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Lakeside Park

Re: Lakeside Park

Jess grinned, reaching up to take the offered hand, assumedly so the werebear could lift her up and back onto his shoulders. Once settled, she'd plant her hands on his head, and her chin on her hands. "So, what changed? You were one of the ones that took the least prodding to flip out before. Why all the sudden patience?"

If he started back towards the academy, she'd stop him after a minute or so, takking his head. "Hey, I just thought of something hold up a sec." She's reposition herself on top of him, placing her feet on his shoulders and using one hand and a firm grip on the hair on his head to keep stable. "Alright, start up again, and try to find a nice rythmn. I'll try to to pull so much." She told him, flicking her free hand to produce a blade, which she then tried to sink into a passing tree once he started moving, repeating the process as often as she could manage on the way back. She always wound up hitting the tree she was aiming for, though never quite where she was aiming. She was satisfied enough with her accuracy by the end, however.
Re: Lakeside Park

Toring grunted in response to her question. "I've always been patient. It's just that no one warned me about your knife-throwing shenanigans, so I assumed you missed me with that dagger, and not on purpose. So I chased you." He turned his head to look up at her. "You think they'd let me teach anywhere if any spitball would end with a class room full of dead kids?" Well, it would keep the other classes in line, he thought to himself and laughed out as he started to jog after Jess changed her position.
Re: Lakeside Park

"Heh, I never miss." Jess told him. It would be hard to see given their current arrangement with her in his shoulders, but she ended that statement by sticking her tongue out in disapproval. "They let you teach? I had completely forgotten, which subject again?"
Re: Lakeside Park

Toring shook his head, albeit not hard enough to shake Jess off. "I'm not a linguistics teacher yet. Maybe someday, if portals haven't killed us all by then. " Up ahead, they could see the silhouette of the university coming closer. Now that Jess had finished her knife throwing session, Toring slowed down a bit. Even for him, running the distance to Dhuvian's Crag and back was a bit taxing. By the time they reached the courtyard, he was walking normally.