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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie, cleaving through the wood as if it was an entire armor of minotaurs, twitched visibly when Amara spoke behind her, and spun around, before opening her ears and huffing. Looking down at her feet for a moment, Kylie panting raggedly as she had not made any effort whatsoever to conserve her energy, she was slow to answer.

Rotten Luck. Bad Fucking luck is what happened... RAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH! She said, finishing with an enraged scream before she took the axe in both hands and threw it at another tree, splitting the trunk in two and lodging the axe in place.

Another bout of panting, Kylie's chest and shoulders surging, the assassin made the visible effort to calm down, the adrenaline slow to work from her system as always, and spoke again.We went for a hunt, just something to do, maybe do a little good by playing pest control, and smacked into a Northern Minotaur. It's dead now, but Miu took the frontline and went down before I could finish the creature off. When she fell, she landed on one of my discarded arrows so I potioned up and ran her back here as fast as I could. Kylie muttered, dropping down, her back to the stump of one of the recently split trees.

Spitting on the ground, Kylie looked up and shook her head, muttering curses at all the unlikely things that could happen. Landing on an arrow like that, Ferociously rare. If that fat thickskinned bastard hadn't been yanking them out and leaving them around the battlefield...

Maria is fine, she's with Giselle recovering from an exciting day of her own, and some new experiences is all. You needn't worry. Kylie added, waving her hand in the air as if that detail really wasn't of importance considering everything that had just happened. Still, I may be taking my future hunts alone. I don't appreciate seeing my friends hurt like that. Just... no. Still, I'm really just thankful I got her here as quickly as I did, Rather then kicking down Reina's door.

Standing up, Kylie finally noticed the state she was in, her hair, and clothing matted in blood, her face and hands, neck and any other exposed skin utterly washed in crimson, and now split by small streams of sweat that dripped from her face. She was the picture of a walking battlefield. Walking over to retrieve the axe, Kylie wrenched it from the tree with a single hand, and draped the heavy weapon over her shoulder. It really was well balanced...

I'm headed home, I'm sure my friends are worried and I need to clean up. Take care Amara, say hello to the others for me. Kylie said, starting to walk away and having no intentions to stay at the temple any longer, steadfastly refusing any invitation to do so as she made her way back through the village streets looking like she'd waded through blood and dealt more then her fair share, an axe across her shoulders, her bow shimmering across her back, and a dread look on her face. She needed a bath.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Amara listened without flinching or showing any anger at all towards Kylie, in fact she smiled kindly at her after she let out her ferocious roar and didn't even raise her voice to Kylie. "It's okay Kylie, Miu will be just fine. I'm glad though that you made such an effort for Miu, but even if you'd have taken another hour or so I doubt she'd have been in danger of dying, considering you plugged the wound as well as you did and made her leave the arrow in. She'll need a couple of days, maybe three or four to rest, but she'll make a full recovery. And I'm also glad you took care of that minotaur as well, they get brave sometimes, the younger ones I mean, and they'll come down here to make a name for themselves and try to bring back captives to enslave," Amara began saying before sitting down next to Kylie and gently wrapping a wing around her. Then Amara's expression changed slightly to one of pity, but it didn't seem to be aimed at Kylie, and there was also a slight bit of pride in there too for some reason. "Miu was taken before by one of them that came down to make a name for himself, caught her unawares while she was out on the outskirts of town on the hunting trails. She screamed shortly after and Yuki heard her from the back far up the hill near the hotspring. We chased after them, following the trail she'd bravely left us where we caught up about a quarter of the way back to their mountain home, then we struck and killed him and brought her back. He was already covered in bite and claw marks though when we arrived, because she defied him the whole way despite the fact that he'd raped her twice before we got to her," Amara said to Kylie, which explained why Miu froze up there for a few moments when the minotaur first came upon them both earlier.

Amara then looked over to Kylie and smiled again, showing her nothing but kindness, then she gave Kylie an almost knowing look before speaking up again. "And it sounds like Maria is in good hands with you all for the night, just please take good care of her okay. And please take good care of yourself too Kylie, you're a good person. And please don't say you won't take anyone else hunting with you just because of a single mishap like this, because it could have happened to anyone really and it isn't your fault. Besides, Miu loves to hunt, and so do a couple of the other priestesses here, and my nieces do too and their siblings, but only one of them is even here on the island right now, though I'm sure you and her would get along splendidly," Amara said to Kylie after she mentioned not wanting to go hunting again with anyone else for fear of them getting hurt, patting Kylie on the back a bit and not caring there was blood getting on her hand.

With that Amara would raise her wing up when Kylie mentioned needing to get on home for the night to get cleaned up and whatnot. "Yes you should be getting back home for now I'm sure or you'll worry those you're living with, just come back tomorrow and you should be able to meet my niece, she's one of our priestesses here," Amara said to Kylie as the young assassin got up and set off for Giselle's warm loving home that she was sure to provide her with. Amara didn't even bother inviting her back inside since she didn't seem to want to, but did invite her back the next day apparently.

