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Labyrinth sluts (Plmnko/Aust_Nailo/ Ranger9000)

"You have some smart friends then. My experience, traps tend to hide in the places people attribute with safety. Easier to lure people into them. Imagine we were here at night, we'd stick to the walls for easy navigation. Building owner could put in fake doors to kidnap, poison darts in small holes or even more deadly spike and pit traps. So keep your head on a swivel and we can survive this. But...from what I've seen, this place is falling apart in places so any traps might be in questionable working order. Follow me. I'll take the front and any traps will hit me first. Better that way since I'm more a front line soldier then Luxe is. No offense." The mercenary took her position at the front, leading the group to the supposed treasure spots. "Just hope those buds nearby aren't a sign of some weird plant monster thing...I can't stand plants and their ilk. Dryads are ok. Only cause they can talk to you. I never trust something that can't speak or communicate with me. And plants can't do much of either."
The tiny monkey girl decided to take the lead into the room and the two others quickly followed behind. Their bare feet were welcomed with by the muddy soil and being inside the room they got a much clearer look at their surroundings. There were three natural paths inside the room, two leading to the piles of objects in the corners and one leading through the middle towards the strange closed flower buds in the back. The rest of the room was filled with tall grass, to the point that Gwynne could barely see over the sea of grass. Being completely ambushed in the last room, the girls were much more aware and careful when making their way towards one of the piles, but besides the grass next to them occasionally rustling, the trip towards one of the piles was eventless.

Looking through the pile they realized that they found the jackpot. Despite most of the weapons, armor and trinkets inside the pile being broken or decaying, they found a good bit of high quality equipment. However, it was quickly apparent that some of the equipment belonged to even less fortuned women then them. First of all, there wasn't any modest regular clothing, the ones they did manage to find were either shredded beyond repair or would be pointless to wear. Furthermore, most of the stuff they did find was either revealing or rather dubious looking, as they found two piercings that were clearly designed to be pierced into the nipples, one of the piercings had a red ruby surrounded by a golden flower with a sharp needle at the back of it, looking at the design, the sharp needle was clearly there to pierce through the tip of the wearer's nipple, only to torture the wearers nipple even further. The second piercing had a sapphire attached to the top of it, with golden rings circling down in the shape of a nipple, in the middle of the stack of rings there was a small hole for a needle to go through, this design would mean that the wearers nipple had to be stiff to be worn, and with the size of the golden rings, unless the wearer had small nipples, they most definitely would feel the golden rings constantly squeeze them. Both of the rings felt magical to Tsukumi, though the sapphire one was easy to tell, as the metal was unnaturally cold.

They also found two complete armor sets. One of the armors they managed to scavenge from the pile was primitive looking hide armor. The fur on the hide armor felt rather coarse and looked like it would slightly irritate the skin, and the hide armor was fairly small, which left only one of them with the potential to wear it. Another issue with the armor was that it was held up upon one's body with one strap which went over the shoulder, making it impossible for the wearer to cover up both breasts and since the strap was very thin it even looked very difficult to keep the other nipple covered. The third problem with the primitive hide armor was that it didn't cover ones lower body, as the lower part was designed to snugly fit above ones ass. With how tightly this piece of armor looked for even a smaller creature, and by the fact that there were even leg and arm guards attached to it with straps, it was rather obvious that whoever wore this most likely didn't wear anything underneath it nor was it intended to be worn with something else. The second armor at first glance looked much better than the first, but when the girls managed to pry it open they were stunned. The inside of the armor looked like a horrendous torture device, rather than a regular suit of armor, and considering that the wearer is forced to be locked inside, without any way of freeing herself, it was safe to assume it belonged to a girl who disappointed her master multiple times. Inspecting the armor closely, the girls noticed that a rubber surface was attached to an incredibly small breast compartment. The breast compartment would surely tightly squeeze any of the girls' breasts and it was easy to tell that the rubber surface was designed to constantly tease the wearer's nipples with even the slightest of movements. Another issue with the armor was the weirdly designed heels that came with it. Not only were the heels ridiculously long, but the middle section was cruelly designed, as it was extremely curvy instead of linear, forcing the wearer's feet to oddly bend around it's sharp curve, and if that wasn't torturous enough, it had rubber soles with jagged looking cone bumps on them attached to the bottom. However, the biggest issue with the armor was the area around the crotch. Not only did it do nothing to hide the wearer's ass or pussy, but two see-through dildos with a bumpy texture were attached to a see-through material. With how little space the armor gave the wearer, it was impossible to wear it without forcing the dildos into the wearer's holes first. Furthermore, the dildos had a thin hole going through it, which they were easily able to stretch with their entire hand, giving it no protection against being raped or even stopping one from releasing their seed inside. In fact, with how huge the dildos were, it only made it more likely for the seed be directly squirted in the wearer's womb and deep in the wearer's ass, and with the tips of the dildos being designed to keep liquids out, seed could easily enter the wearer but not leave it. Another cruel design choice about the dildos was how thick the material around the small hole is, making even the smallest cocks feel massive.

