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Labyrinth sluts (Plmnko/Aust_Nailo/ Ranger9000)


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Jan 4, 2016
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Alright, sorry for the delay, but I wanted to think of a system for this game. If everyone is okay with it, we're going to use a simplified D20 system. You'll get 3 points to put in one of four stats which will max out at 5 without counting bonuses from abilities, and you'll get 2 positive and 1 negative ability depending on your background/personality, feel free to add more character information at the start of the game, so I can give you fitting abilities for your character.

At the top of your character put these character stats down in any way you like =
Name Lvl (start at 1)
HP: 10/10 (HP is 10 plus 2 for each point you have in con.)
PP: 10/10 (Pleasure points is 10.)
MP: 10/10 (MP is 10 plus 2 for each point you have in mind.)
Str: 0 (Determines how hard and well you hit with most melee weapons and thrown weapons, adds a bonus or minus to most physical rolls, like swimming, climbing, lifting etc.)
Dex: 0 (Determines how hard and well you hit with most finesse melee weapons, ranged weapons, and adds a bonus or minus to dexterous rolls, like acrobatics, dodging, lock picking etc.)
Con: 0 (Adds 2 HP per point, adds a bonus or minus to rolls like resisting poison, holding breath, recovering from fatigue, etc.)
Mind: 0 (Adds 2 MP per point, determines how easy it is to cast certain spells and use certain abilities, ands adds a bonus or mines to rolls like identifying items, examining magic etc.)
Perception: Hearing -3, Smell -10, Sight 0 (Add these to your character sheet as perception checks, they cannot be increased with points but will be increased by mutations.)
Passive abilities: (List here your passive abilities.)
Active Abilities: (List here your active abilities.)

Whenever you level up by completing the majority of a task, you'll be able to spend one point. With this point you can do the following. Add an extra point in Str, Dex, Con, Mind, or removing a mutation/ability, or make a mutation/ability permanent. If you have any questions feel free to PM me.

You barely know the other to, but you know that you've got one thing in common, being captured for various reasons by slave traders and sold as cheap slaves. The slave master deemed you unfit for training and sold you as working slaves, the woman who bought you was madam , a woman that seemed to be obsessed with rare and legendary artifacts. But adventures these days were not only extremely valuable, but also extremely expensive, as the corrupting energy turned most of them in sex obsessed sluts or cruel monster girls. As for what the corrupting energy exactly is, nobody knows, all that is known about the corrupting energy is that it started 50 years ago and only affects the major races of the world, dwarves, elves, humans and half-bloods between these races, furthermore it's know that the corrupting energy influence is much worse in the unpopulated areas then in cities. Most of you know, that even the slightest bit of food has to be first cleansed, or else there's a chance you might mutate, even your elders or parents strongly advised against going outside of populated areas for your own safety. But now, with this new mistress in control over your lives, there's no telling how far she'll bring you to the outskirts of civilization. After you've been bought, she immediately ordered her guards to take away all your equipment, dress you in dirty rags, and chain you in a small cart, since then you've been driving for days through thick forests and eventually through a jungle. Despite the Maika clearly looking down on you, the brief moment you meet with her face to face, she clearly is keeping you well fed and hydrated.

After two weeks of traveling, you're finally left out of your cage, along with your other two companions, by two powerful looking minotaurs. After they guided you to your new mistress, she give the two minotaurs a nod and they immediately undo your bindings, behind your mistress you can see an overgrown looking temple, it looks absolutely massive and ancient, the pillars seem to be made out of marble and the inscriptions in the walls are ruined by time, the entrance is also absolutely massive, whatever this temple was made for, it was clear that an enormous beast could easily enter it. "Sorry to keep the introductions short last time, but I'm your new mistress Maika. Since you're poorly trained, I'm not expecting you to bow down or call me mistress, but you'll do well to be good girls and behave, unless you want to deal with my cute little minotaurs." Maika warned them with a sly smile, before walking closer to the three women. "Now, I'll tell what we're doing here at this place in the middle of nowhere. You're here to go the lowest floor of this temple and get the sphere of waterspring, it should be easy to recognize, it's a floating sphere made out of icy water, and I really would love to add it to my collection. I'll warn you though, I've already sent several groups of slaves down there, and most of them either returned as brainless sluts, cute monster girls or simply vanished, so you'd better stay on your guard. Also, don't worry about getting corrupted and becoming a brainless monster slut. I've got methods to restore your mind, although the method isn't exactly pretty." Makia warned them with a glare. "Now, before you scamper off into the temple, tell me what weapons you're most comfortable with and ask me if you don't understand what you're supposed to be doing, since you three could be brainless sluts already, it might be difficult for you pretty little things to understand anything." Maika chuckled.
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Gonna place two points at Dex and one at Str ^