Kylie's walk back through the town streets wasn't overly eventful really, just a young couple slinking off to a secluded place for some alone time, a young human guy and a young neko girl, neither of whom looked older than 18 at most. The neko girl's tail was swishing back and forth playfully though she had a blush on her face that told she was embarrassed, while the young man had a bit of a grin on his face. Other than that there was only the noise coming from the tavern that she would really notice.

When she arrived back home she'd find a light on in the living room so when she started turning the doorknob she'd find it locked with somebody unlocking it after a few moments. It was Delilah she saw who answered the door and she looked shocked at Kylie's state. "Kylie what happened? Come on in, let's get you cleaned up," Delilah asked with a worried expression on her face as she invited Kylie on inside, ushering her to the bathroom quickly. A quick glance into the living room would reveal a book laying face down on the couch that showed Delilah was laying in there reading.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

I'd like that Kylie said softly in regards to meeting Amara's niece, though for the most part she was silent. Listening, but not speaking as was her norm when she was deep in thought.


On her way back through town, Kylie chuckled, no one but the occasional guard giving her a passing glance as she didn't draw attention to herself, moreover the guards were aware that something had transpired and left her alone and in peace as she made her way home.

Once inside however, she was immediately assaulted by Delilah, future sister-in-law, and her first friend she'd made on this island. Smiling at her, Kylie just shrugged, before setting the axe down by the door. Me and Miu found a Minotaur, it's not a problem anymore. Kylie said simply, before gesturing at the axe. I heard that the Goliaths apparently fight with the minotaurs pretty often, at least from the northern tribes. Palla would probably find this a suitable weapon, and one that would gain her a little status when she went home. So there's that as well. But yes, hot water would be lovely.

Heading along to the bath, Kylie got everything set up, probably with Delilah's help, and sank with a loving sigh into the hot water after pulling her soiled clothing away. As she relaxed, she took a moment to hum happily, before starting to scrub the mess away, blood, sweat, and dirt staining the water quickly. Ahh well, such was the price. The tub would have nightmares if she did this too often to it. Cleaning herself up quickly, Kylie was soon flopping out of the tub, and ruining a perfectly good towel in drying herself off, feeling better in general and yawning powerfully. Thanking Delilah for the help, Kylie went to get herself a drink, downed her scotch quickly, and scooted upstairs to Giselle's door, before remembering the bed was otherwise occupied.

Chuckling at that, Kylie snuck on in anyway, and wriggled into bed with her Love, her new Lover, and sweet dreams.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"A minotaur huh, those ones can be really annoying. And yes the goliaths do battle with them on occasion to keep them in check for everyone, but sometimes a couple come down to near one of the villages for his right of passage to try and bring back something of value to their clans. Usually somebody to be their slave, but not always. But I don't know if Palla would be allowed back in with just that, but you never know, I hope she can one day though," Delilah said as they went to the bathroom, with the siren heading back to the couch to put her bookmark into her book before joining Kylie in there.

Delilah helped her undress, and then got undressed herself where they both then eased down into the warm waters. While they sat there and soaked in their hot bath, Delilah started humming softly for a minute or so while she was gently scrubbing Kylie's back. Then she started singing softly, a gentle song that eased away all of Kylie's troubles of the day and helped her to relax, and by the time Delilah was done helping to clean Kylie up and washing her hair for her, Kylie would feel so relaxed that she'd probably be able to fall asleep just about anywhere. Delilah helped Kylie out of the bath and cleaned herself up a bit while Kylie got dried up, where she got out as Kylie finished up. "Go ahead and go on to bed Kylie and get you some rest, I'll clean the tub up for you, so don't worry about it," Delilah told her as she went out, where she drained the water and scrubbed the tub out of any leftover blood and dirt from Kylie.

While Kylie went to get her drink, opening the cupboard in the den that housed several different bottles of wine, scotch, vodka, and other assorted alcoholic drinks, she'd hear Delilah working in the bathroom. By the time she had gotten her drink and finished it, Kylie would see Delilah coming through with her dirty clothes from before, taking them to be washed the next morning. "Goodnight Kylie, get some rest and let Giselle know you're alright before she gets worried okay," Delilah said to Kylie as she passed by the den, smiling at her again and blowing her a goodnight kiss.

After that, when Kylie slid upstairs to Giselle's and her bedroom, the door creaked slightly despite her trying to be stealthy, and inside she could see Giselle snuggled up behind Maria with her arms wrapped around her, neither of them seeming to have heard the door creaking like it had. Moving into the room and slipping in bed would jostle the bed enough to wake Giselle, who didn't seem to have been too deeply asleep as she raised her head slightly and looked behind her at Kylie. "Mmm... hey sweetie, come on and snuggle up to me and lets get some sleep," Giselle mumbled sleepily as Kylie got in behind her, then she flopped her head back down facing Maria, but snuggled back a little against Kylie, pulling Maria with her.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

I promised Palla that she would be able to return, one way or another, and with her head held high. I mean to see that promise through Delilah, I appreciate your help as well, learning to steady her emotions will do her a great deal of good. I'm just happy she isn't as unstable as I can get during a battle, or she'd be looked at like a monster. Kylie said in answer to Delilah, wishing her a good night as well, before heading up, and immediately to sleep.