However unlike the bizarre and revealing armors they were in luck with the weaponry, as Gwynne found a pristine looking short sword, which felt a lot like a long sword in her current state, and there was a fancy looking trident with a lewd ornament of a wolf mounting a mermaid on the bottom. Besides those, there were a couple of mundane and strange items, there was a glove with a gooey inside, a vail of blue liquid, two backpacks, a plug with a fox tail attached to it and a couple of wrapped rations.
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"Most likely the little lizards could be helping to mantain the traps active, better we must stay alert than pay the price" Luxe add as she nod trying to get in position and remain watching around for any possible ambush or trap. "If only we could take care of the buds without get close" The elf mention without care too much about the plants, for her the nly important was avoid others critters get the chance to capture them, not even the mud was important for her but the tall grass could be a problem, she stay watching and trying than this dont reduce her vision. Her heart accelerate a little glad to see some equipment and mostly weapons than they gather, ye her excitement reduced when she notice how these look.

"Goddess... what kind of words caused this punishment?... Did that woman just throw us here as monster bait?" Luxe couldnt stop to mention, she feels pitty for the slaves than got to wear this kind of equipment. She then notice than there was some equipment for a small girl, maybe a dwarf or a goblin, she dont tried to say anything as maybe the monkey girl was still affected after have her size reduced.

"A...at least we have backpacks and some rations, we should save them for later, maybe eat them in some hours, finally something edible" She mention trying to see the best of all this, her belly only got jizz for weeks, she was not sure how she could still walk or think, maybe after some nutrients she could think clearly. Leaving the food for later her eyes focus at the equipment and soon she drop the full armor and spear at the floor. "All this must be cursed... No doubt than i need the spear to defend myself, but most likely that indecency called armor is heavily cursed."

Luxe was red looking at the dildos of such armor, just the idea to use them when she know than a slave mostly a slut wear them all the way here...How she could place inside her cum drenched holes these depraved filthy and used dildos? All on Luxe start to shiver as she hug herself, her pussy already getting wet as she kneel to get the spear and test it , her mind got to betray her a little more as she day dream looking at the wolf mating with the maiden, having a large beast raping you in dominating way, pressing you against the floor, Luxe tried to shake these images from her head and feel the spear weight before look at the two humans. "Anyone of you can identify curses? We must check each of them before continue, then all the cursed ones we could store them at the backpacks, i can carry one of these backpacks"
Tsukumi would look at the pile of gear, though most of it wasn't exactly in good shape. There was still some stuff though, like the two spell effecting piercings. Tsukumi 'tsking' at them being piercings. Maybe she could find another way to put them to work, or let one of the other girls have them. The thought of her body marred by a piercing causing her to pout. Still they were worth keeping and she'd try to get a better guess on their magic and if they were cursed. As for the armour, well that was obviously for Gwynne and Luxe, she didn't see anything there that really fit her though she probably could fit something together out of the rest of the damaged mess. Though she couldn't help but comment. "What...what mad woman would wear that armour? It looks like its meant to be more torturous then anything yes. I know I certainly won't get in it. Though at least that fur armour looks suitable enough. Even if it could be better."

Picking up the tail plug dildo, and the glove, she'd also look them over for curses or magic. Finding they were indeed magical in some way, but not cursed at least. Tsukumi would add as she examined the glove and plug further to see just what kind of magic they had. "Well, some of this could be useful. These piercings have some magic in them but I'm not sure if they grant magic or if they'd do something like freezing you right now. Though maybe it's something to make you less lusty. Though I wonder what is up with this tail." The blonde wondered. At least they found some food.
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"Yes, better some weapons than nothing..." Luxe mention to both humans and then examine the depraved armor a second time, she was brave enough to risk in take the spear but that armor was more a torture device than anything else. Still something in her mantain one of her hands at the full armor, she suppose than it was her fear to be taken for weeks by other creature yet most likely it was the curse placed at her than she was clueless about. " Tsukumi?" She ask the mage trying to beg than she has remember the mage name right. " I may take the spear... but im not sure about the full armor, it could at least protect my vitals. Can i ask you for check them in case they are cursed?" Almost all at Luxe's mind scream her to just store that trash called armor at the backpack or let it there, but between being naked and this, at least with the armor she could block deadlt hits
"Yes just give me a moment." Tsukumi would say as she looked over the armour as well, giving it a quick check for curses. The blonde nodding after a moment. "It appears to be curse free, it shouldn't do anything else to you other then...well, its inherent design."
Tsukumi took a closer look at the items that gave off an magical aura, and after inspecting them for a couple of minutes, she knew most of these items, besides the two piercings, which she could inspect again after taking a two hour rest. The first item Tsukumi uncovered the secrets off was the glove. Tsukumi figured out that the glove only was partially magical, as the other part was living. The glove was known as a symbiotic being called Lyx. According to the books Tsukumi read in an attempt to quickly raise her magical prowess, Lyx greatly enhances ones natural magical aptitude, but in return, the creature will merge itself with the hosts arm, making it sprout several large tentacles which are connected to the host's brain. Furthermore, the Lyx requires the host to periodically lay its eggs inside any womb and then fertilize it, if the host fails this task, the Lyx will take control over the host's arm and if the host is female, it will attempt to fertilize her instead. Tsukumi also knows that the egg laying cycle is every two hours, but only have to be fulfilled every two days, though the Lyx loses a bit of its power when backed up with eggs.

