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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Waking with a grunt as Ilyana woke her, Kylie blinked several times before wiping the drool from her chin and standing. Stretching out, Kylie did a critter inventory, making sure they had all their ridiculous friends, and getting dressed.

She was slow to eat breakfast, and slower to move, feeling tired and lethargic through the entire morning, and wanting nothing more then to just drop where she was, and nap the entire day away, her usual drive running low, and the stress of the last few days showing wear and tear on her nerves.

Things were still a bit soggy, but the heat would dry the ground out quickly enough, and it was time to travel, and despite any attempts to get her to eat breakfast with them, Eileen and Ilyana would find that Kylie was outright REFUSING to eat meat of any kind right now, instead digging around for fresh fruit, either in their supplies, or in the trees, craving the simple sugars over the proteins that were bogging her down.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Looking around the tent, Kylie only noticed one of the huggers and Wraith who was laying on Kylie's chest to sleep until she got up. When she came out, her companions were showing concern for the young assassin and Eileen reached over as they ate breakfast, which Kylie had decided not to eat any meats with them and opting for fruits instead. "Kylie... you alright? You look tired still. You want to take a day off of traveling and rest here for the day?" Ilyana asked Kylie with a concerned look as she moved over to her and touched her forehead with one hand. "Hmm, you don't have a fever or anything, and you don't look sick really. That's a relief at least," the drow priestess added as she touched Kylie's forehead with the back of her hand.

"You need me to carry you for a while Kylie? I don't mind," Eileen asked with a worried look, obviously concerned for Kylie's well being. "Or are you still bummed out about that panther from last night?" she asked after a few moments.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

It's all this heavy food. And I've suffered some nasty injuries all within a couple weeks, or a little longer. I'm just finally running out of juice it seems. I'll be fine. Also, where are the other huggers? she asked, looking around for them curiously.

She wasn't appreciative of the others fussing over her, she wasn't made of glass.

Looking around for the other huggers, Kylie kept stretching and yawning, just flat out worn out for the first time, in a long time. Accelerated healing nearly constantly, drugs, combat, and her natural high energy state did finally seem to have a cost. If Kylie couldn't find them, she'd lay down and drift back to sleep with a mumbled apology, only to wake again a few minutes later to murmur shouldn't stay... panther... before slipping back into a far deeper sleep then was normal for her to anyone who had only known her a little while.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Oh they're around here somewhere. A couple of them are roaming about the camp and the last one, the one you called James... he's up in the tree above us though, decided to keep watch for our panther friend from last night," Eileen said, not caring if Kylie appreciated her's and Ilyana's worrying over her or not.

When they noticed Kylie yawning tiredly a few times before finally laying down, the young assassin felt herself scooped up and placed onto Eileen's back, where she was buckled down with a couple of strands of the drider's silk. "Don't worry yourself over it Kylie, you're exhausted. Get some more rest alright, and don't worry about that panther. It'll go down before it gets within twenty yards of us if it decided to stick around," Eileen whispered to Kylie before the young assassin drifted off to sleep, the last thing she remembered seeing being Ilyana laying Kylie's bedroll down over her like a blanket.


When next Kylie woke, she didn't know what had happened nor where she was really, as she was very groggy, and her throat was very dry. Opening her eyes, Kylie would see that she was inside of a room, and she could tell that she was no longer on Eileen's back because what she was laying on was very soft... plus she could see Eileen to her left when she looked over that way, where the drider was reading a book as she sat there. Ilyana was nowhere to be seen at the moment, but Wraith was plopped down on the bed next to her near her head, while all 4 of the huggers were all piled up on the nearby bed.

"Oh thank heavens you've finally woken up Kylie. I was beginning to think Ilyana was wrong and you were in a coma," Eileen said when she noticed Kylie was awake, looking up from the book she had been reading.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie was much slower to wake then she had been to fall asleep, coming around as if she had indeed been in a coma. Her heart rate was slow, her breathing even slower, and this was nothing new for her, it had happened before but she hadn't had time to explain to her friends.

Her eyes were the last thing to signal she was awake if she was being monitored at all by a healer, blood starting to flow properly through time hardened muscle showing very subtle twitches, before with a monstrous yawn, Kylie slipped back into reality.

Blinking as she looked around and shielded her eyes a little, she grinned softly at Eileen. sorry. I hadn't even considered this would happen on the trip, I suspected maybe after when we got here. Just sleeping, can't be crazy old me without downtime hun. she said sleepily, yawning again loudly and cuddling Wraith, she'd probably worried him sick to.