Curled up with Giselle and Maria, Kylie's dreams were troubled with thoughts of monsters, minotaurs, slaves, and the undead crashing through her new home, lurking in the jungle, taking her loved ones... destroying her new life.

Waking up in a cold sweat, Kylie rolled out of bed early once again, the dawn still not quite ready to shine, though birdsong was heavy in the air. Moving towards the window, Kylie opened it and inhaled a huge lungful of air, before letting it, and her unsettling dreams go, and smiling at the new day.

Thinking about what was to be done today, and covering it all in a mental checklist of sorts, Kylie was utterly oblivious to anyone, or anything else in the room, picking up something at random to nibble on nervously... a hair brush, and making sure she had everything sorted.

The horses would be ready to leave today, though she could possibly postpone the trip until tomorrow. She would be leaving tonight, as soon as the moon was properly risen, and traveling on foot just as she had said. She'd need to see Alan for some real poison, maybe just a paralytic, the Blacksmith for enough arrows to see her through a longer journey, and the temple for both advice, and direction. And possibly others traveling with her. She had also wanted to meet Amara's niece. O, and she had to say goodbye to Hope... she was going to miss her terribly...

Sighing at the unavoidable problem Mama Kylie leaving would cause, Kylie got dressed in simple leather traveling clothes, and headed downstairs. Maybe since she had woken up early enough, she could avoid eating a massive breakfast and sneak away with an apple....
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Troubled by her dreams through the night, Kylie woke in a cold sweat in Giselle's arms, while Maria was snuggled up behind her, the priestess's hand holding Kylie's hand closest to her and Giselle while Giselle's hand was holding Kylie's opposite hand with her arm draped across Kylie. It was tough to wriggle out from under Giselle's arm without waking her, but Kylie managed it while the moon was starting to go down on the horizon for the sun to emerge for the morning. Giselle clung to Kylie a bit when she got up though, but she would be able to get away from her without waking her, though Kylie would notice Giselle pouting slightly in her sleep at losing the warmth on that side of her, where she snuggled back against Maria a bit more.

She'd find Giselle's hairbrush laying on the bedside table to nibble on for the time being after opening the window up and breathing in the early morning air, the smell of the morning dew filling her nostrils. It didn't seem like Giselle was about to wake anytime soon she would notice, nor Maria for that matter, though that could all change within a few minutes of course. By the time she'd gotten her clothes on the sun was just starting to shine enough for the change in light to be noticed, though it wasn't peeking over the horizon just quite yet. Giselle and Maria had shifted around in the bed again too, with Maria laying atop Giselle now, and Giselle laying on her back and holding Maria with one arm while her other arm was laying across the bed where Kylie had been.

Heading on downstairs after getting dressed, Kylie would see that everyone else was still asleep from the looks of it, with Delilah having gone on to bed sometime after she'd laid down herself, though her book was still laying in the living room on the coffee table with the bookmark in it to mark her page. At the moment, Kylie was alone it seemed at the moment, since everyone else was still in bed and she could see the clock in the living room was showing that it was only just after 6:00 AM, indicating that she hadn't gotten a whole lot of sleep herself. She would in fact still feel a slight bit tired herself, but then again she could just take a nap later in the day if she decided to stay until later that night or the next day.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie, for once successful in sneaking around the house without waking ANYONE, indeed opted for just an apple for breakfast, something light and sugary to get her going. Headed downstairs, she pecked Bob on the head gently and gave her odd pet a hug, before tucking some basic wealth into her satchel, nothing extravagant but more then enough to cover her errands.

Heading back upstairs, Kylie immediately snatched up her bow and arrows, and got started, early was better then never, and the businesses would just be starting to open up, doing prepwork and the like. More to the point, Alan's store was actually Her store, and she could come and go as she damn well pleased.

She could hear the early banging of the blacksmith as well, the ringing sound of metal on metal pinging through the village because horseshoes and nails didn't make themselves and it was always better to get the forge hot early.

Her first stop was indeed Alan's place, and it was to pick up everything she thought she would need for her trip. Good Morning Alan~! I'm leaving for a trip here soon, today actually, and needed a few things as well as wondering if you had a shopping list for me to look out for in Tear Cove. Kylie said cheerfully as she let herself in.

Looking around though, Kylie once again helped herself to several things, first and foremost being replacements for the potions she had recently used, as well as a mermaid shifting potion just in case. Also Alan, I was wondering if you had anything on hand for the physicians around here, specifically powerful anasthetics or paralytics. She added, looking for something specifically to use if she wound up against something she knew she couldn't beat. Putting it to sleep or locking it down would do wonders on her trip... so long as she didn't actually cut herself using it on one of her arrows or in her blades... Taking a nap in the middle of the jungle would be a terrible idea...

