, dropping it. She looks around realizing that there are only three of the things left. She is thankful that she's managed to keep her balance in the slippery goo.

Alexis struggles, but the remaining creature holds fast to her. She can feel the thing's tentacle sweeping along her ass as it works down under her clothes. Unfortunately, the distraction, combined with her efforts to pull the thing off of her back cause her to loose her footing and she crashes to the ground, prone.

The remaining creature's long tongue twitches, and it turns it's head towards Alexis, possibly sensing the girl's state. It lunges at her and grapples with her again, holding onto her thigh.

Regina manages to grab hold of two of the thing's chitinous legs, forcing it away from her body and throwing it towards the girl with the knife.


Hannelore kills another one with her knife.

Alexis fails at the escape from her grapple. She is still grappled by one creature. Alexis slips in the slime and falls prone.

Alexis takes 8 Arousal.

Regina escapes from the grapple but is still prone (It takes one action to stand back up. You can act while prone, but take a penalty).

Alexis is grappled by two of the creatures. The last one has been thrown off by Regina and is roaming.

Hannelore Ritter
Health 50 / 50, Energy 70 / 70, Arousal 0 / 54

Alexis Archer
Health 75 / 75, Energy 60 / 60, Arousal 49 / 60

Regina Alvarado
Health 60 / 60, Energy 60 / 60, Spell Points 40 / 40, Arousal 0 / 54
Re: Kuttner Hall, Professor Price's Office

Hannelore sees Regina throwing the creature towards her and tries to impale the thing on her knife.
Re: Kuttner Hall, Professor Price's Office

Regina shouts a short warning to Hannelore. "Incoming stabbity!"

She hadn't planned on throwing it right at her, but since it was going that way, the least she could do was warn, though it seemed Hannelore already had seen, which was good. She stood up, catching herself quickly.

Action: Get the hell up.
Re: Kuttner Hall, Professor Price's Office

The fall down to the floor barely registered in Alexis' mind. Her back arched and her legs involuntarily parted, while she let out a soft moan and half closed her eyes. Through the haze though, she was still able to focus on attempting to remove the creatures. "N-no... stop!" she managed to say weakly.
Re: Kuttner Hall, Professor Price's Office

Hannelore stabs the skittering thing before it can get away. It thrashes for a moment, spitting more slime around her as it dies. Fortunately, she is able to keep her balance in the slippery substance.

Rolling around on the ground, Alexis grabs hold of the thing on her leg, trying to pry it loose. But her slippery hands and precarious position make it too hard for her to prevent this one's probing member from burrowing its way beneath her panties. She feels nearly overcome with pleasure as the tentacles thrust into her vagina and anus.

Regina finds a mostly dry spot on the floor and climbs back to her feet.


Hannelore attacks another of the things and kills it with her knife.

Alexis tries to get free, but because she is prone she is unable to escape the grapple.

The two creatures perform stimulation attacks. Alexis takes 19 Arousal (ouch :eek: ). 11 points max out her Arousal Threshhold and the remaining 8 apply directly to her Energy.

Regina stands up.

There are two creatures still alive, both clinging to Alexis.

Hannelore Ritter
Health 50 / 50, Energy 70 / 70, Arousal 0 / 54

Alexis Archer
Health 75 / 75, Energy 52 / 60, Arousal 60 / 60

Regina Alvarado
Health 60 / 60, Energy 60 / 60, Spell Points 40 / 40, Arousal 0 / 54
Re: Kuttner Hall, Professor Price's Office

"Stabbity?" Hannelore looks around and, finding nothing to stab for the moment, hurries over to Alexis to try and pry these buggers off.
Re: Kuttner Hall, Professor Price's Office

"OH... oh my god!!" Alexis screams as the creatures push her to her limit, her head arching back and her eyes closing. She begins to writhe around, her legs pumping up and down, feet slipping on the slimy floor. Her hands continue to roam down to where the bugs are, trying desperately to grab hold of them, even in the state she's in.
Re: Kuttner Hall, Professor Price's Office

Regina also moves to assist and attempts to remove the other creature.