She didn't try to rise right away, she knew better, instead waiting until she could feel her limbs warm up properly as she stretched in her bed, before finally rising and stretching again with a big wide content smile, before leaning over and pecking Eileen on the cheek. Sweet of you to worry yet. she said, even as she checked her ring for Giselle, and idly wondered if the others had arrived yet.

So... we're in Tear Cove I guess? that is a guess. Where did Ilyana go? And how did she know I was ok? Kylie asked curiously, getting dressed, before remembering something a lot more important, and rushing to the bathroom, THEN getting dressed.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Eileen leaned close enough for her to kiss on the cheek so she didn't have to try and lean too far, putting her book down after stuffing a bookmark into it. She didn't feel overly hungry at the moment, nor thirsty, but her throat was quite dry and she needed to wet it. Thankfully there was a glass of water sitting on the bedside table for her to drink which she could grab at any time.

"Aye we're in Tear Cove, and Ilyana isn't a priestess for nothing sweetie, of course she knew you'd be okay. She's barely left your side until today actually. She finally went to go take a nice relaxing bath a little while ago and to get herself something good to eat," Eileen said, watching as Kylie got up and stretched, staying close to catch her in case she stumbled or anything until she made her way to the bathroom.

Coming back out of the bathroom, Eileen was waiting for her with a fresh change of clothes. "You might want to head to the bath too. Just a thought you know. Considering you were out for about four days or so, but Ilyana did some of her divine magics to make sure you stayed in good health, though you'd have to ask her what exactly she did because I'm no priestess. Oh and also, I thought that you'd like this here," Eileen said as Kylie exited the bathroom, pointing over at a pelt that was now laying on Kylie's bed which was that of a sleek black panther. "He tried to pounce on us a couple of days after you conked out, had been tailing us all that way. I laid a trap for him and got the drop on him, literally, as I dropped out of a tree right on top of him before he knew what hit him," Eileen said as Kylie saw the pelt.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

I tend not to question magic. Kylie said before draining the glass and getting dressed, stifling another yawn. As Eileen directed her gaze, she was probably disappointed in Kylie's reaction, not just initially, but fully.

It makes me glad that my episode didn't cost us anything with such a creature around... she said in a voice cracked with pain and a deep sorrow. She was torn. There was a part of her that was thrilled for Eileen's ability to hunt such a creature, but far more of her cried out at the lost opportunity, and worse, that now seeing the pelt, she was almost ashamed.

She ran her hand through the fur, and then gently folded it up, almost reverently, before handing it back to Eileen. It's not my kill, I can't accept this. It's yours be proud. she said, handing it over before sitting on the bed. I feel many things when I hunt, and more when I see something I want to hunt, to show it that respect, to recognize it in a way I've never viewed many targets. The thrill, the raw emotion, to transcend what I am and know I have proven myself an accomplished hunter like this my lesser. But I've lost the chance now. I understand why, dangerous is dangerous, but had things been different... Shaking her head slightly and running her hands through her hair, Kylie turned to Eileen with a soft smile.

Congratulations on your kill Eileen, I envy you the memory. she said, before moving to bathe.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Aye me neither, I'm a ranger, so therefore I'm not good with any of it myself," Eileen said to Kylie about the divine magics Ilyana had used to keep her safe from harm.

When she saw Kylie's reaction to the panther pelt she showed her, Eileen looked saddened at the way friend was acting about it. "Hey, there's plenty more of those things out there for you to find. I think though with the condition you were in at the time we spotted it that first time, you might not have been able to win in a hunt against it, as these suckers are pretty tough. Plus I meant I thought you'd like to see it is all, I know it's my kill sweetie, and I wouldn't try to give it to you. No offense but as a huntress myself it's a matter of honor to get you're own kills like this. I wouldn't mind helping you track down something good to hunt though if you'd like sometime, just the two of us," Eileen said to Kylie, patting her shoulder before following her on down to join her in the bath.

"I'll help you wash you're back, if you don't mind helping to wash my underbelly with the big scrubby brush. Just... try and not tickle me too much with it okay... my underbelly is really ticklish to soft things," Eileen said to Kylie as they headed for the bath, with Wraith tagging along and plopping down on Kylie's head after waking up himself and getting alert and all.