But yes Alan, if there's anything you'd like for me to pick up in Tear Cove, do just hand me a list and I'll see it's all delivered to you at my earliest convenience. She said, taking what was available for her poisons, her potions, and heading out with a cheery wave. Next was on to the blacksmith. She didn't OWN the blacksmith, but he liked her well enough, and she was a good customer. Among another bundle of arrows, Kylie would also purchase a long hunting knife, and a hatchet. She wouldn't go slashing her way through the underbrush, but something to split wood with... Not a bad idea...

Her last stop on this crazy early morning shopping trip, was of course the Temple, and Kylie took her sweet time getting there, enjoying the walk, and the sight of the village waking up. Checking her ring, focusing on Giselle, Kylie smiled as she knew where she was, and knew Giselle could do the same, that she wouldn't worry any, may even join her! But she had other priestesses to meet today, Amara's Niece, and apparently another fellow Archer! There was also Miu to check up on as well... And that thought gave Kylie a pained expression, before she skipped the knocking, and simply climbed the gate, and hopped over the wall. It was easier then banging away, besides, it was fun... and decent exercise.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

When Kylie snuck downstairs and hugged and kissed Bob, the creature just lazily laid a tentacle up over her shoulder before letting it flop off, the rest of its tentacles curled about the nest where the eggs were. Once she'd gotten what money she was getting to take with her and grabbing her things from upstairs, Kylie was soon on her way out and on her way to Alan's store. Along the way she heard the sounds of some of the stores opening up and a few people already busying themselves with traveling around the town to do whatever they had to do. When she arrived at Alan's shop she'd find he'd just opened the shop up and was getting ready for the day.

"Ah Kylie, what brings you here so early?" Alan asked as Kylie came in, then he heard what she had to say and nodded. "Hmm... I've got a couple of things I wouldn't mind having sent down this way should they have it up that way. I'll make a list out for you shortly if you'd come by and grab it before you leave. And as for replacements for the other potions, remember I only have a few of the potions of giant's strength, so use them sparingly. In fact that's one of the things I would have you get more of. When you come by to grab the list I'll give you one of my cards to show them so you can get it all wholesale. As for the other two things you mentioned... well I do have a few, but Reina has the best anesthetics in town I think, you should be able to get it from her if she's willing to sell any. Paralytics though I can do. What'cha need them for if you don't mind me asking?" Alan went on to say, suggesting she check with Reina for anesthetics and asking why she wanted paralytics, a hint of curiosity in his voice and on his face as to why she needed them.

"I've got paralytics that'll completely paralyze for hours or a few minutes, and even one that'll paralyze a specific part of somebody's body that you hit without paralyzing anything else. What's your preference?" Alan said after pulling out a few boxes with several vials in them, one having a thick blueish liquid in it, another having a greenish liquid slightly thinner than the blueish one, and a third that was solid black like oil and just as thick, but it was obviously not oil.


After Kylie was done at Alan's shop and had moved on to the blacksmith, she was able to get herself a few more steel arrows that he'd been making for her, and after he handed over another batch of 20 of them, the hunting knife she wanted, and the hatchet, he looked over at her as she handed him the money for the things. "Here you go lass. Anything else you'd like?" the blacksmith said after handing Kylie her new things, waiting and ready to see if there was anything else she wanted or wished to ask him for.


Along the way to the temple when she used her ring to feel out for Giselle and see if she was okay, she'd feel that her beloved had woken up and was worriedly looking around for Kylie, where it would dawn on Kylie she hadn't left any note to let her know where she'd gone, and it seemed that Giselle had forgotten about the ring she wore and hadn't checked it just quite yet. When Kylie got to the gate of the temple and went to hop over it, she'd feel the gate begin creaking open under her, likely making her feel stupid that she hadn't needed to jump the thing in the first place and could have simply pushed it open. After getting up to the door of the temple, Kylie would see that it was shut but not locked and she could go ahead and open it if she wished, though it might be a little rude to do so with none of the priestesses out front to greet her, but it was up to her.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie chuckled at Alan and nodded. I'll make sure to pick up more for you, wholesale, in bulk. But I need a couple because I'm traveling to Tear Cove on foot through the jungle. Both as a training exercise, and well, for fun, and I don't know what will happen. As for paralytics? Anything I can boil into a nasty gas in a pinch would be perfect, but full body paralysis is what I need. she said, taking what she needed and promising to grab the list Alan needed. As well as making sure to absolutely LOAD the carriage the others would be taking with cash...

The Blacksmith was another visit Kylie looked forward to, and she greeted the friendly man as always, taking the arrows, knife, and hatchet, before stopping, smacking herself in the forehead, and reaching for a proper weapon belt, something she did NOT have, so she could actually carry this stuff while she traveled.

When Kylie was headed to the temple however, and realized Giselle had forgotten that she had a magical ring that would tell her wherever her lover was at any given moment, Kylie stopped, and just started laughing hysterically, leaning against a tree before pulling an immediate about face, and heading home. She hadn't meant to worry Giselle, that would truly be inconsiderate.