Betrayed and sold as slave after a sudden ambush, that is how Luxe has ended in this place. The half elf tried to find a way to escape or recover some of her glorious shape, but both attempts were in vain, no doubt than just one or two goblins would be enough to take her down. Act as a good slave wouldnt help her too, most likely the slavers could see only problems in have her close and in days she ended as another working slave.

Maika was just another name than Luxe got to heard when she was a soldier, but she has been pretty much busy defending her city and help others outside this to focus on heard about this woman, as any other with similar hobbies most likely people like Maika tend to fall for themselves into madness or at the monsters's hands either turned into breeders or another creature to slay. Of course the half elf never got to heard about her methods to gather such collection. There was not time to know more about this woman when she take her out the slaver's hands and Luxe was pretty much more concerned and in disdain for have all of herself taken and mostly just wearing filthy rags.

The whole trip Luxe was trying herself to dont see the body of the others two slaves and try to endure this cruel trip traped in that cage, trying to fit her daily routine and get used to this new life until find a way to get free. Once they reach the temple, she got to recover some strenght enough to fight, but it was mostly pointless try anything against Maika. It was pretty hard beat a minotaur at her best days and they were in middle of nowhere, even if by miracle they defeat this woman and her beasts they would be corrupted completely before find a town. With great conviction she heard all what Maika have to say, crossing her arms as she could get the chance to say some words. "I understand all Mistress and you should already know than this could be pretty much an impossible task. Even then i accept to go there with some equipment, a suited armor and a spear" It was disgusting to be a slave now or call such woman a mistress, who know how many monster girls had escaped from her hands and roam free hurting inocents, but Luxe needed to endure it for now, maybe in the future Maika will be at her side and help her to get some revengue at least if she couldnt recover all what she has lost.

2 points into MP, one into CON

Tsukumi was definitely a slave that hadn't gotten even the slightest scrap of training. Having been drugged by a poisoned inn meal on a trip between two jobs, the mage had been the kind of slave that you tried to foist off onto someone else. She was surly, aggressive, near absolutely incapable of listening to any sort of order. It was only because she had some actual magical capability, and a rather good looking figure, that the gnolls that had captured her hadn't gotten rid of her yet, or broken her entirely. Eventually the woman had been passed on to this Maika woman, thrown into a cart and hauled off to god knows where. Dressed in dirty rags, the woman had grumbled near constant obscenities at the guards even if at times it was under her breath. She was an experienced mage dammit! Not some useless trash slave. They just were too stupid to see how useful she could be!

Though when they finally came to a stop and were before Maika she ended up being a bit more vocal. When she said 'I'm not expecting you to bow down or call me mistress' the girl would end up saying. "I'll never call you that ever." Under her breath, though she ended up saying it loud enough the girl might have heard her. Though she also added. "No task is impossible for Tsukimi. I'll show you." When they finally got to the point of asking about what equipment they prefered, assuming she was still in a position to speak, she'd finish with. "I use a magical staff, or some other sort of channeling device."
Put 2 points in Con and One point in strength

It had started out as a standard mission for the mercenary. Cut down some green skins, end some caravan raids and it would be easy money. But it seemed whoever paid for her contract had a bit of a bone to pick with her. In a moment of weakness, Gwynne had forgotten her helmet during a contract negotiation many moons ago. This meant someone saw her face and she had made it a policy to never let her employers see her face. It was just good policy. Apparently this guy was not quite satisfied with her work or he was just that darn attracted to her. Maybe that's why he sent the people to kidnap her when she was washing in a local river. Without her armor, polearm or bastard sword, she was just another woman, naked and vulnerable. She was prepared for her fate, of belonging to that bastard. But it seems the fates had other plans for her and her contract was instead bought by this Maika woman. A save, but only to something that might be just as bad if not worse.