When they made their way to the bath, with Eileen taking the lead and showing Kylie the way, they saw Ilyana and a few other people inside the quite large bath. Inside Ilyana was on the far side of the larger of the two baths, another drider near her that looked like she was chatting with Ilyana about things, a couple of green alraune were in the smaller of the two baths to the side, their root tentacles down in the water. Also in the larger bath were a pair of human girls that were around Kylie's age, an older human woman in probably her late 30's to early 40's, a succubus who was sitting with the older human woman chatting with her. Lastly there were a pair of gnome girls that were rather tall for gnomes, standing a couple of inches shy of 4 feet even but it was easy to see that's what they were, and another kind of devil woman who had red skin and was quite muscular considering but not quite body builder muscled.

"Wow, quite a few in here today. More so than last night. Oh also Kylie it's around lunchtime just so you know," Eileen said to Kylie as they entered and saw everyone inside, looking over at the other drider who had white hair like that of your average drider. Eileen seemed a bit tense Kylie would notice as she looked at the other drider, though she of course wouldn't know why unless she asked.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

O hun, I know, I'm not angry, just a little sad. To see something like that at night, while it's in it's prime... I wouldn't have been able to kill it myself. Not a creature that beautiful, in a place filled with monsters and things that defy reason. This is the first place I've been able to hunt the strange and unusual and see things like shadow beasts and panthers and displacer beasts. I felt attached to it when I saw it is all, not like with Wraith or the friendlier critters, something deeper, like I was looking in a mirror. Kylie tried to explain as they walked.

When they got down into the bath, Kylie waved at Ilyana and stripped down quickly enough, though she did notice the odd reaction of Eileen to the other drider, turning her head curiously. What's the matter? she asked quietly, slipping into a more secluded part of the water, Ilyana would join them if she wanted to.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Well one day we'll have to go after something that neither of us could take on alone, but together we could just manage it. What do you think?" Eileen said as they headed for the bath, an almost predatory look in her eyes as she suggested something that she obviously thought Kylie would like the sounds of.


"She's um... she's one of my aunts. She's going to tease me if I giggle all ticklishly when you scrub my underbelly. She's kind of my inspiration to be an adventurer actually, because she's one too, but a lot better at it than me, and I don't like embarrassing myself in front of her," Eileen said, a small blush going up her cheeks as she explained who the other drider was while Ilyana waved back at Kylie.

Eileen slid down into the water next to Kylie and let out a soft sigh, as Ilyana slid over towards them, the drider over with her coming with her. "I'm glad you're up Kylie. I have to admit even though I knew you were mostly okay and that you were just exhausted, I was a bit worried about you," Ilyana said to Kylie, moving over to sit beside her and Eileen.

"Hello my niece, It's good to see you," the other drider said to Eileen, joining them and sitting next to Eileen. "I trust you've been well since last we met?" the other drider asked.

"Yes auntie Nina, I'm okay. I've been traveling with Ilyana and Kylie here for about a week or so now," Eileen replied, blushing slightly as she replied.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

We just might... Kylie answered, hoping to put off any ill feelings her reaction had caused, she'd been too fresh from her sleep to hide her disappointment at first, and despite doubting Eileen's suggestion now, it was always possible.


Giggling as Eileen explained what the problem was, Kylie just shrugged. Hey, I'm an orphan, the hell I know about extended family? she said with a grin before slipping into the water with a sigh.

Nodding as Ilyana said her bit, essentially the same as Eileen earlier, Kylie was driven to another shrug. I didn't expect it this soon, I figured we'd arrive and THEN I'd drop like a stone. Sorry for the trouble. she said, looking a bit embarrassed.

As the new Drider, called Nina apparently, addressed Eileen, Kylie had to stifle her laugh, Eileen was adorable right now. Yes, I insisted on traveling here from the coast on foot, Ilyana agreed to come along, and Eileen joined us on the road. She's been incredibly helpful. Kylie said after Eileen told Nina they'd been traveling together. By the way, she still giggles when you wash her underbelly. Kylie added as an afterthought, flashing a grin at Eileen quickly. Better to get it over with then deal with it later...
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"I... sorry bout that. I didn't know," Eileen said to Kylie when she mentioned being an orphan.

"Oh don't worry about it Kylie. You were obviously exhausted," Ilyana told Kylie waving her hand as if it didn't matter what had happened before to her.