Besides, Giselle would probably like to go to the temple with her, as well as Maria, and was even now, stuffing Maria with food for breakfast. Opening the door to her home, Kylie just shouted. Honey~ I'm Home~!! loudly, and thumping into the kitchen like a moose, snagging and apple and looking around for, or waiting for, Giselle.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Hmm... well those you might be able to find those in Tear Cove, but I don't have any you can boil up into a gas, just these to coat weapons with mainly, or to sprinkle onto some food in the case of the full body paralytic, as it's tasteless and odorless, so undetectable for the most part," Alan replied, looking apologetic about not having the kind of paralytic she wanted.

After grabbing her gear at the blacksmith, grabbing herself a weapons belt to use on the way north as well before heading on out and towards the temple. Stopping at a tree around the temple entrance and giggling about Giselle's worrying, Kylie went on back to let her lover know just where she'd gone and whatnot, remembering she hadn't already, as well as to remind her to use the ring when she wanted to know where Kylie was from now on.

When she got back and called out through the house upon entering, Kylie would see Maria, Tina, and Selara all in the dining room beside the kitchen sitting around the table, while Delilah and Palla were helping Giselle to cook breakfast. Giselle leaned back and around the corner and saw Kylie after she called through the house, where she then smiled and came out of the kitchen, wiping her hands with a handtowel as she came up to Kylie, Giselle pulled her into a tight hug as she kissed her on the lips.

"Where did you go earlier sweetie? I was worried when we woke up and didn't find you in bed with us," Giselle asked Kylie after breaking their kiss. The smell of bacon, pancakes, and hashbrowns all cooking was coming from the kitchen Kylie would notice after Giselle kissed and spoke.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie laughed when Giselle grabbed her, and kissed her back passionately, moaning softly into her lips before stepping back with a little grin. You know me Lover, early riser. I figured I'd run some errands. But it seems someone forget their engagement ring will tell them wherever the other person goes, and if they're in trouble. Kylie said, her head tilted a little to the side as she chuckled.

Taking a bite out of her apple, Kylie suddenly smiled, and dashed around the kitchen to serve herself a plate with which to hold at least a small amount of bacon, and only bacon, to enjoy with her fruit. She loved all this heavy food, but she was certain that Giselle's cooking was going to be the truth death of her one day. Killed by a Heart attack... Now that would be truly rediculous.

Plopping down with or without her food, depending on whether or not Giselle insisted on serving her herself, Kylie looked around at everyone else and offered a bright smile and very cheery Morning~! Before noticing Palla.

Palla sweetheart, will that Minotaur Axe work as a replacement weapon for you for now? I know it's not perfect, but I think it fits you rather well and well... I did take it from a Northern Minotaur, I thought it fitting you use it for yourself. she said, still happy as could be. Tina~ Selara~ How are the eggs doing? Am I going to get back from Tear Cove to be greeted by a bunch of tiny lamia? That would be adorable, and Hope would love to see them... Also, Giselle, Maria, would you like to come and visit Hope with me before going back to the temple? I want to see her before I leave tonight. Other then that, the carriage should be all set for anyone that's coming with, and I'll be traveling on foot... Because I'm strange and Live for the Thrill of the Insane... she babbled, apparently in a far more talkative mood then she had been lately, and promptly finishing her apple all the way to the stem, not even leaving seeds left over. Before she ate the stem for good measure.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Giselle blushed at Kylie's words about the ring and forgetting about it, obviously embarrassed that she'd forgotten that she could do such a thing with it. "Sorry, I forgot about that, but I barely remember you getting in last night too, so I was worried and couldn't help it sweetie. Please forgive me, and from now on I'll leave myself a note by the bed in case I wake up with you not there, after you get back of course," Giselle said, then she leaned in and kissed Kylie on the cheek after the first kiss on the lips. "And Maria was worried about you too, but don't worry I soothed her to sleep with a few soft caresses, and I'll take care of her while you're gone and make sure the bed is all nice and warm when you return. So hurry back alright," Giselle whispered to Kylie so the others wouldn't overhear her, mostly Maria from the way she was talking.

After heading on into the kitchen, everyone greeted Kylie while putting food on their plates, with Kylie just taking some of the bacon to go with her apple as it was passed around the table as soon as it'd all been brought over. Giselle looked at her a bit sadly for not taking more, but she didn't press her to eat more, knowing how Kylie's eating habits were and all like she did now for the most part. When Kylie's gaze fell on Palla and she spoke up to the goliath girl, Palla looked up and listened.

"Mmm... it's a fine trophy Kylie, and it is a wonderful weapon to say the least that I could use. However it wasn't taken by my hand, so all of the honor is yours and yours alone. I shall use it though to claim my own honor in battle with something equally as powerful," Palla said in response to Kylie's question about the minotaur's axe. "I-I'm not refusing your gift by any means though Kylie, I just... it's a matter of pride, that I achieve something with my own power. You understand don't you?" Palla added, looking slightly flustered while making it clear that she would take and use the axe, just that she felt she needed to do something like that on her own to gain respect and honor.

