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L Building


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Sister building to the N Building, the L Building is built in an Edwardian fashion as well. Unlike the N Building it is designed to open up into the Club Halls and the Boys Dormitories. It's L shape allows students and teachers to observe all the other buildings clearly in all directions.

The strange thing about this building is how empty it always seems to be, even between class changes there doesn't seem to be many people wandering its halls. Compounding this is that for some reason it is always a few degree's colder than it seems it should be inside.
Re: L Building

"This is the other building that you'll be going to for your classes. As with the N Building this building is used for club activities if needed."
Re: L Building

"Right, this is the last place I found a body..." Art thought to himself as he started wandering the corridors of the L building, ground floor. He had adopted to take things slow, as so not to scare whatever it was he was tracking.

"Okay you little bastard, are you here or not?" Art muttered quietly, it was more to psyche himself up for good measure. Slowly he began to check all the classrooms of the first floor.
Re: L Building

Art had crept up three flights of stairs and checked every room on each floor so far. Though as he made his way up the fourth flight of stairs a very familiar smell hit his nose.

"Jesus Christ," Art mutters to himself as he covers his mouth and nose with one hand. Around the corner down the far end of the corridor was a pool of blood glistening in the moonlight from the uncurtained window. The stench came from not only the blood but from what the blood was currently flowing from. "Okay, where the fuck are you?!" Art called out, though not so loud that anyone outside the building could hear him. He half ran across the corridor to the pool of blood, and in it lay the body of a male student, his skull appeared to have been dealt a large blow and much of his brain seemed missing or scattered across the floor.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Art says to himself, his anger flaring up from allowing another student to end up dead. He hits the wall in frustration. Taking a few minutes to calm down Art take his phone out of his pocket and dials in a number.

"Hello? Yeah, it's Art. We've got another body," Art says to the person on the other end once the call had connected. "No I haven't been able to find the culprit, and we'll need to get the body out......I know, I know, there's only so many deaths that we can cover up until people start getting suspicious. Right, one helicopter and a couple of people to take the body and clear the area up." Art hangs up the phone and runs back downstairs to lock the door. After all he didn't need any other students coming in here to find the body.
Re: L Building

After a while the whirring of blades could be heard, getting closer to the L Building. Looking out a window Art could see the helicopter he ordered earlier had arrived. Rushing downstairs he unlocked the door and greeted the people who had arrived.

"If you'd follow me," He ordered, the playful tone of his voice from earlier completely gone. Now it took on a tone of seriousness, almost militant. "The body is on the fourth floor." Art set off upstairs as three people followed him, two of which were bringing a gurney as well as a bodybag. The third person followed close to Art, she appeared somewhat older than him, her wavy brown-blonde hair hung loose and down to her waist.

"Is it the same as last time?" She asked Art as she took out a medical chart.

"Yes it is. And I'll not rest until I get my hands on the thing doing it and destroy it."

"Now son, I dont want you putting yourself in needless danger. Besides, this creature could wind up being a key scientific finding. Think of the answers that could be found from it." Arts mothers tone lacked any sort of familial caring.

"I dont give a damn, this bastard has killed 7 students in the past three months. I wont be happy until I've destroyed it. I'm sure my friends agree with me too."

She lets out a sigh. "Well, once you've made up your mind there's no stopping you." Once they've made it to the scene Art helped the two put the corpse in the bodybag. The two helpers then cleaned up the scene.

"Right, we're off," Arts mother said to him as they finished clearing up. They all headed back downstairs and out of the building. Sillouetted against the moonlight anyone who was nearby would only be able to spot the figures, not what they were doing.

"Give my love to father, Grey and Emily," Art said to his mother as the doors to the helicopter closed.

"Will do," His mother replied, as the helicopter took off.

Art then headed back to the boys dorms, blood staining his clothes.
Re: L Building

Jackson walked up to the building taking a quick look at his watch. 8:20A.M. blinked back at him. It had been a little faster then he thought it would take to get here but that only gave him more time to use for himself. He wondered the first floor to get the idea to get an idea of how large the inside of the building as well as to get the number of rooms on this floor as well.

After ten or so minutes he was happy with the simple layout and found the stairs leading up. The only thing putting him a little on edge was the fact the building seemed almost empty. But he quick disregarded as is was still early. Finding his class room he walks in and looks about. The room it's self was a what would think of a class lab but seemed odd as very few chairs near the front.

"Maybe it's a small class...?" He half asked himself as he walked in. With still a half hour until the class started he grabbed a chair and pulled to a window on the left side of the room. He sat down and pulled out a small note pad writing out chemistry formulas he knew off hand.... which was took up easily up the first five pages back and front. His back faced the door but with one of his ears free he could at least hear people wonder in as they did.
Re: L Building

Harrel arrives at the L Building, and proceeds to walk around the area as he continues his search for the elusive spirit he was tracking. Whilst it may look like he was doing nothing more than strolling round aimlessly, he was infact quite focused on scanning the area with his mind. Even with the small amount of scanning he had done thus far though, he was starting to doubt he would find this spirit. He had noticed a few anomalies around the school so far, but none of them turned out to be anything relevant. The laylines hidden beneath the earth here also made things difficult. It was a little like searching for a light in a well lit room. Searching on the scale he was, the energies of this place all seemed to blur together. He wasn't surprised that Ellisia's own senses had seemed duller than normal.

