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Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Two things if you're going to pick up FE:Awakening.

1. Don't play lunatic plus unless you have the dlcs.
2. Any child of the avatar will be godly. More so if the child is 3rd gen instead of 2nd gen. (Geez, what does that tell you about the developers)?

It's a great game and all, but can we not derail this thread into discussion of a completely unrelated topic?

On topic, I see Kyrieru still has plans for a randomly generated game. Seems like it would take a long time to put together, though (moreso than the current game).
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

It's a great game and all, but can we not derail this thread into discussion of a completely unrelated topic?

On topic, I see Kyrieru still has plans for a randomly generated game. Seems like it would take a long time to put together, though (moreso than the current game).

Nah, Noaika is way more time consuming than a weekly game like this would be. In Noaika, I've worked on assets that take more than a week, whereas in a weekly updated game the entire point would be that it's economic. Stuff like backgrounds would be simple but functional, and music and sound would be less involved, whereas Noaika's music so far has been a project all on it's own.

It wouldn't take long to make the initial mechanics of the random game plus a couple enemies, but it would take a long time to fully realize all the possibilities. Each week would be focused on adding some form of H-content plus a little gameplay. One of the benefits of a game that's meant to be random and replayed, is that a lack of balance won't be the end of the world, and I can fix it as I go. With Noaika, areas, and every series of areas requires a lot of testing, re-arranging etc.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Will I be able to run Noaika on my toaster, Kyrieru?

/channeling Message
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

I have a suggestion.

What if you gave the protagonist of Noaika a grizzled, surly man's voice? Like some blue collar tough guy from Brooklyn. So when the player sustained damage from an enemy, their avatar would say like, "HEY BUDDY, whatdya think ya doin', eh?" or "Hey, watch it jackass.".

This is a good idea
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

And that voice would be the one moaning during rape animations too? DO WANT!

Lol, that's a good joke though textbook.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Kinda necro-ing this thread here, but we need to make a meme parody of TFS's "Wen Broly" for this game...

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Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Last time I asked Kurieru about it (was in October) he said something along the lines of NoAika being a big project for him, that he has been working on it for a long time and that he wants to focus on smaller things for now in order to have the funds to continue work on Noaika.

I'm not posting any direct quotes and will let Kurieru clarify himself when he has time.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Last time I asked Kurieru about it (was in October) he said something along the lines of NoAika being a big project for him, that he has been working on it for a long time and that he wants to focus on smaller things for now in order to have the funds to continue work on Noaika.

I'm not posting any direct quotes and will let Kurieru clarify himself when he has time.

I haven't asked about it quite in a while, but I don't believe he typically chooses to comment on it, as it's basically a "it'll be done when it's done, no need to ask about it until then" situation. That might've changed more recently, however, so I hope I'm not putting words in his mouth now. The sting of having to wait so long for it is lessened somewhat by the fact that those of us who preordered it are getting what he's releasing in the meantime for free, at least, which is a heck of a lot nicer than anything almost every other developer in this field has ever offered in a similar situation.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

I haven't asked about it quite in a while, but I don't believe he typically chooses to comment on it, as it's basically a "it'll be done when it's done, no need to ask about it until then" situation. That might've changed more recently, however, so I hope I'm not putting words in his mouth now. The sting of having to wait so long for it is lessened somewhat by the fact that those of us who preordered it are getting what he's releasing in the meantime for free, at least, which is a heck of a lot nicer than anything almost every other developer in this field has ever offered in a similar situation.

At least we know he's getting his list done with Eroico's revamp. It's nice to know his passion hasn't died any. :D

Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Whoa whoa, wait a minute! I just read a peculiar comment on .

AnonymousJanuary 13, 2017 at 2:07 AM
So is Noaika confirmed for the Switch then?

KyrieruJanuary 13, 2017 at 2:12 AM
Yes. Local multiplayer with tiny controllers is very important to me so I cut a deal with Miyamoto and he said he'd call me back with more details after I give him my bank info.

AnonymousJanuary 13, 2017 at 8:44 AM
You could also make great use for the motion controls like shaking off enemies. Ah also HD ice cubes.

AnonymousJanuary 15, 2017 at 9:05 PM
Local multiplayer with tiny controllers is going to be fucking awesome, lol.

We're not talking about the Nintendo Switch are we? If so... how does Kyrieru suppose Nintendo will accept a hentai game? Things are getting very interesting...
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Whoa whoa, wait a minute! I just read a peculiar comment on .

We're not talking about the Nintendo Switch are we? If so... how does Kyrieru suppose Nintendo will accept a hentai game? Things are getting very interesting...

He was joking, are you joking?
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Re: Kyrieru's new game!

He was joking, are you joking?

... :rolleyes: *Whistles innocently*

Ky's sarcasm is just far too advanced lol

His sarcasm is apparently like mine, I always sound too serious when I try to be sarcastic, thus causing some awkward moments. :p Though now that I read back on it.... *Facepalm* It should've been obvious. *Embarrassment ensues.*
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Re: Kyrieru's new game!

I thought nintendo's finally trying to ninja include a child maturation support.