The second object Tsukumi successfully identified was the blue vial. At first Tsukumi was convinced that this vial was just some kind of potion, but after taking a closer look at the potion's density she quickly realized that it had more a jelly consistency rather than a liquid. After making that discovery it didn't take her too long to figure out that this potion was actually a slime creature that when poured over ones bare skin would turn itself into armor. It was an emergency armor often used by mages. The reason why the armor was considered only an emergency was because it had many flaws. Despite being light and rather tough for its weight, the transparent nature of the armor made it highly unsuitable to wear outside, and the armor has a tendency to press itself into the wearer's orifices, which wasn't only highly distracting but also served as a way for the slime creature to procreate.

The last item Tsukumi successfully identified was the plug with a fox tail attached to it. After taking a closer look at it, Tsukumi realized that the plug was much larger then she first assumed it was. The thickest part of the cone shaped plug was much larger than a couple of fingers combined, which made her realize that this toy would be difficult to remove after it's been shoved inside. After inspecting it a bit closer, Tsukumi suddenly realized that she knew someone who wore this perverted toy. According to that woman, the toy gave her one of the few abilities a Kitsune possessed. Furthermore, Tsukumi remembered her mentioning that she was searching for more to complete the set. According to that woman, whenever you find another one of these, you could combine them to both increase amount of the tails and size of the toy.

The corruption of this place must have gotten to Luxe, as she kept glimpsing at the torturous looking suit. Its temptation was hard to resist for the girl. Questions like, how would it feel to wear it kept coursing through Luxe head. Luxe could feel her pussy tighten at the thought of being helplessly trapped inside that torturous, and she could feel her asshole quiver at the sensations she would feel walking around in that suit. The thought of Luxe's companions knowing how much of a pervert she truly was, should've completely deterred her from using the suit, but instead it only turned her on more. Now even thoughts of being a slave to Luxe's companions arose inside her mind, having them command her, use her. Luxe wanted to show them, show them that she was a pervert, show them that she loved being ordered around and give in to the feeling of potentially being even dominated by her own allies. Luxe couldn't resist those temptations any longer, she wanted to let her companions know what she truly was like. Luxe had to beg them now, beg them to trap her inside and not let her out until they want to.
Tsukumi was a bit too busy looking through all the items to notice Luxe's problem. Instead she'd end up having a very strange looking 'smile' on her face that seemed to be a mix of smiling at the useful equipment, and being annoyed at all the lewd things included with them. "Well I didn't figure out the piercings, but this stuff's all mage gear, so I guess I'll take it then." Tsukumi first took the tail, and with a sigh would bite her lip and press it against her ass. A moan coming from her as it started to stretch her wider and wider, and she'd have to brace herself a little bit as she got it halfway in, before she shoved the rest in in a single go. The large plug she could tell wasn't about to come out, but well, the boosted power would be helpful, and it would give one less hole for any monster to use. Still, she'd tug on it a few times, and draw more moans, as she made sure it was set properly even as she blushed in embarrassment at the sensation and the situation that forced her to do this.

Then came the glove. Its downsides weren't the worse, and well, she could have done without feeling tentacles but it was still a power boost, one that could be handled with only occasional use. Slipping it on she'd wait to feel it start to connect to her. Wiggling her fingers just a bit as she waited with trepidation and a bit of anticipation. The mage in her forcing her to watch and mentally record what would happen for research purposes.

Finally she had the vial, the mage wondering if she should just put it on now or hold onto it. Before she decided since she was already pregnant she should be fine. Opening the top of the vial and pouring it on herself, letting herself be cloaked in the transparent blue slime armour. "Well...this is mortifyingly embarrassing but I think I'm ready to take on most things. I'm certainly much better off then I had been when we started."