Action: Assist Alexis and remove a bug.
Re: Kuttner Hall, Professor Price's Office

Hannelore nearly slips again but manages to get hold of one of the squirming beasts, prying it away from Alexis while it's proboscis thrashes angrily. She throws it to the ground away from the now obviously aroused girl.

Alexis can't concentrate well enough to free herself from the last creature, still clinging to her thigh (If she was upright, she would have had no trouble either of the last two attempts but the penalty, and bad rolls, is what keeps making you miss). She feels it's warm, insistent tongue pushing so deep inside of her anus and, as of it's scrabbling claws brushes over her clit she feels herself cumming hard. As she does the creature latches hold, stopping it's movement.

Regina uses that pause to take hold of the last little monster and rip it away from Alexis.


Hannelore grapples one of the creatures and pulls it away.

Alexis fails to grapple. Alexis is hit with a stimulation attack; she takes 20 points of Energy damage but her arousal fall to 30.

Regina grapples one of the creatures and pulls it away.

There are two remaining things.

Hannelore Ritter
Health 50 / 50, Energy 70 / 70, Arousal 0 / 54

Alexis Archer
Health 75 / 75, Energy 32 / 60, Arousal 30 / 60

Regina Alvarado
Health 60 / 60, Energy 60 / 60, Spell Points 40 / 40, Arousal 0 / 54
Re: Kuttner Hall, Professor Price's Office

"Woah there." Hannelore watches Alexis with almost scientific interest for a bit longer than a moment before turning and going after the creature. Interesting enough, she tries to club it to death with the knife's handle.
Re: Kuttner Hall, Professor Price's Office

Alexis moans loudly as the creature brings her to orgasm, her back arching completely and her toes curling. As the creature stops moving she starts bucking her hips, trying to increase her stimulation as much as possible, then falls down, panting and weak, when her orgasm finishes. She moans again when the last creature is removed, almost sadly. She looks over to where the creatures were thrown and pants, but doesn't move from the floor, bringing her hands up to wipe her face.
Re: Kuttner Hall, Professor Price's Office

Regina goes after the one she ripped away, aiming to stomp it down into the floor and crush it.

Action: Attack. (And stomp that lil bastard down to the first floor with a heavy foot :p )
Re: Kuttner Hall, Professor Price's Office

Hannelore smashes the handle of her knife, and her fist, down atop the creature she had grappled, killing it and cracking the carapace in several spots.

Alexis lays on the floor, recovering from her experience.

The thing that Regina had grabbed tries to get a hold on her and crawl up her arm, but she holds it back, tossing it to the ground and slamming her foot down atop it, crushing it instantly. Embarassingly, her foot slips out from under her again and she falls on her butt into the slime.


Hannelore attacks and kills her target with her knife.

The last thing tries to grapple with Regina but fails.

Regina stomps the final enemy flat. She fails the Physical check and falls prone from slipping.

All the enemies are defeated.
Re: Kuttner Hall, Professor Price's Office

She muttered something that sounded an awful lot like a curse in another language, and moved to stand up, at the same time as speaking, "ok, someone want to tell me what the hell just happened here, or better still ,what were those little fuckers?"

Action: Stand Up
Re: Kuttner Hall, Professor Price's Office

Alexis didn't say anything, but slowly got to her feet and fixed her clothes. Still breathing heavily she tried to wipe as much of the slime from her hands and face as she could. When her hands were as clean as possible she stumbled back to Price's desk, picked up her paper and placed it in the inbox. With slightly shaking hands, she picked up the pen and paper she saw earlier and wrote, "Professor Price, I dropped off my paper tonight on time. Sorry about the mess, Alexis Archer." She dropped the pad with her note back on Price's desk, then turned around and leaned against the desk, not looking at the other girls. "Thanks for the help," she said quietly.
Re: Kuttner Hall, Professor Price's Office

Hannelore coos as she deposits the unstabbed creature in another one of her pockets. "I don't know what those are. Yet. Gonna take you home and cut you open and see what is inside of you", she sings as she pets the pocket.
Re: Kuttner Hall, Professor Price's Office

"Right.. Well... Not to be rude, but if everyone is alright, I guess I should get back to work..."

She would wait a moment, and, if not stopped, she would head out again back to the Archaeology Room, adding a, "your welcome," to Alexis.