"And you may be coming back to them already slithering about, though it depends on how long you take really, if you're gone only a fortnight, which would really only leave you with two days worth of stay in Tear Cove, then no they probably wouldn't have hatched by then. If you're gone for a good three to four weeks or so though, closer to four, then yeah you may very well come to them hatching," Selara replied happily, looking quite giddy about her first eggs. "I've got them set up in a better little nest on the floor, built of various things I could find that were soft and warm, and I've got a nice think blanket wrapped up around them too, because we lamia love staying warm and dislike the cold," Selara added as she dug into her plate of food, having a total of 4 pancakes with syrup coating them, half a dozen pieces of bacon, and a sizable helping of the hashbrowns to go with a large glass of orange juice. It seemed that lamias could eat quite a bit apparently.

Giselle and Maria exchanged looks when Kylie asked if they'd like to accompany her to see Hope again, then they both nodded to her with a smile on their faces. "Hmhm, I'd love to see the little rascal again, just so long as she and those other ones don't all swarm into my clothes again, that was... kind of mean, and it..." Maria said, mentioning her want to not have a repeat of the last visit the day before as her face flushed with embarrassment as she remembered what the little alraune had done to her.

Giselle also agreed to go along with her, saying she'd love to see Hope again too and that she needed to go to the temple anyway to pray for Kylie to have a blessed and safe trip there and back and to give an offering for said blessing. So after breakfast was through, Delilah offered to clean up so that Kylie, Giselle, and Maria could go on, with Palla agreeing to help her out. "We'll be taking the carriage there ourselves Kylie, and we'll be taking the main road north up the island. We'll meet up with you and whoever you take with you at Oakview, which is the third largest town on the island. It's built on one of the rivers that comes out of the mountains just across the borders where the jungle and rainforest areas turn into more temperate forest terrain. And it's about midway between here and Tear Cove, so we should get there in about three or four days, depending on the weather and all. We'll wait there for a day or so for you to arrive if we beat you there before we start looking for you, m'kay, so be careful out there," Delilah told Kylie as she waited for Giselle and Maria to get their things to go.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Of course I understand Palla. kylie said to her, giggling at her determination to prove herself. She was doing marvelously so far, hadn't challenged anyone to a duel to be her mate, that was progress.

After finishing her food, and listening to everyone, Kylie hopped up from the table and hugged Giselle from behind, kissing her neck gently and humming happily. You don't need to worry about me, I wont be gone too terribly long, and you'll always know where I am, and when I'm on my way back, besides, this lets you spoil Maria, I know you want to~ Kylie whispered, teasing her lover a little with the idea of Maria being all hers to play with for awhile while she was off getting into trouble.

Besides, when I get back, you and me can take a trip to Hespera, just the two of us, maybe Hazel, and enjoy a little vacation. I have business there as well anyway. She added, kissing her again as she hugged her tightly.

Looking at Tina and Selara, Kylie giggled and smiled brightly from her place holding Giselle. I look forward to seeing the little ones, and I'm so happy that you two are as well. Who'd have thought it'd turn out like this, I certainly didn't. She said, chuckling and winking at Selara, remembering how they had met in the first place.

I'm going to make sure Bob is alright downstairs, and check on the eggs there as well while you guys finish up, then we can head over to the Alraune's grove and see the little ones. Kylie chirped, kissing Giselle again for good measure before spinning away and rushing downstairs, glomping Bob with a hug and a giggle. Hello there Mighty Cave Squid. How are the little ones doing? Kylie asked the Darkmantle, cuddling it as she looked at the nest and it's occupants.

I've got to go away for a little while, so you need to behave while I'm gone, Giselle and the others will take care of you and the children while I'm gone. So, be nice... But remember, the Siren sisters could always use a little... Fun, while I'm gone, surprise them once in awhile. Kylie added with a laugh, kissing Bob on his big goofy head while she waited for the others to be ready.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Well now that I remember that the ring is magical and all I'll know where you are and if you're okay. Because I truly forgot that it was honestly, and don't worry I'll pamper her with love and everything, but I still love you just as much, so don't forget that," Giselle said with a grin, leaning around and kissing Kylie on the lips. Then when Kylie mentioned taking a vacation to Hespera, Giselle suddenly got a dreamy look in her eyes and sighed softly. "Oh please can we go? I've always wanted to go to Hespera ever since I heard about the beach, plus we could take Maria too, and my sisters if they want to, but just us lovers would be the best I think, me, you and Maria making sweet love on the beach," Giselle asked after that, obviously wanting to go to Hespera as Kylie suggested they might do.

After they got through talking and all and Kylie spoke to Tina and Selara while hugging Giselle, they both looked over at her, with Selara cuddling against Tina, who smiled at her and cuddled back. "Aye I didn't expect this, but then again this is the first time I've given birth to any sort of eggs or seedlings by someone that actually wanted to remain with me afterwards, though there were a couple of times that I birthed some alraune seedlings for the village across the way and they wanted me to stay, but told me I didn't have to, but I went over there often to see them growing up. They were a lot of fun, but they're mostly grown up now," Tina replied to what Kylie said, while Selara kissed her neck and made her giggle a bit.