Then Tsukumi would likely notice Luxe's staring at the armour. The woman obviously was enraptured by the torture suit given her staring/ "Are you just going to keep staring at it? Just get in the armour already. Or do you want us to put you in there ourselves?"
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"Im glad to heard that" Luxe answer to the mage as then this armor was not cursed and she could take it away in any moment. The half elf's mind was in a struggle, most likely the rape for the last month has affected her mind and mixed this with the lustful aura in the temple she couldnt stop to make her mind start to focus on ponder how someone could had reached so far without think in remove this armor, she was close to get herself to lift it when she notice Tsumaki starting to place that dildo and slime, it was just a peek but she start to understand where they were standing.

"Please help me... im sure than i will be unable to wear it correctly if i do it for myself" Luxe answer begging to Tsumaki, her whole body in heat and need to wear such indecent armor, she even bow fully down her cum drenched body over mud, loving inside her how she was degrading in front of two lower human slaves. "I will endure anything in order to do our mission... the army soldiers train me to follow orders and endure any punishment and pain. Just after help me towear the armor, as much as i beg dont free me until we get to find a safe place to rest" Tsumaki and the mercenary could notice the slighty drool at Luxe's mouth and cunt, the elven was wiggling her but as she remember and talk about her time under the soldiers service in her begging stance, her breasts pressing against the floor and her eyes looking up what help the two slaves to see her enjoyment to get reduced to this. "Thanks to Tsumaki i understand than we should use all what we can or we will be trapped here for years, i will wear this armor and anything than both dont need, it will be better than let it at the floor or store it forever at the backpacks" Said this Luxe and after a moment she get up and prepare herself starting her task in wear it and trying to help in what she could to the humans in place the torture device called armor at her as any other equipment not taken.

Soon, she could feel the slutty heels at her elven first foot than she placed inside, her breasts werent so big, so she will not suffer too much pleasure from the plastic breastplate, but she needed help to place inside the dildos, her remain self mind fighting to dont have that inside
(Equip armor and get trident too)
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(Tsukumi is allowing the piercings to go to anyone else to use, otherwise she'll hold onto them until she can figure out specifically what they do)

"Hmph, don't know if I should take that as a compliment or not." Tsukumi complained a bit at Luxe's words about using her for an example of doing the best for everyone. Still, the blonde couldn't help but agree that at this point they needed to do what they could otherwise they'd probably never get out of here. Tsukumi was still waiting for the glove to take effect as she moved to help Luxe strap into the armour. Helping mostly to well...position the lower parts so they would actually strap in properly. Distasteful but armour was armour and they had none right now. The blonde was almost clinical in the process, before finishing strapping it on and saying. "There, at least we are relatively well equipped now."
The sheer number of actual items baffled the monkey mercenary woman. But she was quick to find a few items that would be hers in no time. The other two, though, were just as quick in figuring out what they were going to use and to her surprise, the elf was going to take the weird pervert armor that looked like it raped its owner.And the sword would be an obvious grab for her as well. Sure it wasn't a polearm like she wanted but she'd take a well honed blade any day over nothing. Sure the hide armor wasn't going to do much in terms of protection, but it was covering part of her and that was a far sight better then nothing covering her. As she got dressed, she watched as Tsukumi and Luxe got the elf acquainted with what was basically going to be a prison for the elf. "Do try to be careful with that Luxe. We can't afford to have one of us out of commission because they decided to wear rape armor." The mercenary made her remarks clear as she finished getting the armor on. Sure her butt was exposed a bit and one of her breasts were still visible, but it was doing her wonders for her confidence and she'd take some measure of comfort in having protection and a means to fight. "For the record, I won't touch the piercings. Never was one for those things. Seems like a waste of good metal and jewels to me."
The elf thanks Tsumaki help start to fit inside the armor, she start to feel how tight the upper part was, just to put it right she needed to press her breasts using her own hands. "I will just test it, we are in a safe area, we can find out if i can move with it...also is a good place to test the piercings if neither of you want to use them" Luxe mention givign to both time to place such depraved accessories at the elf or let it for another chance. Luxe was not asking directly to them, in her mind she was just aiming for them to stay equiped for their next time to defend each other and of course there was some lust at her need to wear all than she couldnt control or understand.

Her slighty muddy and cum stained legs start to get deep inside the legs armor, soon her elfic feet could notice the torture of hold herself in such precarious position, her feet curved as also some of her sole was pressed by the buldged. It was then when Tsumaki help was more needed, Luxe could feel the hard didldos pressed against her wet holes, her own nectar already starting to mix with the remain than the previous user has stained the pervert objects "Ah... just do it, i will try to endure it." She said frowning to Tsumaki and then press her teeth when the mage start to press her to lock the armor correctly. In seconds both dildos get deep inside Luxe's holes. "Oh Goddess yes...ahh~" she moan aloud with a lustful tone, her hands using the spear to stay standing as herself enjoy how her cervix was unable to stop the didlo and half opened, any cock will be able to fully open the tunnel and place his seed inside her at the first load. Her butt suffer a similar fate as having something so deep made her stay in a precarious stance. Arched and even half curved her butt remain half raised up thanks the heels, some of her fluids already visible for the others two slaves to see her naughty enjoyment.
Tsukumi stared at Luxe with a 'Really, REALLY' expression. Before the blonde sighed. "Fine you perverted elf. We'll use these on you." The mage would take the two piercings that she was still holding onto and well, attached them to Luxe's nipples. The blonde obviously rather squeemish around the whole thing as she only looked the minimum amount she needed to get them set properly.