"Hmm... sounds like an interesting adventure to say the least. Ilyana was a good choice of natives to bring with you up north. And my little niece here is a good girl that'll help you out when you need it dearie," Nina said, giggling when Kylie told her about Eileen still being ticklish, which caused Eileen to blush even more than she already was and obviously embarrassed her a lot. "And most of us are ticklish on our underbellies Kylie, regardless of our age," she added, glancing over at Eileen with a smirk.

Eileen looked away from the two and began scrubbing herself off in the bath, while Nina and Ilyana just sat back, having already finished scrubbing themselves off and now relaxing back in the bath since they'd been in there for a while now.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Don't worry about it. Totally wasn't looking for sympathy

Kylie didn't let Eileen escape in her red faced moment of social awkwardness, winking at Nina before shooting under the water to rake her fingers along the bottom of Eileen's underbelly, tickling her furiously as she held her breath with a little smile.

As soon as Eileen sought to escape, Kylie would flail out of the water onto her back with a cackle, kissing her cheek and smiling. Nu uh, I'm awake and wanna play. No escape for you. she cooed happily, cuddling her spidery friend tightly.

Nina is obviously very proud of you. Listen to me, if you really want to impress her? Don't deny anything, but embrace it. And remember, don't get mad, get even. Kylie whispered into her ear. Remember, we never impress those of us with feats of strength, when we all carry that burden, but strength of character. Now Engarde! kylie continued, before crying out that last bit and slipping back into the water underneath Eileen, once again tickling her for as long as she could hold her breath.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Nina merely shrugged her shoulders at Kylie, acting as if she didn't care one way or the other what she did to Eileen so long as she didn't hurt her. Eileen meanwhile nearly jumped out of the water when Kylie began tickling her underbelly, one of her spidery legs bonking Kylie across the back as the red haired drider moved around to get away from Kylie's hands. "S-Stop that Kylie, don't tickle me," Eileen said as Kylie hopped up onto her back, though she didn't stop her from kissing her on the cheek. "Please don't embarrass me in front of auntie Nina... okay Kylie," Eileen then whispered back to Kylie before the young assassin slipped back off of her and started tickling her again.

Eileen burst out laughing and jumped up again, moving away from Kylie so she couldn't tickle her anymore and going down the bath until she was on the far side, where she began scrubbing herself off with a red face as far from Kylie and the tickles as she could get. If or rather when Kylie attempted to come after her, Eileen would shoot some of her webbing at her, catching Kylie's shoulder and right arm, which then hit the side of the bath and stuck, keeping Kylie just about a foot out of reach, with Eileen sticking her tongue out at her.

Ilyana giggled at the two along with Nina, both looking quite amused at the exchange between the two. If Kylie got free to come after her again, Eileen would blush a bit and scurry over to the other bath, which was a good bit smaller, but still large enough for her to get into. "S-Stop it Kylie, I wanna get clean. And you should too miss slept for four days and hasn't bathed in twice that long," Eileen would tell Kylie if she came after her to continue her tickling.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie continued her tickly onslaught right up until Eileen finally decided she'd had enough, and stuck Kylie to the wall with a wet splat. Cheater! Kylie cried out, laughing and wriggling in the water as she started to pick at the silk to get herself free.

Once free, Kylie pouted after Eileen, before squirming into the bath and hugging her. There's nothing to be embarrassed about here. I'll show you in a shameless fashion with which there is no equal. Kylie said, before slipping back into the main bath, and stealthily swimming like a little shark towards Nina...

Closer... Closer...! Almost there! NOW! were the words that chimed through Kylie's mind before her questing fingers found the underbelly of the Mighty Nina~! wriggly tickling fingers of giggly doom... DOOOM!!!
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"It's not cheating. It's doing as you said, getting even... in my own way," Eileen called back to Kylie, sticking her tongue out a second time.

When she got free and came over towards Eileen again, the drider cautiously watched her, but when she merely hugged her, Eileen hugged back and watched as Kylie went towards Nina. Nina wasn't looking at Kylie as she swam towards her, as she was busy chatting with Ilyana again about something. Closing in on the other drider, Kylie had to swim around the red skinned devil woman that was in there, who pinched her on the butt as she passed by her, giving her a wink if she glanced over her shoulder at her.

As Kylie closed in on the other drider, Nina shuddered a bit at Kylie's touch, but she didn't move away from her and kept her composure, giggling only a little bit. When Kylie inevitably tickled more, Nina lifted her spidery body out of the water for a split second and dropped it back down directly on top of Kylie, pinning her underneath her for a few seconds and under the water before lifting up again and then reaching down and pulling Kylie up with her arms.