Joined by two others and sent to a land far from her usual territory, Gwynne wasn't quite ready for what was to come next. But at least this lady gave her something to wear after she bought her. Far sight better then being so vulnerable again. The woman was at least decent enough to them but only because she planned on using them as pawns to retrieve some shiny bauble or two. She glanced over at her two companions and looked a little concerned. The half elf looked like she could handle herself in combat well enough. She'd be a little more graceful then Gwynne and she could slip through enemy lines easy enough. But the other human? The one saying she could use magic and talking with a rather big mouth? She might be useful...as a distraction. But then there was their captor. The woman named Maika. A woman she only called "boss".

"I'm a much simpler fare, boss. Give me a bastard sword or a pole arm of some sort and I'll be able to dispatch most, if not any foe presented."
Abilities and passives
Put these down in your Passive and active abilities, as a side note, you guys can vote if you want the hard mode abilities and passives or not, I'll put them down next to the ability so you can see what gets effected and what to expect. Furthermore, sometimes I'll give you choice between two different versions of the same passive/ability, choice whichever you like between the two.



[Recently changed: -1 str, -1 dex, -1 mind]; Hard mode [-2 str, -1 dex, -1 con, -1 mind]

[Elven Sight: +4 perception to sight]; Hard mode [+3 perception to sight]

[Elven guile: +2 to dex] or [Elven Physique: +3 to dex, -1 con]; Hard mode [Elven physique: +2 to dex, -1 con, -1 str]



[Soft body: -2 str, -1 con] or [Bookworm: -2 str, -2 con, +1 mind]; Hard mode [Incredibly soft: -3 str, -2 con] or [Bookworm: -4 str, -3 con, +1 mind]

[Water Mastery: +3 to hit and difficult checks when using water spells/abilities.] or [Water specialization: +5 to hit and difficult check for the enemy when using water spells/abilities, and -2 when using any other elemental type.]; Hard mode [Water Mastery: +2 to hit and difficult checks when using water spells/abilities.] or [Water specialization: +4 to hit and difficult check for the enemy when using water spells/abilities, and -3 when using any other elemental type.]


[Water manipulation: Tsukumi has the ability to control water and use it as a weapon. For 3 MP per turn she can wield the water as a weapon from a safe distance, dealing 1d12 water based damage or 2d4+2 water based damage per turn.] Hard mode; [Water manipulation: Tsukumi has the ability to control water and use it as a weapon. For 6 MP per turn she can wield the water as a weapon from a safe distance, dealing 1d12 water based damage or 2d4+2 water based damage per turn.]



[Unperceptive and sluggish: -3 to all perception checks and -2 to dex.] or [Rock solid body: -4 to all perception checks and -3 to dex, but +1 to str and +1 con]; Hard mode [Rock solid body: -6 to all perception checks and -3 to dex, but +1 con]

[Toned body: +2 to constitution saves and +1 con]; Hardmode [Toned body: +2 to constitution saves]

[Experienced: +3 to hit with two-handed weapons and +1 damage with two-handed weapons]; Hardmode [Experienced: +2 to hit with two-handed weapons]

Feel free to leave your vote behind in a spoiler or through message, the majority vote will win. Furthermore, if you have questions feel free to PM me.
General rules
During combat your mana will restore for 0 + your mind stat per post, and will be completely replenished after combat. During combat you can only recover HP with recovery items and outside combat you can rest for 15 minutes, every time you rest there's a chance you'll get ambushed and the difficult on the ambush will increase the longer you rest, the amount of HP you restore is 1 + your con(min 1). Whenever you naturally restore your health to full you'll lose one max HP that can only be restored by sleeping. Furthermore, you can use one ability, action and attack per turn.
I'll have you vote on this once again, I want to know if you want destructible equipment or not. How it will work, is that every piece of equipment will have durability on it depending on the material it's made off, and once the durability reaches 0 the equipment will only work at half strength and each single time your armor is hit or you hit with your sword there's a percentage chance your armor or weapon might break. Staves and wands don't lose durability when you use them to cast magic. Furthermore, whenever you find a new item or piece of equipment you either have to identify it or try it out to see what it does.