Then after getting Luxe into her armour she looked away with a flush at the elf's naked enjoyment of the near torture device. "Okay, now let's just get a move on. Before something happens."
[Phew, I'll post the stats of the armor tomorrow, this took quite some time to make.]
[Golden Rose piercing: +4 resistances against Fire-based attacks. Gain the ability Firefly (Firefly: As a bonus action you can activate the piercing to release the intense heat inside, for 1 MP and PP per turn you turn the air around you smoldering hot as firefly like sparks emit from your body, it deals 1d4+mind damage to those within 4 feet of you and you deal double the amount when grappled.). Painfully pierced: The golden rose is a painful piercing to wear and even the slightest movement reminds you if its presences, gain -1 weakness to resisting Pain-based attacks.]

[Ice rings piercings: +4 resistances against Ice-based attacks. Gain the ability Soothing cold (Soothing cold: As a bonus action you can activate the piercing to release the intense cold inside, for 1 MP per turn you can turn your body ice cold, turning your skin blue while a cold fog surrounds you, restoring 2 PP and reducing any incoming pleasure damage by half.) Painfully pierced: The golden rose is a painful piercing to wear and even the slightest movement reminds you if its presences, gain -1 weakness to resisting Pain-based attacks.]

[Primitive Hide armor: +3 to be hit. Small: this armor can only be worn by small creatures. Snugly: Armor is very difficult to remove. DU 40/40]

[Iron Maiden Armor: +8 to be hit. Painful heels: The heels of the Iron Maiden Armor leave the wearer with little chance to use her natural reflexes to dodge an attack, only allowing the wear to add 1armor from dex. Exposed and slow: -2 against avoiding a grapple and escaping a grapple. Constantly tortured and pleased: Even the slightest movements made the armor sent waves of pleasure and pain along the wearer's body, fighting in it only intensifies that feeling, take 1 PP damage per turn in combat. Easy to impregnate: with the dildo being forced inside the wearer's womb, the wearer gains a +5 to being impregnated. DU 200/200]

[[Phys/Dex]Pristine Short sword: 1-h/2-h if small. +4 to hit. Deals 1d6 Physical damage. Pristine Quality: The sharp edge of this pristine blade causes critical hits to land more often, instead of a critical hit landing on 20 it now lands on 19-20. DU 100/100; loses pristine after losing 20 DU.]

[[Dex]Water Wolf trident: 2-h weapon. +3 to hit. Deals 1d8 physical damage. DU 50/50]

[[Mind]Lyx glove: 0-h weapon. +5 to hit with magical abilities. Deals 1d4 chaotic damage. Egg layer: every two hours the tentacles require the host to lay eggs into an appropriate place, if the host fails this reduce the +5 to hit to a +2 to hit, furthermore if the host ignores this call for more than two days, the Lyx will force the host and if the host is female it will force it on her. Lustful: The tentacles are constantly in search for a mate and react rather lustful to anything feminine nearby, sharing a connection means the host will feel similar if the host were constantly erect when this happens, when fighting lewdly clad women take 1 PP damage per turn when near them. Tentacle grab: As a movement action the host can guide the tentacles to grab one of their enemies, after which she can rape them as a standard action dealing 1d8+6+mind pleasure damage, restoring 2 PP for each turn the host does so.]

[Blue Slime Armor: +4 to be hit. Erotic: The armor is constantly kneading and stroking the most intimate part of the wearer, causing them to be constantly aroused and ready to be penetrated, -1 against avoiding a grapple and escaping a grapple, and take +2 more damage from pleasure attacks. Procreation: The blue slime tries to mate with its wearer from time to time, causing the wearer to both take 1d4 pleasure damage and make an impregnate roll with a +2 to the roll. Regenerative: The slime has an amazing growth and regenerative ability, causing it to restore 1 DU per turn, if the slime ever falls below half DU it starts to restore 3 DU while dealing 1d2 pleasure damage to its wearer. DU 20/20]

[Fox-tail plug: Weak spot: Whenever an enemy messes with the wearer's fox tail they take 1 pleasure damage. Constant distraction: Due to the massive size of the fox tail's plug, the wearer is constantly distracting, causing a -1 to all mind-based skill checks. Gives the ability foxfire ( Foxfire: Once every 3 turns the wearer can call upon the magic in the fox tail and use a standard action to creature three floating balls of mesmerizing fire around themselves, each enemy within 5 feet of the caster rolls a 1d20+mind against a DC 10+caster mind, if they fail their armor is reduced by 1 for each fire, and each fire can be thrown to deal 1d4+1/2mind fire damage.)]