When Kylie went off down to the basement and said what shew as going to do while they got ready, Giselle and Maria both nodded and told her to take her time and then went off to get ready for heading out themselves. When she got downstairs, Kylie would find Bob still lazing about, lazily laying a tentacle up over her shoulders in a sort of greeting hug... maybe, it was hard to tell. When she spoke to him... her... it... whichever, and kissed Bob, the Darkmantle coiled a couple of tendrils around her waist and hips and another around her left thigh very close to her crotch, which caused his tentacle to caress against her flower slightly. It was obvious that Bob understood her words, for the most part at least, but it was hard to tell if Bob would actually act on her orders. The eggs meanwhile looked slightly larger than the day before, even after Miu's feeding them with her juices thanks to Bob, though it was still hard to tell when they'd be hatching.

Soon after, Kylie would hear Giselle calling for her from upstairs that they were ready, and after she was upstairs and ready herself the three of them would head on out towards the alraune village just outside of the town.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

As the Darkmantle hugged her back, Kylie shuddered softly as a tendril coiled around her thigh, making her fidget softly as it brushed along her flower. Thinking for a moment, Kylie grinned. Give the children another meal then~ Just make sure to keep me quiet, and don't ruin my clothes She said, wriggling and struggling playfully against the darkmantle. He knew full well what she liked.

It would only take 10 minutes... and the cum was going to the eggs... Don't make an awful mess of me this time, I have errands to run. She added, before leaning in and running her tongue along one of the Darkmantle's thicker tendrils, goading him on. Maybe he'd get creative this time...

Still, Kylie had had her fair share of short, but intense dreams of Bob keeping her in his Maw for days... fucking her to no end... And it set her hair on end as she moaned softly, waiting for the Darkmantle to take the open invitation, her petals already moistening under her breeches.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Taking her words to heart, Bob lifted her up with several tentacles and began stripping her, with her being able to hear a few threads in the fabric starting to snap and tear under the pressure of Bob's powerful tentacles taking them off, but thankfully nothing actually ripped. It didn't take long for her to feel a thick tentacle penetrate her pussy, splitting her open as it invaded her body deeply. A couple of little sucker tentacles latched onto Kylie's breasts after Bob had her fully undressed, while another slightly less thick one poked at her rear until it found entry to that hole too. Bob seemed content to let Kylie lick and suckle on any tentacle at random though and didn't penetrate her mouth with any unless she decided she wanted one in there too.

Thrusting deeply into her after raising her up above the nest of eggs, Kylie would see that Bob was quite happy from the looks of it that she'd offered this up to him. Bob continued pounding her pussy fast and hard over several minutes, latching another of the little sucker tentacles onto her clitty after a couple of minutes to increase her stimulation and make her sex drip even more of her juices down onto the eggs. By the time she'd reached the 10 minutes mark she was budgeting for, Bob had driven Kylie over the edge not once or twice, but a total of four times, with each climax striking her like lightning at the fast pace he was pounding her, barely letting up in between each orgasm.

Just after her fourth orgasm, Bob found his release too and pumped Kylie full of cum that she knew wouldn't get her pregnant without the eggs being pumped into her first, and that specific tentacle had been left out of this particular sexual adventure. When she was gently laid down next to the nest, literally like right up against the eggs that she was technically the mother of, Kylie could see that the nest was soaked through with her's and Bob's sexual fluids, which the eggs seemed to be absorbing it seemed to feed on. After the eggs had gotten their fill of what was there, some of it on and around the nest being absorbed into the eggs as well, Kylie would be able to watch them grow a slight bit more, with a couple not growing quite as much, indicating they might be the runts of the litter.

Kylie herself was a bit dirty from Bob's tentacles slime, and her hair was a bit disheveled from the romp, but all in all she wasn't so dirty that she'd need a bath if she didn't want a quick one, but there was enough sweat and seed on her from Bob's tentacles that she would need to wash off at least a little bit. Her clothing on the other hand was just fine, save for a few threads fraying at the edges a bit on the top she'd chosen around the bottom of it.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Lifting her up and binding her, Kylie moaned softly as the darkmantle stripped her, far more carefully then normal, not destroying her clothing, though the creature was still a tad rough... Kylie wouldn't have it any other way.

Arching her back as she felt a tendril push into her slick folds, Kylie moaned loudly before swiftly leaning forward and taking a thick tendril deep into her mouth, bucking forward to take it deeper as she groaned and cried out muffledly in pleasure as the second tendril found a home in her rear.

Bucking her hips, Kylie was surprised when the smaller tendrils latched over her nipples, the small little suckers something new, and delightful as Bob hurried to shove her through as many climaxes as possible to feed the eggs. Held above the nest, Kylie closed her eyes and enjoyed a good, hard fucking, her body covered in writhing tendrils and her body filled completely, her hips and mouth urging Bob to fuck her harder and faster.

Her first peak had her thrashing in the Darkmantle's grip, and another small tendril immediately lashed over her clit, sending white hot streaks of bliss through her nervous system as she screamed around the tendril, her juices gushing around the tendril in her flower as she thrashed, Bob giving her no time to recover... The second was just as powerful, as was the third and fourth, Kylie's eyes rolling up into her head as she just surrendered, nothing else mattering at this moment as the Darkmantle threw her through 4 climaxes in 10 minutes, her last triggered by the raw heat of his seed pouring into her, her throat working to swallow every drop before she was set down in the nest.