"What do you think you're doing down there tickling something that's three to four times your size? Are you not scared of my kind in the least?" Nina asked Kylie once she'd pulled her up, a curious look in her eyes, though there was no anger in there at the tickling. Nina actually looked a bit amused at Kylie's audacity from the looks of it, and a bit excited as well Kylie would see if she glanced down, where she'd notice her ovipositor had popped out of its protective pouch like bit on the bottom of Nina's abdomen near where her spinneret was.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie, getting pinched as she passed, spun in the water to stick her tongue out at the demon before continuing on her quest. AND THE TICKLING COMMENCED!!!

And was swiftly ended...

Squashed under a metric ton of spidery lady, Kylie wriggled and laughed as she was hauled out of the water and inspected by the somewhat excited arachne, which only made kylie giggle a little more.

Miss Nina, I'm only afraid of One thing, And as you have a pulse, you don't qualify. No, I'm not afraid of your kind in any way shape or form. Kylie said matter o factly, wriggling a little and smiling, despite being smushed.

I can be sad, mad, glad, all the major ads, but never scared. Being afraid is over-rated. Kylie said shrugging, catching Eileen's eye with a little glint. You know, you're lucky to have a niece who looks up to you as highly as Eileen does, and to have a hind end big enough to squish trouble makers... Though that's neither here nor there... And why should I be afraid? You're a person, if I was gonna be afraid of you, I'd be REALLY bad at my job. Kylie continued. I've been asleep for 4 solid days, if anyone here can keep up with the madness I'm about to be responsible for, I'll give them a fucking medal.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Listening to Kylie, Nina didn't speak until she was done, raising an eyebrow at her for a few moments while she talked, but other than that she made no facial expressions while Kylie spoke. Nina had seemed to have put 2 and 2 together and understood what Kylie meant by she was afraid of only one thing. "Hmm, being afraid can sometimes save your life. You'd do well to know fear of some things other than the undead. As for causing a ruckus here in Tear Cove... please don't, because then I'll have to spank you a few times if they hire me and the guild to end the commotion you're causing," Nina said knowingly, as if from firsthand experience. "And I merely asked if you were afraid because many humans such as yourself that are new around my kind are generally afraid of us and what all we did in the past. Back when the vast majority of us were evil and would have webbed you up in an instant if you'd tried to tickle us, then we'd probably either have eaten you or filled you so full of eggs you couldn't move," Nina went on to say, setting Kylie back down in the water and patting her head gently, brushing her hair out of her eyes.

Nina began chuckling after setting Kylie back down, seeming amused by something, though she didn't say what it was for a few moments, leaving Kylie wondering until she did finally speak up. "And I am always proud of my nieces, Eileen more so than others. Because she's made a big effort to prove to people we aren't our old selves, that we have changed in the last couple of hundred years. My sister, her mother, she was so proud when Eileen was accepted into the adventures guild like myself, and I was one of the first driders officially accepted by the Ashford Adventurers Guild myself nearly... gods about a century and a half ago now I think. My little niece over there is only about thirty years old or so herself give or take, barely full grown really. Hmhm, I remember when she was about this big, always getting into things... hmhm," Nina said still chuckling a bit and measuring off about the same size as Diana from the week or so before. "Anyway though, I am the head of the Ashford Adventurers Guild here in Tear Cove, while my good friend Edward, who is a human of all things, is my second in command you might say," she added

Eileen meanwhile scuttled back over towards them in the bath, with the red skinned devil woman giving her a little spank across her spidery butt as she went, a smirk on her face. "Hey Angela. How you doing?" Eileen said, stopping to talk to the devil woman whom she apparently knew.

"I'm fine, good to see you're back in town hon, figured I'd give you some time to wash up before I started assaulting you with questions. Where's the others?" Angela replied, asking where the two Eileen had been with were when Kylie met her.

"Oh they're on their way, at least they'd better be, because they've got my pay from the job we just got done with. And if Valenae doesn't bring my money she'll pay for it in other ways, maybe a clutch of my babies would be payment enough for it," Eileen said to Angela, stating what she'd likely do to Valenae if she and Lucian didn't bring her part of the pay they'd gotten from whatever job they'd been on.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Eating and Egging? Sounds like a normal romantic night, though you'd have to ok it with Eileen, and buy me dinner first. Kylie said with a laugh, taking her patpats before watching Eileen, though she hadn't stopped listening.

