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Re: L Building

"Um..." Isabella leans forward, her elbows resting on her legs as her hands are steepled, chin resting on her ring and small fingers. "I think I was out of it for most of the fight..." She says finally after a couple minutes thinking.

"Oh! There is something I remember," She says suddenly, sitting bolt upright, her bag that had been sitting next to her slides to the floor. "While I was unconscious, for some reason I could see everybody fighting. And the weird thing was, you know that girl who was stabbed by...Charles, was it? She was standing not far off from the fight, watching. I cant remember if she was doing anything though..." She adds at the end feebly, sinking back down the bench.
Re: L Building

"Huh? You could?" Grace says with a blink looking down at the bag as it hits the floor, then back to Isabella, "And you mean whats-her-name, Yume? She sure didn't move from what I saw. I'm still amazed she recovered from that at all, even with the healing magic."
Re: L Building

"Yeah, I'm certain it was her that I saw when I was unconscious," Isabella says, reaffirming her point. "Well...it could've been a dream..." She says a moment later, starting to doubt herself. "But I saw everyone fighting, so it has to be real. And besides, I've never dreamt before until a couple of nights ago when I dreamt about-" Isabella almost goes on to explaining the dream that both of them shared but stops herself before doing so, though her face still flushes a deep red. "...Nevermind..." She ends weakly dropping her head slightly before noticing her bag had fallen to the ground. She leans forward and picks it up, putting it back next to her on the bench.
Re: L Building

"Wow, that's pretty strange then, but seriously? You never have dreams?" She says, sounding surprised again at the second part in particular. Though her expression then goes to an amused curiosity as Isabella's face flushes red once again. "Ha, your doing it again! All lit up red. It's adorable! What could be so-o embarrassing about a dream eh?" Grace teases staring the timid girl in the face. Though then remembering a certain dream that she wouldn't be too keen on sharing either, she both feels a bit mean as well as suddenly embarrassed herself and leans out, giving a dismissive hand wave and looking away with a put on laugh. "Eheh, Sorry."
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Re: L Building

"Nope, never. And I'm not sure why either. Though I do hear these voices sometimes while I sleep," She adds at the end, not sure whether it makes her sound crazy or not.

Isabella blushes even more at Graces teasing, turning away from her as the dream floods back into her mind. "I-it was nothing, really, Isa stammers, waving a hand as if to dismiss the teasing. "It's alright, it just wasn't what I was expecting for my first dream." She sits there again in silence for a couple of minutes before suddenly remembering something.

"Oh yeah, I want to thank you," Isabella says as she rummages through her bag, flicking through her various sketchbooks. Finally pulling one out she hands it to Grace. "Your note really helped me last night. And you said you liked the pictures in this sketchbook so I want you to have it."
Re: L Building

Grace looks back as Isabella speaks up again, returning a humble smile at the thanks. "Yeah? I'm glad it helped then. Oh... awesome! I can have this? I loved this one." Grace says enthusiastically accepting the book, and taking a quick flick through it again. "Though you know in that note, I was only stating the obvious. I don't know about whatever it is that happened before, but I can tell as much as that note easy." She says looking half sideways to Isabella. "Is it ok if I ask... what actually happened? You said people got hurt. Was it really that bad?" Said changing to a more sympathetic tone.
Re: L Building

"It's not something I really like talking about, but if it's you I guess I can tell you. It happened when I was just a kid," Isabella starts, her tone becoming more sombre. "A gang of boys used to pick on me as a child. One day when I was out just drawing some scenery they followed me around, calling me names and stuff. I ignored them like I used to, but eventually they started gathering around me. It that time I was near a river, sketching some of the wildlife and one of them pushed me. I stumbled on the wet grass and fell towards the river. That part of the river wasn't deep, but it did have a lot of large, jagged stones. And as I fell I felt my sketchbook shift. Then suddenly out climbs this giant figure and once it stops me from falling into the rocks its attention turned to the gang of boys. It then started attacking them, violently punch, kicking and slamming down on them. No matter how much I screamed and begged for it to stop it wouldn't listen to me. Luckily it didn't stay around too long. But during that time the boys were badly injured. A couple of them almost died and one of them was in a coma for several years. Though all of them ended up paralysed.

"Obviously the villagers blamed me for it, calling me a freak and a monster. My parents said they didn't understand our powers. We moved from there not long after it happened, and ever since then people have just kept away from me. From then on I've hated my ability, though admittedly it has been the only thing to keep me company." She finishes her story, her hands resting on her lap as she avoids Grace's gaze while she told her story. "But you. You were the first person to really approach me, as a friend, since that incident." Isabella looks up at Grace now though her expression remains the same. "I dunno...It just made me happy that someone doesn't think of me as a monster..."
Re: L Building

Grace remains quiet as Isabella tells her story, though still a little unsure what to say afterwards. "The first... aw jeez. I don't think anyone here thinks of you as a monster Isabella. And, it was an accident after all. You can't torture yourself over it forever..." She says, pausing for a while before adding a question. "So, your abilities with drawings are a family thing?"
Re: L Building

"I know, I know...But still, the hate that those villagers had for me stayed with me.." Isabella says, her voice drifting off at the end.