[Foul leather armor: +1 to be hit. Special effect: Foul odor, -2 to sneak. DU 15/15]

[[Dex] Pointy stick: +1 to hit. Physical Damage 1d8-1. DU 10/10]


[Dirty Rags: DU 5/5]

[[Str] Large Stick: +1 to hit with magical abilities. Physical damage 1d4-2. DU 8/8]


[Musk scented fur armor: +1 to be hit. Special effect: Musk, -2 to save against charm and lewd mind affecting effects.]

[[Str] Rusted Bastard sword: +1 to hit. Physical damage 2d4. Special effect: Rusted, every time you hit with the sword, there's a 5% chance it will break. DU 0/0]

Feel free to PM me about anything you don't understand.

Miaka simply smiled at their responses. ''It looks like at least one of you knows how to address me correctly, even if it sounded a bit forced. You three should be grateful you know, if I didn't pick you up as my treasure hunters, they probably would've trained you until you're brainless sluts that only exist to serve their masters. At least with me, if you're successful in bringing back the artifacts I want, I'll treat you with love and like you're decent human beings, but for now, I'll treat you like the worthless slaves you are.'' Miaka tells them, walking back and forth in front of them, swaying her big round ass in front of them, before snapping her finger. ''Jules, Moa, gather their equipment and give it to them.'' Miaka commanded, and as soon as the command left her lips, the two huge minotaurs left to gather the equipment they asked for.

It didn't take long before they returned with arms full of equipment, but anyone looking at the trash heap they gathered, would instantly recognized the poor condition the equipment was in. The minautors gave each of them the equipment they asked for, Luxe got a stick that was sharpened on the end and got a leather outfit that was made out of straps with the clear design to expose as much of the body as possible, and it also had a foul smelling odor to it that made her head swirl a little. Tsukumi, didn't get anything else to wear, the only thing she got was a large stick. Lastly, Gwynne got a rusted bastard sword and a set of fur armor that exposed her midriff and barely covered her toned ass or her large chest, and likewise to Luxe's armor, Gwynne's armor had an odor to it to, but unlike Luxe's armor, the musky odor was slightly arousing Gwynne. ''Until you've proven that you're worthy for more, this is the best equipment I'm giving you. Now have fun in the temple, and don't dare to come back empty handed. Also don't worry about getting corrupted. It won't affect me in the slightest.'' Miaka tells them, before she walks off to one of the carts. ''Oh and Tsuki, next time you whisper something in my presence, I'll have my minautors discipline you before sending you off naked into the whatever place I'm having you explore, so try to keep that in mind~.'' Miaki said, before disappearing out of sight.

The moment Miaki disappeared out of sight, the two minautors that brought them their equipment guided them to the entrance of the huge temple. They quickly realized that they weren't ordered to be gentle with them, the moment they hesitated the big minautors would roughly shove them forward, until they were standing inside the enormous entrance to the temple. ''We watch here, you find treasure for master.''One grunted.
Abilities and passives

[Recently changed: Hard mode [-2 str, -1 dex, -1 con, -1 mind]

[Elven Sight: +4 perception to sight];

[Elven Physique: +3 to dex, -1 con]

My vote go for normal skills and passives because is better test if with these the game is already good to enjoy without be impossible to win anything. About the DU at armors and equipment most likely is a yes and please. The idea to risk ourselves to take new equipment and check if this can endure another fight will make the game more interesting as also is the rules to recover HP.

"That's the spirit" Luxe got to say to the others two slaves when she heard them accept so easily this task and how they believe than they can beat anything inside that temple, the elf never has been in such predictment but know than soon the reality will hit these two girls soon. About how Miaka got to react, more likely Luxe expected it, no doubt than their lovely mistress hass seen many of her broken slaves return without anything for her, unless this woman sell the baby monsters as pets or meat to recover part of what she wasted. It was clear than she needed to success somehow before think in her next step.