Well met Nina, and yes Eileen's something special. Took down a spectral panther a few days ago while I was comatose. I'm jealous I missed out on the kill. Such a beautiful creature. Besides, I've found that fear stops me from going to the extremes I need to to do my work. Sometimes you have to be fearless, and resign yourself to the impossible for it to happen. At the very least, I know I'll never die without fire in my eyes, even it that fire is colder then any ice could ever hope to be. Kylie said quietly, seeming lost in her past for the barest of moments, thinking of the ship, and the manor... when she had done the unthinkable to achieve the improbable.

Cmon Eileen, that's not a punishment for Val, leaving her in a brothel full of succubi, THAT'S a punishment... Kylie said, finally starting to wash herself off. She was utilitarian and efficient in her cleaning, and was completely spotless in less then a few minutes, dunking to get one final rinse, and then squirming out of the bath to wring out her hair.

Either way 2, I'm off to see the city, and I'm gonna see it all before I come back. Don't wait up for me, if you have to find me, I'll be on the rooftops most of the time. she said in parting, heading off with a sway to her hips, before dressing properly for her free running and climbing spree, and gearing herself up, full weapons, and a considerable sum of wealth as she stepped out into Tear Cove, and then immediately started to scale the nearest building with a happy grin. SHE WAS BACK IN A CITY!!! She was a goddess here....
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Yes she is a pretty good huntress, better than I am I think. And I'm not saying being fearless is necessarily a bad thing overall, just that it's sometimes a good thing to know as it reminds you that you aren't invincible, which will prevent injuries from occurring because you're more careful," Nina said, agreeing with Kylie that Eileen was good at what she did, then she raised an eyebrow at Kylie. "I would definitely buy you dinner first dearie, and I don't think she'd mind too much so long as she got to lay some eggs too. We driders are a fairly open species when it comes to that, mostly because we're partially elven for the most part," Nina added with a wink to Kylie before leaning in and kissing her on the neck, letting her fangs drag across her bare wet skin, where she'd notice that Nina's were a bit longer and sharper than Eileen's, though she didn't press hard enough to break the skin.

"Hmhm, maybe not an actual punishment, but then again she is an eladrin and me a drider. There's still a bit of tension between them and us and the drow despite how friendly we are around here. In Evermore and Erelei down in the fey realm the two mingle yeah, but nowhere near as much as here in Midgar," Eileen said, looking over to Kylie as she joined their conversation.

"Eh, depending on the succubi it might not be a punishment to be trapped in a brothel full of them, at least not a sexual punishment anyway. If you've got anyone like queen Alluria of Crimea, hmhm, well she might talk you to death, but she wouldn't try to rape you or anything like that. She's too gentle to try and she's completely devoted to matriarch Elise for that," Angela said with a giggle as she spoke about the royal family some.


"Also Kylie, do be a dear and don't be breaking and entering into anyone's homes or shops alright, the city guard will put a stop to it and I will help them if you do," Nina called to Kylie before she headed out once she'd cleaned herself up, with Ilyana getting up and following Kylie out back to their room.

"Hey, your friends are supposed to arrive later today sometime. Probably in the next three or four hours or so, because I performed a sending to them and Delilah replied that they'd be here before sundown. I already booked them the room next to our room, so they should be alright there, unless they've brought any more people with them than just the two of them," Ilyana told Kylie as they got back to their room, where they got dressed and the drow priestess waved bye to Kylie before she went off to do her thing.

Climbing the nearest building there would be the Inn they were staying at, which was a good 3 stories tall, though she could climb up from the balcony if she wished to do it a bit easier than from the ground floor. Once to the top, regardless of how she made it up, Kylie would see a fairly sprawling city before her in the afternoon light. There were wooden and stone buildings of all kinds, and Kylie would be reminded of the capital city of Garellia, or at least what it might have looked like back not too long after it was founded anyway. She could see along the coastline a large naval port with more than a dozen ships in it, 2 very large galleons both with Crimea's banners flying on them, and there were about half a dozen others ranging in size from frigates down to schooners that also had their flags flying on them, while another half a dozen or so trading vessels all flying various other flags that she didn't know were docked at the port itself.

Kylie had Tear Cove right in front of her, and it was up to her where to go exactly now, though she'd probably remember Nina's words of asking her not to cause any disturbances while she was there, but all the same she had the city to explore at her leisure.