[2xBackpack: Container for stuff]

[6xRations: Safely dried rations free from corruption. Heals 8 HP when consumed.]

Considering Tsukumi's holes were largely untouched by the perverted monkeys, shoving the huge plug into her asshole went rather difficult. Perhaps if Tsukumi first put the toy inside her mouth it would've gone a lot smoother, but instead she opted to push it in without any lube, causing the poor girl lots more pleasure and pain as it slowly spreads her asshole. Halfway through Tsukumi realized how truly massive the plug really was, as the large foreign object that was being pushed inside was already stretching her asshole much further then she was used to. The slow and painful process of shoving such a huge thing into her butt cause Tsukumi to decide to end this with one single push, which caused the girl only to be assaulted by a much more intense wave of pain and pleasure then before, leaving the girl's asshole sore and tingling with pleasure. Right after Tsukumi was finished, she also felt a wave of magical power coarse through her body, which directly coursed up her spine and into her brain, and there she gained a vision, a vision that told her to secrets of creating a magical ball of fire. However, that knowledge also caused something strange to happen to Tsukumi's brain, and when she turned around to grab her tail, she noticed that it was happily wagging from side to side. When Tsukumi managed to grab it, she could feel the sudden sensation through her tail of her hand touching it, which sent an odd ticklish pleasure through her lower body, and when she tugged it a couple of times, not only could she feel the lewd toy shift around inside her ass, but she could also feel a small stinging sensation through her tail. Tsukumi was pretty sure that this toy would be rather painful to remove, but at least it felt nearly impossible to accidently pull it out. Although, even after Tsukumi stopped pulling the tail, she realized that getting used to having such a large object shifting around inside her ass was going to be difficult, as the huge plug was rather difficult to ignore.

When entering the glove, it felt like hundreds of small little tongues were brushing against Tsukumi's hand and fingers. Tsukumi could also feel the slimy and bumpy texture press against her skin, as the further she put the glove on the more excitedly the little bumps began to tremble. However, things got much more intense after Tsukumi fully slipped on the gloves, as the moment she did so, she felt the glove tighten around her hands, until it was difficult to distinguish her hand from the glove. After a couple of seconds, Tsukumi could feel the glove slowly grow further over her arm, which was accompanied by the feeling of the slimy bumpy texture rubbing against her skin. The glove began covering Tsukumi's arm in a rapid pace and before she realized it, the soft smooth texture of the glove replaced the entire skin of her hands and arm. Although it didn't stop there, as Tsukumi quickly felt something hot burst from her arms, and within seconds, six large pulsating tentacles sprouted from her shoulder. The sensation of the tentacles growing out Tsukumi's shoulders was a lot more pleasurable then she first imagined it would be, as the senses of the tentacles mixed with her own. It took a couple of minutes of the tentacles erotically rubbing against each other, sending several waves of pleasure through Tsukumi, for her to realize how to control them. It was then that Tsukumi felt a rush of power go from her arm through her body, as the power gave her much better control over her own magical abilities. However, it wasn't without a small cost, as Tsukumi could feel the lustful sensation of her tentacles rubbing against things, and she could also feel the intense need to dispose of something deep inside the tentacles, it felt like three of the tentacles had nearly dozens of eggs stored into them.

After enduring the assault from the glove, Tsukumi was ready to apply the final bit of equipment. When Tsukumi poured the tiny amount of liquid onto herself, she had no idea how such a small slime was supposed to cover such a large area, but after staring at it for a couple seconds, she finally noticed a tiny bit of movement in the small slime. It only took Tsukumi a couple of seconds to realize that the slime was slowly absorbing her sweat from her skin and steadily growing bigger. It continued to slowly grow like this, until it finally reached Tsukumi's exposed pussy, as it would then in an instant cover it. Tsukumi had no idea what kind of perverts must use this as an emergency armor during battles, as the slime immediately began to intensely vibrate against her pussy while simultaneously roughly sucking out any juices. Furthermore, Tsukumi could feel the slime slowly force its way into her pussy, until it felt like her pussy was filled with intensely vibrating slimy goo. Being able to absorb Tsukumi's juices directly from the source caused the slime to grow across her body in an alarming rate, until everything but her arms, legs and head was covered by the gooey slime. Although, the slime didn't stop growing there, as Tsukumi could feel the slime forcing itself against her sore asshole, before entering her ass around the big plug. The plug was already big enough, but with the added layer of slime around the huge toy, it would be nearly impossible for her to ever fully ignore the toy shoved inside her ass, and the slime didn't stop growing either, as it continued grow until her ass was stuffed with the vibrating liquid. Like this, the slime continued to roughly vibrate against Tsukumi's sensitive spots for a couple of minutes, until the thinly spread slime changed into a thick layer.