Still, Luxe never expected such trash be called equipment, it was impossible to dont frown when she notice the used almost leather microbikini armor, she tried to find a suited way to dress herself and still she blushed by be in middle of this crow, at least her brain got to decide to store the rags for a future use, most likely to hold things or clean something inside the temple. About the "spear" she can lift it without too much problems, but could a stick like this really wound a monster? There was not more words for Miaka, in part the elf dont wanted to call the attention of that woman in this red tone state and there was already some conflicts, better make her actions tals with that useless floating orb being recovered from the cursed place.

Dressed with the new armor and equiped with that weapon she just let the minotaurs guide them to the door but decide to share some words with the others slaves before get inside the temple. " Call me Luxe, i guess than a quick introduction with only ours names is what must be done now... Also, the only way to return sane is with teamwork and avoid as many fights as possible, yet im sure than both already have this in mind" Luxe said after sigh, this was quite bothersome, most likely these two girls are even more pissed than herself and who know from where these two come from, but at least this help to break the ice a little and increase theirs chances to survive
Abilities and Passives
[Incredibly soft: -3 str, -2 con]
[Water specialization: +5 to hit and difficult check for the enemy when using water spells/abilities, and -2 when using any other elemental type.]

[Water manipulation: Tsukumi has the ability to control water and use it as a weapon. For 3 MP per turn she can wield the water as a weapon from a safe distance, dealing 1d12 water based damage or 2d4+2 water based damage per turn.]

I'm good with armour breaking and the like, if we go for normal passives then switch out incredibly soft for 'soft body.'

Hmph, like she'd ever be broken down even if they had tried. There was no way some two bit slavers would ever be able to break her will! Not so much minding the lack of armour, not like she ever wore it anyways, and she was fairly sure her dirty rags covered more skin then the equipment handed to Luxe or Gwynne. She only needed a stick to do some casting, though it could have been a bit more helpful to have something better, but whatever. She did end up freezing up for a moment at Maika's comment about whispering in her presence. Though the girl's expression immediately after was well, defiant. She wouldn't take orders like that! Though the woman was gone before she could actually say anything, and a moment later they were getting herded along by the minotaurs. Stupid giant bullmen, even if they did have rather strong looking bodies.

Once they were at the entrance and Luxe started speaking she said. "Yes, we have to work together. We'll prove it to that woman that we're strong, nobody looks down on Tsukumi." The woman grumbled, and would soon set off into the place itself. "You two should lead the way, even if I can blast people with magic I'm a bit soft. At least you look like your pretty working class muscly." The mage said, the last line directed more toward Gwynne.
-Rock solid body: -4 to all perception checks and -3 to dex, but +1 to str and +1 con

-Toned body: +2 to constitution saves and +1 con

-Experienced: +3 to hit with two-handed weapons and +1 damage with two-handed weapons

Fur armor, pretty basic stuff. Protection wasn't bad if it was a full and complete set but what their mistress failed to realize was that the equipment she had given her was incomplete. here were pieces missing. But she wasn't about to raise a fuss with the woman who effectively owned her for the foreseeable future. Those minotaurs looked well above her capabilities in her current state and with her equipment. Though the one thing she couldn't ignore despite the armors lack of components was the smell. Just what in the 9 hells was this? It was musky and it was causing a warm sensation to build inside her. Damnit...she was better than this! She never let lewd things distract her on other jobs. Why was this causing a problem now? Well, nothing for it. She just had to stay aware and prepare for any eventuality. That was the basic tenet of her profession. Though this sword was a glorified piece of crap. She'd be lucky to kill a goat with this thing."