Panting and smiling, Kylie sat there for a moment, looking on at the eggs happily, patting Bob sweetly before making a move to stand. She was dirty, but not anything a towel and some water couldn't fix, and without a care in the world, Kylie kissed the Darkmantle on the head again, and walked upstairs to the bathroom, cleaning herself off quickly before getting dressed.

Smiling at everyone and heading to the door, Kylie just laughed before wandering outside. Daylight's wasting! We have children to play with! she shouted happily, starting towards the Alraune grove, her friends in tow.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Bob hugged Kylie with several tentacles when she got up and kissed him on the head, or what passed for his head anyway, the Darkmantle seeming to enjoy the fact that Kylie so willingly gave herself to him without hesitation. As she left and went back upstairs, Kylie would feel one tentacle spank her across one of her ass cheeks, not hard or anything mind you, but enough to make the sound to let Kylie know she'd been spanked. Was Bob... flirting with her? Maybe it was just her imagination and Bob was just swatting her butt to be playful and to try and entice her to go again, it was hard to tell which it was supposed to be because Bob couldn't talk back to her.

As Kylie went into the bathroom, Giselle caught a glance of her going inside as she and Maria came back down from getting ready, though she didn't say anything to Kylie about her having to get cleaned up or anything, almost as if she figured it would happen. After Kylie got cleaned up, the three of them then set out towards the alraune village. It didn't take them too long and it wasn't an overly eventful trip, as it was daytime and they were on the road after all, so they shouldn't expect much in the way of beasts and monsters attacking them.

When they arrived at the alraune village a short time later, Kylie would see only some of the older younglings running around playing at the moment, as the majority of the younger ones were having a nap right now it seemed, with quite a few older pink and green alraune tending to them all, gently caressing their little heads and kissing them on the cheeks. Hope was not among the younger ones that was asleep however, and Kylie would notice her up on her little perch in the tree, hanging down from it and sitting on a couple of Ayane's tentacles as she swung back and forth like on a swingset.

When she noticed their approach while she swung about, Hope cried out, "Mama!" in a cute little high pitched voice, her one good little hand waving at Kylie while her hurt arm was wrapped around the tentacles Ayane was using to support her.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie, jumping a little at the Darkmantle's playful swat, wriggled her ass for him teasingly, before turning her head and winking. You'll have to earn the next one Sweetheart, and if you win, you can do whatever you want. But for now, I have to go Kylie said, sticking her tongue out at Bob before heading upstairs.

Cleaned up, everyone made good time to the grove and a soft smile crept over Kylie's face as she saw all the little ones napping. It was about that time in the day after all. Still... Hope would be with Ayane. And true to the usual, there she was, swinging in her tree. Seeing her, Kylie giggled when she got excited and called out to her, Kylie waving back and bouncing over to swoop her into her arms and kiss her all over her cheeks.

Hello Little One! How has my little Hope been huh? Mama's here now. Kylie said, continuing to kiss the rambunctious little Alraune all over her face and head, before setting her on her shoulders. Hello Ayane! How has everything been? no trouble I hope. Kylie said cheerfully, bouncing her shoulders for Hope a little as Giselle and Maria caught up behind her.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Bob seemed content at Kylie's words and didn't try to make her stay or anything, but that didn't stop him from spanking her butt again with a tentacle as she went up the steps.


"Eek!" Hope said as she was kissed all over and then set on Kylie's shoulders, a pair of her little tentacles wrapping around Kylie's shoulders to hold her in place. "Mama mama," was all Hope really could say at the moment other than a couple of other words, but this was all she said now as she kind of just hugged Kylie's head with both her arms and a tentacle, giggling the entire time.

When Maria and Giselle made their way over, Giselle looked at Hope on Kylie's shoulders and reached up to pat her on her little head, making her giggle again a bit, while Maria leaned up and kissed her on the cheek too like Kylie had. Ayane looked over at Kylie when she spoke to her however while the other two were busy seeing Hope again. "Hello there Kylie, and no trouble thankfully, save the trouble this little devil here gets into on an hourly basis, well along with the other children of course. She's still adjusting to having roots already too which is only making her even more curious that she already has her two root tentacles and her first two regular tentacles, the first of which she can disconnect at will when she wants to move around freely, so she's been reaching around and feeling in places she shouldn't be," Ayane said to Kylie, greeting her in return and informing her of Hope's rambunctiousness. "She also likes to tickle the other young ones with them where they can do nothing about it, like from this tree limb here," Ayane added, giving Hope a look that said she'd already scolded her about it before to no avail.

Several of the older alraune children soon came over to them to see these newcomers, the two red ones that Kylie would remember that helped Hope around a little bit the day before among them. The two little red's that helped Hope around yesterday were trying to climb up to Kylie's shoulders to get to Hope, the little things grunting at the effort they were putting into it.