When Luxe put her foot into the torturous armor, she quickly began to understand how painful it must be to wear these things. At first the small cone like bumps felt like they were only going to constantly tease Luxe's feet, but the more strongly Luxe pressed her feet against the bumps, the more intensely they teased her feet, which caused her feet to be constantly exposed to a painful and pleasurable sensation. Furthermore, it took Luxe quite some time to successfully slip the heels on her feet, only after she painfully pressed down on the curve for quite some time she managed to slip her toes in very small toe box, which caused her toes to be roughly pressed against each other. After completely slipping them on, Luxe quickly realized that her feet were now stuck inside the heels and only could be removed with outside help, which might be worrying to the elven woman, as her feet were constantly being assaulted by the cone shaped bumps while being painfully curved around the unnaturally curved sole.

With how the armor was created, Luxe quickly realized that all she could do was lay still against the cold armor, unless she wanted to hinder Tsukumi efforts. Tsukumi first decided to force in the two large transparent dildos currently pressing against the elf's needy holes. Luckily for Tsukumi, the elf's wet pussy was already smearing its juices over the large transparent dildo, making it much easier to force the thing inside. However, when Tsukumi finally started to force the large tip inside Luxe's pussy, Tsukumi could feel her tentacles excitedly coil against her own body, which sent pleasurable shiver down her spine, giving the mage naughty thoughts about the defenseless elf. The moment Tsukumi slipped in the large head, which widely spread the poor elf's pussy, was the moment Luxe became helpless to the other two's whims, as Luxe no longer would be able to remove the armor by herself. Of course, Tsukumi couldn't stop there, as she was forced to continue shoving in the rigged dildo into her friend's pussy, even having to roughly ram the last part inside. In the meantime, Luxe had to helplessly enduring being assaulted by the big clear dildo, even when Tsukumi had to hammer the last part firmly against Luxe's womb. Although the first dildo went inside with some hassle, the second one was much more difficult to shove inside. Not only was the second dildo much larger than the previous one, but the awkward position meant that Tsukumi had a much harder time pressing the tip correctly against Luxe's asshole. Even after Tsukumi managed to press the humungous tip against Luxe's twitching asshole, the sheer size of it meant that it was a lot more difficult to force the tip inside the poor elf's quivering ass, but eventually Tsukumi managed to pop in the humungous tip, after which she could steadily force the long floppy dildo into Luxe. Luxe's only choice was to simply endure having such a large object shoved into her ass, and it took several minutes before Tsukumi finally managed to stuff the oversized toy inside Luxe's ass. Luxe felt her ass and pussy being absolutely stretched and stuffed to the limit by the two humongous transparent dildos, as the transparency of the dildos only made the other two slaves more aware of how much the elf was enjoying this.

And finally before shutting the elf inside this lewd prison, Tsukumi had to attach the two piercings onto Luxe, both of which hurt quite a bit, as Tsukumi had to force the needle through the Luxe's poor nipples. Since Tsukumi was a bit squeamish and often looked away from Luxe's nipple, it only caused Tsukumi to inflict more pain to the poor elf by clumsy piercing through her nipples. Luckily though, as soon as the golden flower piercing was attached, Tsukumi didn't need to do more then watch the magic unfold, as the golden flower slammed its needle into Luxe's nipple. Within a couple seconds, Luxe could feel a pleasant heat spread through her breast and through the left side of her body, as the other girls could see the perverted elf's eye glow red. The second piercing, worked about the same, the moment Tsukumi attached it was the moment she could let the magic do the rest of the work. At first Luxe could feel an intense cold press against her nipple, as if it was surrounded by several ice cubes, but the moment the rings on the nipple piercing shrunk around her nipple until they were constantly constricting it, was the moment the cold started to feel pleasant to the elf, and similarly to the first one, the pleasant feeling spread through the right side of her body, as once again the girl's eye began to glow, except blue this time.

The final step for Tsukumi was to close the armor, which took a bit of time with all the locks attached to it. First Tsukumi had to firmly press against each part, until Luxe's body was completely constricted by the metal around it. Luxe could feel the metal strongly press against her soft body, and the worst part of the poor elf was that her sore pierced nipples were now constantly brushing against the bumpy rubber inside the chest plate. When Tsukumi finally managed to shove Luxe inside the torturous armor, she had to keep it closed by pressing in several small locking mechanisms around the side of the armor, which held the front and back piece together. After successfully being locked inside and standing back up, Luxe realized that she was being constantly assaulted with pain and pleasure from every part of her body, the dildos constantly kept wriggling inside her and kept her orifices widely spread, the heels forced her feet to curve unnatural and the entire thing was simply squeezing her entire body tightly. Furthermore, the large heels were also forcing Luxe to constantly present her butt to those behind, which was driving Tsukumi's tentacles wild, as she was barely able to control them from assaulting Luxe on the spot.