Once equipped, the mercenary listened to the girls jaw off to each other. Luxe was at least a fair bit tolerable, which is surprising from a knife ear. They were usually so superior. This was a welcome change of pace and she wouldn't object. But that Tsukumi was going to be a problem already. She had the air of superiority that she wasn't very fond of in her employers, team mates or anyone for that matter. She wasn't going to let it get in the way of her work, but she would at least give her a good ribbing once in a while. "I was going to suggest that anyway, softie. And for the record, I'm only this fit because I actually work for a living. I haven't spent my life knee deep in books and hiding in dusty libraries. I get dirt under my fingers and get my fair share of cuts, scrapes and scars. Hopefuly this little job will humble you a little. Sorta surprised it hasn't already. We're basically property. "
"Nobody owns me! This is just a temporary setback. And just because I'm a mage doesn't mean I don't know how to fight. I just prefer to do it civily, from a distance, with water jets. Not getting in and fighting like animals." Tsukumi said back to Gwynne, folding her arms over her breasts with a humph, even as the group started to head into the place.
"...Just open the door, please" Luxe got to said to the minotaur than talked moments ago, she already noticed than she will be mostly unable to open it or placed in shame if she attempt to do it with all her pittyful might. It was a shame than kill herself will mostly turn her into a sex hungry mindless undead or she will be glad to avoid being the babysitter of these two girls. She let them talk for a little longer before interrupt them. "Temporary setback or not our only chance than we have is find that orb and bring it back. At least now we know each other, now please cool down and stay alert" Said this to the two humans, she tried to notice any ambush or trap once they get inside the temple, most likely her friendly pals will mostly will mostly focused in something else to notice any danger.
Once the door was opened Tsukumi would huff again and stop her arguing, looking around as she followed behind the other two. She wasn't exactly the strongest either, or the most resiliant, but she'd show them all when she struck down monsters before they even got close! No monster would break her into some mindless slave!
Alright we're going with normal perks/abilities and weapon/armor durability.

When each of them put on their respective armor, both Luxe and Gwynne started to realized that they could do very little to cover up their naughty bits. Luxe desperately trying to find a way to connect the straps so it wouldn't show as little as possible, quickly found out that the only real way of wearing it was to completely expose herself, with the gaps between the leather straps showing off her nipples, while two straps would pull apart both her ass cheeks and pussy. Gwynne had similar issues with her outfit, as the lower part either completely exposed her ass or pussy, and while the other side would have a bit of cover, you still could see Gwynne's lack of underwear through the fur. Also, Gwynne's top was either big enough to give her breasts proper support or to hide her nipples and show off underboob. Although Tsukumi might feel fortunate to not get any armor, the skirt on the rags were short enough to expose herself if she bends over even a little and the dirty rags had several holes in it that exposed her skin.

The minotaur grunted displeased at Luxe's request. "Watch mouth, or I'll give you a taste of what you can expect in there." The minotaur responded, it sounded like they even had a lower opinion of them then their mistress, but despite the hostile response, the minotaur pushed open the enormous stone door, revealing what's inside. Inside the room, they could see two lines of giant pillars near the sides of the room, going from the entrance to the back of the room, with very little space between each pillar. Furthermore, despite the entrance looking completely abandoned, the pillars in the room were covered in pristinely preserved depictions of smaller lizard like creatures offering women to larger beasts and plants, which would then be mounted by the beasts or attached to the plants and the small lizard like creatures were rewarded with treasures. The other curious thing about massive hallway was that there was light coming from the back of it, giving just enough light to light up the middle of the hallway. When the three of them tried to enter the room, Gwynne felt one of the minotaurs hands grasp her shoulder and hold her back. "You bring back rags, or we make you rag." The big minotaur warned her, before letting Gwynne follow the rest of them.
There should be a way... Luxe got to ponder many times in her exasperating attempts to cover herself, but most likely was a wasting of time, this should be just another offend than she should endure. Her time as a soldier has teach her than she must endure these events when a revenge most likely could place her in a worse situation, most likely she could find her time to payback not only to that woman but to the ones than place her to suffer this hell. See others suffer the same fate has placed more than a blush on her, she tried to be friendly and make the others prepare for what will come, but the tease has been too much, there were many reasons of why she dont tried to talk with them all their time traveling to this place out of the usual than the others must also have to do the same.