"Yeah, though they've refused to tell me why or how we came to have these abilities. All I know is that it goes way back." She explains, her tone taking on a more neutral note. "Would probably explain how we're all good artists as well too. You said your family uses the same powers too, right? How'd you come to have them?" Isabella's face light up, and while she was sincerely interested in Grace's abilities getting to know how they work would also help her in creating a more life-like version of Grace with her sketchbook.
Re: L Building

"Well, it's the family speciality magic. It's been passed on for generations. Perhaps a bit like yours in that way I guess." Grace begins to explain, then humming as she thinks. "I've been taught it even since I first started maths and my abc's. I'm still learning the basic half of it really though. My parents are practically religious about it, and have always been nightmarishly strict on me learning it. Hell, they're just strict and uptight with everything..." She says, rolling her eyes with a light huff, "Though that's also why I'm so surprised they had me enrol here. This is practically the first time in my life they've let me out of their sight. I don't get it, but I'm loving being free finally." Said as a smile comes back, and she seems to admire the school grounds once more for a moment.
Re: L Building

Isabella listens to Grace in silence, evidently interested in what Grace had to say. "Yeah, this is the first time my parents have sent me to a school that isn't near where we live. Not that we stayed in one place for too long anyway," Isabella explains once Grace had finished talking, sighing at the end.

"And my parents, well they're not too strict but they were boring." Isabella says, clearly forgetting their drunken conversation during the dance. "It was all practice, practice, practice with them. And I couldn't tell them why I didn't want to practice because they'd say I was wasting my talent." Isabella then pauses before turning to Grace again. "Huh...it seems we've got a lot in common." She says in a surprised tone, a small smile stretching across her lips.
Re: L Building

"Hah, yeah your right. I've had too move about a lot too, and they would say the exact same thing every time I didn't take my studies seriously." Grace says with a chuckle.

"I think they're scared that I'm going to let the family down. There's kind of a lot of pressure on me to take over the estate in the future and continue my family's work. I think they're all panicking over the idea of it."
She says sounding a little uneasy about it, but still with a small smirk.
Re: L Building

"I dont think my parents are worried that I'm going to let the family down, not that I could anyway. Oh, um...That came off as bragging, didn't it..." She adds, her face going red from embarassment.

"But...uh..From what I've seen you do you seem pretty good...And you've got plenty of years ahead to get even better. I believe you can do it." At those words she places a hand on Grace's arm for a moment.
Re: L Building

"Heh, thanks. But here's the thing..." Grace says, pausing very briefly before continuing, "If you stopped drawing, I don't imagine your house would collapse would it? My family home, this 'Vasser Estate' I keep mentioning, is only held together by our magic. When I said I moved around a lot, it was more like, literally, moving house. I've lived all over the world, but always in the same house. Despite this I barely ever got to see outside it's walls. The place is so old that if the spells around it aren't maintained properly, it will completely fall apart." She explains, vaguely motioning a crumbling house with the one free arm. "I'm sure I can do it if I put my mind to it. But it's daunting."
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Re: L Building

"Thats an...odd house," Isabella looks slightly confused as Grace talks about the family home. "But I imagine it's better than having to buy a new house everytime you move. Though couldn't your parents fix it up so it doesn't need to be supported all the time? Or is it that old?"
Re: L Building

"Um, I kinda said that wrong, it's not quite like that. I don't normally talk about or have to explain it to much anyone really. It's not that its physically in disrepair, but more that it's kind of stuck in another, er... dimension. It can be anywhere we choose to put the gate to it. I don't actually even know where it is right now. Couldn't go home if I wanted to." She says trying to explain better, ending with a chuckle. "So, yeah, it's a very odd house. If the spells around it fail, I think it would kind of crash into wherever it was at the moment and merge with the existing landscape. I don't really know exactly how that would work, but I know it would be bad."
Re: L Building

"Well...that does make your situation a little more unique," The look of confusion still on Isabella's face, though it has lessened. "It's got to be nice though, moving from one place to another without having to actually move house. Sucks that you couldn't leave it though.
Re: L Building

Grace simply nods in reply, stopping to think for a bit before continuing. "I really hope I'll be able to stay here this time. It's the first boarding school I've been to, so I think it's ok. But I don't know if my parent's know about the strange stuff that's happened here, or what they would think. Hell, I don't know what I think about it all. But I want to stay here. I'm going to get serious about my magic, so if those zealot hunters, or that Charles come back, I'll be able to use it to protect people." She says clasping her hands into a circular shape over her lap, as a tiny pink pane of energy shimmers and forms into shape within. Smiling a little as the miniature arcane symbols rotate around the barrier. "Though lord knows what the future will actually turn up..."
Re: L Building

"Yeah, I'd like to stay here too. The people here don't seem as bad as the ones from my other schools and I've made some friends," Isa says with a smile. "Though my parents would probably pull me out of here as fast as they could if they found out what had been happening here. And to be honest, I was thinking about leaving after the 'Charles incident'. But in the end I decided to stay. Oh, speaking about Charles," Isabella adds suddenly as she remembers something. "I cant show you now, just in case I'm caught, but come to my room after classes are finished. I want to show you something."
Re: L Building

Grace has a puzzled curious expression for a moment, but then just smiles and nods. "Sure thing." She says, before quickly looking up and closing her hands, dispelling the toy barrier spell as a group of students walk down the path. "Hmm, break is nearly over."