Last was the monkey girl, who didn't have quite the trouble the other two had with their items. It did take her a bit of time to correctly position the strap around her nipple, and the hide armor did fit a bit more snugly then she would've liked, but besides that there were no major hick ups in for her part. Although in the end, Gwynne couldn't get the armor further down then over her belly, causing her to still proudly display her ass and pussy to the world.
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"...Test the piercings will increase our success rate...is not for mundane reasons" Luxe answer to the mage's hurtful words, it was hard to dont groan by had her lower holes fully streched and her sole and toes punished by the armor. If Luxe werent holding part of her weight at the spear she most likely will be at her knees right now. She wanted to be brave and endure the pain for their group goal get easier to reach, yet the humans could only see her distorted face mewling thanks the large didldos than expose her insides to any apendage, her butt wiggling and displayed as she was unable to stop her lewd stance thanks the tortuous heels.

All get worse when both piercings were placed, closing her eyes and holding her screams by the endless vain attempts than the mage caused until finally place them correctly, magically these needles get deep inside and she arch making her head look above and her pussy leak more naughty fluids as Luxe couldnt stop to wet her both holes by the intense mix of warm and cold. She dont notice the change at her eyes color and stay stunned for some minutes panting after almost an almost unexpected peak.

"...I feel fine... with the piercings...they feel warm and cold the other...M-maybe Tsumaki should wear them...the next time" Luxe mention trying to get used to the pain and pleasure to be able to walk without too much difficulty
"If only I actually liked piercings maybe I would." Tsukumi said, though she was still shivering a bit from her own situations. The combination of the tail, glove, and slime armour, left her rather feeling the results. The plug was bigger then she had expected, and with the slime from the armour around it she couldn't help but feel it with every step, and even when she wasn't moving. What was a bit more surprising was that she could actually get some sensations from the tail, and not just the plug. It felt like it was actually part of her when she gave it a very light tug. Still she didn't plan to remove it and she hoped nothing else would, otherwise she'd probably, no definately, feel it.

Then came the glove and it felt even stranger, it was like her hand was being licked a million times over until it suddenly started to grow and covered her entire arm until there wasn't even a bit of her skin showing there and a moment later she almost let out a cry of shock and a bit of pleasure when she felt the tentacles starting to sprout. It was like it was coming out of her actual arm, though in the end they actually came out of her shoulder. Six of the tentacles waving around her and she could sense the tentacles in the back of her mind. Feeling even just the air running against them in a way that sent a shiver through her in a bit of disgust but in the other part just a bit of wonder at the magical item. She was rather surprised at how the tentacles already seemed to have eggs, but well, she would have to deal with that later. Hopefully they would run into some female enemies around here she could stuff them in.

"Okay, we should probably move on now. We're better equipped but we should still take it slow while we go so we don't stumble into another trap."
Sure the outfit would take a fair bit of time to get on and adjust, but that was mainly due to how little armor there actually was and she was working extra hard to fit the material around her smaller frame. But soon enough, she was able to get the straps on and around her body, though it was a fair bit more snug then she was used to. Though the lower half went too low and stopped just around her belly. This left her monkey pussy and behind exposed, her tail wagging listlessly as she waited for her friends and their more...compromised position. "Think we could have skipped over the armor, girls. At least mine tried to protect me, even if it gives a free show to anyone behind me."
The girls felt a lot safer wearing the equipment, even if both Luxe and Tsukumi were constantly reminded by their perversion, it was still equipment that might've been better then equipment they've owned before becoming slaves. Now the girls had either the choice of going further into the room and leave it. At the end of the room several green pods were still present, and taking a closer look at them would require them to either move through the tall grass or follow the mud pathway in the middle of the road. If they went through the tall grass they needed to move slowly and keep their guard up as they had no idea what might be lurking inside, but if there were creatures patrolling the place, the tall grass would be the perfect place to hide from them. Furthermore, Luxe's incredibly long and painful heels made her stumble a lot on the soft mud, which made the grass a bit more attractive to the locked girl, as each time she stumbled the big dildo's shifted around inside her gapping orifices, which both caused her an alarming amount of pleasure and pain.
"We might as well check those pods." Tsukumi offered as she started to approach the tall grass. "At least we might be able to hide in the grass. I'd rather not fight if we can avoid it."
"Hide maybe, but we're still treading on dangerous ground. Honestly, I don't trust those pods honestly. But nothing ventured, nothing gained." The woman woulda gain take the lead in heading into the grass, knowing she'd be lower down then her friends given her smaller size. Might almost make her stealthier.