There was not need for an example of what the beasts will attempt to do with them, Luxe just node trying to dont see the minotaurs and just get inside the temple to avoid any needless conflict. Her free hand trying to cover her virgin open lower lips all this time, she could notice how her nectar was soaking her fingers, trying to hide this event even when she could blame the armor or make a lie and just point to the false aphrodisiac in the temple, as long her hand manage to cover and hold her aroused fluids for see herself and the others worse than naked she will be fine, a shame than she cant do the same for her erected nipples or blushing at her cheeks. "sentient creatures... most likely the whole place is filled with traps" Luxe whisper, mostly to herself, but if the others two could be close her action maybe also inform them of how needed was to remain silent. She wanted so baddly to kindly ask some information to the minotaurs but she has been already warned, at least they werent so far, so using this she tried to check this strange light and check anything else in this chamber before find out the paths than must lead them inside this temple.
Tsukumi only just barely managed to avoid blasting the mouthier minotaur, grinding her teeth just a little bit to avoid mouthing back and ending up in god knows what position. As for her outfit, at least it covered everywhere important, mostly. Her pussy would be on display if she crouched down or went on her hands and knees, but there could be a fair bit worse options. Like everything the other two were wearing. So she didn't need to spend any time covering herself, though she did feel a bit drafty. She managed to avoid noticing Luxe's problem with her arousal though, to busy looking at the murals. "Yes, it seems like there is quite a number of different creatures here. Though its unfortunate they had to be plants, if I was a fire mage that would make this much easier. Still, keep your eyes out we don't want to get jumped by those guys or step in a trap."

Tsukumi waited for the other two to start forward before following, though if they weren't to quick about it, she'd end up forcing them forward. It wouldn't do to delay afterall.
She had to admit...this was more then a little humiliating. No matter how she maneuvered or adjusted the armor, there was always going to be something private out in the open. For her own sake and the sake of her modesty, she decided to lean the armored skirt forward, to hide her pussy. Even if she didn't have underwear, she wasn't as ashamed to show off her butt. She'd been in frisky positions before and she imagined she had more experience then both these girls she was traveling with. So yeah, people may be getting a bit of a peep show, but the mercenary was not a fragile maid or dainty wall flower. She understood her body was going to get quite exposed during this mission and she came to accept it. And given how much fire her partners had in their bellies, that might happen more often then not. But she couldn't continue without responding to the great beasts. "Yeah Yeah. No worries. I'll be sure the rags come back. I'm nothing if not reliable."

THe sights in the temple certainly left something to the imagination. Small lizard creatures offering women to larger beasts and then those women getting mounted by not only them but a variety of plants. Just what sort of faith had this in their foundation myth? It was...unique to be sure. "Maybe if we're lucky we might be able to put these things down. Not much in favor of being offered to some primitive gods and turned into a breeding vessel. I rather like my free will. But do keep your eyes open folks. We're officially in hostile territory. Lets push forward."
Perception checks
???vs10 = ???
???vs 15 = ???
???vs 20 = ???

Perception checks will be made in secrecy, but I'll let you know when I make them and what their DC is.

Walking through the great hall, the three of them noticed that the art on the pillars were getting more detailed the closer they got to the source of light. Occasionally, they would spot a giant odd yellow eye with thin vertical pupils look at from the darkness, but whenever they went to inspect the pupil it would disappear. Once again, the deeper they went into the hallway the more frequently they saw the pupil look at them from the darkness, until they finally reached the source of the light, which were two lit torches placed next to an impressively decorated door. However, the more important thing that caught their eyes, was the small creature to the right of them that was illuminated by the dim light, it was a small lizard-like humanoid with a long neck, small round head and huge yellow eyes with slit pupils. The small looking creature was about knee height long and after they took a better look at it, they noticed its razor sharp teeth and claws. It curiously looked at them, before quickly scampering off into a small hole on the wall next to a door on the right of them. Looking at what directions they can go, they noticed three doors, one to the right, one on the middle and one on the left, with the door on the right looking unremarkable and the door on the left looked like it was nearly falling apart. However, after taking a closer look at the door in the middle, the thing that caught their eye was the extremely detailed pictogram of a heavily pregnant woman looking at them and spreading her legs for them, it nearly looked like she was inviting them inside with the gentle and happy smile she had, beneath each of her legs there was another detailed pictogram of women being bound and gang raped by several small creatures.
The half elf was looking between the pillar art a clue or image than could help them to find the orb, but as the minutes passed looking at them more regret it. "At leas t is a straight path, stay alert something is watching us" Luxe said after notice the yellow pupils, one at her hands holding her useless sharp stick and the other covering her moistened flower, she could notice how the images had affected her and she was almost unable to stop the few small drops leaking leaving a trial at her thighs or just falling at the cold floor. It was fault of the leather straps on her, her virgin holes needed lubrication to endure the temple cold winds and of course the many female pictures at the pillars mantain her unable to calm her warm alien feeling at her, at least her body was not really luscious or her problems with the "armor" on her could be worse, thankfuly her breast size was almost a C. "Not even boots or a backpack, is like her desires are just throw more victims to these monsters"