He sighs and steps out a side door for a moment, taking a look around the school again and wondering how to proceed. He was a little frustrated that he hadn't found it already. If the spirit was indeed as aware and able as he had been told it could quite well evade him indefinitely in a place like this. He would have to double check he hadn't missed anything, and then tell Ellisia. He had really hoped he could be more helpful. He could also see why Ellisia liked it here though. The underlying spiritual atmosphere here wasn't so different to back home. Flowing and ambient. She probably didn't even realise. He chuckles quietly, and gazes out across the courtyard. He quite liked the place too. Lot's of pretty girls with equally pretty souls.
Re: L Building

(This post is at first break. Don't anyone feel that you have to rush the morning posts or anything.)

Grace exits L Building having just left language classes, and begins to make her way over toward N building. Waiting just off the side of the path to the boys dorms as she reaches it.
Re: L Building

Shortly after Grace leaves the L Building Isabella exits the N Building, she looks around the place, confused because she cant see Grace. Though she notices her a moment later and quickly walks over to her, waving.

"Hi, Grace," She says to the girl as she gets closer to Grace.
Re: L Building

"Hey Isa!" Grace waves perched from her spot sitting atop the back of a bench, feet on the front of it. "French was so boring. If we have to do language classes why can't it at least be one with more interesting spell books?" She says, enjoying talking casually about her magic for once, though it seemed like it wasn't the real topic on her mind.
Re: L Building

"I've never really beena any good at languages either," Isabella says with a small chuckle as she sits down on the bench next to Grace. "I'm surprisingly good at Phys. Ed though." Isabella sits in silence for a moment before speaking again.

"So, uh...you had a reason for us meeting up? Or was it just to hang out? Dont get me wrong, I wouldn't mind hanging out with you, its just..I've never really had anyone ask me to hang out with them before... She adds hastily, trying to not make it sound like she didn't want to meet up with Grace.
Re: L Building

"Hehe, yeah I don't think I've ever seen someone move so fast." She says hopping down from the back to sit normally on the bench. "Eh, no special reason really, though I have been thinking about the last few days. Crazy stuff happening and all. Did it still hurt, after that Charles guy hit you?"
Re: L Building

"Um..no not much, I was only really a dull pain," She replies as her gaze lowers slightly. "Don't worry, it wasn't anything I couldn't ignore." She adds quickly, then blushing slightly. Isabella then goes quiet again, unsure of what to say.
Re: L Building

"Really? That's surprising..." Grace replies whilst looking up idly watching the clouds, then adding, "...oh, but good of course. I guess the healing stuff they did worked well. There are so many strange people here, I actually feel really normal for once. Did you know that even my room mate Ellisia is like, from another world altogether? She told me all about it yesterday. It's totally nuts." She says with a chuckle looking back.
Re: L Building

"Yeah, there are quite a few people here with odd abilities, it makes you wonder just how many people in the world can do unusual stuff," Isabella replies, thinking about all the different powers she could mimic with her sketchbook given enough time to study the students using them.

"She is?" Surprise in Isa's voice at the menion of Ellisia being from another world. "I thought she just came from a noble background. Like an aristocrat or something. They're always portrayed as being good in close fighting in fiction. Dont tell me, you're actually a tentacle monster in disguise, right?" Isabella adds, laughing at her own comment. It had been a long time since she had been this open with another person, and Isabella was genuinely enjoying the feeling of sharing and laughing with another person.
Re: L Building

"Jeez your right, there could be all sorts out there." Grace says looking excited about the idea as Isabella then continues to speak. She was about to say more herself when the tentacle monster comment comes up, stopping in her tracks and looking with blank faced surprise at Isabella for a moment, before bursting out laughing and putting her face in her knees (her own knees...). As the laughs change to giggles, she speaks in a faux sinister voice without raising her head, "Well now that you've learnt my secret... I suppose I can't let you escape can I?" She says as she begins to lean and move her arms in a wriggling motion toward Isabella.
Re: L Building

"Please mister tentacle monster, dont assault my soft body," Isabella says in mock fear before she bursts into renewed fits of laughter at Grace's 'monster' voice and arm motions. Her arms wrapped around her waist as she literally laughs to the point that it hurts.

After several minutes Isabella's laughter slowly dies down until she's only giggling, and lifting her hands to her face she wipes away the tears brought upon by her laughing so hard.
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Re: L Building

With another laugh at Isabella's reply, eventually Grace flops back to where she was, and sits up half way arms still hanging, and looks sideways to Isabella, looking amused but still rather surprised at the reaction. 'Duh, of course, the quiet ones are always the worst.' She thinks chuckling to herself a bit more as she sits up the rest of the way and throws her hair back over her shoulder again. "Ahem, um... oh lord... what were we talking about again?" She asks, unable to wipe off the silly grin left on her face. "Heh, well I guess... it just goes to show that you really can't tell what secrets someone might be hiding just from looking, doesn't it, especially around here it seems."
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Re: L Building

Isabella sits back and relaxes once more as both of them stops laughing, she too smiling from having so much fun for once, her face a brilliant shade of scarlet partly from laughing so hard and partly because she just realised what she kind of admitted to Grace.

"Yeah, you're right...I wonder how many others there are who have powers?" She says after catching her breath. While it was put in the form of a question she was more musing aloud than directly asking Grace.
Re: L Building

"Hmm. I'm trying to remember what other people were doing during that fight. There was Al, who turned up at the end and healed you. Never even seen him before that. Can't remember his full name. Oh and that guy throwing energy fists around the place... um, do you know who he is?" She asks, pondering over it as she tries to place explosions and flashy lights to people and names.