The elf increase her speed ready to find out what was the one looking at them, she was ready to charge and roar to strike the creature but he was focused looking at them, Luxe press her teeth ready to place all her distress on the thing, but something inside slow her as if have this creature looking her so exposed weaken herand such caused a doubt huge enough for the creature to escape- "That creature will alert others, but if we rush to stop him we will fall certainly at a trap. " The stick was almost used at the hole but Luxe calm to check theirs choices. "The little critter and his friends must be waiting for us at the right door and the left one looks to had been broken time ago, maybe for others slaves... Maybe the picture at the front is a trick to mantain us away or a clue as the art is almost the same than the we got to see at the pillars" Luxe was ready to try the middle door or the one at the right, she wanted to kill all these smarth bastards but without the orb they couldt retreat. Still it was best to find out which path the others two slaves choice
"Or it's exactly what it looks like and we're about to enter into a breeding chamber of some sort." Tsukumi groused as they looked at the three entrances. That creature had only just managed to escape her wrath when it darted into the right path. Stopping her magic before it started so she wouldn't waste the mana. "I'll agree I don't think the left one looks to fruitful, so I guess the middle is our best bet. But if we walk into some sort of trap I'm blaming you both."

Tsukumi's response was accompanied by the woman folding her arms under her rather large G cup breasts. The rags being pushed up a bit and exposing some of the underside of her chest in the process. "Lets not let any more of those creatures escape if we see them again either. We don't need them tracking our movements more."
"The whole temple is almost a breeding chamber" Luxe mention after Tsukumi words, then she start to walk toward the middle door, her attempts to press her lower cheeks and hide her back entrance were worse than futile and so as she have both slaves behind her, both humans could see her exposed and ready to use asshole.

Luke sigh blushing and then remove her hand from her moistened pussy in order to use her unarmed hand to open the door, trying to make a brief peek before decide to enter if she dont get to see anything dangerous at the next room. "They look to be pretty smart to build these holes and images, but you are right... we cant leave any other escape. Now, get ready for anything..." The half elf said trying to make both humans defend each other and kill as any creature than they face before they attempt to rape her, Luxe know than her borrowed weapon will mostly break in seconds when the fight start, that or she will be only able to poke any beast.
(Sorry, no excuse for the delay)

"Based on everything I've seen from this place, what with all the reliefs and carvings of humans getting fucked and them fat with children and even the entry way basically greeting us with her pussy, its easy to say that this civilization or race loved using us like breeding cattle. I expect we'll see more of those things around here. Who knows, maybe that little guy has friends. I wouldn't put it past this race to be resilient type." The mercenary woman sighed as she took the lead and headed through the door opened by Luxe. "Just stay behind me and I'll keep the little bastards off our back. Worse comes to worse, I'll sacrifice myself for you two to escape. Specially cause I don't think you guys would like being stuck here. A half elf might be considered a prize for them since you'll live longer to be bred longer. As for Tsukumi? Well spirited women are funner to break for races like this. Believe me, I'm speaking from experience. Spent a year with the goblins during a botched mission. Didn't even get paid for my suffering. Cheapskate..."

The woman spoke rather casually about her mistakes and even more so about her period of servitude. A mercenary was nothing if not upfront about their work and she was no different. "Cautious approach. Stick to a formation and we should be fine. I'll take the front, Tsukumi in the middle and Luxe in the back. That way we have fighters on point and rear defense and our magic user in the middle to react to threats on either side. We leave you in the back, you'll be pickd off in a heartbeat."